I. Multiple Choice Questions


I. Multiple Choice Questions

1.) Which of the following is the best definition of forensic science? CH1

A. Using proper scientific techniques to understand the layout of a crime scene.

B. The application of scientific knowledge and technology to the analysis of crime scene evidence.

C. Understanding the process in which a crime was committed.

D. The science studying the origins and background of crime scene investigation.

2.) Who was the forensic scientist? CH1

A. Sherlock Holmes

B. Leon Lattes

C. Alphonse Bertillion

D. Francis Galton

3.) Who was the first scientist to bring into account the idea of anthropometry? CH1

A. Calvin Goddard

B. Albert S. Osborne

C. Walter C. McCrone

D. Alphonse Bertillion

4.) Which of the following is an example of an individual characteristic that can definitely be associated with one individual? CH3

A. Fingerprint ridges

B. Custom paint on a vehicle

C. Blood types

D. Materials in plastic bags

5.) Leone Lattes was responsible for what contribution to forensic scientist? CH1

A. Devising a method for determining the direction, angle, and height for blood spatters during the commission of a crime.

B. Analyzing the antigens present in different types of blood.

C. The discovery of blood types and devising a method for determining blood groups for criminal investigation.

D. Investigating the presence of poisons and animal toxins in different types of blood.

6.) A scientist can determine the method of removal for a hair when analyzing hair samples. CH3

A. True

B. False

7.) Which of the following would most likely NOT a purpose of physical evidence?


A. Establishing that a crime has been committed

B. Providing a link between a crime and its victim or a crime and its perpetrator

C. Tracing the original manufactures for the weapons present at a crime scene

D. Providing investigative leads for a case

8.) Circumstantial evidence does which of the following? CH3

A. Helps an officer to analyze a crime scene for the presence of direct evidence

B. Implies a fact and is used to incriminate a person

C. Involves eyewitness testimony as evidence

D. Is used to analyze the crime scene for extremely small items

9.) Associative evidence involves which of the following? CH3

A. Applies techniques of forensic science to trace the direction that the suspect came from in the process of committing a crime

B. Establishes the origin and commission of a crime

C. Corroborates statements from witness to or victims of a crime

D. Links suspect with the crime

10.) Besides knowing what types of evidence to search for, an investigator should also know______ (Choose the BEST answer) CH3

A. Every available type of forensic scientist for the crime scene

B. The environmental conditions present at the time that the crime took place

C. Where evidence is most likely to be found

D. The layout of the area around the crime scene

11.) DNA, grooves/striations on a bullet or toolmark, irregular and random wear patterns on tire or shoe impressions, and handwriting characteristics are all examples of class characteristics CH3

A. True

B. False

12.) Blood, Body Tissues, Drugs & Controlled Substances, and Hairs are all examples of physical evidence CH3

A. True

B. False

13.) When it comes to securing and isolating a crime scene, which of the following is true? CH2

A. Only authorized personnel should be allowed on the scene

B. Every person who enters the scene is a potential destroyer of viable physical evidence

C. Physical evidence should be marked off

D.) All of the Above

14.) Which of the following would be a method of recording the crime scene CH2

A. Note-taking

B. Sketching the crime scene

C. Both A and B

D. Having a witness describe the scene to a crime scene investigator

15.) After securing a crime scene, the lead investigator should establish: CH2

A. The boundaries of the scene and the strategy for the systematic examination and documentation of the entire crime scene

B. Points of entrance and exit

C. Documentation of photographs of physical evidence and the area that the crime scene took place

D. More than one of the above

E.) All of the above

16.) When taking photos of a crime scene, the most important thing to consider is that: CH2

A. The scene should be photographed in an unaltered condition

B. The scene should be photographed in color to add as much detail of the scene as possible

C. The points of entrance and exit should be photographed

D. Close ups of injured victims should be taken

17.) What is the most likely case where a crime scene would be altered when taking photos of it? CH2

A. Checking underneath victims for any signs of physical evidence

B. The presence of an injured victim

C. Removing physical evidence from a crime scene to photograph it in a forensics science lab

D. Analyzing the crime scene for the presence of any other weapons and explosives by moving physical evidence and victims around the crime scene

18.) After the removal of a body from the crime scene, the crime scene photographer should do which of the following? CH2

A. Draw lines with chalk or tape to show the position of the body and how it was laid out in the original crime scene

B. Taking photos of the area just outside of the crime scene

C. Record the names of the streets and other buildings in a certain proximity of the crime scene

D. Take photos of the area underneath the body

19.) The first step of sketching the crime scene involves taking a rough sketch of the scene CH2

A. True

B. False

20.) What is the method that is used when sketching a crime scene CH2

A. The triangulation method

B. The fixed distance method

C. The Pythagorean Theorem

D. Direct Standard Comparison

21.) Which of the following is NOT an official crime scene organization CH1

A. The FDA

B. The FBI

C. The DEA

D. The ATF

22.) On the State level, crime labs: CH1

A. Provide services to county and municipal agencies

B. Service state and local law enforcement, with some larger cities having their own crime labs, usually under the direction of the local police department

C. Are financed by the local government

D. Must be put under the direction of an official crime scene investigation unit

23.) Which of the following is a basic unit of a crime lab? CH1

A. The Latent Fingerprint Unit

B. The Evidence Collection Unit

C. The Toxicology Unit

D. The Physical sciences unit

24.) The Biology Unit of a crime lab Analyzes CH1

A. DNA and body fluids

B. Hairs and fibers

C. The presence of poisons at a crime scene

D. All of the above

E. More than one of the above

25.) The Document Examination Unit of a Crime Lab Will do which of the following?


A. Determine the authenticity and source of questioned documents

B. Check for handwriting and indented writing on documents

C. Use paper and ink analysis to analyze the documents

D. All of the above

26.) Which of the following units at a crime lab would most likely be used to definitely convict a suspect in the commission of a crime CH1

A. The Firearms Unit

B. The Polygraph Unit

C. The Latent Fingerprint Unit

D. The Voiceprint Analysis Unit

27.) The Firearms unit is an optional service at a crime lab CH1

A. True

B. False

28.) Which of the following cases developed the idea of “general acceptance” at a trial or hearing CH1

A. Michigan v. Tyler

B. The Will Williams Case

C. The Daubert Case

D. Frye v. United States

29.) Which of the following does NOT necessarily need to be recorded when taking notes on the crime scene? CH2

A. The names of all of the victims involved in the crime scene with descriptions of injuries and possible acts of assaults on the victims accurately detailed

B. Detailed written description of the scene with the location of physical evidence recovered

C. The Time the evidence was discovered

D. The disposition of the item of physical evidence after it was collected

30.) Which of the following is NOT a method when searching a crime scene CH2

A. The Spiral Search Method

B. The Geometric layout method

C. The Quadrant or Zone Search method

D. The Strip or Line Search method

31.) Which of the following could be removed at the scene of a crime from an article of clothing? CH2

A. Hairs

B. Blood

C. Fibers

D. Glass fragments

E. More than one of the above

32.) Blood clothing is to be packaged in an air-tight container CH2

A. True

B. False

33.) Which of the following would qualify as a legal allowance for a warrant-less search at a crime scene? CH2

A. The existence of emergency circumstances

B. The need to prevent the immediate loss or destruction of evidence

C. A search made by the consent of the parties involved

D. All of the above

E. More than one of the above

34.) Which of the following needs to established if any evidence is to be presented in court? CH2

A. The names of all potential suspects involved in the crime

B. The continuity of possession

C. All victims that were harmed as a result of the crime

D. The particular type of test that was used when testing evidence gathered from a crime scene

35.) Conventional serology would involve: CH3

A. Species identification and ABO grouping

B. Analyzing the direction and angle that a weapon was fired from at a crime scene

C. Identifying the type of vehicle involved in the commission of a crime

D. The presence of poisons and toxins in a body removed from a crime scene

36.) For toxicological analysis, which of the following is classified as a volatile compound? CH3

A. Drugs of abuse and pharmaceuticals

B. Arsenic

C. Ethanol, methanol, isopropanol

D. Strychnine, cyanide

37.) A Paint database can help identify the year, make and/or color of a motor vehicle from a chip paint left at the scene CH3

A. True

B. False

38.) Analysis of wood for physical evidence might involve side or end matching, fracture matching and species identification CH3

A. True

B. False

39.) The first step of gathering physical evidence involves CH3

A. Packaging, conveying and storing it

B. Exhibit it to the lead investigator

C. Collecting, recording and identifying it

D. Discovering, recognizing and examining it

40.) Rope and Cordage Identification (specifically) involves CH3

A. Composition, construction, color and diameter of it

B. Both A and C

C. The Manufacturer or the rope and/or cordage

D. The presence of burn patterns

II. Short Answer Questions

1.) Identify 3 mandatory services of a crime laboratory and discuss the roles that individuals in that crime lab service would perform. CH1

2.) Write a brief summary of and discuss the importance of one crime case that we have studied this year. CH1, 2, &3

3.) Explain the aspects involved with maintaining a chain of custody when a crime is being analyzed. CH3

I. Multiple Choice Questions’ Answers

1.) Which of the following is the best definition of forensic science? CH1

A. Using proper scientific techniques to understand the layout of a crime scene.

B. The application of scientific knowledge and technology to the analysis of crime scene evidence.

C. Understanding the process in which a crime was committed.

D. The science studying the origins and background of crime scene investigation.

2.) Who was the forensic scientist? CH1

A. Sherlock Holmes

B. Leon Lattes

C. Alphonse Bertillion

D. Francis Galton

3.) Who was the first scientist to bring into account the idea of anthropometry? CH1

A. Calvin Goddard

B. Albert S. Osborne

C. Walter C. McCrone

D. Alphonse Bertillion

4.) Which of the following is an example of an individual characteristic that can definitely be associated with one individual? CH3

A. Fingerprint ridges

B. Custom paint on a vehicle

C. Blood types

D. Materials in plastic bags

5.) Leone Lattes was responsible for what contribution to forensic scientist? CH1

A. Devising a method for determining the direction, angle, and height for blood spatters during the commission of a crime.

B. Analyzing the antigens present in different types of blood.

C. The discovery of blood types and devising a method for determining blood groups for criminal investigation.

D. Investigating the presence of poisons and animal toxins in different types of blood.

6.) A scientist can determine the method of removal for a hair when analyzing hair samples. CH3

A. True

B. False

7.) Which of the following would most likely NOT a purpose of physical evidence?


A. Establishing that a crime has been committed

B. Providing a link between a crime and its victim or a crime and its perpetrator

C. Tracing the original manufactures for the weapons present at a crime scene

D. Providing investigative leads for a case

8.) Circumstantial evidence does which of the following? CH3

A. Helps an officer to analyze a crime scene for the presence of direct evidence

B. Implies a fact and is used to incriminate a person

C. Involves eyewitness testimony as evidence

D. Is used to analyze the crime scene for extremely small items

9.) Associative evidence involves which of the following? CH3

A. Applies techniques of forensic science to trace the direction that the suspect came from in the process of committing a crime

B. Establishes the origin and commission of a crime

C. Corroborates statements from witness to or victims of a crime

D. Links suspect with the crime

10.) Besides knowing what types of evidence to search for, an investigator should also know______ (Choose the BEST answer) CH3

A. Every available type of forensic scientist for the crime scene

B. The environmental conditions present at the time that the crime took place

C. Where evidence is most likely to be found

D. The layout of the area around the crime scene

11.) DNA, grooves/striations on a bullet or toolmark, irregular and random wear patterns on tire or shoe impressions, and handwriting characteristics are all examples of class characteristics CH3

A. True

B. False

12.) Blood, Body Tissues, Drugs & Controlled Substances, and Hairs are all examples of physical evidence CH3

A. True

B. False

13.) When it comes to securing and isolating a crime scene, which of the following is true? CH2

A. Only authorized personnel should be allowed on the scene

B. Every person who enters the scene is a potential destroyer of viable physical evidence

C. Physical evidence should be marked off

D.) All of the Above

14.) Which of the following would be a method of recording the crime scene CH2

A. Note-taking

B. Sketching the crime scene

C. Both A and B

D. Having a witness describe the scene to a crime scene investigator

15.) After securing a crime scene, the lead investigator should establish: CH2

A. The boundaries of the scene and the strategy for the systematic examination and documentation of the entire crime scene

B. Points of entrance and exit

C. Documentation of photographs of physical evidence and the area that the crime scene took place

D. More than one of the above

E.) All of the above

16.) When taking photos of a crime scene, the most important thing to consider is that: CH2

A. The scene should be photographed in an unaltered condition

B. The scene should be photographed in color to add as much detail of the scene as possible

C. The points of entrance and exit should be photographed

D. Close ups of injured victims should be taken

17.) What is the most likely case where a crime scene would be altered when taking photos of it? CH2

A. Checking underneath victims for any signs of physical evidence

B. The presence of an injured victim

C. Removing physical evidence from a crime scene to photograph it in a forensics science lab

D. Analyzing the crime scene for the presence of any other weapons and explosives by moving physical evidence and victims around the crime scene

18.) After the removal of a body from the crime scene, the crime scene photographer should do which of the following? CH2

A. Draw lines with chalk or tape to show the position of the body and how it was laid out in the original crime scene

B. Taking photos of the area just outside of the crime scene

C. Record the names of the streets and other buildings in a certain proximity of the crime scene

D. Take photos of the area underneath the body

19.) The first step of sketching the crime scene involves taking a rough sketch of the scene CH2

A. True

B. False

20.) What is the method that is used when sketching a crime scene CH2

A. The triangulation method

B. The fixed distance method

C. The Pythagorean Theorem

D. Direct Standard Comparison

21.) Which of the following is NOT an official crime scene organization CH1

A. The FDA

B. The FBI

C. The DEA

D. The ATF

22.) On the State level, crime labs: CH1

A. Provide services to county and municipal agencies

B. Service state and local law enforcement, with some larger cities having their own crime labs, usually under the direction of the local police department

C. Are financed by the local government

D. Must be put under the direction of an official crime scene investigation unit

23.) Which of the following is a basic unit of a crime lab? CH1

A. The Latent Fingerprint Unit

B. The Evidence Collection Unit

C. The Toxicology Unit

D. The Physical sciences unit

24.) The Biology Unit of a crime lab Analyzes CH1

A. DNA and body fluids

B. Hairs and fibers

C. The presence of poisons at a crime scene

D. All of the above

E. More than one of the above

25.) The Document Examination Unit of a Crime Lab Will do which of the following?


A. Determine the authenticity and source of questioned documents

B. Check for handwriting and indented writing on documents

C. Use paper and ink analysis to analyze the documents

D. All of the above

26.) Which of the following units at a crime lab would most likely be used to definitely convict a suspect in the commission of a crime CH1

A. The Firearms Unit

B. The Polygraph Unit

C. The Latent Fingerprint Unit

D. The Voiceprint Analysis Unit

27.) The Firearms unit is an optional service at a crime lab CH1

A. True

B. False

28.) Which of the following cases developed the idea of “general acceptance” at a trial or hearing CH1

A. Michigan v. Tyler

B. The Will Williams Case

C. The Daubert Case

D. Frye v. United States

29.) Which of the following does NOT necessarily need to be recorded when taking notes on the crime scene? CH2

A. The names of all of the victims involved in the crime scene with descriptions of injuries and possible acts of assaults on the victims accurately detailed

B. Detailed written description of the scene with the location of physical evidence recovered

C. The Time the evidence was discovered

D. The disposition of the item of physical evidence after it was collected

30.) Which of the following is NOT a method when searching a crime scene CH2

A. The Spiral Search Method

B. The Geometric layout method

C. The Quadrant or Zone Search method

D. The Strip or Line Search method

31.) Which of the following could be removed at the scene of a crime from an article of clothing? CH2

A. Hairs

B. Blood

C. Fibers

D. Glass fragments

E. More than one of the above

32.) Blood clothing is to be packaged in an air-tight container CH2

A. True

B. False

33.) Which of the following would qualify as a legal allowance for a warrant-less search at a crime scene? CH2

A. The existence of emergency circumstances

B. The need to prevent the immediate loss or destruction of evidence

C. A search made by the consent of the parties involved

D. All of the above

E. More than one of the above

34.) Which of the following needs to established if any evidence is to be presented in court? CH2

A. The names of all potential suspects involved in the crime

B. The continuity of possession

C. All victims that were harmed as a result of the crime

D. The particular type of test that was used when testing evidence gathered from a crime scene

35.) Conventional serology would involve: CH3

A. Species identification and ABO grouping

B. Analyzing the direction and angle that a weapon was fired from at a crime scene

C. Identifying the type of vehicle involved in the commission of a crime

D. The presence of poisons and toxins in a body removed from a crime scene

36.) For toxicological analysis, which of the following is classified as a volatile compound? CH3

A. Drugs of abuse and pharmaceuticals

B. Arsenic

C. Ethanol, methanol, isopropanol

D. Strychnine, cyanide

37.) A Paint database can help identify the year, make and/or color of a motor vehicle from a chip paint left at the scene CH3

A. True

B. False

38.) Analysis of wood for physical evidence might involve side or end matching, fracture matching and species identification CH3

A. True

B. False

39.) The first step of gathering physical evidence involves CH3

A. Packaging, conveying and storing it

B. Exhibit it to the lead investigator

C. Collecting, recording and identifying it

D. Discovering, recognizing and examining it

40.) Rope and Cordage Identification (specifically) involves CH3

A. Composition, construction, color and diameter of it

B. The presence of burn patterns

C. The Manufacturer or the rope and/or cordage

D. Both A and C

II. Short Answer Questions

1.) Identify 3 mandatory services of a crime laboratory and discuss the roles that individuals in that crime lab service would perform. CH1

2.) Write a brief summary of and discuss the importance of one crime case that we have studied this year. CH1, 2, &3

3.) Explain the aspects involved with maintaining a chain of custody when a crime is being analyzed. CH3
