PP04 - ISpatula

Q-1- What are the toxic symptoms and treatment of the followings?(40 ponts).
- Colocynth - Nicotiana - Harmala - Oleander- - Squill
- Euphorbia - Hemlock - Dumbcane
Q-2- What are the toxic principles of the followings?(20 points).
- Euphoria - Colchicum - Castor beans - Mandragora Nutmeg
Q-3- Compare between the narcotic effects of opium and cocaine.
(25 points).
Q-4- Discuss the CNS effects of xanthines.
Q-5- What are the hallucinogenic manifestations of LSD?
Q-6- What is the pharmacology of the followings?
- Long Jack
- Huperzia
- Pueraria
Q-7- What are the toxic effects of the followings? (15 ponts).
- Valeriana
- Vitex
- Lonicera
Q-8- What are the vital signs of toxicities of Datura spp.
Q-9- What are the symptoms of Absinthism?
the most appropriate one:
1- Ipecac syrup contains the alkaloids:
a- emetin
b- cephaeline
c- apomorhine
d- a+b
e- a+c
2- The vital signs of toxicities of Datura spp. are:
a- Tachycardia and tachypnea
b- Hyperpyrexia (in about 20% of cases)
c Inconsistent hypertension and hypotension, respiratory depression (rare)
d- a+b
e- a+b+C
3- Local irritation of the mouth, esophagus and stomach with pain, vomiting and
muscular tremors.
athese are the toxic symptoms of Arum.
bthese are the toxic symptoms of Mandragora.
cthese are the toxic symptoms of Squill.
e- b+c
4- …………… is an oxidizing agent which reacts well with organic substances and effectively neutralizes
a- tannic acid
b- cupric sulfate
c- zinc sulfate
d- potassium permanganate
e- ipecac syrup
5- Poisoning by ingestion of the castor bean is due to…..
a- recin
b- RCA
c- oxalates
d- oxalic acid
e- scopolamine
6- Large doses of ……….. can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, neurotoxicity, anuria, uremia and
cardiorespiratory failure.
a- Hyoscyamus
b- difenbachia
c- ecbalium
d- colocynth
e- castor bean
7- The clinical signs of ……….. may include fever, tightness of the chest, cough, dyspnea, nausea and
a- Hyoscyamus
b- difenbachia
c- ecbalium
d- colocynth
e- castor bean
8- Cucurbitacin B is ………..
a- triterpene
b- diterpene
d- monoterpene
e- alkaloid
c- saponin
9- oleandrin is…..
a- triterpene
d- cardiac glycoside
c- saponin
b- diterpene
e- alkaloid
10- Dilated pupils, agitation, trembling, and delirium,
a- these are the toxic symptoms of Atropa.
b- these are the toxic symptoms of Mandragora.
c- these are the toxic symptoms of Datura.
d- A+c
e- a+b+c
11- Physostigmine is an antagonist to serious ……. Poisoning.
a- recin
b- RCA
c- atropine
d- oxalic acid
e- scopolamine
12- The use of cupric sulfate is not recommended because:
a- It is hemolytic
b- It is hepatotoxic
c- About 10% of it can be recovered from the vomitus.
d- a+b+c
e- a+b
13- The symptoms of …………. may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting,
incoordination, drowsiness and hematuria.
a- Hemlock
b- Plants contain atropine like alkaloids
c- Castor beans
d- Ecbalium ellatrium
e- Digitalis spp.
14- The toxic effects of ………… produce biphasic nicotinic effects, including salivation, mydriasis and
tachycardia followed by bradycardia.
a- Hemlock
b- Plants contain atropine like alkaloids
c- Castor beans
d- Ecbalium ellatrium
e- Digitalis spp.
15- Symptoms of oleander intoxication are very similar to those of ………
a- digoxin
b- Castor beans
c- Hemlock
d- ricin
e- coniine
Question B: Answer the following questions by yes or no, if your answer YES+A and if your answer is
16- Oxalates are needle-like crystals, which, when eaten, may pierce the mouth, throat & digestive tract
as they pass through, causing, at the very least, intense discomfort
17- Glucosides (elaterin, elaterin B and dihydroelatericin B) are the most toxic principles of Nerium
18- The principle manifestation of oxalic acid poisoning is anuria.
19- Ricin is a potent cytotoxin but a weak hemagglutinin, whereas RCA is a weak cytotoxin and a
powerful hemagglutinin.
20- Large doses of ecballium juice can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, neurotoxicity, anuria, uremia and
cardiorespiratory failure and may be fatal .
21- The alkaloids in Jimsonweed act on the central nervous system as well as the autonomic nervous
system that controls bodily functions.
22- Syrup of ipecac does not have a highly rate of success, produce efficient emesis, has short latency
and has no dangerous side effects.
23- If RCA is injected into the blood, it will cause the red blood cells to agglutinate and burst by
24- The entire foxglove plant is toxic. Symptoms of poisoning include dizziness, vomiting, irregular heart
beat, and delerium or halucinations.
25- The mechanism of action of mandragora is twofold. The most serious effect occurs at the
neuromuscular junction, where they act as nondepolarizing blockers, similar to curare.
26- The seeds from the castor bean plant, Ricinus communis, are poisonous to people, animals and
insects. One of the main toxic proteins is "ricinine".
27- Physostigmine is an antagonist to serious atropine poisoning, it dramatically reverses the central
and peripheral signs of anticholinergic toxicity, which are usually not seen with other cholinergic
antagonists, such as neostigmine, because they don’t cross the blood brain barrier and enter the central
nervous system.
28- The prominent clinical feature of colocynth reported poisoning cases was dysenteric diarrhoea;
colonoscopic changes included congestion and hyperaemia of the mucosa with abundant exudates but
no ulceration or pseudopolyp formation .
29- Coniine and gamma-coniceine are the predominant toxicants that have been implicated in overt
toxicity in animals and humans .
30- Apomorphine is an emetic and is particularly valuable in cases of poisoning because it may be
administered subcutaneously and especially effective after massive ingestion of poisonous material.
- Define the following terms
Dependence liability
Indicate the toxicity of traditional Kava beverage preparations?