Microsoft Office Word 2013

Microsoft Office Word 2013
Answers to Review Questions
Lesson 1
Explain how the Ribbon is organized.
The Ribbon is organized into tabs which represent the main command for a group of commands. These
groups contain commands or buttons for features that provide similar actions. The Ribbon also contains
dialog box launcher buttons that display dialog boxes or task windows for the group of commands. If
the Ribbon contains a gallery option, the More button at the bottom right of the gallery displays a full
listing of available items for that command.
Provide examples of when you might use a template to create a new document.
Use a template to create a new document when you need some guidance as to which items could be
placed or designed into a document. Templates exist for various types of documents, for example,
calendars, flyers or greeting cards.
Explain why you would save a file in a format other than the Word 2013 document format.
Save a file in a format other than Word 2013 when you need to share the file with someone who may
not have Word 2013, but still want them to open the file in a word processing program. You can also
save your file in a format that prevents others from making changes to the document.
Explain why you might want to save a document to your SkyDrive account.
You may want to save a document to your SkyDrive account when you need the document to be available
to you regardless of your physical location, provided you have access to the Internet.
Provide an example of the type of information you might enter for a file’s properties.
You can enter information into any of the fields of a file’s properties, including the name of the author,
keywords to find the file using a search option, or details about the file. You can also assign a category
for the file.
To protect a document you are sending to your lawyer, which password would you consider using?
ltr-Lawyer_0313; this would make the document more secure as it is longer than eight characters
and includes numbers, symbols, and an uppercase letter.
your name
Why might you want to check the compatibility of a document that will be shared with others?
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Check the compatibility of a document that will be shared with others, especially if they do not have the
same version of Word as you do. Earlier versions of Word will not recognize new features such as
SmartArt diagrams or those new to Word 2013.
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Which option can you use to open a non-native file in Word?
While in the Open dialog box, click All Word Documents to display the drop-down list, then click All
Files or select a specific file format that you want to use to find the appropriate file to open.
Why might you want to import a file instead of opening it in Word?
Occasionally you may want to insert text from a file directly into the current location of a document
instead of opening the file and using the copy and paste function. In addition, when you import a file,
any formatting that existed in the other document updates to reflect the current formatting (styles) of
this document.
10. What steps do you need to take to view the contents of a PDF file in Word?
You need only open the PDF file in Word as if it were a standard Word document, and then click OK to
indicate the file can be converted for editing in Word.
Lesson 2
Explain when you would use the Print Layout and Read Mode views.
You might use Print Layout view when editing the document structure or layout, as this view shows
images, tables, formatting, and page numbers. You might use Read Mode when editing content and
when you want the text to appear as if you were reading a book.
How can you use the buttons on either side of the view slider?
You can use the buttons on either side of the view slider to increase or decrease the zoom percentage
by 10%, giving you the opportunity to change the view marginally.
How can showing the formatting codes be beneficial?
Showing the formatting codes when you edit a document can help you identify where there may be
blank lines or why tabbed values do not align correctly, or where there are two or more spaces between
List at least two ways that AutoCorrect can help you when you are focused on entering text.
AutoCorrect includes some proofing options such as recognizing that a period and space signify the end
of a sentence; it will then capitalize the next letter, correct instances of two uppercase letters in a word,
and capitalize the names of days.
AutoCorrect enables you to correctly enter text you commonly misspell and enables you to type a few
letters that will be automatically replaced with a larger block of text that may be difficult for you to type.
AutoCorrect includes an AutoFormat feature which provides automatic formatting for bullets or
numbering, and styles. You can apply AutoFormats either as you type or when Word is performing a
spell check.
How do you insert the copyright symbol?
To insert the copyright symbol, you can click Symbol in the Symbols group of the Insert tab, and click
the symbol from the palette of commonly used symbols; you can also click More Symbols to open the
Symbol dialog box, then click the Special Characters tab and click this symbol from the list. If you know
the keystroke shortcut, you can type (c) to have Word automatically change the text to ©.
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How could you use the Paste Options for text you have copied?
Use the Paste Options to preview how the pasted text will appear in the document. For instance, if the
original text was in a special color, you can choose to keep the same or source formatting with the paste
action, or keep the text only.
Give an example of why you might want to collect multiple items in the Office Clipboard.
You may want to collect multiple items in the Office Clipboard so that you can work with these items in
one or several documents. Collecting multiple items gives you the flexibility to copy or cut items from
another document or program, and then paste them in any order or location into the current Word
Which symbol indicates you are moving text by dragging it to a new location?
When might you use the Pages option in the Navigation pane?
Use the Pages option to see the page numbers where matches to the search criteria can be found.
10. Why might you use the More button in the Find and Replace dialog box?
Use the More button to display more options to help narrow the search criteria. For example, you can
specify formatting or case, use wildcards or specify to find all word forms.
Lesson 3
What does formatting characters refer to?
Formatting characters refers to the process that you can use to enhance the appearance of text
characters on screen or in print.
What does paragraph formatting refer to?
Formatting paragraphs refers to the process of applying a format that changes the position of the
paragraph, such as alignment, tabs, or indents
When or why would you want to change the paragraph spacing?
Change the paragraph spacing when you want to increase or decrease the amount of white space
between paragraphs in a document.
Explain the different indent types and when or how you might use each.
There are four different indent types:
Left Indent increases the amount of space from the left margin for all text in the paragraph. You
might use a Left Indent when you want to draw attention to a specific block of text.
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Right Indent increases the amount of space from the right margin for all text in the paragraph.
You might use a Right Indent (especially in combination with a Left Indent) to isolate or draw
attention to a particular block of text amid the rest of the document text.
First Line Indent increases the amount of space from the left margin for only the first line of text
in the paragraph. You might use it to adhere to standard paragraph layout.
Hanging Indents allow the first line of text in a paragraph to "hang" at the left margin, and then
indent all subsequent lines of text in the paragraph. You might use them for lists or bibliographies.
Explain what a tab stop is and why you should use tab stops for aligning text.
A tab stop is a mark on the ruler that aligns text at that position when you press the Tab key. Tabs are
useful to line up different types of information such as values with varying decimal lengths, centering
text in a column, or adding characters to assist in reading the page number for a topic in a table of
What is the difference between a character style and a paragraph style?
Paragraph styles affect the appearance and position of the entire paragraph, whereas character styles
affect a selected block of text (such as several words), and can include any formatting attributes found
in the Font dialog box (e.g., font, size, bold, italics, etc.).
When might you want to double-click the Format Painter command instead of clicking it once?
Double-click the Format Painter command when you want to apply the formatting attributes to multiple
pieces of text that can be anywhere in the current document, or another open document. This saves you
having to click this command each time you want to apply the formatting attributes.
What would be an advantage of adding a new style to the Quick Styles gallery?
An advantage of adding a new style to the Quick Styles gallery is that the new style can be accessed
quickly from the ribbon instead of the Styles pane. This assumes that the new style will be applied
frequently in a document.
Why would you apply numbering to a list of items instead of using bullets?
Apply numbering to a list of items when you want to prioritize the items. Bullets are generally used when
the items have no specific priority.
10. Why would you set up a multilevel list?
Create a multilevel list to display a hierarchy of topics
11. Explain the purpose of the Promote or Demote features when using a multilevel list.
Use the Promote or Demote features to indicate the level or structure of each topic in the multilevel list.
You can press Tab to demote the line of text to a lower level, or press Shift+Tab to promote a line of
text; if using the mouse, you can use the increase or decrease indent buttons in the Paragraph group of
the Home tab.
12. Why might you want to convert text to WordArt?
Convert text to WordArt when you want to emphasize the text using features and special effects (such
as glow, outline color and thickness, or fill color) that are not available through the ribbon or the Font
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Lesson 4
Explain the purpose of setting margins for a document.
Margins determine the amount of space between the edge of the paper and the area where the text is
printed. Setting margins controls the amount of white space and affects the number of pages in the
How do pagination settings control the text flow in a document?
Pagination settings can control how lines and paragraphs behave in a document when they are near the
bottom of a page and how they might flow to the top of the next page. For instance, you can add an
option to break a page at the beginning of a paragraph of text to tell Word that this text must always
start on a new page.
Explain the difference between a soft and manual page break.
A soft page break occurs when you run out of space at the bottom of a page and Word moves you to a
new page to enter more text. A manual page break is a code you insert into a document indicating you
want to end the page at this location and go to the next page.
Explain what the different section breaks are and how you might use each one.
There are four different section breaks:
Next Page can be used when you want to begin a new page for a specific reason, such as you
want to change the orientation to landscape;
Continuous section breaks indicate to Word that something will change on the same page - for
instance, changing the text layout to multiple columns;
Odd Page or Even Page to set the page to print on the odd or even numbered page as with a
double-sided report – an example would be a book where the page numbers of each page are
arranged to appear on the outside edge of both left and right-hand pages.
What is the difference between a column break and a page break?
A column break (inserted by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter) forces text to the top of the next column. A page
break (inserted by pressing Ctrl+Enter) forces text to the next page, regardless of any formatting that
has been applied to the text previously.
Explain what a header or footer is.
Headers are text or graphics that appear at the top of every page and footers are text or graphics that
appear at the bottom of every page.
What can a watermark consist of?
A watermark can consist of any type of text, graphic, shape, or picture that you want to appear behind
the text of each page in a document.
How can you use themes?
Themes are sets of integrated document designs (color schemes and fonts) that enhance your online
documents by using colors, fonts and graphics. Use them to give documents a uniform and coordinated
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Why might you choose to apply a document style set to a document instead of applying individual
You might want to apply a document style set to a document when you want Word to apply a
coordinated set of styles for a particular report. These style sets can provide a professional look to a
10. Explain the difference between spelling errors, grammatical errors, and contextual text errors as they
appear in the Spelling & Grammar checker.
The spelling portion of the feature checks for incorrect spelling, duplicate words, and incorrect
capitalization. The grammar portion of the feature uses natural language grammar to detect sentences
with grammatical errors or weak writing style, based on standards set in the language used to check your
spelling and grammar. Contextual errors refer to words that have the same sound, but different spellings
and meanings.
11. Discuss why you might want to preview a document before printing.
You should preview your document for overall page layout to ensure page breaks occur in the correct
location, graphics are positioned appropriately, or that the overall design of the document is pleasing.
12. Give examples of why you might want to change the print options for a document.
Changing print options enables you to select the printer, decide how you want to print, what you want
to print along with the document, or to add properties to the file.
Lesson 5
Explain the difference between borders and the gridlines on a table.
A border is a line around cells in a table that appears on the printed document. Gridlines are dashed
lines on the screen designed as a guide to show the column and row edges– they do not appear on the
printed document.
How can you create a new table?
You can create a new table using the Table command in the Insert tab. Once this command is active, you
can drag in a grid to specify the number of columns and rows for the table; click Insert Table to display
a dialog box where you can set specific options for the table; or click Draw Table to draw the rows and
columns for a table.
If you want to insert a row between the title and the column headings in the following table, in which
row would you place the cursor?
Word gives you the option to insert a row above or below the selected row.
Provide an example of when you would merge several cells.
You would merge cells when you want all the selected cells to become one cell – for example, to hold a
table title or to accommodate more data.
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What alignment options are available for text within tables?
You can align text horizontally (left, center, or right), vertically (top, center, or bottom), or rotate the text
by 90° - except upside down format.
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How can you change the alignment of an entire table, relevant to the page on which it appears?
Under Table Tools, click the Layout tab and in the Table group, click Properties. Then on the Table tab,
click the desired alignment. Alignment for this option refers to aligning the table relative to the page
Which symbol does Word automatically insert when you activate the Formula command?
Word inserts the equal sign = as the start of a formula. You can then type the formula and cells
references, or modify the built-in function that Word may have inserted based on the data selected in
the table.
What might you need to do if you copy a formula from cell K14 to cells K15 to K32 and then discover
that the value in cell K14 is repeated in cells K15 to K32?
The first action to try when the values are the same after being pasted is to press F9 to manually
recalculate the values. The second action you may need to take is to edit the pasted formulas to ensure
the formulas reference the correct cells.
You need to convert a sales report from a Word table to a format that will enable the report to be
imported into Excel. Which separator character should you select when converting the table?
While you could use any of the separator characters, the most commonly-recognized delimiter character
for spreadsheet programs is the comma.
10. What is a header row and how can it help you when sorting a list?
A header row is the row at the top of a columnar report that identifies the names of the contents for
each column of information (these are commonly known as column titles). Having a header row helps
when sorting a list because the column titles appear in the list to help you select which columns to use
for the sort order.
Lesson 6
Explain the difference between using the Insert Pictures and the Insert Online Pictures commands.
When you insert a picture, you need to navigate to the location where the picture file is currently stored.
When you use the Insert Online Pictures command, you can choose to search or Bing for
picture files.
Before you use an image, what do you need to consider regarding possible copyright infringement?
Any image you use other than those created by you or your organization is considered copyrighted by
the owner of that image. When you select an image from, you are agreeing to abide by the
copyright license Microsoft has applied to the Office software. When you select an image from Bing or
other web site, you recognize that the pictures may be part of a Creative Commons license agreement
or you need to request permission from the owner before using the image.
What appears when you point at a picture in the results list from
A ScreenTip appears when you point at a picture that shows other keywords you can use to narrow the
search criteria or to find a specific item.
Explain what an inline graphic is versus a floating graphic.
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Images inserted in line with text align with the bottom of the text line – they can be treated as text
characters. Floating images enable you to set text to wrap around the image and can be moved anywhere
in a document.
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Discuss when or why you might want to use a drawing canvas when creating shapes.
Use a drawing canvas when you are creating a number of related shapes so that the shapes stay together
in that canvas.
What are the eight items around the perimeter of an object, and what are their purposes?
The eight items around the perimeter of an object are called handles and they allow you to manipulate
size, position, or design of the picture. The main purpose is to tell you the picture or object is selected
for manipulation.
When you activate the Crop option, what are you doing to the picture you inserted from a file in the
When you activate the Crop option, you are “cutting” portions from the picture in the document – you
are not affecting the original picture file. Once you cut away portions from the picture on screen, you
can also move the crop area to highlight a specific area of the picture.
What is the purpose of the
This icon is called Layout Options and provides quick access to changing the text wrapping style for this
object, or you can also adjust the position of the picture/object.
What is the purpose of the square handles, the circular handle, and the yellow square when you select
an object?
When an object is selected, the square handles allow you to alter the size of the picture, the circular
handle enables you to rotate the picture including flipping it, and the yellow square allows you to alter
the depth or breadth of the object.
10. Explain what SmartArt is and when you might use it.
Use SmartArt to create a diagram such as an organization chart or to show a process of tasks. Often a
diagram is easier to interpret a process or structure than to describe it in text form. Many of the SmartArt
diagrams were designed based on commonly used types of charts found in business documentation.
This feature saves you time from having to create the objects for the charts individually, requiring you
only to enter the text or add/remove objects from a preset diagram, as required.
Lesson 7
Why is it important to reference information you may use as part of your research for a document?
It is important to reference information to ensure that you do not infringe upon anyone's copyright.
Properly referencing your sources prevents any occurrences of plagiarism and also provides credit to the
creator of the research information.
Why might you want to create a text box using the Insert tab instead of simply drawing the text box?
While both features create a text box, when you use the command on the Insert tab, you are choosing a
feature that includes a gallery of different text box styles for various purposes such as a panel or quote.
The text boxes in this gallery have been pre-designed thereby saving you time when creating and
modifying the text within the box.
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Why might you want to link text boxes?
When you are creating a specific type of document where text boxes are to be used to flow text such as
a brochure or newsletter, using the link option enables Word to determine how much text can flow from
one box to another. This is similar to using columns. The text boxes can be resized appropriately to add
or reduce the amount of text in each box.
Which text labels can you use if you want to add a caption to a picture?
Although Word comes with the default labels of Figure, Label, or Equation, you can add any text into a
label for a caption.
How can a table of figures be beneficial in a document?
Use a table of figures to list all the figures or labeled captions in the document for quick reference.
Which note type is usually found at the bottom of the page where it is referenced?
If you don’t have the full information for a reference source, what can you do to mark the location where
you will eventually cite the source?
You can insert a citation placeholder to mark the location where you will later cite the source of the
reference information.
Why select the Show All Bibliography Fields option in the Create a Source dialog box?
Use this field to display all information you entered into the fields for this source when the bibliography
is generated.
Why might you want to use the Edit button in the Create a Source or Manage Sources dialog box?
Use the Edit button to add more names to the list of people who contributed to the reference cited.
10. To generate a bibliography for all sources, which option would you use from the Bibliography pull-down
Use the Insert Bibliography option to generate a bibliography for all the sources cited in the document,
regardless of how much information was entered for the source.
Lesson 8
What is the difference between the commands that display the drop-down menu for the Customize
Quick Access Toolbar button versus the commands that display on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar
screen within the Word Options dialog box?
The commands that display on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar list are ones considered to be
frequently used by the majority of users. These commands can also be found in the Customize Quick
Access toolbar command of the Word Options dialog box, but are part of the full list of commands that
can be added to the Quick Access toolbar.
What is the purpose of the checkbox at the left of each ribbon tab name in the Customize Ribbon screen
of the Word Options dialog box?
You can select or deselect the check box to toggle the display of the ribbon tab on or off.
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What could you do if you wanted to access those commands you frequently use on the various ribbon
tabs from one location?
You can create a new ribbon tab with new groups where you can add and organize the commands you
use most. Then display this new tab in the ribbon.
Explain what a Quick Part is.
Quick Parts are building blocks that you use often, such as headers, footers, tables, cover pages, or
What is the purpose of the Building Blocks Organizer?
You use the Building Blocks Organizer to manage, edit, and maintain Quick Parts and other building
blocks. Quick Parts are arranged into specific galleries, and then into categories within each gallery. You
can sort the entries by the name, gallery, category, or template in which they are stored. You can also
insert, delete, or edit these entries, as required.
What is the purpose of the Building Blocks template?
The Building Blocks template stores all the entries for the Quick Parts saved for Word. As you create,
modify or delete gallery entries, these changes are tracked in the Building Blocks template and the
template should be saved when you exit Word so the changes are saved as well.
How do macros differ from Quick Parts?
Both macros and Quick Parts can save you time. While you use Quick Parts to insert formatted text and
graphics, you can use macros to insert formatted text and graphics, make configuration changes, and
run commands.
When recording a macro, how do you access items such as commands or text?
When recording a macro, use the mouse to click commands and options. To record movements with
text, you need to use the keyboard to type the text.
How can you edit a macro?
You can edit a macro by recording the macro over again or by opening the Visual Basic Editor to edit
the code for the macro.
10. Why is it important to check the settings for macro security?
Maintaining a sufficient level of security for macros reduces the possibility of damage to your documents
or system from a macro virus. Exercise caution before opening any document that has been saved as a
macro-enabled document.
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