NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY – FLAGSTAFF MOUNTAIN CAMPUS ENROLLMENT CALENDAR DATES - SPRING 2012 -The Official Publication of the Office of the RegistrarNAU reserves the right to make changes in the University calendar, schedule of classes, course fees and academic policies. All deadlines listed below are for regular 16 week classes. October 2011 10/3 10/24 10/31 November 2011 11/1-11/23 11/15 11/24 11/24-11/25 December 2011 12/1 12/19-1/13 12/25 -1/2 January 2012 1/1 -1/17 1/09 1/09 1/10 1/14-1/15 1/16 1/17 1/17 1/26 1/26 1/27 1/27 1/27 1/27 1/30 February 2012 2/6 2/7 2/13 2/17 2/20 – 3/16 2/24 March 2012 3/12-3/16 3/23 3/24 3/26 April 2012 4/1-4/19 4/16 4/20 4/27 May 2012 4/30-5/4 5/4 5/7-5/10 5/11-5/12 Class schedule for Spring 2012 term available on LOUIE at First day to submit petition to change residency status for the Spring 2012 term Early enrollment for Spring 2012 begins (continuing students only) Early Enrollment for Spring 2012 (continuing students only) Last day to submit Spring 2012 Graduation Applications to Academic Department Open Enrollment begins (for continuing and new students) THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY (University Closed) – Open enrollment is available on LOUIE during university closure Open Enrollment continues (for continuing students and graduate students) Winter Session – See for important dates and class schedule WINTER BREAK (University Closed) Enrollment and drop/add continues Financial Aid refunding begins Tuition payment deadline for Spring 2012 term Students are placed in payment plan for unpaid tuition Welcome Weekend MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY (University Closed) First day of instruction for Spring 2012 $50 late enrollment fee in effect Last day to add (without having to file a petition and pay a late add fee) Last day to Drop/Delete (without class appearing on students’ transcripts) Drop with a “W” in effect (class will appear on students’ transcripts with a “W” where grade is reported) Petition to Add a class and $25 late add fee in effect Last day to change Audit to Credit or Credit to Audit Last day to submit residency reclassification petition Last day to drop with 100% tuition refund for M16 session classes ONLY. Mandatory university fees are NONrefundable after the first date of the term. Please see Administrative Drop deadline and 21st day enrollment count Census $100 Add fee for M16 session classes in effect Enrollment for Summer 2012 begins Last day to file for A/Pass/Fail Submission of mid-term grades Last day to submit residency reclassification appeal SPRING BREAK (no classes) Last day to drop with a “W” (without having to file a petition and pay a $25 late processing fee) Petition to drop a class and $25 late drop fee in effect Early Enrollment for Fall 2012 begins (continuing students only) Early Enrollment for Fall 2012 continues (continuing students only) Last day to submit Fall 2012 Graduation Application to Academic Department Open Enrollment for Fall 2012 begins (for continuing and new students) Last day to officially withdraw from the University for the Spring 2012 term (from all classes) End of Term Week (Reading Week) Instruction Ends Finals Commencement New freshmen students (less than 13 earned college credits after high school) attend a two-day orientation session prior to enrollment for Spring 2012. New transfer students (greater than 12 earned college credits after high school) attend a one-day 2/9/2016 Orientation session prior to enrollment for Spring 2012. More information about New Student Orientation can be obtained at 2/9/2016