Scientific Method

1.1.3 Sc. Method & Expt FMQuiz Homework Solution
Q. What is a hypothesis?
A. Educated guess based on observation
Q. True or False. In science, a hypothesis is an
educated guess based on observations.
Q. What might an hypothesis develop into?
A. A Theory
Q. Explain the importance of double-blind testing
in scientific experimentation.
A. Avoidance of bias
Q. Why is a control important in an experiment?
A. Standard for comparison
Q. Why is it a good idea to repeat an experiment?
A. To verify results /(statistical) reliability/ minimise
Q. State two ways in which the results of an
experiment may be presented.
A. Table / Graph
Q. Explain the term Data in relation to the scientific
A. Measurements or observations or information
gathered from an experiment
Q. Explain the term Replicate in relation to the
scientific method.
A. Make a duplicate(s) of an experiment or
Q. True or False. In experiments the factor that is
changed is called the dependent variable.
Q. When investigating the effect of a mineral on
wheat growth. Suggest a reason why the seeds
used were all taken from one parent plant.
A. To minimise (genetic) variation
Q. Explain the term Theory in relation to the
scientific method.
A. A proven hypothesis
Q. The compost was sterilised at the start of the
investigation. Suggest a way in which this may have
been achieved.
A. Heat (or method of heating) or named chemical
or irradiation
Q. As a result of observations a scientist may
formulate a …
A. Hypothesis
Q. Why were the young wheat plants divided into
two equal groups?
A. As experiment and control
Q. After formulating an hypothesis a scientist will
then progress her investigation by devising a series
of … and then carefully analysing the resulting …
A. Experiments / Data
Q. During the investigation the two groups of
plants were kept under identical conditions. Why
was this?
A. To have only one variable (or explained)
Q. Suggest where a scientist may publish the
results of her investigations
A. Scientific journal / Internet
Q. Name two conditions you think they would have
kept constant during the investigation.
A. Temperature / Light / pH / CO2 / humidity /
other minerals / H2O
Q. In relation to the scientific method, explain the
term experiment.
A. Test of hypothesis or test of prediction
Q. In relation to the scientific method, explain the
term theory.
A. Hypothesis supported (by experiment)
Q. Why was the investigation repeated several
times before the results were published?
A. To ensure (statistical) reliability
Q. What is meant by metabolism?
A. All the chemical reactions taking place in living
Q. How does a hypothesis differ from a theory?
A. Hypothesis can develop into a theory or
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