review sheet - Sayre School

Review – Practical length, mass, volume
Length: Demonstrate you can use a ruler and understand length measurements with the metric system.
Know the following metric relationships:
1 km = 1000 m
1 cm = 10 mm
1 m = 100 cm
1 m = 1000 mm
1. Record the length of the line above in millimeters (include units). _________________
2. What is the length of that same line in centimeters? _______________
3. Measure the volume of this cube in cubic centimeters.
________ x ___________ x ____________ = ______________
4. Which is larger? (circle your answer)
a. 12 cm or 100 mm
b. 2.6 km or 2000 m
5. What measurement would you use to record… (circle your answer)
a. length of your foot? mm cm m km
b. length of the eraser on your pencil? mm cm m km
c. height of the doorway? mm cm m km
d. distance to New York City? mm cm m km
Mass: Demonstrate you can use a triple beam balance and understand mass measurements with the metric
Know the following metric relationships:
1 kg = 1000 g
1 g = 1000 mg
6. In class, practice measuring a variety of objects. Check with the teacher to make sure you are
doing it correctly.
7. What is the reading on the triple beam balance in this picture? Include units.
8. Which is larger? (circle your answer)
a. 1 kg or 900 g
b. 1500 mg or 1.5 g
9. What measurement would you use to record… (circle your answer)
a. mass of a car? mg
b. mass of a jelly bean? mg g kg
c. mass of your iPad? mg g kg
Volume: Demonstrate you can use a graduated cylinder and understand volume measurements with the
metric system.
 Know the following metric relationships:
1 ml = 1 cm3 or cc3
1 L = 1000 ml
1. How do you measure the volume in a graduated cylinder? (circle the answer you think is most
a. Look at the meniscus (the little dip in the center).
b. Look at the liquid against the sides of the cylinder.
2. What is the volume of the liquid in each picture? Include units.
3. Calculate the volume of an irregular object. Find the
volume of the dinosaur. Show your work and include
_____________ - _______________ = ____________
4. Which is larger? (circle your answer)
a. 1 L or 800 ml
b. 10 cm3 or 5 ml