Iowa AEYC Governing Board/Summer Retreat Friday, July 26, 2013 9:00-4:30 The Meadows Conference Center, Altoona, Iowa Meeting called to order by Leann Andre, President, at 9:05. Members and guests present: Leann Andre, President; Cathy Swackhamer, Rolling Prairie Chapter Rep./Incoming Vice President; Brandy Smith, Black Hawk Chapter Rep.; Kristyn Mueller, Fort Dodge Chapter Rep.; Kathy Thompson, Director St. John Preschool/Childcare, Cedar Falls; Connie Schulte, Cedar Rapids Chapter Rep; Karin Leesekamp, Incoming Cedar Rapids Chapter Rep.; Brian Kingrey, Midwest Rep; Terry Wangberg, T.E.A.C.H. Rep; Joy Brown, Green Valley Chapter Rep.; Pat Emerson, Dubuque Chapter Rep; Becky Hixson, Quad Cities Local Affiliate Rep.; Tom Rendon, Treasurer; Linda Eitmann, Southwest Chapter Rep.; Jean Stiehl, Southwest Chapter Vice President; Mary Airy, Vice President/President Elect; Kelly Donnelly, Mid-Iowa Chapter President; Pam Mahoney, Mid-Iowa Chapter Rep; Dianne Casto, Secretary/North Iowa Chapter Rep; Mary Lukas, Iowa City Chapter Facilitator/President; Alice Atkinson, Iowa City Chapter Rep; Susan Gray, Past President; Leslie Stonehocker, Lincoln Way Chapter Rep; Jerri Baumeister, Lincoln Way Treasurer; Stacy Lehman, Lincoln Way President; Mary Minard, Membership Rep. Members absent: Sheila Hansen, Public Policy Chair; Jed Hammen, Resources/MOYC Chair; Nichol Kleespies, NW Chapter Rep; Sally Hartley, Siouxland Chapter rep; Amy Liles, SE Iowa Chapter Rep; Annette Koster, West Central Chapter Rep. Staff Present: Barb Merrill, Executive Director; Ashley Otte, T.E.A.C.H. Coordinator. Celebrations: Iowa AEYC now has license for WAGE$ program. Leann presented gift to Susan for last meeting as Past President. She reminded group of HPIO guidelines. Mary Airy shared her leadership story. Consent agenda: Pages 3-29 includes board member/staff reports, committee motions, election results, legislative update, Lacy scholarship winners, and April minutes. Page 14 is election results; page 15 is Tony Lacy Membership Scholarship winners; page 11 membership numbers. Mary Airy/Terry Wangberg move/second to approve consent agenda; Approved. Friend of Young Children: Susan Gray nominated; Rhonda Bancroft also nominated but need more paperwork. Alice move, Leslie second to approve Susan Gray for Friend of Young Children award. Pass. Children’s Champion: Tom Harkin nominated. Joy move, Becky second to accept nomination of Senator Tom Harkin for Children’s Champion. Passed. Rhonda Bancroft has resigned her position. Board discussed ways to recognize her efforts on behalf of Iowa AEYC and children. It was suggested a video recognition be developed at the conference for her. Pat move/Joy second to nominate Rhonda for Friend of Young Children award to be presented at Fall Institute or October Board Meeting. Pass. Training Approval/Registry Usage: Policy distributed that approved in 2010. This policy must be followed to offer Iowa AEYC certificates. Must notify state office to put on registry and maintain records. Trainers must meet qualifications to present. Certificates can be made by chapter or state as long as meet requirements. Four hour adult training workshop at Fall Institute will meet the requirement for training adults. Staff have template for certificate and must be signed by office or chapter person. Susan brought up topic of Iowa City doing a pilot where chapter member have approval to manage Kindertrack for acceptance of enrollees. Barb would need to approve person to have access. Board asked Barb to continue to tweak the policy and bring back to the Board in October for final approval. Kevin Pokorny, Consultant, presented on The Pause Principle – Step Back to Lead Forward by Kevin Cashman. Discussed Practical Mindfulness Practices – Being, Knowing, And Doing: Let go Nonjudgmental Ego – let go of Non-dualistic thinking – “and” versus “or” PAUSE and reflect. This creates purpose, focus, compassion, creativity. Use PAUSE Practices: Practice one a week Board meeting Pick a practice for the day Need inspiration Read articles Barb, Executive Director, logistical announcements for today: There is a copy of Iowa Early Learning Standards available for each of you on the table. At 4:30 there are refreshments and conversation at Fireside Grill on 8th Street in Altoona. Other resources also available on the table to take as need/want. Shirts are available for sale: purple, grey, blue with long sleeves at cost of $26. The Meadows conference center has 13 break out rooms for fall; five featured speakers; hotel is key access only; center has café, bar; exhibit area will be locked up at night. Chapter reports are almost all in. Copy sent around for perusal. Treasurer report, Tom Rendon: This is year-end statement showing budget, actual and percent of actual to budget. Proposed budget 2013-14 also provided. Iowa AEYC had $13,338 profit for the year. Tom explained various line items and reasons for variances. Short one staff for six months allowed use of funding for additional activities such as additional training and a new computer replacing one. Balance sheet shows assets of $322,664.43; liabilities of $212,345.79; equity of $110,318.64. Investments show improvement during year of $13,295.61. Brian/Mary move/second that the treasurer report be approved as presented. Passed. 2013-2014 Budget incorporates last year experience and current contracts received. Income of $1,691,000 and expense of $1,662,200 with net income of $28,800 planned. Predicting small increase in membership and conference attendance. Mary/Connie move/second to approve the 2013-14 budget. Passed. Policy approvals: Handout of Proposed Additional Human Resource Policy Question to clarify the six-month coverage through short-term disability versus twelve weeks. Get disability but not pay for it after 12 weeks. Barb will make modifications to be approved at October meeting. Midwest AEYC changes (pages 30-31) Brian reported that there is no written guidance for dissolution in current bylaws. Midwest sought assistance from Gwen Simmons at NAEYC. There are also funds to be disbursed. Executive board recommended that Midwest submit all funds to Lasting Legacy campaign with recognition provided to each state by NAEYC. Board approved Executive board recommendation. There is about $50,000 total for eight states. Discussion included that if other states want funding back, Iowa will take and decide what to do with these funds. Midwest is still moving forward with dissolution as of December 31, 2013. Consider that this does not reflect trends over the years in membership and participation so may be better to share equally if not all to Lasting Legacy. The $1 dues per member will stay with state per recommending of Executive board. Brian will present Iowa’s proposal. Terry/Mary A. move/second to donate $3000 to Lasting Legacy in lieu of farewell reception then evenly divide remaining funds among the eight states. Pass. Executive Director Report- Barb Will be hiring a new person with T.E.A.C.H. Grant for family support. Karen Teel, Office manager will be coming back, Pat will be doing chapter and board support, Karen will do Head Start support, Nicki will do membership, Tammy’s contract will be reduced in the grant, from 30 to 20 hours, so she will do leadership and new research on play and DAP with her other ten hours. Rhonda has resigned effective 7-26-13. We were asked to provide input on the National Dialog before June, but did not receive data until now. Members received information. They want us to look at the mission to provide input. Change in structural relationship is in discussion. Have received WAGE$ license effective August 1 for three years. Have a grant writer to seek funds to support these efforts. Would like multiple rural and urban pilot sites for comparison. Received 350 responses to survey in three days. Give Barb input into the “Weekly” email, now being sent to members instead of a newsletter. Play Experience shared, led by Dianne and Leann – Cooperative play Small Group: Membership – Recruitment through personal contact; geography of chapter. Talking points to use: reduced cost for Institute, variety of tracks/topics at Institute, follow-up, why are you a member. Discussed retention. Conduct idea share at board meetings (share as a chapter, where did you find success, time to network). Why are chapters not using funding received? Fall Institute/Annual Meeting – small group discussions; raffle basket theme will be Journey to Relaxation and include hotel accommodations. Stress Reduction to include chocolate, wine, candles, bath slats, lotion. Pat will put together(make donation towards this). Emerging Leadership: Barb is willing to help with focus groups by chapters. How do we identify leaders without funding? How do we involve and retain future leaders? Brian and Barb will conduct a Lunch and Learn at the Institute regarding Leadership Interest forum. The Leadership Fellowship goal is to get individuals active in field over and above increased degree work. WAGE$; discussed what it is and how it works and where to find funding (approach; partnership between local sources and programs) WOYC – Brainstormed ideas – proclamation; Play or Drums Alive to capitol and ask legislators to play with us and bring children; link to learning standards. Attach Mind in the Making to the standards; theme: Invest in me now or pay for me later; press statement; talking points; food; need to look professional; how show return on investment Barb gave tour of conference facility. Today’s visitors were asked for comments: Really interesting; overwhelmed; Fabulous, whole profession out there; good to hear from others; Refreshing, need to pause, love ideas taking home for meetings; Exciting and delight to be with others passionate about children. Meeting adjourned. Brian/Pam move/second. Passed. Submitted by Dianne Casto, Secretary