Zoo Design - metric measurement lesson


Lesson ____ of ____

Lesson Title: Linear Metric Measurement

AZ Teaching Standard: S4C4 PO2. Apply measurement skills to measure length, mass, and capacity using metric units.

Lesson Outcome: TSW estimate and accurately measure given objects and drawn lines using appropriate metric units.

Evidence: TSW estimate and confirm by accurately complete a table by measuring 6 objects and 4 drawn lines using metric units.

Big Idea: Accuracy of measurement affects decisions.

Materials: meter sticks, metric tapes, & metric rulers, various objects to measure (books, supplies, door, window, teacher)

Sub-Objective Teacher Actions Participants Actions √for




Brainstorm real life application of linear measurement

Introduce concept of linear measurement.

Record student responses on

SMARTboard or chart paper.

Provide examples of linear measurement from everyday life or careers in which linear measurement would be important.

“Would linear measurement be important to


Provide examples and nonexamples.

Measure objets using a metric ruler

Estimate and measure provided objects.

Model metric measurement on


Facilitate measurement and use proximity to promote engagement.

Students observe teacher modeling.

Estimate and measure given objects with a partner and record results in a table.

Find the difference between estimated and actual measurements.

Students use metric rulers to measure pencils and share/compare results with a partner.

Exit tickets: students measure two drawn lines & record measurements with units.
