January 6, 2015 - University of West Florida

Building 72/ Room 262
MINUTES: January 6, 2015
Present: Richard Berg, Jacqui Berger, Faye Bowers, Ron Bush, Jerry Cartwright (proxy to Carol Morgan),
Evelyn Grosse, Elaine Lavender (proxy to Jacqui Berger), Grady Morein, Carol Morgan, Butch Seabrook,
and Pat Smith
Richard Berg opened the meeting at 1:04 p.m., provided an agenda, and asked for additional agenda
items or revisions to the agenda. Jacqui Berger made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The
motion was seconded by Evelyn Grosse and unanimously approved.
Minutes: Richard asked for approval of the December 2014 minutes. Faye Bowers moved that the
minutes be approved. Ron Bush seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Carol Morgan distributed the bank reconciliation by email January 5th. She reported
that the Chartwell’s payment for the Holiday Party had cleared. Membership renewals were starting to
come in. The current bank balance is $3,422.75. Jacqui Berger made a motion to approve the
Treasurer’s report. Butch Seabrook seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Sunshine Committee: Evelyn Grosse gave a breakdown of October, November, and December, but
October and November activities were reported in previous minutes. In December, one card of caring
was sent. Evelyn also asked that committee members let her know if they hear of someone who is ill or
a family in need of a card of condolence.
President’s Report: Richard Berg said that he expects an exciting year ahead of us. He is looking into
several ways to recruit new members, including attending retirement parties, showing a commitment to
Athletics (thereby having a banner that will be displayed at games), and working to improve the online
presence, which will come with the ITS renovation of the Nautical system where our website resides.
Butch Seabrook sent out a membership form for 2015 dues by email the morning of this Board meeting.
Jacqui Berger said that she had to go back to 2013 on our REA website to find a form. We hope things
like this will be remedied soon.
Holiday Social: Butch Seabrook said that they had projected to 57 attendees Chartwell’s for the food
planning part of the party and 58 came. Some people came who had not attended prior events. We all
commented that the Buffalo Wings were way too spicy hot and since Chartwell’s had been told we
didn’t want anything spicy, they are going to “make it up to us” at the next event. Many in attendance of
the party would have preferred a shorter giveaway session. People come to socialize. Richard Berg
wanted to know if we wanted to make some decisions pertaining to next year’s party such as alcohol
donations versus guest purchase, etc., hour changes. The Board decided to postpone.
50th Anniversary: Butch Seabrook will contact Linda Dye about her availability for leading the 5-6 person
planning team. The team members have been selected, but have not met. The actual celebration will
likely occur throughout 2017, so we still have time to plan without a panic.
Dutch Treat Luncheon: Jacqui Berger said that the previous Dutch Treat Luncheon had been reported in
previous minutes, so she will discuss plans for the next luncheon under New Business.
Florida Blue Increase: No new information to report.
Club Trips:
Short trip: Jacqui Berger said that only 4 have signed up for the January Caribbean cruise, but we are
going with a larger group, so the cruise is on.
New England Fall Trip: Jacqui Berger had distributed by email the literature about the September 24October 1, 2015 trip in December and the deposits were due within days of the Holiday Party in order to
secure seats/rates on the Caravan motor coach. As of January 6th, Jacqui confirmed with Majestic Travel
that 15 UWF REA members had remitted their deposits. Pam Templeton was beginning to look at flights.
Since we have more than 10 travelers, the full flight cost will not be due until later in the planning
Prescriptions – CVS Caremark: Butch Seabrook said that we, in the State Group Plan, should have
received our new prescription cards. Richard Berg showed his old and new card for clarification to those
who did not remember seeing them in their mail. Carol Morgan said that although she is not with the
group plan, her prescription service also changed to CVS Caremark, so we believe it is a very widespread
change. No action need be taken, as prescriptions will carry over to the new system, with some
exceptions which should be followed up on an individual basis through CVS Caremark.
Update on Newsletter: Evelyn Grosse explained how she gathers the articles for the Newsletter from
various sources and then indicates where photos should be associated. This, and photos, are sent to
Connie Marse, who actually lays out the Newsletter. We told Evelyn that Connie is in possession of the
photos from the Holiday Party which Judy Weaver took. Butch Seabrook and Richard Berg had items
pending to give Evelyn. The Newsletter will be sent out in January.
Quarterly Dutch Treat Luncheon: The next luncheon is set for February 19, 2015, but the location has not
been chosen yet. Faye Bowers recommended Cactus Cantina Mexican Grill, so Jacqui was going to go
after the meeting to check it out.
Next Meeting: Richard stated that the next board meeting is scheduled to be held on February 3, 2015
at 1:00 p.m. He had every expectation that we would be allowed to keep the same room in the future.
At that meeting, he will need the new officers (with check signing authority) to go to Coastal Bank after
the meeting to complete signature forms. He also put the date of the March meeting on the Agenda
sheet, which will be March 3rd.
Foundation funds: In hopes of finding a great way to spend the $500 from The President’s Foundation
account, Pat Smith has volunteered to review the January through June event calendar to find an art
exhibit or theatrical production that we could tie to for a gathering.
UWF REA Website: The website is not filling our needs as it is, but Butch said that ITS is doing a rework
of Nautical and expects changes be made for the better. Grady Morein explained his tie to the system.
He does not physically post anything to the website. He passes items to a representative of ITS for
Butch Seabrook made a motion to adjourn the meeting. There was a tie for a seconded motion by Carol
Morgan and Ron Bush. Richard adjourned the meeting at 2:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jacqui Berger
February 3, 2015.