1. Introduction 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Nitric oxide (NO) has been the subject of thousands of publications in recent years since it was identified in 1987 as one of the body’s key chemical messengers.1,2 That so simple a molecule had such an important physiological role came as a great surprise. Thus, although NO had previously been of interest to inorganic, organometallic and environmental chemists, the vast majority of NO-related publications now arise from the biomedical research community. NO is an oxide of nitrogen amongst a family of seven, some of which are of commercial importance: dinitrogen oxide (N2O) is an anaesthetic, otherwise known as “laughing gas”, dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) is an oxidising agent in rocket fuels, and NO itself is an intermediate in the synthesis of nitric acid from ammonia. One of the prominent associations of nitrogen oxides such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and NO, however, has been their contribution as toxic components of polluted air. In order to preface a discussion of NO’s physiological role and NO its z* function in biochemical pathways, it is important to understand its chemistry. x* y* O N 2p NO is an odourless and colourless gas at ambient temperature and z atmospheric pressure (b.p.1atm -151.7 x y ºC). It is a stable radical, Figure 1, that does not share the tendency of other 2s radicals to dimerise. This absence of s* s dimerisation has been explained by the 1s s s fact that there would be no net gain in bond order if two molecules of NO Figure 1 were to associate to form dinitrogen dioxide.3 Indeed, the NO molecule has a bond order of 2.5 and N2O2 has a bond order of 5. The molecular orbital diagram for NO also shows that the HOMO is an antibonding orbital, making NO a comparatively easily oxidised molecule. This latter property is important for some of NO’s biological activities. As a radical, NO can react with other radical species, the most important one biologically being dioxygen (O2). The reaction between NO and O2 gives another oxide of nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and it is this reaction that produces NO2 in polluted 2 air (Equation 1). Nitrogen dioxide dimerises to N2O4, which in turn hydrolyses in aqueous media to form nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) (Equation 2). The NO2 produced by oxidation of NO can also react with another NO molecule to form dinitrogen trioxide N2O3 (Equation 3) which hydrolyses to form nitrite (NO2-) (Equation 4). 2 NO (g) O2 (g) 2 NO2 (g) N2O4 (g) deep brown gas colorless N2O4 (g) 3H2O (l) NO 3- (aq) NO NO 2 N2O3 N2O3 H2O NO 2- NO 2- (aq) Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 H3O+ Equation 4 These reactions of NO (Equations 1-4) show that NO chemistry in aqueous aerobic solutions is complex, and this complexity explains partly why NO’s biological activity was identified relatively late. Thus, the existence of a chemical messenger “endothelium derived relaxing factor” (EDRF), which is produced by the vascular endothelium to elicit vasodilation, had been postulated by Furchgott et al4 for more than a decade before it was finally identified1,2 in 1987 as NO. Further investigations showed that NO also serves as a neurotransmitter and, more than that, as a cytotoxic effector molecule of the immune system.5 The elucidation of NO’s physiological and pathophysiological roles will undoubtedly contribute substantially to major advances in medicine in the future. NO is produced in vivo by oxidation of the amino acid L-arginine (Arg), in a process which is catalysed by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme family. In mammals, three different isoforms of the enzyme exist; these are expression products of distinct genes but share similar structure and catalytic mechanism. Two of the isoforms are constitutively present at low levels as part of the normal make up of the cells that express them. These latter isoforms are the endothelial (eNOS)6 and neuronal (nNOS)7 nitric oxide synthases. Their names indicate the histological location in which they were first found to be located. The endothelial isoform is present in the cardiovascular endothelium while the neuronal enzyme is present in nerve cells. The third member of 3 the enzyme family, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is expressed by cells of the immune system. 8 This latter isoform is called inducible because it is synthesised upon activation of cells of the immune system by cytokines and bacterial products. Once formed, iNOS produces comparatively high levels of NO which then acts as a cytotoxic molecule for the destruction of pathogenic organisms and cancer cells.9 NO is produced by the different NOS isoforms for distinct physiological purposes and is carefully regulated. Inappropriate over or under production will result in pathophysiological effects, and the potential involvement of NO dysfunction in a host of disorders is currently under investigation; these include: cardiovascular disorders (stroke, ischemia–reperfusion injury), neurodegenerative conditions (Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases), inflammatory disease (arthritis), muscular pathophysiologies (muscular dystrophy), respiratory illness (asthma), and reproductive– urogenital disease (impotence, pre-eclampsia).10,11 NO may also play a role in autoimmune disorders and diabetes as well as susceptibility to infection and (separately) septic shock.12 However, in many cases it is not known whether abnormal levels of NO production are the cause or effect of these disorders. Understanding how NO is produced and how this production is regulated should have an immense significance in the pharmaceutical and biochemical fields. Indeed, useful clinical applications exist for both NOS inhibitors and NO donor drugs, with some of the latter having been in use in the clinic for many years.11 NOS inhibitors and NO donor compounds are also widely used in biochemical studies. This thesis describes exploratory work in a programme directed towards the construction of synthetic models that mimic the function of the NOS enzymes. Such models should throw light on the mechanism of NOS catalysis and could ultimately lead to technology for clean, highly-regulated and localised generation of NO in a physiological setting, thus providing a valuable tool for investigating the biological role of this remarkable molecule. 1.2 THE BIOLOGICAL ROLE OF NO 1.2.1 NO in the cardiovascular system Physiological role 4 In the cardiovascular system, NO biosynthesis is mediated by eNOS. Its physiological role involves regulation of tissue conductance, blood flow and blood pressure by modulating the state of the smooth muscle layer in blood vessels. In simplified terms, as the muscle relaxes the vessels dilate and the blood pressure falls. Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) is not just the absence of contraction, but is a positive process mediated by NO which acts as a potent chemical messenger. VSM relaxation is triggered by a number of mechanisms including neurotransmitters such as bradykinin and acetylcholine; however, these do not act on the VSM directly, but on the vascular endothelium, a single layer of cells lining the lumen of the blood vessel (Figure 2).4 vascular smooth muscle lumen endothelium Ca 2+ blood vessel cross-section ion channel acetylcholine receptor endothelial cell Ca 2+ eNOS L-Arg NO NO GC VSM cell PDE GTP cGMP GMP [cGMP] [cGMP] relaxation contraction O N N O O P O O O O P O OH HO O O P O O GTP O N NH N NH N O O O P O O OH cGMP O N NH N NH 2 N O O O P O NH N NH 2 O HO OH GMP Figure 2 Binding of such messengers to receptors in the endothelial layer triggers opening of calcium ion channels in the cellular membrane, leading to an increase in intracellular 5 Ca2+ levels within the endothelial cells. This in turn stimulates the biosynthesis of NO which diffuses into the underlying smooth muscle layer. There, NO activates an enzyme, guanylyl cyclase (GC), which catalyses the transformation of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) into cyclic-3’,5’-guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This latter molecule acts as a second messenger which initiates a cascade of biochemical events leading to the relaxation of the muscle cells. Levels of cGMP are not only regulated by the rate of its synthesis, but also by its destruction, which is facilitated by its hydrolysis to guanosine 5’-monophosphate (GMP). This latter transformation is catalysed by phosphodiesterase (PDE) enzymes. The contractile state of VSM is thus regulated by the balanced activity of both GC and PDE enzymes, and maintenance of normal blood pressure requires constant synthesis of low levels of NO by vascular endothelial cells. In addition to its role in the regulation of blood pressure, NO also contributes to the control of blood clotting which involves the aggregation and adhesion of blood platelets to the endothelium. 13 In particular, NO decreases the affinity of blood platelets for adhesion to the vascular endothelial surface and to one another, thereby functioning as an endogenous antithrombotic agent. Pathophysiological role The pathophysiological effects of NO dysfunction in the cardiovascular system are immensely complicated and still poorly understood, but probably include some forms of hypertension.14 When the low levels of NO required to maintain normal blood pressure are not produced, the VSM does not relax to the appropriate degree. The resulting vasoconstriction then increases blood pressure. For decades, nitrovasodilatators such as glyceryl trinitrate and isosorbide dinitrate (Figure 3) have been used to treat hypertension, even before they were known to serve as a source of plasma NO as a result of their decomposition. This type of NO donor drug is now also used therapeutically for treatment of pre-eclampsia and angina pectoris.15 More recently, direct inhalation of NO has been used to treat pulmonary hypertension in neonates and primary hypertension in pregnancy.16,17 O2NO ONO 2 ONO 2 ONO 2 O O ONO 2 Glyceryl trinitrate Isosorbide dinitrate Figure 3 6 1.2.2 NOS in the nervous system Physiological Role The bioactivity of NO was first identified in the cardiovascular system, but it was soon found that NO also acts as a messenger in the nervous system.18 Indeed, NO acts as a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). However, NO is far from being a typical neurotransmitter. Thus, a classical neurotransmitter is synthesised by enzymes and stored in synaptic vesicles. The process of exocytosis then allows the neurotransmitter to be released from the synaptic vesicles into a synapse or neuroeffector junction when required. Once released it binds to a receptor and triggers a response in the postsynaptic cell. Re-uptake or degradation then terminates the activity of this type of neurotransmitter. In contrast, NO is synthesised on demand because its physical properties — as a short-lived, small, diffusible and membrane-permeable species — prevent its storage in the manner of a conventional neurotransmitter. In the nervous system, NO is produced in neurones by nNOS. As with eNOS, nNOS is constitutively expressed by cells, meaning that the activation of these enzymes to produce NO does not require new enzyme synthesis. The way nNOS is activated to produce NO is similar to that for eNOS, but the neurotransmitter that initiates the process in the CNS is generally glutamate rather than bradykinin or acetylcholine. Thus, glutamate binding to NMDA receptors opens calcium ion channels in the postsynaptic cell. The influx of calcium ions activates nNOS and the NO then produced diffuses into the surrounding cells, Figure 4.11 presynaptic neurone NMDA receptor GC synapse Ca 2+ ion channel glutamate postsynaptic neurone Ca 2+ nNOS L-Arg NO feedback regulation Figure 4 7 The particular biological response to NO depends on the nature of the target cells. In the PNS, for example, nitric oxide may be released from nerve endings that innervate smooth muscle tissue and subsequently cause relaxation of that tissue (mediated by activation of GC in the smooth muscle cells). In the CNS, NO may act as a retrograde messenger. That is, NO is released by the postsynaptic neurone and diffuses back to the presynaptic neurone. In the presynaptic neurone, GC is activated and levels of cGMP increase. The accumulation of cGMP then controls the release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic neurone. In this way NO serves as a neuromodulator through a feedback process as shown in Figure 4. Levels of NO produced for neurotransmission and neuromodulation are thought to be in the nanomolar concentration range. In the CNS it has been suggested that the NO-mediated feedback communication pathway may be implicated in memory formation.19 In the PNS NO has multiple functions. For example, in the gastrointestinal tract, NO causes relaxation of the smooth muscle associated with peristalsis.20 NO is also the neurotransmitter of nerves that elicit penile erection. 21 Cerebral blood flow might also be regulated by NO.22 Pathophysiological Role NO dysfunction in the nervous system is implicated in neurotoxicity. 23 It has been known for some years that excess glutamate acting via NMDA receptors is involved in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s chorea24 and in ischemic damage25 (infarction associated with stroke). One hypothesis is that abnormal production of glutamate and consequent NMDA receptor activation leads to an increase in the intracellular calcium ion concentration. The resulting activation of NOS in turn produces abnormally high levels of NO. Interestingly, it has been shown that NO produced by eNOS during ischemia has a neuroprotective effect attributed to its vasodilator action which helps alleviate impaired cerebral blood flow.11 NO cytotoxicity is thought to occur, at least in part, through its interaction with another radical species superoxide (O2–) present in low concentration in normal tissue. The tissue concentration of this radical may increase during pathological states. NO and O2– react with each other to produce the highly reactive and toxic species peroxynitrite (ONO2–), which may lead to cell death. 29 However the function of NO in the nervous system, both normal and pathological, is highly complex and still remains to be fully elucidated. 8 1.2.3 Functions of NO from iNOS Physiological Role Living creatures need to defend themselves against invading organisms, in particular viruses and bacteria. The primary function of the immune system is to destroy any foreign matter that penetrates the body. Cells known as macrophages are responsible for the destruction of these microorganisms and cancer cells, and can do so through a variety of mechanisms. The predominant mode of action of macrophages involves a process known as phagocytosis in which foreign matter is engulfed. Subsequent killing may occur by the release of cytotoxic substances into the foreign organism. NO produced from iNOS is one of the cytotoxic effectors used to destroy foreign organisms and cancer cells, Figure 5.26 cytokines/endotoxins nucleus macrophage iNOS mRNA iNOS phagocytosis foreign organism NO L-Arg Figure 5 It might seem strange that the same molecule can act both as an “inoffensive” messenger (in the cardiovascular and nervous systems) and as a cytotoxic species. The key to this apparent paradox lies in the differences between the isoforms that produce NO and in the levels of NO produced. Thus NO in its “non-toxic” messenger role is produced at low levels by the constitutive endothelial and neuronal NOS isoforms. In contrast, NO produced as a cytotoxic effector is formed at much higher levels. The isoform (iNOS) that mediates NO production in macrophages is not normally present in the cells at detectable levels, but is synthesised in response to stimulation by proteins called cytokines that act as a local chemical mediator.11 Once iNOS is induced, it produces large amounts of NO for sustained periods of time. Another difference between the NOS isoforms is seen in their dependence on calcium ions. The activity of the two constitutive forms of NOS (eNOS and nNOS) is stimulated by raised calcium levels whereas iNOS activity is independent of calcium ions. In this way iNOS exists in 9 a permanently and fully activated state for high output NO production for as long as the protein is present in the cell.27 Pathophysiological Role Uncontrolled production of NO from iNOS is seen in both acute infections and chronic inflammation. An acute condition that is frequently lethal is septic shock. This is a pathological condition associated with systemic infection where both roles of NO, as a cytotoxic molecule and as a messenger, come into conflict. At first, as a response to a massive infection, iNOS is expressed and the NO produced has a protective effect. It destroys the microbes responsible for the infection and maintains organ perfusion through its action on the vasculature. NO also prevents microvascular thrombosis by inhibiting platelet aggregation. However, prolonged high-level production of NO induces systemic vascular smooth muscle relaxation leading to massive hypotension, organ failure and eventually death. 28 High levels of NO derived from iNOS have also been implicated in chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis29 and chronic inflammatory bowel disease30, and may also play a role10 in the onset of some forms of diabetes. As explained previously, NO toxicity may occur via its interaction with superoxide anion to form peroxynitrite, a powerful oxidant that can give rise to reactive NO2 and OH radicals. However this interaction is not the only one accounting for NO toxicity. Thus, NO forms complexes with heme-containing proteins and may also interact with other protein-bound metal centres, altering their activity.31 Cytotoxicity caused by high local levels of NO may also be due to NO-mediated DNA damage, probably though nitrosative deamination.32 The pathophysiological conditions associated with iNOS activity are not linked exclusively to the proteins expression in macrophages. Indeed, iNOS may also be induced in various other cell types. Induction of iNOS in endothelial cells, for example, may result in endothelial damage. Within macrophages themselves, NO may inhibit cellular respiration in mitochondria and cause apoptosis*.11 * a genetically determined destruction of cells from within - called also programmed cell death. 10 1.3 NO BIOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY In order to understand the design of our nitric oxide synthase model, it is necessary to understand the biological pathway for NO synthesis. NO is generated in the body by oxidation of L-arginine (Arg) to L-citrulline (Cit).33 This process involves two separate monooxygenations, Scheme 1, and proceeds via a guanidoxime intermediate, Nhydroxy-L-arginine (NHA).34 Both steps are catalysed by NOS and involve reductive activation of O2 at a cysteine thiolate-liganded heme centre in the enzyme.35 The electrons required for O2 activation are supplied by nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as a co-substrate. H2N H2N NH 2 HN NADPH NADP + OH N HN NO 0.5 H+ 0.5 NADPH H2N 0.5 NADP + 2eH3N+ CO 2– O2 H2O Arg O HN 1eH3N+ CO 2– NHA O2 H2O H3N+ CO 2– Cit Scheme 1 The 3:2 NADPH/Arg stoichiometry shown in Scheme 1 is now generally accepted and the overall process constitutes a five-electron oxidation of the terminal guanidinium nitrogen atom of Arg. Arg to Cit turnover is accompanied by consumption of 2 equivalents of O2 and formation of two molecules of water and one molecule of NO.36 In each oxidation step the O2 molecule is exhaustively reduced with the gain of four electrons. In the first monooxygenation two of the four electrons required by O2 are supplied by NADPH, the other two being derived by formal oxidation of the substrate. Here, NOS resembles the cytochrome P450–dependent monooxygenase enzyme family. These enzymes are heme proteins which catalyse monooxygenation reactions in which the substrate undergoes a two-electron oxidation and in which NADPH supplies the remaining two electrons for O2 reduction. The second monooxygenation catalysed by NOS, however, is unprecedented as only one of the four electrons required for O2 reduction is derived from the co-substrate NADPH; the other three derive from the oxidation of NHA to Cit and NO. 11 1.3.1 NOS structure Although the three NOS isoforms derive from different genes, they share a common structural organisation and catalytic mechanism. The enzymes are catalytically active in a homodimeric state, each subunit comprising an oxygenase and a reductase domain (Figure 6). S S Zn S S Cit, NO Arg, O2 H4B NOS oxy Fe CaM e– NOS red FMN e– FAD – NADPH e Figure 6 Substrate oxidation occurs at the oxygenase domain, where Arg binds at a catalytic centre containing the heme unit and a reduced pterin cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin (H4B). During catalytic turnover, reductive activation of O2 occurs at the heme iron centre. The electrons used in this process are supplied by NADPH and delivered via flavin co-factors, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) in the reductase domain.36 Binding of a small calcium–binding regulatory protein, calmodulin (CaM) at the interface of the NOS oxygenase and reductase domains facilitates interdomain electron transfer.37 As shown in Figure 6, the reductase domain of one subunit probably serves the oxygenase domain of the other. A key feature in subunit dimerisation is a zinc ion terahedrally coordinated by two cysteine residues in each subunit.38 The zinc ion is required to maintain the dimeric structure of the enzyme but does not play a catalytic role. Possible roles of the tetrahydrobiopterin factor H4B All NOS enzymes require H4B for catalytic activity.11 This pteridine (Scheme 2) is thought to have a dual role as an allosteric effector and as a redox-active co-factor. Studies have shown that both Arg and H4B induce a change in the conformation of NOS, creating enhanced affinities of the two binding sites for their respective ligands.39 12 This mutual binding enhancement has also been shown to occur with an oxidised form of the pterin (H2B, Scheme 2). H2N N N H N N O OH + 2H+ + 2 e- H2N N HN H OH - 2H+ - 2 e- dihydrobiopterin H2B O H N N H H OH + e- H2N N HN OH tetrahydrobiopterin H4B - e- O H N N H H OH OH H4B+ Scheme 2 Nevertheless, NO synthesis requires the presence of the fully reduced pterin (H4B), suggesting a probable redox-active role for the cofactor. No evidence has been found to support the redox cycling of the pterin between its reduced tetrahydro and oxidised dihydro states in NOS. However, latest reports have suggested that redox cycling may involve a one-electron oxidised pterin radical cation (H4B+, Scheme 2).40,41 The pterin may therefore be involved in the electron transfer pathway that conducts electrons from NADPH to the heme centre. Indeed, further recent work has been published supporting the idea that the pterin contributes an electron during the reductive activation of O2 by NOS.42 It is suggested that the second NOS monooxygenation (NHA Cit + NO) initially involves a two-electron reduction of O2 with one electron supplied by the pterin. The two-electron reduction of O2 in this step would result in the formation of nitroxyl anion (NO-) rather than NO. However, at a late stage in the mechanism the one-electron oxidised pterin recovers an electron from the substrate so as to result in the release of NO rather than NO-. Calmodulin protein Calmodulin is a small regulatory protein that binds up to four calcium ions. Calcium binding to CaM triggers a conformational change in the protein that allows it to bind to NOS at the junction between its reductase and oxygenase domains. Work on nNOS has shown that binding of the Ca2+-calmodulin complex (Ca2+-CaM) facilitates electron transfer at two points: between the reductase and oxygenase domain, and also within the reductase domain itself between the flavins.37 For eNOS and nNOS, CaM binding is reversible and, as a consequence, the activity of these constitutive isoforms is sensitive to intracellular levels of Ca2+. In contrast, CaM remains tightly bound to the inducible iNOS even under nominally Ca2+–free 13 conditions, thus explaining the insensitivity of this isoform to intracellular levels of Ca2+. This difference in Ca2+-sensitivity reflects the different physiological roles played by the isoforms. The constitutive enzymes, eNOS and nNOS, are required to produce NO at low levels, and their activity is regulated by modulation of the Ca2+ concentration within the cell. These isoforms are finely responsive to the demand for NO and produce carefully regulated levels. In contrast iNOS has to produce comparatively large quantities of NO for sustained periods from macrophages, an output that needs to be maintained independent of fluctuations in Ca2+ levels which may regulate other pathways in macrophages. NO production by iNOS is regulated by controlled synthesis of the enzyme itself rather than by modulation of the enzyme’s activity. In fact CaM binds to the nascent iNOS polypeptide chain immediately and irreversibly upon its synthesis. Indeed, complexation with CaM is essential for correct folding of the iNOS protein as it is formed, and the resulting enzyme is produced in a fully activated state. NADPH, FAD and FMN. NADPH, through the flavins, provides the electrons required for the reductive activation of O2 at the heme centre in the NOS enzymes. These flavins, FAD and FMN, can store and transfer electrons by reversible redox changes, Scheme 3. NADPH is an obligate two-electron reductant: O + +H +2e NH 2 - H+ - 2 e- N R N N NH 2 R= O P O O N N O P O O N R NADP+ O NH2 O - O HO OH O HO NADPH O O P O O The Flavins FAD and FMN are two-electron oxidants, and can also accept or donate (from their reduced forms) one at a time O N + +H +e NH - + N N O R Oxidised form FAD FMN Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide H N - N N N O N O CH2 (OH)3 CH2 O H N + H+ + e-H + - - e Flavin Mononucleotide R = O P O P O O HO NH N N O R Flavin Semiquinone Form FADH FMNH -H -e NH2 R= O CH2 (OH)3 CH2 O O OH Scheme 3 14 NH N N O H R Reduced form FADH2 FMNH2 O P O O O Each fully reduced flavin, like NADPH, has the capacity to give up two electrons. However, unlike NADPH which is an obligate two-electron donor, the flavins can undergo redox changes in single electron increments (Scheme 3). Role of NOS heme As we have seen earlier, NO is produced by the oxidation of the arginine guanidine function. In order to develop a functional NOS model, it is necessary to understand how the enzyme catalyses this oxidation. In the laboratory, we have at our disposal a large variety of oxidising agents. In contrast, Nature frequently harnesses dioxygen itself as an oxygen donor. However, because of its electronic structure and consequent reactivity, the use of O2 as an oxidising agent has required the evolution of specialised biochemical machinery. Complete oxidation of organic molecules to carbon dioxide and water is an exothermic process and therefore thermodynamically highly favourable. However, O2 exists in a triplet ground state and, therefore, its reaction with singlet organic molecules to give singlet products is a spin forbidden process with a very low rate (Equation 5). Oxidation of organic molecules by O2 is thus kinetically unfavourable. 1 RH + 3 O2 Thermodynamically favourable 1 CO2 + 1 + 2 H2O Equation 5 Kinetically unfavourable 1 RH + 3 O2 Thermodynamically unfavourable 2 Kinetically favourable R HO 2 Equation 6 One way of circumventing the kinetic barrier is through the intermediacy of free radicals. Reaction of a singlet state organic molecule with triplet state dioxygen to give two doublet state products (i.e. free radicals) is a spin allowed process (Equation 6). However, the latter is an endothermic process and only works for highly reactive substrates that form resonance stabilised radicals e.g. flavins. Another way that nature uses to overcome the spin conservation barrier is to combine 3 O2 with a paramagnetic transition metal ion. The co-ordinated oxygen species that are created in this way (Scheme 4) are capable of selectively oxidising organic substrates such as hydrocarbons. In the case of NOS and many other oxygenase enzymes, Nature 15 exploits a metalloporphyrin as the protein’s prosthetic group that is responsible for this activation of O2. O n n M + O2 M O Mn+1 e - H+ O Mn+1 Mn+3 OH O O O OH superoxo hydroperoxo oxo Scheme 4 The NOS mode of action is thought to resemble in some respects that of the cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases, a comparatively well-studied group of heme-containing monooxygenases.43,44 Cytochrome P450 enzymes incorporate one oxygen atom from dioxygen into the substrate, the other oxygen atom being reduced to water. These enzymes catalyse a variety of site selective and sometimes stereoselective oxidations, including olefin epoxidation and alkane and arene hydroxylation. The P450 catalytic cycle (Scheme 5) starts with an initial one-electron reduction of the resting iron(III) porphyrin cytochrome. Subsequent binding of O2 forms a ferrous iron oxygen complex, which may also be formulated as a ferric superoxide species (A). A second one-electron reduction is postulated to give a (hydro)peroxoiron(III) species (B), which heterolytically cleaves to afford an oxoiron(IV) porphyrin radical cation (C) that is the active oxidant in the P450-mediated oxygenation reactions.45 In NOS the oxoiron species (C, Scheme 5) is thought to mediate the first monooxygenation step (Arg NHA), but it is postulated that the second monooxygenation (NHA Cit + NO) is effected by the ferric heme superoxide complex (A).46 Thus NOS appears to be an unusually complicated enzyme that has to balance peroxoiron and oxoiron chemistry. The presence of a strongly electron donating thiolate ligand on the iron centre and an appropriate proton transport chain in the protein are essential for formation of the transient oxoiron species (C) from the ferric heme hydroperoxide complex (B). In vivo the electrons required for the catalytic cycle are provided by NADPH in its role as a co-substrate, albeit through the intermediacy of the reductase domain flavins and possibly the pterin as discussed 16 earlier.41 The mechanistic details for the two NOS monooxygenations are not discussed here, but have been extensively studied and are comprehensively reviewed elsewhere.46 substrate-O e-, H+ FeIII S-protein substrate XO PEROXIDE SHUNT O FeIV FeII S-protein C S-protein X O2 -H 2O O OH O O FeIII FeIII S-protein S-protein B A e-, H+ Scheme 5 1.4 PORPHYRINS AND THEIR SYNTHETIC ASPECTS In the mid seventies, various groups demonstrated that microsomal cytochrome P450 can catalyse the hydroxylation of hydrocarbon substrates by a variety of single-oxygen donors, such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroperoxides, periodate and iodosylbenzene. These species serve as surrogates for the combination of O2 and NADPH. This pathway, which later became known as the “peroxide shunt” pathway, provided a means for circumventing the need for a co-reductant in such systems (Scheme 5). In 1979, Groves and co-workers47 were the first to apply the peroxide shunt pathway to a model porphyrin system, (meso–tetraphenylporpyrinato)iron(III) chloride. This porphyrin was shown to effect the epoxidation of olefins and hydroxylation of alkanes with the lipophilic oxygen donor, iodosylbenzene. 17 Following this initial study, extensive investigations were then carried out with metalloporphyrin-catalysed oxidation of olefins and alkanes using a variety of single oxygen donors. These studies disclosed some fundamental problems with these systems arising from the tendency of the metalloporphyrin catalysts to undergo degradation in oxidising media. Poor catalyst recovery, and therefore reuse, was a serious drawback given the expense of these catalysts. One solution to this latter problem was found in anchoring the metalloporphyrin to a solid surface, thus combining the practicality of a heterogeneous catalyst with the advantages of a homogeneous catalyst. The poor durability of porphyrins as oxygenation catalysts was found to be ameliorated to some extent by halogenation of the porphyrin periphery and by sterically shielding the porphyrin core against attack by reactive oxygen species, particularly at the vulnerable meso carbon centres. Synthetic porphyrins, then, have been widely used as biomimetic models of cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases.45 As will be seen in the following section, a synthetic porphyrin also constitutes the key feature in our own models intended to mimic NOS. It is therefore important to review briefly at this point the chemistry of porphyrins. Porphyrins (Scheme 6) are macrocyclic tetrapyrrole ligands that play a central role in life processes. In living beings, iron porphyrin complexes are used for dioxygen complexation and redox reactions in a wide variety of fundamental biological processes: haemoglobin is the protein responsible for the transport of dioxygen from the lungs to all parts of the organism; myoglobin is a protein responsible for the storage of O2 in muscle tissue; cytochromes b and c mediate electron transfer; cytochrome c oxidase mediates the production of cellular energy by mitochondrial reduction of dioxygen to water; and, as we have seen above, cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases mediate key oxidation reactions in the biosynthesis of steroids and detoxification of foreign substances. It is therefore unsurprising that considerable interest has been shown in the study of metalloporphyrins. This interest is stimulated both by the need to understand important 18 natural processes, and by the potential to develop new useful biomimetic oxygenation catalysts. The cyclic tetrapyrrolic porphyrin nucleus consists of a 20-carbon skeleton, with the 4 pyrrole rings being linked by single carbon atom bridges. The macrocycle contains 22 pi-electrons of which 18 are in direct conjugation, thus conforming to Hückel’s aromaticity rule. Two of the pyrrole rings in the porphyrin structure are in an oxidised state, that is their nitrogen atoms are of the pyridine type with unshared electron pairs oriented towards the centre of the macrocycle. Ionisation of the remaining two pyrrole rings results in a highly delocalised, symmetrical dianion, which possesses four unshared electron pairs in the central cavity. Porphyrins are therefore capable of forming tetradentate complexes with metal ions (Scheme 6). A large number of metals can be co-ordinated to the porphyrin to form a metalloporphyrin. meso position -pyrrole position N NH HN N -2 H+ N N N N M2+ N N M N N porphine Scheme 6 As porphyrins are aromatic in character, electrophilic aromatic substitution features prominently in their chemistry. Porphine (the parent unsubstituted porphyrin) has two distinct reactive sites: namely, the eight equivalent -pyrrole positions and the four meso-bridging carbons. The -substituted porphyrins (Figure 7) resemble the naturally occurring macrocycles. The meso-substituted porphyrins are not found naturally but are widely used45 as biomimetic models, and indeed feature in the design of our NOS model (vide infra, section 1.5). Thus, it is their synthesis that is of particular relevance to this project. In general, the meso-substituted porphyrins are more readily synthesised than the – substituted series and are amenable to synthetic elaboration. These porphyrins can be prepared conveniently in the one–pot reaction of an aldehyde with pyrrole, where the aldehyde is the key to synthetic diversity. The ready availability of a wide range of aldehyde precursors allows groups to be incorporated in the porphyrin which will serve 19 as exploitable sites for further synthetic elaboration. This enables the synthesis of a wide range of porphyrins without extensive multistep synthetic routes. The synthesis of less symmetrical porphyrins, and compounds carrying more complex patterns of meso– and -substituents, does demand more elaborate stepwise approaches to construction of the macrocycle, and indeed a large body of literature describing such syntheses has been published. This section surveys key methods for synthesizing meso-substituted porphyrins that are of particular relevance to the current programme. R R R R N R HN R N HN R NH N NH N R R R R meso-tetrasubstituted porphyrin R -octasubstituted porphyrin Figure 7 Rothemund method for porphyrin synthesis Rothemund was the first chemist to synthesise a meso-substituted porphyrin (in 1935).48 He studied the synthesis of meso-tetramethylporphyrin by reaction of acetaldehyde and pyrrole in methanol at various temperatures in a sealed vessel. Other aldehydes bearing various alkyl and aryl chains were subsequently used; Scheme 7 illustrates the synthesis CHO of meso–tetraphenylporphyrin, methanol NH H2(TPP). HN N NH N 7.5-9% 1 2 Scheme 7 3 The Rothemund method consists essentially of reacting the aldehyde and pyrrole at high concentrations (4 M each) and at high temperature in the absence of an added oxidant. It was later found that adding zinc acetate to the mixture doubled the yield of porphyrin from 4-5% of the free-base to 10–11% of the zinc chelate.49 This method has fallen into 20 disuse as it produces very low yields of porphyrins and can only be applied to porphyrins bearing four identical meso substituents. Adler method for porphyrin synthesis In the mid 1960’s, Adler, Longo and co-workers developed a method that afforded higher yields of porphyrins. They initially carried out the condensation of benzaldehyde and pyrrole at lower concentrations (0.02 M each), in a variety of acidic solvents at reflux in glassware open to the atmosphere. Acidic solvents originally included acetic acid (bp 118 ºC) and benzene containing chloroacetic acid or trifluoroacetic acid.50 Further study of these reaction conditions led to the use of propionic acid (bp 141 ºC), higher concentrations of pyrrole and benzaldehyde (0.27 M each) refluxed for 30 minutes in an open reaction vessel.51,52 This improved procedure is now known as the Adler or Adler-Longo method, and affords H2(TPP) in yields of around 20%. Although primarily studied for porphyrins having four identical substituents, the Adler method can be extended to the synthesis of porphyrins bearing up to four different mesosubstituents using mixed-aldehyde condensations, Scheme 8. A CHO Pyrrole However, even the B CHO A HN N B A N NH A HN N A NH A A4 N B cis-A2B2 HN N A B A A NH NH N B B A3B HN N A A NH N B trans-A2B2 Scheme 8 21 N HN N B B A A HN N B B NH B B AB3 B4 N reaction between pyrrole and a mixture of just two aldehydes can, in principle, generate a set of six porphyrins (Scheme 8). Therefore, the apparent simplicity of the synthesis gives way to extremely tedious separations when more complex porphyrins are required. Lindsey method for porphyrin synthesis The two methods described so far for the synthesis of meso-substituted porphyrins involve relatively harsh conditions such as a large excess of acid and high temperatures. However, aryl aldehydes can react with certain nucleophiles under mild conditions; acetal formation, for example, can be carried out at room temperature with a catalytic amount of acid. Moreover, pyrrole is an aromatic, electron-rich species that exhibits extremely high reactivity towards electrophilic aromatic substitution. These considerations led Lindsey and co-workers to believe that the condensation of pyrrole and benzaldehyde, for instance, should occur under mild conditions.53,54 Their approach to porphyrin synthesis was further influenced by the fact that biosynthesis of porphyrins proceeds via a porphyrinogen intermediate (Scheme 9) which is then oxidised to the porphyrin in a second step.55 The method developed by Lindsey consists of a two-step, one-flask procedure, where condensation of pyrrole and benzaldehyde is carried out first under anaerobic conditions and affords an intermediate porphyrinogen which is subsequently oxidised to the porphyrin upon addition of an oxidant. Typically, a dry dichloromethane solution of pyrrole and an aldehyde (10 mM each) at room temperature is treated with a catalytic quantity of trifluoroacetic acid or borontrifluoride-etherate for 30-60 minutes under an inert atmosphere. A stoichiometric amount of an oxidant is then added, causing conversion, again at room temperature, of the porphyrinogen to the porphyrin (Scheme 9). Ph Ph CHO NH HN i. cat TFA NH Ph RT 1 ii. [O] Ph NH HN HN N Ph Ph NH N 2 Ph Ph 3 porphyrinogen intermediate Scheme 9 22 H2(TPP) This method can also be applied to mixed-aldehyde condensations, but again the formation of complex congeneric product mixtures means that lengthy separations are required. Various synthetic strategies have been developed in order to control the number and type of meso–substituents introduced during porphyrin construction; these have been reviewed extensively elsewhere56 and will not be discussed in detail here. The design of our prototypical NOS model though incorporating symmetry to simplify its construction, does however require the synthesis of porphyrins bearing two different meso–substituents (of the trans–A2B2 pattern, Scheme 8). Synthesis of trans–A2B2 meso–tetrasubstituted porphyrins Clearly application of mixed–aldehyde Alder–Longo or Lindsey methods for synthesis of trans-A2B2 meso-tetrasubstituted porphyrins would lead to the formation of a complex product mixture from which separation of the target porphyrin would be daunting. However, adaptation of the pyrrole–aldehyde condensation chemistry should, in principle, allow clean synthesis of such porphyrins through the reaction of a mesosubstituted dipyrromethane with an aldehyde (Scheme 10). B B H+ cat. O NH excess pyrrole BCHO NH N H+ A HN A H [O] dipyrromethane A NH N B porphyrin Scheme 10 The synthesis of a porphyrin bearing only meso-substituents by this approach, the “MacDonald [2+2] synthesis”,57 requires as the starting material a meso-substituted dipyrromethane. The preparation of such compounds is usually carried out by condensation of pyrrole with an aldehyde in the presence of a catalytic amount of acid (Scheme 10). Many procedures have been reported for the direct condensation leading to dipyrromethanes and these are reviewed elsewhere.56 However, the facile protonation of pyrrole can be the source of a significant side reaction, the formation of “pyrrole-red”, a material so named because of its distinctive colour but which remains structurally undefined.58 Moreover, condensations, particularly with pyrroles lacking substituents, can proceed to give higher oligomers. 23 To efficiently generate the dipyrromethane, the optimal strategy is to react the aldehyde with a large excess of pyrrole in the presence of a catalytic amount of trifluoroacetic acid or boron trifluoride. Indeed, the pyrrole itself may be used as the solvent and this is probably the most effective method, giving alkyl- and aryl-dipyrromethanes in moderate to good yields. Porphyrin synthesis is then carried out by condensation of the meso-substituted dipyrromethane and an aldehyde under the conditions used in either the Adler or Lindsey methods. In principle, the MacDonald approach to porphyrin synthesis should deliver exclusively a trans-A2B2 meso–tetrasubstituted porphyrin product. However, acid–promoted fragmentation and fragment recombination of the dipyrromethane and intermediates en route to the porphyrinogen do give scope for the scrambling of substituents and formation of congeneric porphyrin product mixtures.56 1.5 NOS MODEL DESIGN A schematic representation outlining the design and principal features of our NOS models is shown in Figure 8. The model comprises: a metalloporphyrin that is intended to catalyse the target guanidine oxidation; acidic guanidine molecular recognition superstructure to bind the substrate close to the porphyrin’s catalytic centre; rigid spacer units designed to create a substrate-binding cleft, by supporting the molecular recognition superstructure while preventing direct contact of the latter with the catalytic centre (which would lead to its oxidative degradation); a surface-supported thiol (thiolate) ligand to the metal centre, where the solid support might be inert (for peroxide shunt studies) or an electrode (for electrocatalytic operation of the model). 24 R molecular recognition superstructure X rigid spacer NH 2 HN A A NH 2 X Fe S synthetic porphyrin S thioether OR Si O O – e e– OR Si O O – e surface-modified electrode – e Figure 8 Studies carried out by others in our group have suggested that a combination of phenanthrene spacer units and simple oxyacetic acid chains (X−A = OCH2CO2H) provides an appropriate cleft size for binding N-alkylguanidinium guest species. The first NOS model prototype to be synthesised by our group, then, was porphyrin 4, Figure 9.59 This symmetrical model possesses two identical phenanthrenyloxyacetic acid units at the 5- and 15-positions of the porphyrin core. The remaining mesopositions are occupied by simple phenyl groups. The primary remit of the current project was to develop a strategy for covalent fixation of the porphyrin to a mercaptoalkyl-modified solid surface. This goal was to be achieved by replacing the meso-phenyl substituents in 4 with units that could be connected to surface-bound thiol sites. Thus, the intention was to develop the dual coordinative and covalent surface attachment regime illustrated in Figure 8, where the mercaptoalkyl-modified surface simultaneously provides the sites for metal ion coordination and covalent fixation of the porphyrin. This strategy is intented to permit robust attachment of the NOS model and prevent surface leaching of the porphyrin, for example, in thiol-containing biological fluids. A second goal for the project was, time permitting, to investigate the synthesis of alternative spacer-superstructure units for construction of new variants of the NOS model prototype 4. For instance, the oxyacetic acid chains could be replaced by an amino acid unit (4a) or oxymethylphosphonic acid (4b), Figure 9. 25 variation in superstructure e.g replacement of oxyacetic acid chains by: CO 2H Cl O 3 HO2C Ph 20 2 Cl HO 2C R = Bn, HN N 5 R O N H O (HO) 2P 4a 4b N NH 10 Ph 4 modification to allow covalent attachment to solid surfaces Figure 9 When work began by this group on NOS models, no porphyrin-based models for NOS had been reported in the literature. This situation changed in 1999 when a group led by Groves were the first to describe the use of a metalloporphyrin as a model for NOS.47 The Groves’ group carried out oxidation of fluorenone oxime as a guanidoxime model for NHA model using hydroxoiron(III) porphyrins bearing four identical meso substituents such as mesityl and pentafluorophenyl groups.60 More recently a Hungarian team published a study of the oxidation of NHA using chloro[5,10,15,20tetrakis(perfluorophenyl)porphyrinato]iron(III) as model for NOS and hydrogen peroxide as an oxygen donor.61 However, neither of these porphyrin models possessed an elaborate molecular recognition superstructure for guanidinium guest species such as Arg. Moreover, they lacked the strongly electron donating thiolate ligand to the porphyrin iron centre which is present in the NOS enzymes and intended to feature in the models synthesised by our own group. Therefore, we anticipate that the more sophisticated thiolate-liganded porphyrins, generated through our programme, will allow a more effective modelling of the enzyme. 1.6 SURFACE ATTACHMENT OF ORGANOMOLECULES 1.6.1 Introduction A significant difference between porphyrin-containing enzymes and the models designed to mimic them is the absence of the protein matrix in the model system. The protein binds and isolates the catalytic site, preventing inactivation of the enzyme through aggregation or bimolecular self-oxidation of the porphyrin. The protein matrix also controls access of the substrate to the active oxidant, hence controlling the selectivity of the oxidation. The matrix may also provide a hydrophobic environment 26 that can be important for substrate binding, but may also subtly control the redox potential of the metalloporphyrin prosthetic group. The lack of these features in simple porphyrin model systems has been partly overcome through structural modification of the porphyrin rings. Bulky and electronwithdrawing substituents help to prevent inactivation of the catalyst and selfoxidation.62 Picket-fenced, strapped and capped porphyrins have been developed to control the access of the substrate to the porphyrin’s catalytic centre and thereby to introduce selectivity into the oxidation.63,64 Finally, the use of chiral superstructures on the porphyrins can lead to enantioselective oxidation.65 Because of the expense incurred in the synthesis of metalloporphyrins as catalytic oxidants, two important difficulties will need to be overcome in relation to catalyst recovery and reuse. One way to do this is to anchor the metalloporphyrins to a solid surface, which will then allow the easy separation of the catalyst from reactants and products. However, this method also presents potential disadvantages: if the metalloporphyrins are able to move on the surface, the support can, by concentrating the metalloporphyrins on the surface, lead to increased aggregation and decreased catalyst efficiency. Consequently, it is necessary that any support should be rigid. Moreover, interference from the support could also be a problem e.g. the backbone of an organic polymer support might act as a competing substrate in oxidation. It is therefore important for the support to be inert. Another disadvantage of surface attaching a catalyst is the difficulty in characterising the molecules on the surface of the support. Indeed, methods available for determining detailed information about the structure of surface-bound metalloporphyrins are not as well developed for solid samples as they are for homogeneous systems. For the same reason determining the structure of intermediates formed in the catalytic process is very difficult. Nevertheless, considerable attention has recently been focused on the immobilisation of metalloporphyrins on both organic and inorganic supports, the objective being to obtain a well defined complex that can be highly dispersed throughout the reaction medium while remaining in a separate phase.46 Organic polymers can serve as solid supports for porphyrins, but their flexibility may allow bidentate ligation of the metal centre, leading to inactivation of the catalyst (Figure 10).66 Inert inorganic materials such as silica, alumina and molecular sieves have also been used as solid supports and, of these, silica has been used most extensively. 27 N Fe N Schematic diagram of an iron porphyrin supported on N-imidazylmethylated polystyrene or poly(4-vinylpyridine); a flexible support can lead to bisligation from both faces of the porphyrin. Figure 10 1.6.2 Silica as a solid support Because it is relatively cheap and readily available, silica has been widely studied as a solid support for catalysts.67,68,69 Even though the nature of silica itself has been investigated, 70 discrepancies still exist in the literature in regards to current understanding of surface silanol sites. This can largely be attributed to variation in the physical properties of the silica studied — i.e. particle size, shape, pore diameter, etc. — but also to the differences in treatment of the surface prior to analysis i.e. purification, rehydration. Despite these discrepancies, it is generally agreed that silanol sites can exist in one of two basic configurations: single isolated and geminal sites71 (Figure 11). H O HO Si OH Si Single site Geminal site Figure 11 However, discrepancies exist in the literature in the number, reactivity and distribution of each type of silanol. More recent studies, including 29 Si NMR and FTIR experiments, have helped to throw light on the nature of silica and modified silica surfaces.72 These studies have demonstrated that the relative population of geminal hydroxyl groups to lone hydroxyl silanol sites depends on the type of silica. However, geminal sites seem to react faster with electrophilic reagents used in surface modification than the single silanol sites.67 28 Several routes exist for the covalent attachment of organic functionality to a silica surface. Grafting of organosilanes is, however, the most popular method, mostly due to its simplicity in terms of experimental procedure.67 The silica is reacted with an organofunctional silane of the type X4-nSiRn, where R is the organic group and X an alkoxy or halide function (Scheme 11). silica surface SiR3 O H HX O SiR3 X Scheme 11 Monofunctional silanes having two methyl side groups (XSiR(CH3)2) yield a substrate with the most homogeneous silane loading. However, these modified silicas can be susceptible to undesirable hydrolysis of the silane even under mild conditions. Polyfunctional silanes (X2SiR2 or X3SiR) tend to cross-link and can be anchored to the surface at more than one site (Scheme 12).73 Such substrates are consequently less susceptible to hydrolysis. Trialkoxysilanes are known to readily polymerise in aqueous solution, and the presence of water in the reaction conditions, therefore, yields thick and uneven coatings.74 Anhydrous conditions have been shown to yield relatively thin and even surface coatings of good stability. 75 X O Si X toluene OH OH + 1 siloxane bond X O Si O RSiX3 OH Silica R R 2 siloxane bonds O O Si O R 3 siloxane bonds Scheme 12 29 1.7 OUR STUDIES TOWARDS SURFACE ATTACHMENT OF NOS MODELS For our studies directed towards surface attachment of NOS models silica gel was chosen as a support to investigate surface loading of the model. Ultimately, a silica supported NOS model will be used for peroxide shunt catalysis studies. In the studies described in this thesis, we investigated the attachment of simple porphyrins to silica modified with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane. These simple porphyrins contained two meso–alkenyloxyphenyl groups, the alkenyloxy side chain varying in length. The strategy adopted for covalent surface fixation of the porphyrins centred on the radical addition of surface-bound thiol groups to the double bond of the porphyrin’s meso– alkenylphenyl substituents. In principle, the non–metallated porphyrins could be bound to the modified silica surface in two different ways. The plane of the porphyrin could be fixed parallel to the surface if both of the meso–alkenylphenyl groups react with thiols on the surface. Alternatively, the plane of the porphyrin could be roughly perpendicular to the surface if only one of the porphyrin’s meso substituents reacts with the modified surface (Scheme 13). n O perpendicular attachment mode parallel attachment mode n O O n O n n O HS radical initiator S O n OR S S Scheme 13 In the case of the metalloporphyrin we envisaged that exposure to the thiol-modified surface could also bring about surface fixation through dative bonding between the porphyrin core metal atom and a thiol sulfur centre, Scheme 14. Subsequent addition of a radical initiator might then trigger the radical addition reaction between the remaining 30 surface-tethered thiol sites and the porphyrin’s meso-alkenylphenyl groups. Thus, the key objective of this project was to develop a dual coordinative-covalent attachment regime that would simultaneously ensure robust surface fixation and eventually allow the development of functionally active NOS models, that is, models possessing the necessary thiolate ligand to the porphyrin metal centre. Although the primary solid support selected for the surface attachment work was silica gel, we also envisaged that adaptation of the procedure from silica gel to quartz slides could furnish suitably modified surfaces for spectroscopic analysis of the bound material. Ar1 N NH n M2+ HN N O Ar1 O O n n N M N Ar1 Ar1 Ar1 n O S N N M N N S 1 Ar O n N N HS n O Si O O O S Coordination Si O O O Si O O O Si O O O Radical Addition Scheme 14 At the outset of the project the mode of attachment proposed in Scheme 14 was unprecedented. Previous publications report porphyrin surface attachment through either covalent bonding between a porphyrin side chain and the modified silica or dative bonding of the porphyrin metal atom to the modified silica but not both. Moreover, although alkenyloxy side chains have been used previously76 to covalently attach an organic macrocycle to a mercaptopropyl-modified silica surface, this approach has never been reported for surface attachment of porphyrins. In fact, in the past decade the main strategy for covalently binding porphyrins to modified silica surfaces takes advantage of easy substitution reactions between surface-tethered nucleophiles and meso(pentafluorophenyl) substituents on the porphyrin substrate.77 Thus, new supported oxidation catalysts have been prepared by covalently binding mesotetra(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin derivatives onto various supports bearing an amino group as a nucleophile (Scheme 15). 69,78,79 31 F O Si NH 2 F F M F F F Ar Ar O Si Ar F Ar H N M F F Ar Ar Scheme 15 Although covalently bound catalysts may achieve higher turnovers than their homogenous analogues, they are not necessarily as efficient at alkane or alkene oxidation. Thus, metalloporphyrins tethered by coordination of an axial donor ligand to the metal centre may perform better.80 Several groups have tried to circumvent this problem by using pyridine or imidazole as co-catalysts.78 Here we propose a new dual coordinative-covalent attachment strategy which may not only be more efficient at preventing catalyst leaching from the surface, but may also provide a better representation of thiolate-liganded heme in nature. In addition to providing a robust surface fixation protocol for the porphyrin, then, this mode of attachment was intended to introduce the thiolate ligation of the metal centre in our NOS model. The electron donating character of the thiolate ligand is likely to be important in the formation of the oxoiron species from the ferric heme hydroperoxide complex in the NOS catalytic cycle (cf. complex B C, Scheme 5). Supported porphyrins with sulphur ligation to the metal have not been reported yet; ligation is usually carried out using substituted imidazole rings.66,81 Use of a thiol or thiolate for ligation could pose a problem due to the potential instability of the ligand under oxidising conditions. We anticipate that replacement of the simple surface-bound mercaptopropyl chain used in this project with a more robust thiol may ultimately be required. Two groups reported the construction of cytochrome P450 porphyrin- containing models where the axial thiolate ligand is part of the “basket handle” protecting the porphyrin (Figure 12).82,83 In these cases, the thiolate itself is sterically shielded and this strategy could be adapted to our studies. However, the synthesis of such models is extremely complicated and, as a result, this approach would only be adopted for our studies if the thiolate axial ligand bound to the silica surface proves to be too sensitive under oxidising conditions. The preferred option for generating more robust models would be to replace the simple unbranched mercaptopropyl chain used in this project with the more elaborate, sterically encumbered thiol tethers. N N M N N S Figure 12 32 In general, porphyrin ring syntheses are intrinsically low yielding and product purification can be difficult. Therefore, surface attachment studies in this project were carried out using simple alkenyloxy substituted aromatic compounds, in the first instance, and then on simplified model porphyrins. This approach was intended to avoid the risk of losing synthetically expensive metalloporphyrins on a hitherto untested attachment procedure. At the end of the project the attachment procedure was extended for surface fixation of the fully developed prototypical NOS model to a silica surface and also to a thiol-modified gold electrode surface. 1.8 SYNTHESIS OF THE PROTOTYPICAL NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE MODEL The synthetic route that has been developed by our group to the prototypical NOS model (7, X = R3 = H, R2 = Ph; Scheme 16) requires synthesis of phenanthrenecarboxaldehydes (5) for condensation with phenyldipyrromethane.56 It will be apparent that in order to create a guest-binding cleft, it is necessary that the two spacer units are fixed on the same face of the porphyrin. To prevent rotation of the spacers and maintain the guest–binding cleft will require introduction of a bulky group (X) on the phenanthrene units, ortho to the porphyrin linkage. Synthetic strategies to accomplish this are not the aim of the work described in this project, but are currently being studied by our group. O NH Cl O O R1 propionic acid NH 1 CHO R =H R1 = O(CH2)nCH=CH2 X 5 6 3 CO 2R Cl O 3 R O2C O R2 Cl HN N N NH R2 7 R3 = t-Bu R2 = Ph, C 6H4O(CH 2)nCH=CH 2 Scheme 16 The route to the parent phenanthrene spacer unit comprises a six step synthesis starting from 4-chloro-2-methyl-phenol (8, Scheme 17) and featuring a key stilbene 33 photocyclisation reaction (12 13). Firstly, the phenolic function is protected by methylation. In the next step the substrate is transformed into a benzyl bromide (10). Different approaches were tried for this transformation, and the most successful approach was found to be a photochemical radical bromination. A Wittig reaction of terephthalaldehyde with the phosphonium salt (11) derived from bromide 10 then leads to a mixture of the cis and trans stilbenes (12). As the two geometrical isomers interconvert by photoisomerisation under the cyclisation conditions, the stilbene mixture itself can be used directly for the photocyclisation step without prior separation of the two isomers. Photochemical electrocyclic ring closure of the cis–stilbene under oxidising conditions (in the presence of iodine) leads, via a dihydrophenanthrene (not shown) to the target phenanthrene product (13). Finally, a nucleophilic demethylation of 13 using ethanethiolate followed by alkylation of the resulting phenolate ion with tert–butyl bromoacetate affords the porphyrin precursor 14, which now carries the oxyacetate side chain destined to form the NOS model’s substrate recognition superstructure. Me 2SO4 NaHSO 3, KBrO3 NaOH (aq) H2O/EtOAc uv 0 to 70°C Cl OH Cl OMe Cl step 1 OMe step 2 8 9 Br 10 PPh 3 toluene step 3 reflux LDA, THF I2, O uv Cl Cl OMe CHO step 6 OMe step 5 13 Cl CHO 12 EtSH, NaH, DMF, 100°C O then Br O O Cl O O CHO 14 CHO OHC Scheme 17 34 step 4 OMe PPh 3 11 Br In order to adapt the prototypical NOS model (7, Scheme 16) for surface attachment, it was necessary in the current project to replace the phenyldipyrromethane, used in the original route, with a suitable alkenyloxy substituted analogue (6, R2 = O(CH2)nCH=CH2). As noted earlier, however, in this project we also planned to investigate the synthesis of model variants in which the oxyacetate superstructure chain is replaced by either an amino acid or oxymethylphosphonic acid. Construction of such models would require the synthesis of suitably modified phenanthrenecarboxaldehyde precursors (19 and 20, Scheme 18). During the project, then, we also planned to investigate the synthesis of these phenanthrenes by alkylation of phenanthrenol 15 as shown in Scheme 18. The one-step deprotection/alkylation that was previously used (13 14, Scheme 18) was, therefore, abandoned in favour of a two-step process. The methoxy group of phenanthrene 13 was to be removed with sodium ethanethiolate as before, but the resulting phenolate solution was then to be acidified to produce the phenanthrenol (15). The triflate derivative (16) of this compound was then to be synthesised in a standard fashion using triflic anhydride. We then planned to investigate a palladium-catalysed amination procedure84 on the triflate using a chiral amino ester (e.g. L-phenylalanine ethyl ester, 18). Finally, synthesis of the phosphonate-containing phenanthrene was to be achieved by alkylation of phenanthrenol 15 with a suitable triflate reagent (17). The latter triflate is known in the literature and is prepared in two steps from diethyl phosphite.85 Cl OMe Cl i. EtSH, NaH CHO OH ii. H+ Tf2O, DIPEA CHO 13 DCM CHO 15 O EtO P EtO 17 O O S CF 3 O Cl 16 Pd cat. BINAP Cs2CO3 toluene Ph O O S CF 3 O K2CO3 DMF H2N CO 2Et 18 O Cl P OEt OEt O Ph Cl N H CHO 19 CHO 20 Scheme 18 35 CO 2Et 2. Results and discussion 36 2.1 SURFACE ATTACHMENT STUDIES 2.1.1 Introduction The bulk of the work carried out in this project was designed to test the feasibility of the attachment strategy proposed for surface fixation of our NOS models. As noted (section 1.7), in order to facilitate surface attachment of the model, it was planned to take advantage of the meso(p-alkenyloxyphenyl) groups on the porphyrin for radical addition to a mercaptoalkyl-modified surface, thus bringing about covalent attachment of the porphyrin, Scheme 19. However, we also envisaged that the thiol-modified surface might simultaneously be used to donate an axial ligand to a metal centre in the porphyrin, allowing the development of functionally active NOS models. NOS model spacer units and molecular recognition superstrucutre n O n M O n O HS n M S O S S Scheme 19 To test the radical-mediated attachment strategy it was decided firstly to investigate the surface attachment of simple alkenyloxybenzene molecules. At the outset of the project the length of the porphyrin’s alkenyl substituents required to achieve the dual attachment mode shown in Scheme 19 was unknown. Thus model studies were conducted with two different alkene chain lengths using allyl phenyl ether and 4-(pent4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde, corresponding respectively to porphyrin alkenyloxyphenyl substituents with n = 1 and n = 3 in Scheme 19. Having developed a viable radical addition strategy, it would then be possible to progress to model porphyrins possessing the meso(p-alkenyloxyphenyl) chain but lacking the molecular recognition superstructure of our prototype NOS model. Introduction of a labelled carbon atom at the terminal olefinic centre of the side chains in these porphyrin models would allow the 37 mode of surface attachment to be probed by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Finally, to carry out preliminary electrochemical studies, a NOS prototype model comprising the elaborate superstructure would need to be synthesised and attached to a suitable conducting solid support such as gold wire. 2.1.2 Surface attachment via meso-(p-allyloxyphenyl) groups on the porphyrin The synthesis of porphyrins carrying complex substituents is typically low yielding and time consuming. To avoid losing valuable material on a non-viable route for surface attachment, test studies were undertaken using simple alkenyloxybenzene substrates. Our first studies were made with allyl phenyl ether (22) for attachment to a silica surface modified with a mercaptopropyl tether. Mercaptopropyl-modified silica is readily prepared by heating silica gel in a dry solvent containing commercially available (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21).68 Exposure of the modified silica to a solution of the alkene substrate (22) in the presence of a radical initiator would then be expected to bring about the radical addition reaction, Scheme 20. However, with this simple substrate the surface attachment procedure might also be undertaken by reversing the order of the surface attachment and radical addition steps. It was decided to compare the efficacy of both routes for the surface attachment of allyl phenyl ether. OPh 22 Si(OMe) 3 HS Ph O radical initiator 21 Si(OMe) 3 S 23 silica, toluene silica, toluene Ph SH SH MeO Si OMe Si OMe O O O O SH OPh Ph O O S S S radical initiator Si O Ph O MeO Si OMe Si OMe O O O O O Scheme 20 38 Si O O The solution phase radical addition of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) to allyl phenyl ether (22) was carried out using AIBN as a radical initiator. The simplicity and efficiency of similar reactions have been related in recent literature. Thus, Lecamp et al. have studied AIBN-promoted radical additions of (3- mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) to allyl and vinyl substituted heterocycles.86 The molar ratios of thiol and AIBN to olefinic substrate used in this study were respectively 1 and 0.05, and the reactions were carried out over 6 hours in acetonitrile at 80 °C under an argon atmosphere. At the end of the reaction the solvent and unreacted volatile compounds were removed in vacuo. All adducts were obtained in yields above 85% and spectroscopic data showed that only the mono-addition products had been formed. Thus, applying this method to our studies, a 1:1 mixture of (3- mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) and allyl phenyl ether (22) was treated with AIBN in boiling acetonitrile under nitrogen for 6 hours. Subsequent evaporation of the solvent afforded the crude product in 98% yield and greater than 95% purity according to its 1H NMR spectrum. As expected, the spectrum exhibited no signal for allylic or thiol groups. Instead the presence of signals consistent with a phenoxypropyl chain was observed: a pentet and two triplets respectively at H 2.1, 2.7 and 4.1 ppm. The , and methylenes in the silylpropyl chain came to resonance respectively at H 0.8, 1.7 and 2.6 and the methoxy signal was observed as a singlet at H 3.6. Integration of the trimethoxysilylpropyl and phenoxypropyl resonances demonstrated unambiguously that only the monoaddition product was obtained. The clean reaction outcome was fully consistent with the work published by Lecamp and the crude product (23) was used for surface attachment without further purification. The concentration of organosilane residues grafted onto the surface of silica can be calculated from microanalytical data and the BET surface area* for the bare silica.87 In principle, either the %C or %H figure might be used to calculate the surface density of attached residues for silica grafted with alkyltrimethoxysilanes such as 23. However, use of the %H figure is avoided in practice because calculations are complicated by the loss of residual silanol groups from the surface under the destructive conditions of the combustion analysis (T ~1600 °C), Scheme 21. * The BET method, which is widely used to determine the surface area of solids, uses an isotherm derived by Brunauer, Emmett and Teller to treat multilayer adsorption to surfaces. In essence, the volume of N2 gas necessary to cover a single layer of a given mass of solid is determined. The area occupied by this volume provides the surface area of the solid. 39 H2 O OH O Si O O OH Si O O O O Si O O O Si O O O Scheme 21 The surface attachment of alkyltrimethoxysilane 23 was carried out with silica gel in hot anhydrous toluene. A series of reactions was undertaken with variation in the silica/silane mass ratio used to gauge the effect on surface loading of the quantity of silane for a given amount of silica. It was necessary to make some preliminary estimation of the quantity of silane 23 likely to be required for full surface loading on a given mass of silica gel. This was possible by referring to previous studies by Kirkland et al. who modified silica gel with triisopropylchlorosilane in order to investigate the properties of the resulting material as a stationary phase for HPLC. 88 These workers found a maximum silane loading of 2.1 mol/m2 using silica gel with a particle and pore size of 5 m and 8 nm respectively and having a surface area of 180 m2/g. The Kirkland value for maximum loading of the triisopropylsilyl moiety was used as an approximate estimate for the quantities of silane 23 required to modify silica gel in our studies. However, it was realised that this figure may represent a very loose approximation given the different steric demand and mode of attachment of this silane compared to triisopropylchlorosilane. Moreover, the grade of silica gel studied in the Kirkland work differed from that to be used in our own studies, where TLC grade silica gel was used (Aldrich catalogue number 28,850–0; particle size 2-25 m, pore diameter 60 Å, pore volume 0.75 cm3/g, surface area 500 m2/g). The uncertainty introduced by use of a different silica, however, was considered less problematic since previous studies have shown an approximately linear relationship between silane loading and surface area across different silicas.68 In order to optimise the surface loading of silane 23, a series of four experiments was undertaken using firstly 2.0 mol of the silane per m2 of silica and then 5, 10 and 20 times this quantity. Other than the variation in the amount of silane 23 used in these reactions, the experiments were carried out under identical conditions. To exclude moisture the silica substrate was first dried at 110 ºC under vacuum (0.1 mmHg) for 24 hours prior to use. Previous studies89 have shown that such conditions are suitable for drying silica to constant mass, with the loss of all physisorbed water. In the present study a 5% mass loss was observed for the commercial silica gel after drying for 24 h; 40 no further mass loss was observed when dried for 48 h under the same conditions. Microanalytical data for the parent unmodified silica gel before and after the drying periods are shown in Table 1. Sample Drying conditions % mass loss wrt sample A Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 %C %H %C %H %C %H A none __ 0 0.40 0 0.40 0 0.40 B 24 h, 100 ºC, 0.1 mmHg 4.9 0 0.35 0 0.35 0 0.34 C 48 h, 100 ºC, 0.1 mmHg 4.8 0 0.36 0 0.35 0 0.36 Table 1: Microanalytical data for the unmodified silica gel used in the surface attachment of silane 23. A: undried commercial silica gel; B: silica gel dried under the conditions used for preparation of the surface-modified samples; C: silica gel dried for an extended period. The surface attachment reactions with silane 23 were carried out in anhydrous toluene at 110 ºC in a flame dried sealable flask over 16 hours. After this period the solvent and unreacted silane were removed by filtration under argon (to prevent ingress of moisture), washing with toluene followed by dichloromethane. Identical volumes of solvent were used in each of the four experiments. The silane-modified silica was then dried for 24 hours (110 ºC, 0.1 mmHg) and subjected to microanalysis in order to estimate the silane loading. Depending on the number of siloxane linkages formed to the surface, there are three possible attachment modes for individual surface bound-residues, Modes A-C illustrated in Figure 13. The process of calculating surface loading is illustrated in Figure 13 (boxed) for the first in the series of surface attachment experiments undertaken with silane 21 (2.0 mol per square metre of silica gel), which afforded modified silica with 7.59% and 1.32% carbon and hydrogen contents respectively. 41 Formulae and formula weights of attached organic residues: Ph O C14H23O3SSi MW = 299.482 S MeO Si OMe O Type A attachment mode Ph Ph C13H20O2SSi MW = 268.448 O S Si C12H17OSSi MW = 237.414 O S OMe Si O O O Type B attachment mode O O Type C attachment mode EXPERIMENT 1: example calculation of surface loading Mass of silica gel used ––––––––––––– 200 mg Silica gel surface area ––––––––––––– 500 m2/g Surface area of silica gel used ––––––––––––– 100 m2 Quantity of silane 23 used ––––––––––––– 69 mg, 0.21 mmol Microanlalytical data for modified silica gel ––––––––––––– Quantity of carbon in 1 g of modified silica gel ––––––––––––– C, 7.59%; H, 1.32% 0.0759 g of C atoms 6.32 mmol of C atoms 12.011 g/mol Assuming that surface-bound residues are attached exclusively in the mode A pattern, each attached residue has 14 C atoms: Quantity of surface–bound residues in 1 g of silica gel ––––––––––––– 6.32 mmol of C atoms 0.451 mmol of silane residues 14 C atoms / residue FW of surface-bound residues ––––––––––––– 298.482 Mass of surface-bound residues in 1 g of modified silica gel ––––––––––––– 0.451 mmol 299.482 g/mol = 135 mg of silane residues Mass of actual silica in 1 g of modified silica gel ––––––––––––– 1000 mg – 135 mg = 865 mg of silica Silica surface area in 1 g of modified silica gel ––––––––––––– 2 0.865 500 /g = residues 432 m2 0.451gmmol ofm silane Loading of surface-bound residues 432 m 2 1.04 mol/m2 ––––––––––––– Figure 13 The surface area for the parent silica substrate (500 m2/g) quoted by the supplier has been assumed in all calculations of surface densities for grafted residues in this thesis. Using this value, then, and assuming attachment of surface-bound residues solely through a single siloxane bond to the surface (Mode A), the calculated surface density of residues based on the %C figure is 1.04 µmol/m2. The results of calculations made assuming surface attachment solely by Mode B and solely by Mode C are shown in Table 2. 42 Residue attachment mode assumed in the calculation Calculated surface loading (see Figure 13) Based on %C (7.59%) 100% by Mode A 1.04 µmol/m2 100% by Mode B 1.12 µmol/m2 100% by Mode C 1.20 µmol/m2 Table 2:Calculated surface loadings for silane 23 attached to silica gel in an experiment where the silane to silica gel ratio used was 2.0 µmol / square metre of silica surface. Calculations are based on microanalytical data for the resulting modified silica gel (%C, 7.59; %H, 1.32) assuming the three different attachment modes illustrated in Figure 13. The surface loading of silane 23 is clearly subject to uncertainty because of the lack of information about the exact proportion of surface-bound residues distributed between the different attachment modes (type A, B or C) on the modified silica. As shown in Table 2, however, the estimated silane loading varies from 1.04 to 1.20 µmol/m2 for the two extremes, full Mode A attachment and full Mode C attachment. Therefore, variation in the mode of attachment of individual silane units to the silica surface is relatively unimportant as far as the uncertainty in the surface loading level is concerned, provided that the formula weight of attached residues is reasonably large. Later in the course of the project (vide infra, section 2.1.6) solid-state NMR studies were carried out on silica gel modified with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane. The 29 Si and 13C NMR spectra of this silane-modified silica showed that surface attachment had occurred principally through modes involving single and double siloxane linkages. However, the situation was complicated by the loss of methoxy groups from the attached organosilane, assumed to occur through exposure to moisture during subsequent handling of the grafted silica. Partial hydrolysis of the modified silica substantially complicates the analysis, with several attachment modes now possible for individual organosilane residues, Figure 14. Calculations made assuming 100% attachment by the various modes shown in Figure 14 show that even for the extremes the surface loading still lies in a narrow range (1.04 – 1.23 µmol/m2). 43 Formulae, formula weights and calculated surface density for organosilane residues attached 2 exclusively by the various modes indicated on silica gel of surface area 500 m /g and analysing for 7.59% carbon content. attachment with single silaxane linkage attachment with double siloxane linkage Formula Surface density (mol/m2) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C 14H23O3SSi 298.482 1.04 C13H21O3SSi 285.455 1.13 C 12H19O3SSi 271.429 1.23 C 13H20O2SSi 268.448 1.12 C 12H18O2SSi 254.422 1.22 attachment with triple siloxane linkage Mode A Mode D Ph MeO Mode E Ph FW Mode B Mode F Ph Ph Ph O O O O O S S S S S Si OMe HO O Si OMe HO O Si Si OH Si OH OMe O O O O O C 12H17O SSi C 12H17O1.5SSi C 12H18O2.5SSi C 13H20O2.5SSi 237.414 245.416 262.424 276.450 Ph Ph 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.12 Mode C Ph Ph Ph Ph O O O O O O S S S S S S Si O O O O Si O Si OH O O O HO Si O O Si O O Si OMe O Figure 14 The solid-state 29 Si and 13 C NMR spectra acquired for silica grafted with (3- mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (section 2.1.6) indicate a 1.5 / 1 ratio of attachments involving the formation of single and double siloxane linkages, with hydrolysis of 60% of the residual methoxy groups from attached silane units. Assuming a similar picture for the silica grafted with silane 23, and fitting the various attachment modes shown in Figure 14 to match these NMR data, gives a silane loading very close to 1.16 µmol/m2 for the surface-modified silica prepared in the first experiment. 44 The microanalytical data and estimated surface loadings for the modified silicas produced in the series of four experiments undertaken with increasing silane 23/silica mass ratios are summarised in Table 3. The results show that an increase in the quantity of silane 23 used does result in higher levels of silane loading, but the relationship is not linear. Indeed, a twenty-fold increase in the number of equivalents of silane 23 reacted increased the surface loading only by a factor of 1.7. These results suggested that acceptable surface loadings should be possible using 2.1 mol of a trimethoxysilane per square metre of silica to be modified. Expt Silane 23 qty reacted per m2 silica surface* %C† %H† Surface density (mol/m2) (mol/m2) range estimate fitted to NMR data§ 1 2.00 7.59 1.32 1.04 – 1.23 1.16 2 10.0 7.88 1.34 1.09 –1.28 1.21 3 20.0 10.03 1.60 1.45 – 1.71 1.62 4 40.0 11.59 1.85 1.74 – 2.06 1.94 * Calculated for a surface area of 500 m2/g quoted by supplier of the silica substrate. † Determined by elemental microanalysis of the surface-modified silicas Limiting values taken from calculations assuming 100% attachment by modes A and E of Figure 14. Fitted to solid-state NMR data for silica grafted with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (section 2.1.6) that indicate a 1.5/1 ratio of attachments involving the formation of single and double siloxane linkages, with hydrolysis of 60% of the residual methoxy groups from attached silane units. § Table 3: Calculated surface loadings for silane 23 attached to silica gel from 4 different experiments in which the silane to silica ratio used was progressively increased . Thus, the calculated surface loading for silane 23 fitted to NMR data for silica grafted with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (section 2.1.6) varied from 1.16 to 1.94 mol/m2 as the amount of silane 23 used in the reaction was increased from 2 to 40 µmol per square metre of silica substrate surface. How does this compare to the surface density of silanol sites on the silica substrate? As shown in Table 1, under the standard conditions used to dry the silica prior to preparation of the surface-modified materials (0.1 mmHg, 110 °C, 24 hours) a 5% mass loss was observed and the residual hydrogen content was found to be 0.35% (Sample B). Silica gel submitted to drying for an extended period of 48 h at 110 °C (Sample C) showed no significant difference in the mass loss and hydrogen content from that dried over 24 h. If physisorbed water is fully removed from silica samples B and C prior to the microanalysis, then the residual hydrogen content found in the analyses ought to be due to loss of silanol sites, Scheme 21. 45 A recent thermogravimetric and 1H MAS NMR study by Ek et al examined the loss of physisorbed water and silanol sites from Kieselgel 60, a silica which possesses similar particle size, pore diameter and surface area characteristics to the silica used in our study.90 Samples of kieselgel 60 were heated from room temperature under a stream of argon at a rate of 5 °C/min. Complete loss of physisorbed water was estimated at 130 °C (with a 4.0% mass loss), and at this temperature the surface silanol number of the silica was estimated to be 5.5 silanol sites per nm2 of surface area. Loss of silanol sites from the silica was approximately complete at 1000 °C. Thus, assuming complete loss of silanol sites from our silica samples B and C under the microanalysis conditions (T ~ 1600 °C), the surface silanol density in the dried silica (calculated from the microanalytical hydrogen content) is 6.9 µmol/m2 or 4.2 silanol sites per nm2 of surface area. This figure is reasonably consistent both with the value obtained by Ek et al for kieselgel 60 and the values obtained in a wider survey of over 100 fully hydroxylated silicas undertaken by Zhuravlev, 91 where the silanol number ranged between 4.2 and 5.7 OH/nm2 irrespective of the origin and structural characteristics of the silica. The experiments summarised in Table 3 showed only a modest increase in the levels of silane loading as the quantity of trimethoxysilane 23 reacted was increased from 2 to 40 µmol per m2 of the substrate silica surface. One aspect that was not investigated in this series of experiments was how reproducible the loading level was at any given silane/silica mass ratio used in the attachment reactions. In order to probe this issue a further set of four identical experiments was carried out using a reactant ratio of 2.0 µmol of silane 23 per m2 of the substrate silica surface. The results of these experiments are summarised in Table 4. Elemental analysis of the four samples of modified silica gave an average %C figure of 6.4 ± 0.3 %. The maximum and minimum values for the surface loading range quoted in Table 4 for each of the four samples are based on calculations assuming 100% attachment respectively by Modes A and E shown in Figure 14. Calculations that fit the surface loading for silane 23 to NMR data for silica grafted with (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (section 2.1.6) suggest a surface loading varying between 0.91 and 1.01 µmol/m2, with an average loading of 0.96 + 0.05 µmol/m2. Thus the surface density of silane coverage in these experiments shows coherence and the attachment is reproducible. 46 Silane 23 qty reacted per m2 of silica surface* (µmol/m2) %C† 5 2.00 6.14 0.82 – 0.96 0.91 6 2.00 6.30 0.84 – 0.99 0.94 7 2.00 6.71 0.91 – 1.07 1.01 8 2.00 6.62 0.89 – 1.05 0.99 Expt Surface density (µmol/m2) range estimate** fitted to NMR data§ * Calculated for a surface area of 500 m2/g quoted by the supplier of the silica substrate. † Carbon content determined by microanalysis of the surface-modified silica. ** Limiting values taken from calculations assuming 100% attachment by modes A and E of Figure 14. § Fitted to solid-state NMR data for silica grafted with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (section 2.1.6) that indicate a 1.5 / 1 ratio of attachments involving the formation of single and double siloxane linkages, with hydrolysis of 60% of the residual methoxy groups from attached silane units. Table 4:Calculated surface loadings for silane 23 attached to silica gel from four identical experiments in which the silane to silica gel ratio used was fixed at 2.10 µmol per m 2 of silica surface. However, the silane loading was somewhat lower than that obtained originally under Experiment 1 of Table 3, where the calculated surface density was 1.16 µmol/m2. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear and may indicate that surface attachment is quite sensitive to the exact drying conditions applied in the preparation of the silica gel substrate. Indeed, the silica used for Experiments 5-8 was taken from a common batch that was dried separately from that used for Experiments 1-4. Nevertheless the surface coverage calculated for silica grafted with silane 23 is in the same micromolar range as the results published previously in the Kirkland study with triisopropylchlorosilane. These results suggest that oligomerisation of the silane has not occurred during the grafting process through loss of the methoxy groups. Had polymerisation occurred, the quantity of silane loaded on the surface may not have been controlled and the results would not have been reproducible.92 However, as discussed later in section 2.1.6, it is likely that the residual methoxy groups of the attached organosilane units are replaced by silanols on handling of the silica after the grafting reaction. Having successfully demonstrated the solution phase radical addition of (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane to allyl phenyl ether and surface attachment of the resulting silane (23), we next examined the radical addition to allyl phenyl ether with the mercaptopropyl chain already bound to the silica surface, Scheme 22 47 HS Ph O 22 Si(OMe) 3 , AIBN O acetonitrile, 21 S 23 Si(OMe) 3 Experiments 1-8, Tables 3-4 PhMe PhMe silica silica Ph SH SH MeO Si OH OH Si OO O OO silane-modified silica-I Ph O O S S MeO Si , AIBN Ph O 22 acetonitrile, OH OH Si OO O OO silane-modified silica-II Scheme 22 The surface attachment strategy intended for our NOS model metalloporphyrins involves simultaneous coordinative and covalent fixation of the porphyrin. Indeed the presence of a thiolate ligand attached to the metal centre is a vital design feature of the models. It was proposed at the outset of this project to accomplish this dual attachment strategy (Scheme 23) by first exposing a mercaptopropyl-modified surface to a solution of the metalloporphyrin, in order to initiate attachment by coordination, and then to trigger the covalent fixation by addition of a radical initiator. Thus, the reaction of allyl phenyl ether with the mercaptopropyl-modified silica was intended to model the covalent attachment of porphyrins carrying allyloxyphenyl substituents. n O HS metalloporphyrin MeCN SH n M O S HS coordinative attchment AIBN MeCN n O S Scheme 23 48 M S n O S According to Scheme 22, then, dried silica was treated with the (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21; 2.1 mol per m2 of substrate silica) in hot toluene under conditions similar to those employed in Experiments 1–8 summarised in Tables 3 and 4. This procedure afforded a sample of mercaptopropyl-modified silica, Silica-I, which analysed for 2.64 %C and 0.83 %H. Silica-I was then treated with allyl phenyl ether (2.1 mol per m2 of substrate unmodified-silica) and a catalytic amount of AIBN in boiling acetonitrile for 6 hours. The final modified silica, Silica-II, was isolated by filtration, scrupulously washed with toluene and dichloromethane and then thoroughly dried (0.1 mmHg, 110 ºC, 24 hours) before being subjected to microanalysis. Silica-II analysed for 5.78% and 1.15% carbon and hydrogen contents respectively. The carbon content of modified Silica-II prepared by this route is clearly somewhat lower than that prepared by the direct surface modification with silane 23. The latter typically afforded a surface loading of 0.9-1.1 mol/m2. Seemingly, this could suggest a lower overall surface loading of silane units. However, it is more likely that a proportion of surface bound mercaptoalkyl groups failed to undergo addition to the allyl ether — perhaps because of their inaccessibility or perhaps because of loss of some thiols to disulfide formation or the formation of 2/1 thiol-alkene adducts. This latter possibility might arise through the chain-terminating combination of adjacent surface bound thiyl radicals during the radical chain reaction, Scheme 24. PhO PhO S S S S S S chain termination Si OMe O O Si OOO Si OMe O O Si OOO Si OMe Si O O OOO chain termination S S MeO Si Si O O OO O Scheme 24 Calculations based on the carbon content of Silica-I, the substrate for preparation of Silica-II, suggested that the surface loading of mercaptopropyl silane units lies within the range 0.95–1.63 mol/m2, where these two limits are calculated, respectively, assuming uniform attachment of silane residues solely by modes A and E of Figure 15. 49 The calculated surface loading range for silane units on Silica-I is wider than for the loading of silane 23 (Table 3). This reflects the lower formula weight of attached mercaptopropyl species and, therefore, the greater percentage difference in formula weight of possible attached units. Formulae, formula weights and calculated surface density for mercaptopropyl residues attached to Silica-I exclusively by the various modes indicated (surface area of parent unmodified silica = 2 500 m /g; microanalytical carbon content for Silica-I = 2.64%). attachment with single silaxane linkage attachment with double siloxane linkage Formula Surface density (mol/m2) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C 5H13O2SSi 165.307 0.95 C 4H11O2SSi 151.280 1.20 C 3H9 O2 SSi 137.254 1.63 C 4H10O SSi 134.273 1.19 C 3H8 OSSi 120.246 1.61 attachment with triple siloxane linkage Mode A Mode D SH MeO Si OMe Mode E SH HO O Mode B HO Si O Mode F SH SH Si OMe FW Si OH OMe Si OH SH O O O O C 3H7SSi C 3H7O0.5SSi C 3H8O1.5SSi C 4H10O1.5SSi O 103.239 111.239 128.246 142.273 1.59 1.59 1.62 1.29 Mode C SH SH Si O O O O SH SH HO Si O Si OH O O O Si SH SH O O Si O O Si OMe O Figure 15 Solid-state NMR data for the silica grafted in this way with (3- mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (section 2.1.6) indicate a 1.5/1 ratio of attachments by single and double siloxane linkages, with hydrolysis of 60% of the residual methoxy groups from attached silane units. Fitting combinations of attachment modes A-F from Figure 15 to these data narrows the surface loading range for mercaptopropyl silane units in Silica-I to 1.36-1.41 µmol/m2. This calculated surface density is slightly higher than that produced by direct modification of silica with silane 23 under comparable conditions, suggesting that the longer 50 and more flexible 3-(3- phenoxypropylsulfanyl)propyl chain of 23 with its bulky head results in less efficient surface packing of the silane units than the shorter mercaptopropyl chain of silane 21. On the other hand, radical addition of the surface bound mercaptopropyl group to allyl phenyl ether must be significantly less efficient than the corresponding solution phase reaction between mercaptopropylsilane 21 and the allyl ether. SILICA–II: surface loading calculation for mercaptopropyl silyl residues Silica gel surface area ––––––––––––– Microanalytical data for modified silica gel ––––––––––––– 500 m2/g C, 5.78%; H, 1.15% 2 Let X = surface loading of long chains (mol/m ) of averaged formula C12.6H19.9O2.6SSi and MW 273.145. Assume a surface density of 1.39 mol/m2 for the mercaptopropylsilanyl units of the parent Silica–I with the averaged formula C3.6H10.1O1.6SSi and MW 138.867. Calculation based on carbon content (5.78%) determined by elemental microanalysis: C content (mass of C in ureacted mercaptopropylsilylresidues) (mass of C in long chain residues) total mass of sample Mass of C atoms in residual mercaptopr opy lsily lresidues Mass of C atoms in long chain residues attached (3.6 C f or each av eraged silane residue attached) (each av eraged silane residue has 12.6 C atoms) 0.0578 [500m 2 (1.39 X )10 6 mol/m 2 3.6 12.011 g/mol] [500m 2 ( X 10 6 mol/m 2 ) 12.6 12.011 g/mol 1 [ 500m 2 (1.39 X )10 6 138.867 g/mol] [500m ( X 10 ) 273.145g/mol mol/m mol/m 6 2 2 Mass of residual mercaptopr opy lsily lresides attached (av eraged silane residue has f ormula C Mass of core silica H 3.6 10.1 Mass of long chain residues attached SSi ) O 2 (av eraged residue has f ormula C 16 H 12.6 19.9 O SSi) 2.6 From elemental microanalysis This results in: Long chain surface loading (X) = 0.67 mol/m2 Figure 16 Given the surface loading of mercaptopropyl silane residues in Silica-I and microanalytical data for Silica-II, it is possible, in principle, to calculate the proportion of unreacted thiol sites present in the latter. The calculation is complicated by uncertainty in the distribution of attachment modes for surface-bound silane units, but an approximate figure is calculated in Figure 16 using averaged molecular formulae for surface-bound residues that fit the solid-state NMR data previously referred to. The surface coverage of long chain residues in Silica-II issuing from this calculation is 0.67 µmol/m2, commencing from a surface density of 1.36-1.41 µmol/m2 for the mercaptopropylsilyl residues in the parent Silica-I. Thus, it is estimated that 50% of the surface-bound mercaptopropyl chains remain unreacted in Silica-II. 51 In summary, then, model studies undertaken with allyl phenyl ether demonstrated that the proposed mode for covalent attachment of our NOS models was a feasible option. The radical addition of a thiol group to the allyl ether proceeds both in solution and with the surface-bound mercaptopropyl chain, though in the latter case the addition is somewhat less efficient. Surface loading of silane units can be estimated from the carbon content of the modified silicas as determined by elemental microanalysis. Silane loadings were found to be in the range 0.9-1.9 µmol/m2 of surface, consistent with the formation of a surface-bound layer without oligomerisation of the trimethoxysilane reagent. 2.1.3 Surface attachment studies with porphyrins carrying allyloxy groups Synthesis of a suitable porphyrin substrate Having successfully tested the covalent fixation strategy with allyl phenyl ether the next phase of the project extended the surface attachment to porphyrin systems. This study required the construction of a suitably substituted porphyrin (26) carrying olefinic side chains, which we planned to prepare by reaction of an aryldipyrromethane (24) with benzaldehyde in a Macdonald 2+2 porphyrin synthesis, Scheme 25. Although, in principle, this synthetic approach should generate solely the target 5,15-diaryl-10,20diphenylporphyrin (26), scrambling of the meso substituents is typically encountered in such porphyrin syntheses, leading to formation of minor porphyrin congeners along with the desired product.56 Scrambling occurs through acid-catalysed fragmentation and subsequent recombination of the aryldipyrromethane and other intermediates en route to the porphyrin, Scheme 25. In the hope of suppressing this problem it was decided to work with an alkoxycarbonyl side chain on the aryldipyrromethane in the first instance (i.e. where the connecting function X in Scheme 25 is CO2). It was hoped that the electron-withdrawing ester on the phenyl ring would disfavour formation of some of the carbocationic intermediates assumed to participate in the scrambling. 52 X X X NH HN PhCHO NH HN NH HN H+ NH HN NH HN X X Ph Ph Ph 24 25 H+ X oxidation Ar X N NH Ph Ph N HN HN NH HN Ph Ar HN 26 Ar = Ar Ph N NH Ph NH Ph N X HN Ar N Ph N HN N NH Ar Ph Ph N HN Ph Ar Ph 27 28 29 Scheme 25 Our first target porphyrin was, therefore, 5,15-bis(4-allyloxycarbonylphenyl)-10,20diphenylporphyrin (34), Scheme 26. For simplicity, the synthesis of this porphyrin was planned by a route involving transesterification of a precursor porphyrin (32) carrying methyl rather than allyl esters. The methyl 4-formylbenzoate starting material (30) required for preparation of the dipyrromethane (31) en route to this latter porphyrin was commercially available. Porphyrin 32 might also be prepared by an alternative route, through the reaction of methyl 4-formylbenzoate with phenyldipyrromethane. However, we chose the synthetic strategy that built the ester function into the dipyrromethane because the same dipyrromethane might then be used with our more 53 elaborate phenanthrenecarboxaldehydes (in place of benzaldehyde) for construction of a NOS model (33) suitable for surface attachment. CO 2Me excess pyrrole HN OHC PhCHO CO 2Me TFA propionic acid HN 30 N NH Ph CO 2Me Ph N HN 31 Cl OMe CO 2Me 32 CHO transesterification 14 O O OBut O NH N ButO O Cl O O O O N Cl HN Ph NH O N O 33 Ph N HN O O 34 surface attachment Scheme 26 Dipyrromethane 31 was prepared by acid-catalysed condensation of methyl 4formylbenzoate with pyrrole, the latter present in excess (typically 5 equivalents) to suppress formation of higher order condensed products such as 35 and 36, Scheme 27. After removal of the solvent the black tarry residue was subjected to flash column chromatography to afford the target dipyrromethane as a crystalline solid in 77% yield. The formation of higher order side products is a common problem with this type of aryldipyrromethane preparation, and indeed the minor products 35 and 36 were identifiable within the residual fractions from the column. 54 pyrrole (5 eq.) OHC CO 2Me TFA cat. 30 CO 2Me N H N H 31 N H CO 2Me CO 2Me N H N H 35 N H CO 2Me CO 2Me CO 2Me N H N H N H 36 Figure 27 The condensation between dipyrromethane 31 and benzaldehyde was carried out in boiling propionic acid exposed to the air so that the intermediate porphyrinogen (37), Scheme 28, underwent direct aerial oxidation to afford porphyrin 32. This reaction proceeded with rapid discolouration and afforded a black tarry residue after evaporation of the propionic acid. The target porphyrin (32) was isolated by flash column chromatography in 11% yield as a purple solid along with minor porphyrin congeners 27, 38 and 39 in 1.5%, 2.2% and 8.2% yields respectively. These compounds were not fully characterised but were identified from their 1H NMR spectra by comparative integration of the porphyrin -hydrogen/aryl signals and the methoxy resonances. The formation of congeneric porphyrins therefore remains problematic notwithstanding the electron withdrawing ester present in the aryldipyrromethane building block. Transesterification of the methyl ester to the allyl ester was then attempted with porphyrin 32. Transesterifications are commonly carried out with an alcohol under acidic conditions. The ultimate goal of the project, however, was to adapt the route shown in Scheme 26 to our more elaborate NOS models comprising the phenanthrene spacer units. These spacer units possess acid-labile tert-butyl ester groups of uncertain stability to the transesterification conditions. Therefore, to avoid unwanted side reactions we chose to examine the use of a mild Lewis acid catalyst. Transesterification reactions have been reported for esters attached to porphyrin meso aryl substituents using titanium isopropoxide as a catalyst.93 Thus, porphyrin 32 was treated with 10 equivalents of allyl alcohol and 0.1 equivalent of titanium isopropoxide in boiling dichloromethane, but returned the starting material unreacted after 1.5 hours. 55 Ph PhCHO HN NH HN MeO 2C CO 2Me propionic acid HN CO 2Me NH HN 31 Ph 37 Ph N Ph HN Ph N Ph NH N CO 2Me NH Ph N HN MeO 2C N Ph 27 1.5% 32 11% CO 2Me CO 2Me N HN Ph NH HN MeO 2C Ph N CO 2Me NH N Ph Ph 38 2.2% 39 8.2% Scheme 28 Reactions in toluene (110 °C, sealed tube, 1.5 h) and eventually in neat allyl alcohol (70 °C, 3 h) also returned the porphyrin unreacted with high material recovery. Attempts to effect the transesterification with para-toluenesulfonic acid (0.2 equivalents) and allyl alcohol (10 equivalents) in boiling dichloromethane (5.5 h) similarly returned the starting material. A closer inspection of the literature revealed that other groups have found titanate-mediated transesterifications with allyl alcohol to be problematic. Thus, the instability of allyl alcohol frustrated attempts by Seebach et al to transesterify an ethyl ester using titanium isopropoxide.94 Rather than pursue the transesterification approach attention was turned to the introduction of the allyl ester prior to the dipyrromethane-forming step of Scheme 26. We envisaged that the dipyrromethane precursor 31 might be prepared by alkylation of 4-formylbenzoic acid with allyl bromide, Scheme 29. commercially available but expensive. 4-Formyl benzoic acid is We chose to prepare this compound by oxidation of p-toluic acid using a procedure previously applied in our laboratories for 56 the preparation of 3-formylbenzoic acid from m-toluic acid. Using this procedure, which had been adapted from the literature,95,96 p-toluic acid (44) was oxidised with cold chromic acid in the presence of acetic anhydride to afford diacetate 43 in 37% yield. Hydrolysis of the latter was achieved in boiling ethanol containing dilute sulphuric acid and afforded aldehyde 41 91% yield. O excess pyrrole HN O O TFA HN O OHC 40 31 allyl bromide K2CO 3 acetone HO OHC O CO 2H O O 41 91% AcO AcO 43 O O NH N 42 H2SO4 (aq) EtOH H2SO4, AcOH Ac2O, CrO3, 5 °C CO 2H Me 37% CO 2H Ph Ph N HN 44 O O 34 Scheme 29 Preparation of the allyl ester 40 was attempted by alkylation of 4-formylbenzoic acid with allyl bromide in boiling acetone using potassium carbonate as a base over 5.5 hours. After removal of solvent and salts the crude product was subjected to flash chromatography leading to isolation of an oil which was shown from its NMR spectra not to be the target material (40), but rather the product (42). The latter compound, isolated in 60% yield, arose from the aldol reaction of the target material with acetone. The 1H NMR spectrum of 42 exhibited signals consistent with the formation of the allyl ester but lacked a formyl signal. Instead signals arising from the hydroxybutanone chain were observed at 2.16 (3 H, s), 2.81 (2 H, d) and 3.63 (l H, br m). The preparation of aldehyde 40 may perhaps have been successfully accomplished by switching solvents, for example, from acetone to DMF. However, it was decided 57 instead to focus efforts on a porphyrin possessing simple allyloxyphenyl meso substituents and abandon the allylic ester. Attention was thus turned to the synthesis of 5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20diphenylporphyrin (47), Scheme 30. Synthesis of this porphyrin required construction of a dipyrromethane (46) for reaction with benzaldehyde. If studies with the model porphyrin showed promise, then the dipyrromethane might also be reacted with the phenanthrenecarboxaldehyde (14) for construction of a NOS model (48) suitable for surface attachment. O excess pyrrole OHC PhCHO HN O TFA propionic acid HN 45 NH N Ph O Ph N HN 46 t CO 2Bu Cl O O CHO 47 14 O OBu t ButO O Cl O O O N Cl HN surface attachment NH N O 48 Scheme 30 Dipyrromethane 46 was prepared by acid-catalysed condensation of para– allyloxybenzaldehyde (45) with excess pyrrole in boiling toluene containing a trace amount of TFA. After removal of the solvent the black tarry residue was subjected to flash column chromatography to afford the target dipyrromethane (46) as a crystalline solid in 60% yield. 58 Synthesis of the bis(4-allyloxyphenyl) substituted porphyrin (47) was accomplished under conditions identical to those used for construction of porphyrin 32. Thus, reaction of benzaldehyde with dipyrromethane 46 in boiling propionic acid afforded a black tarry material from which the target porphyrin was isolated by flash column chromatography in 3.5% yield as a purple solid. Once again three minor porphyrin congeners 27, 49 and 50 were also isolated, Figure 17, in 1.3%, 1.8% and 1.3% yields respectively. These compounds were identified from their 1H NMR spectra but were not fully characterised. O O Ph N NH Ph N N NH Ph HN Ph 27 1.3% Ph N N NH Ph HN O O N Ph HN Ph 49 1.8% 50 1.3% Figure 17 The porphyrin preparation was repeated several times in order to obtain enough material to carry out surface attachment studies. Yields were consistently low but ranged from 3.5 to 7.0% for the target porphyrin (47). The minor congeners 27, 49 and 50 were also consistently formed in the reaction, although the proportions of the isolated porphyrins varied despite following a single procedure with identical quantities of starting materials each time. This reaction illustrates the difficulties inherent to porphyrin synthesis — low yields with the formation of congeners that are tedious to separate. Nonetheless, the desired porphyrin 47 was obtained in sufficient quantities for surface attachment studies to be undertaken. Surface attachment of porphyrin 47 In principle both routes investigated for surface fixation of the model allyl phenyl ether might be applied for covalent surface attachment of porphyrin 47. Thus, the porphyrin could be reacted first with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane in solution and the resulting silylated porphyrin (51) then exposed to silica (Route 1, Scheme 31). 59 Ph HN NH AIBN MeCN 21 N O SH S S Ph 51 Si(OMe) 3 Si(OMe) 3 Ph N O O N (MeO)3Si HN NH O N Route 1 OH OH OH OH OH OH Ph 47 OR SH Route 2 SH R= N HO Si OMe Si OMe O OH O O OH Ph HN NH AIBN MeCN Route 2 Ph N or Si(OMeO) 3 "perpendicular" attachment mode "parallel" attachment mode O Ph N O HN NH O N S HO Si O OH OHOH HO Si O S Ph HS S Route 1 OMe OH HS S HO Si MeO Si MeO Si OMe OH OH OH O O O O O Scheme 31 Alternatively, the silica surface might first be modified with the mercaptopropylsilanyl group and subsequently subjected to the radical reaction with the porphyrin (Route 2, Scheme 31). We envisaged that this latter route would be adopted for the generation of functional NOS models with more elaborate metallated porphyrins. Thus, the mercaptopropyl-modified surface would be used to deliver a ligand to the metal centre, bringing about coordinative attachment before initiating the radical reaction for covalent fixation as shown in Scheme 19. In the case of the simple unmetallated porphyrin (47), however, it was interesting to compare the efficacy of the two strategies, Route 1 and Route 2, for the surface attachment. Attempts to achieve the solution phase addition of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) to bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47 were made under the same conditions used for reaction of the mercaptan with allyl phenyl ether. Thus, the porphyrin was 60 treated with 2 mole equivalents of the thiol (one for each allyl group present) and approximately 0.1 equivalent of AIBN in boiling acetonitrile under a nitrogen atmosphere. However, to our surprise the 1H NMR spectrum of the residue following evaporation of the solvent indicated that the porphyrin’s allyl groups remained completely unreacted. Repetition of the reaction with 10 equivalents of the mercaptan and with 0.3 equivalents of AIBN added in batches also failed to give any radical addition to the porphyrin’s allyl groups. The failure of these reactions was surprising given the highly efficient addition of mercaptan 21 to allyl phenyl ether (22). This result suggests that in some way the porphyrin inhibits the radical chain mechanism. For example, if the porphyrin effectively catalysed the trapping of thiyl radicals as disulfide then the addition reaction would not take place. In contrast to the solution phase reaction, radical addition of bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47 to a mercaptopropyl-modified silica gel surface (Route 2, Scheme 31) was highly successful. The silica surface was first silylated with (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) using the procedure described previously and, after drying in vacuo for 24 hours (0.1 mmHg, 110 °C), was then boiled in acetonitrile with the porphyrin and trace AIBN for 6 hours. To estimate a reasonable quantity of porphyrin to use in this experiment, molecular modelling studies were carried out to estimate the approximate surface area required for occupancy of a single porphyrin. This study, Figure 18, suggested length by breadth dimensions of 24.5 x 17.6 Å which equates to an area of 431 Å2 and a maximum surface coverage of 0.3 µmol/m2 (0.1 mmol/g of silica), assuming a “parallel” mode of attachment with the allyloxy chains fully extended (Scheme 31). To provide a reasonable margin, the reaction was carried out with nearly ten times this quantity of porphyrin and with 0.1 equivalent of AIBN based on the amount of porphyrin. Thus, in a typical experiment, 200 mg of mercaptopropyl-modified silica was reacted with 145 mg of the porphyrin. After the reaction physisorbed material was removed by the usual thorough washing procedure with toluene followed by dichloromethane until the filtrate was colourless. Ph H NH 4.3 Å H O H N H N HN O H H Ph 24.5 Å Figure 18 61 17.6 Å Elemental analysis was carried out on the mercaptopropyl-modified parent silica substrate and on the porphyrin-modified material (Table 5). The former analysed for 2.64 %C which gives a silane coverage in the range of 0.95-1.63 µmol/m2 but probably nearer to 1.4 µmol/m2 as discussed above (section 2.1.2). To our delight the porphyrinmodified material, which was a dark purple colour, analysed for 28.9 %C with a clear N content (2.35%). The high carbon and nitrogen content of this material suggested a surprisingly high surface density, which was rationalised by assuming that radical addition had taken place at just one of the porphyrin’s two allyloxyphenyl substituents. This would therefore provide a material, illustrated in Figure 19, with the porphyrin units organised such that they stack with the plane of the porphyrin approximately perpendicular to the surface. Approximate formula and formula weight for pophyrin residues assuming perpendicular attachment by a single side chain, a 1.5/1 ratio of single and double siloxane connections and loss of 60% of the residual moethoxy groups from the silicon anchor. C53.6H48.2N4O3.6SSi FW = 866.130 Ph O Si O OMe S N O NH OH HN N O Ph Ph OH O Si S N O NH OH OMe HN N O Ph Figure 19 Surface modified silica %C† %H† %N† Surface density (mol/m2) Mercaptopropyl–modified silica 2.64 0.85 0 Based on %C 1.36–1.41§ Porphyrin–modified silica 28.89 2.43 2.35 1.47* † § * Based on %N – 1.32* Determined by elemental microanalysis of the surface–modified silicas. See discussion on page 50. Calculated assuming the attachment shown in Figure 19. Uncertainty in the mode of connection for the silicon anchor group has very little impact on the calculated surface density in this case because of the high formula weight of the attached residues. Table 5: Calculated surface loading for porphyrin 47 attached to mercaptopropyl-modified Silica-I The estimated porphyrin coverage, ignoring any unreacted surface-bound thiol chain (which has a much lower formula weight), is 1.47 mol/m2 based on the carbon figure. This calculated surface loading could be somewhat higher than the surface density of 62 mercaptopropyl chains on the parent silica gel which clearly should not be possible for the attachment mode proposed in Figure 19. However, calculations based on the %N figure give a surface density of 1.32 µmol/m2. This latter figure may be more representative of the porphyrin coverage. Either way, the picture that emerges from these data is that radical addition of the porphyrin has taken place to a very high proportion of the surface-bound thiol chains attached to the parent silica. Although at the time we had no direct evidence to support the proposed mode of surface attachment (Figure 19), two control reactions were carried out. These test reactions strongly suggested that the porphyrin was covalently bound to the surface rather than simply physisorbed to the silica. Firstly, unmodified silica gel was treated with porphyrin 47 under the same conditions (including AIBN) used to react the mercaptopropyl-modified silica. Elemental analysis, after washing the silica until the filtrate was colourless, indicated no attachment of the porphyrin. Secondly, mercaptopropyl-modified silica was reacted with the porphyrin, but in the absence of the radical initiator AIBN. Once again microanalysis of the resulting silica showed the absence of attached porphyrin (0% N content). Therefore, the mercaptopropyl-modified surface and the presence of AIBN are both necessary for attachment of the porphyrin, thus corroborating circumstantially the proposed covalent fixation. There are two singular features about the fixation of porphyrin 47 to the mercaptopropyl-modified silica that require discussion. Firstly, why does the attachment occur at all given that the porphyrin fails to react with (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane in solution? Secondly, why is the surface density of attached porphyrin so high? One possible solution to the first question could be that the organisation of mercaptopropyl chains on the surface of the silica is such that the propagation steps of the radical chain reaction, once initiated, are particularly efficient. For example, if the carbon radical resulting from thiyl attack on the porphyrin’s allyl chain is close to an adjacent mercapto group, then hydrogen abstraction to create an adjacent thiyl radical might be particularly efficient as shown in Scheme 32. 63 AIBN porphyrin porphyrin N2 H3 C CN O H3C H3 C CN O H H3 C H HS HS Si OH O O chain propagation S HS Si OCH 3 Si O O OH O O Si OCH 3 Si O O O O porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin O O O O H H H S Si O O Si OH Si OCH 3 O O H H S OH S S S S OCH 3 Si O O O O OH Si OCH 3 O O Scheme 32 The second surprising feature about the porphyrin fixation is the high surface coverage achieved. This results contrasts with fixation of allyl phenyl ether to the mercaptopropyl-modified silica where it was estimated that 50% of the surface-bound mercaptan underwent addition to the allyl ether. It may be that stacking interactions between adjacent porphyrin units together with an efficient radical chain propagation mechanism (see Scheme 32 above) result in formation of a surface dense monolayer. Molecular modelling studies, Figure 18, suggest a rectangular cross sectional area of 4.3 Å 17.6 Å for the porphyrin 47 if linked perpendicular to the silica surface by a single side chain. If we allow a Van der Waals contact radius of between 1.1 and 1.5 Å around this cross section, then the predicted area occupied by one porphyrin unit lies in the range 130-150 Å2. This corresponds to a maximum surface coverage of 1.1-1.3 mol/m2. Though a gross approximation, it is interesting that porphyrin coverage estimated from the observed nitrogen percentage falls within this range. 64 One possibility that the studies described above have not excluded is that a degree of radical olefin polymerisation, see Scheme 33, may have occurred so that the porphyrin is not actually attached in a strict monolayer. porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin H atom source O H O O O O O n n S S Si OH O O Si OH O O Scheme 33 We needed to corroborate our hypothesis that attachment had proceeded with formation of a single layer of vertically aligned porphyrin units on the silylated silica surface. To do so attempts were made to etch the silica with 48% hydrofluoric acid. Unfortunately, only a very small amount of organic material was recovered by chloroform extraction and the material obtained exhibited a featureless 1H NMR spectrum. It may be that the hydrofluoric acid did not simply cleave the surface siloxane bonds, but released porphyrin units with variable amounts of polysiloxane clusters still attached. Therefore, to probe the mode of attachment for the non-metallated porphyrins it was planned to carry out solid-state NMR studies with 13 C labelled porphyrins and these are described in section 2.1.6. Surface attachment studies with the zinc(II) complex of porphyrin 47 The strategy planned for surface attachment of our NOS models involves simultaneous covalent and coordinative fixation. Thus, exposure of the mercaptopropyl-modified silica to a solution of the metalloporphyrin is intended to bring about coordination of the porphyrin in the horizontal mode and then allow subsequent radical-mediated covalent attachment. It was decided to test this strategy using the zinc(II) derivative (52) of bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47. 65 Metallation of bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47 was accomplished with zinc acetate in boiling dichloromethane and proceeded quantitatively in ten minutes. The zinc porphyrin 52 was then reacted with mercaptopropyl-modified silica (Scheme 34). However, the zinc porphyrin was only available in small quantities and it was necessary to carry out the attachment reaction with a lower porphyrin to silica ratio than had been used for the non-metallated parent porphyrin. Ph N O Approximate formula and formula weight for porphyrin residues coordinatively attached with two covalently linked tethers: HN NH O N C60.9H64.6N4O6.8S3Si3Zn 1207.23 Ph The formula is calculated assuming that the silicon anchoring group is connected by modes involving single and double siloxane linkages in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls. 47 Ph Zn(OAc)2 DCM, N O N Zn N O N Ph 52 i. mercaptopropyl-modified silca ii. AIBN, MeCN, Ph Ph N O N S HO Si O Zn N HO Si OH OH O N S S Ph OH N O O N OMe OH OH HO Si O Zn N S Ph HO Si OH OH OH O O N S OMe HO Si OH OH OH O O Scheme 34 In the study with the non-metallated porphyrin, 200 mg of the mercaptopropylmodified silica had been treated with 145 mg of the porphyrin. This afforded a silica with a calculated surface coverage of 1.3 mol of porphyrin per m2, corresponding to the attachment of 94 mg of porphyrin. The mercaptopropyl-modified silica substrate for reaction of the zinc porphyrin was prepared by treating silica with (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (2.1 mol per m2 of silica surface) in hot toluene under the conditions used previously, washing and drying in the normal manner. The porphyrin-attachment reaction was carried out by treating 200 mg of the resulting modified silica with 58 mg of the zinc-porphyrin (52) and catalytic AIBN in boiling acetonitrile. The silica was recovered, washed and dried in the normal way and then 66 submitted for elemental analysis together with a sample of the mercaptopropyl-modified silica substrate, Table 6. %C† Surface modified silica %H† %N† Surface density (mol/m2) Based on %C Based on %N Mercaptopropyl–modified silica 3.00 0.93 0 1.56–1.62§ – Porphyrin–modified silica 5.99 1.10 0.17 0.18* 0.063* † § * Determined by elemental microanalysis of the surface-modified silicas. The maximum and minimum surface density limits for mercaptopropyl chains on this silica are 1.09 and 1.88 µmol/m2 (calculated assuming attachment exclusively by the type A and type E modes shown in Figure 15). Solid-state NMR data discussed in section 2.1.6 suggest that attachment is likely by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls. The range quoted in the table assumes this latter situation. Calculated assuming the triply-tethered attachment shown in Scheme 34. Uncertainty in the mode of connection for the silicon anchor group has very little impact on the calculated surface density in this case because of the high formula weight of the attached residues. The values quoted are for calculations that do not take into account the presence of residual unreacted mercaptopropyl chains . Table 6: Calculated surface loading for zinc(II) porphyrin 52 attached to mercaptopropyl-modified silica. The porphyrin-modified silica analysed for 5.99 %C and 0.17% N, indicating that the surface loading with the metallated porphyrin was substantially lower that with the nonmetallated porphyrin (47). This outcome is consistent with a horizontal rather than perpendicular attachment mode for the porphyrin. Evaluation of the porphyrin loading based on the %N content of the sample, and ignoring any unreacted mercaptopropyl units suggested a surface density of 0.063 mol/m2. The latter value was obtained assuming that the porphyrin units are attached exclusively by the triply-tethered mode shown in Scheme 34. Ignoring residual unreacted mercaptopropyl silane units introduces only small errors into the calculation because of their low formula weight compared to the porphyrin-containing units. For example, the presence of these chains at the level of 1.60 µmol/m2 on the silica alters the calculated surface density of porphyrin units from 0.063 µmol/m2 to 0.070 µmol/m2. The small increase in porphyrin coverage seen here is caused by a reduction in the estimated silica surface area to which the porphyrin is attached. Thus, increasing the amount of mercaptopropylsilanyl units in the surface-modified material reduces the mass proportion (and associated surface area) of the core silica itself in the material. Evaluation of the porphyrin loading using the %C figure from the microanalysis without taking into account residual unreacted mercaptopropyl silane units gives a value of 0.18 µmol/m2 (Table 6) for the surface density of the metalloporphyrin units, again 67 assuming that these are attached exclusively by coordinative linkage with two covalent tethers. A more complicated calculation to take into account residual mercaptopropyl silane units that also fits surface loading levels to both the %N and %C figures was made by setting up a Microsoft Excel worksheet. As previously noted, the precise attachment of the silanyl units to the surface is subject to some uncertainty in the number of siloxane bonds formed and the degree to which residual methoxy groups have been lost. This uncertainty has very little impact on calculated surface loadings for the high formula weight porphyrin residues but is problematic for less massive residues such as the mercaptopropylsilanyl units. Figure 15 illustrates that the limiting maximum and minimum values for the surface loading can be calculated by assuming exclusive attachment through modes A and E respectively. Table 7 presents calculated surface loading levels of mercaptopropylsilanyl and porphyrin units with these limiting attachment regimes that are required to give the %C and %N figures observed in the microanalytical data for the silica modified with metalloporphyrin 52. The various attachment modes and associated formulae that form the basis for these calculations are illustrated in Figure 20. In addition to the two limiting attachment modes (modes I and II) for the silicon anchor group a third, intermediate attachment regime (mode III) has been included. This latter regime reflects solid-state NMR data (discussed in section 2.1.6) for one sample of mercaptopropyl-modified silica that suggested attachment is likely by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls. The surface loadings shown in Table 7 are calculated where the porphyrin units are assumed to be attached exclusively with a coordinative linkage and two covalent tethers (modes I-III) and by coordinative linkage with a single covalent tether (modes IV-VI). 68 Ph N O Zn N S Si O Ph HS N O HS S RO Si RO O RO Si RO O S Ph OR RO OR RO Si O Si OR OR O N O N N SH S Zn N O N HS S Ph OR Si OR RO Si RO O O OR Si OR Si OR O OR O SH Si OR OR O Attachment Mode I (R = Me) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C65H71N4O8S3Si3Zn 1282.13 Attachment Mode IV (R = Me) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C60H59N4O6S2Si2Zn 1117.83 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C5H12O2SSi 164.299 Attachment Mode II (R = H) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C59H59N4O8S3Si3Zn 1197.97 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C5H12O2SSi 164.299 Attachment Mode V (R = H) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C59H51N4O6S2Si2Zn 1061.72 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3H8O2SSi 136.246 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3H8O2SSi 136.246 Ph N O N S HS OR Si OR O O Zn Ph N O N N HS S Ph RO OR RO Si OR O O O O Si N O S S RO RO Si Si OR OR OO O O HS Zn N O N S Ph HS HS RO RO RO Si RO Si Si Si OR Si OR OR O O OR O O OR OO O O OR O O Attachment Mode III (R = H / Me) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C60.9H60.3N4O6.8S3Si3Zn 1202.90 Attachment Mode VI (R = H / Me) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C57.3H50.9N4O5.2S2Si2Zn 1064.43 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3.6H8.4O1.6SSi 137.726 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3.6H8.4O1.6SSi 137.726 Figure 20 Surface loadings of porphyrin-containing and residual mercaptopropylsilanyl units required to fit observed microanalytical data (5.99 %C, 0.17 %N) for the surface attachment of porphyrin 52 to mercaptopropyl-modified silica Entry Attachment mode assumed in calculation† Porphyrin units (µmol/m2) Residual mercaptan units (µmol/m2) 1 Mode I 0.070 1.40 2 Mode II 0.074 2.60 3 Mode III 0.072 2.06 4 Mode IV 0.070 1.47 5 Mode V 0.074 2.68 6 Mode VI 0.072 2.12 † Calculated assuming the attachment modes (I-VI) shown in Figure 20. Solid-state NMR data discussed in section 2.1.6 suggest that attachment is likely by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls; attachment modes III and VI assume this composite attachment regime. Table 7:Calculated surface loading for zinc(II) porphyrin 52 attached to mercaptopropyl-modified silica taking into account residual unreacted mercaptopropyl residues. 69 The surface loadings shown in Table 7 illustrate that differences in attachment mode for the silicon anchoring groups and the formation of two covalent tethers or just a single tether have little impact on the calculated surface coverage for the porphyrin — porphyrin surface density lies in the range 70-74 nmol/m2. On the other hand, levels of residual mercaptopropyl units are heavily dependent on the assumed attachment mode, varying from 1.40 to 2.68 µmol/m2. Calculated minimum and maximum surface loading of these residues in the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica used as the substrate for attachment porphyrin 52 were 1.09 and 1.88 µmol/m2, Table 6. Unfortunately the microanalytical studies do not permit conclusive definition of the mode of porphyrin attachment and at this point in the project, therefore, it was unclear to what extent the double covalent and simultaneous coordinative linkages had formed. Indeed, it was not even certain that the surface density of mercaptopropyl groups on the silica substrate was sufficient to permit this mode of attachment. It was of interest, therefore, to examine the surface attachment of a second porphyrin model possessing longer alkenyl substituents. Therefore, we chose to study 5,15-bis[4-(pent-4- enyloxy)phenyl]-10,20-diphenylporphyrin 56, with a plan to probe the attachment mode by solid-state NMR studies on 13C labelled material. 2.1.4 Model surface attachment studies with 4-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde To preface the planned work with 5,15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]-10,20diphenylporphyrin (56), and to avoid losing synthetically expensive material on nonviable chemistry, the covalent attachment strategy was again probed using a simplified compound containing a chain of the appropriate length. This time 4-(pent-4- enyloxy)benzaldehyde (53) was selected for the studies because the same compound could potentially be used as a building block en route to the model porphyrin (56). As before, two routes for surface attachment could be studied: firstly, by carrying out the radical addition in solution and subsequently reacting the resulting silane (52) with silica gel (Route 1, Scheme 35), and secondly, by first reacting (3- mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) with silica and then carrying out the radical addition at the surface of the mercaptopropyl-modified silica (Route 2, Scheme 35). As in previous studies with allyl phenyl ether Route 1 was studied in the first instance, requiring preparation of silane 54. 70 O CHO 53 Si(OMe) 3 HS O (MeO)3Si AIBN, MeCN 84% 21 CHO S 54 Route 1 silica, toluene Table 8 OHC silica, toluene Route 2 O O SH CHO S 53 (OH) MeO Si O O AIBN, MeCN MeO Si OMe (OH) O O (OH) OMe (OH) Scheme 35 Preparation of silane 54 was achieved following the procedure previously described for the synthesis of [3-(3-phenoxypropylsulfanyl)propyl]trimethoxysilane (23). A solution of 4-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde, (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane and AIBN (trace) in acetonitrile under nitrogen was heated at 85 °C for 6 hours. The solvent and unreacted volatile materials were evaporated affording the target silane (54) in 84% yield and greater than 95% purity according to its 1H NMR spectrum. The latter exhibited resolved signals for the methylene to the Si atom and for the methoxy groups at H 0.62 (t, J 8.2) and H 3.43 (s) respectively. Signals for the methylenes to the Si and , and to the ether O were unresolved as an overlapping multiplet (8H, H 1.4-1.6). The two methylenes adjacent to the sulfanyl centre and to the ether O were observed at H 2.4 (4H, 2 t overlapping, J 7.2) and H 3.90 (2H, t, J 6.3) respectively. Having synthesised silane 54 successfully, surface attachment studies could be instigated. Following the same procedure as the one described for attachment of [3-(3phenoxypropylsulfanyl)propyl]trimethoxysilane (23), silane 54 and silica were heated in toluene overnight (2.1 mol/m2). After washing and drying (0.1 mmHg, 110 ºC, 24 hours) the resulting modified silica was submitted for elemental analysis. The calculated surface density of silane 54 per m2 of silica was found to be comparable to the surface density of silane 23 in Experiments 1-8, Tables 3 and 4. As before, the calculated surface loading is subject to uncertainty in regards to the attachment mode for the silicon anchor group. 71 Several modes are possible, Figure 21, and calculations made assuming grafting exclusively by type A and type E attachment modes provides the limiting values of 0.90 and 1.03 µmol/m2 for surface coverage. Uncertainty in regards to the attachment mode, then, has little impact on the calculated surface loading because of the reasonably high formula weight of the attached residues. When the calculation is fitted to solid-state NMR data for silica grafted with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (discussed in section 2.1.6) the calculated surface density is 0.98 µmol/m2. Formulae, formula weights and calculated surface density for organosilane residues attached 2 exclusively by the various modes indicated on silica gel of surface area 500 m /g and analysing for 7.92% carbon content. attachment with single silaxane linkage attachment with double siloxane linkage Formula Surface density (mol/m2) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C 17H27O4SSi 355.545 0.90 C16H25O4SSi 341.519 0.96 C 15H23O4SSi 327.492 1.03 C 16H24O3SSi 324.511 0.95 C15H22O3SSi 310.485 1.02 attachment with triple siloxane linkage Ar = CHO FW Mode A OAr Mode D OAr Mode E OAr Mode B OAr Mode F OAr S S S S S MeO Si OMe O HO Si OMe HO O Si Si OH OMe Si OH O O O O C 15H21O2SSi C15H21O2.5SSi C 15H22O3.5SSi C 16H24O3.5SSi O 293.478 301.482 318.490 332.417 Mode C OAr OAr OAr OAr OAr OAr S S S S S S Si O O O O Si O Si OH O O O HO Figure 21 72 Si O O Si O O Si OMe O 1.01 1.01 1.02 0.96 Silica Microanalytical data Surface density (mol/m2) Modified with silane 54 (2.1 mol/m2) %C %H based on %C 7.92 1.28 0.98* * The maximum and minimum surface density limits for organic residues on this silica are 0.90 and 1.03 µmol/m2 (calculated assuming attachment exclusively by the type A and type E modes shown in Figure 21). Uncertainty in the mode of connection for the silicon anchor group has little impact on the calculated surface density in this case because of the reasonably high formula weight of the attached residues. Solid-state NMR data discussed in section 2.1.6 suggest that attachment is likely by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls. The figure quoted in the table assumes this latter situation. Table 8: Calculated surface loading for silane 54 attached to silica The second route (Route 2, Scheme 35) was next explored. Thus, silica gel was first modified with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21) in boiling toluene using 2.1 mol of 21 per m2 of substrate silica surface. The resulting modified silica was washed and dried under standard conditions. Surface attachment of 4-(pent-4- enyloxy)benzaldehyde (53) — 2.1 mol/m2 of core silica — was undertaken in acetonitrile in the presence of trace AIBN, washing and drying as previously. Samples of each mercaptan 21- and silane 53-modified silica were submitted for elemental analysis, and the results are summarised in Table 9. Surface-modified silica Microanalytical data Surface density (mol/m2) %C %H based on %C Mercaptopropyl-modified silica 2.88 0.93 1.49-1.55* Alkene 53-modified silica 7.53 1.27 0.78† * The maximum and minimum surface density limits for mercaptopropyl chains on this silica are 1.04 and 1.79 µmol/m2 (calculated assuming attachment exclusively by the type A and type E modes shown in Figure 21). Solid-state NMR data discussed in section 2.1.6 suggest that attachment is likely by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls. The range quoted in the table assumes this latter situation. † Calculated assuming attachment by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls and starting from a surface density of 1.51 µmol/m2 for the mercaptan residues on the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica. Table 9: Calculated surface loading for silane 53 attached to mercaptopropyl-modified silica Surface loading calculations for the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica prior to the radical addition step with alkene 53 give a limiting range of 1.04-1.79 µmol/m2 for the grafted mercaptopropylsilanyl units. When the calculation is fitted to solid-state NMR data (discussed in section 2.1.6) the calculated surface density lies in the range 1.4973 1.55 µmol/m2. Following radical addition of the alkene, the calculated surface loading of residues containing the benzaldehyde unit is 0.78 µmol/m2. This calculation is based on the assumption that the surface density of mercaptopropyl units (taken as 1.51 µmol/m2) for the parent silica is valid. These figures suggest that some 53% of mercaptan chains in the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica have undergone the radical addition process, a result which is very similar to the outcome for the reaction of allyl phenyl ether with the mercaptopropyl-modified silica. These studies suggested, therefore, that a simple model porphyrin possessing p-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl groups in the 5- and 15-positions and phenyl rings in the 10- and 20-positions ought to participate effectively in the radical-mediated surface attachment process. 2.1.5 Surface attachment of the pentenyloxyphenyl-substituted porphyrin (56) The synthesis of porphyrin 56, Scheme 36, was accomplished following the procedures previously described for bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47 and in comparable yield. Thus, [4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]dipyrromethane (55) was condensed benzaldehyde in hot propionic acid to afford the porphyrin in 2.3% yield. with The dipyrromethane was obtained in 60% yield by condensation of 4-(pent-4enyloxy)benzaldehyde (53) with excess pyrrole in the presence of catalytic trifluoroacetic acid. OHC excess pyrrole HN TFA HN O 53 O 55 PhCHO CH3CH2CO2H Ph N O HN NH N O Ph 56 Zn(OAc)2 DCM, Ph N O N Zn N N Ph Scheme 36 74 57 O For consistency, one attempt was made to carry out the radical addition between the olefinic side chains of porphyrin 56 and mercaptan 21 in solution. Not surprisingly, given the outcome with the allyloxyphenyl substituted porphyrin (47), this reaction was unsuccessful, returning the porphyrin unreacted. Attention was then turned to the radical addition using mercaptopropyl-modified silica. For comparative purposes, surface attachment studies were undertaken both with the free porphyrin and its zinc(II) derivative (57). These studies were carried out under identical conditions to those established for the bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (47) with the exception that the mercaptopropyl-modified silica substrate was prepared using a higher mass ratio of (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane to silica gel (5.1 µmol per m2 of substrate silica surface). It was thought that increasing the silane-to-silica ratio, and thereby the mercaptopropyl loading, would allow a greater porphyrin surface density to be achieved in the radical addition step. To check for homogeneity four separate samples were withdrawn from the batch of mercaptopropyl-modified silica and subjected to microanalysis, Table 10. Mercaptopropyl-modified silica Entry Sample No Microanalytical data %C Surface density (mol/m2) Limiting range* NMR fitted† 1 A 4.05 1.51-2.66 2.19-2.28 2 B 4.41 1.67-2.94 2.41-2.52 3 C 4.59 1.75-3.08 2.53-2.64 4 D 4.82 1.85-3.27 2.68-2.79 5 mean 4.47 1.70-2.99 2.45-2.56 * The maximum and minimum surface density limits for mercaptopropyl chains on this silica are calculated by assuming, respectively, attachment exclusively through the type A and type E modes shown in Figure 21. † Solid-state NMR data discussed in section 2.1.6 for a sample of silica gel grafted with mercaptopropylsilanyl units suggest that attachment is likely by a mixture of modes involving one and two siloxane bonds in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyls. The range quoted in the last column of this table assumes this latter situation Table 10: Calculated surface loading for the mercaptopropyl-modified silica used in the attachment studies with porphyrin 56. The microanalysis results obtained showed significant variation in the percentage carbon value (4.05-4.82 %C) and gave a calculated mean surface coverage of silane units within the limiting range 1.70-2.99 µmol/m2 (entry 5). When fitted to solid-state NMR data for a sample of silica gel grafted with mercaptopropylsilanyl units (section 75 2.1.6) the calculated silane loading lies in the range 2.45-2.56 µmol/m2. The surface density of mercaptopropyl groups, at about 2.49 µmol/m2, was approximately double that in the silica substrate used for attachment of bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47. Fixation of the non-metallated bis(pentenyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (56; 0.13 mmol)† was undertaken with 200 mg of the mercaptopropyl-modified silica. After the standard reaction conditions, clean up and drying procedure the resulting porphyrin-modified silica was subjected to microanalysis. Again four samples from the same batch of silica were withdrawn to check for homogeneity. Nitrogen and carbon contents for the porphyrin-modifed silica were found respectively in the ranges 1.43-1.62% and 21.0221.47%, Table 11, with mean values of 1.55 %N and 21.24 %C. The carbon content was noticeably lower than found for the silica modified with bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47, Table 5, suggesting that a significant proportion of the mercaptan residues in the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica did not undergo the radical addition. It was unclear to what extent the porphyrin units might be attached through the radical addition having occurred at both of the porphyrin’s alkenyl side chains. With the corresponding reaction of bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47, the doubly-tethered parallel attachment mode (Scheme 31) was assumed to make a negligible contribution because of the very high surface density of porphyrin units in the resulting silica, requiring a singly-tethered perpendicular attachment mode, Figure 19. Given the lower loading of the pentenyloxyphenyl-substituted porphyrin, surface density calculations were made for several possible attachment regimes, modes I-VI of Figure 22, assuming radical addition to one or both of the pentenyl chains of the porphyrin substrate with alternative connection modes for the anchoring silicon atom of the mercaptopropyl chain. † The corresponding reaction with the bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 47 had been carried out with 0.20 mmol on 200 mg of mercaptopropyl–modified silica. 76 O N Ph HN NH Ph N Ph O N O HN NH S HS S RO O Si RO Si O O O RO Si OR OH Attachment Mode I (R = Me) S Ph HS RO Si OR O N O OR OH OH RO Si O O Attachment Mode IV (R = Me) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C59H58N4O4SSi 947.265 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C5H12O2SSi 164.299 formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C64H70N4O6S2Si2 1111.567 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C5H12O2SSi 164.299 Attachment Mode II (R = H) Attachment Mode V (R = H) formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C57H54N4O4SSi 919.212 formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C60H62N4O6S2Si2 1055.461 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3H8O2SSi 136.246 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3H8O2SSi 136.246 Attachment Mode VI Attachment Mode III Perpendicular singly-tethered mode as above but with anchoring silicon atom attached by a mixture of single and double siloxane linkages and with 60% of residual methoxy groups replaced by hydroxyls formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C57.6H54.4N4O5.6SSiZn Parallel doubly-tethered mode as above but with anchoring silicon atom attached by a mixture of single and double siloxane linkages and with 60% of residual methoxy groups replaced by hydroxyls formula / FW for porphyrin unit: C61.2H62.8N4O5.2S2Si2 1057.878 920.422 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3.6H8.4O1.6SSi 137.726 formula / FW for residual mercaptopropylsilanyl unit: C3.6H8.4O1.6SSi 137.726 Figure 22 The silane attachment modes chosen for the basis of these calculations were selected, as with earlier calculations, because they provide the maximum and minimum limits for possible surface loading. Thus, modes I and IV give the lower limit for attachment with singly- and doubly-tethered porphyrin; modes II and V give the upper limit for singlyand doubly-tethered porphyrin. Modes III and VI assume a mixture of attachment modes for the anchoring silicon atom with a 1.5/1 ratio of attachments by single and 77 double siloxane linkages and hydrolysis of 60% of residual methoxy groups. Calculations were performed to fit surface loadings of porphyrin units and residual mercaptopropyl chains to %C and %N figures for each of the four porphyrin 56modified silica samples (A-D) that were separately analysed as well as to the mean of %C and %N values. In each case the calculation was repeated for the six hypothetical attachment models, modes I-VI of Figure 22. The results are summarised in Table 11. Porphyrin units (µmol/m2) Residual mercaptopropyl chains (µmol/m2) Porphyrin units (µmol/m2) Residual mercaptopropyl chains (µmol/m2) Porphyrin units (µmol/m2) Residual mercaptopropyl chains (µmol/m2) Mean† Porphyrin units (µmol/m2) Sample D Residual mercaptopropyl chains (µmol/m2) Sample C Calculation* Porphyrin units (µmol/m2) Sample B ATTACHMENT MODE ASSUMED IN THE Sample A I 0.75 1.44 0.80 0.64 0.81 0.68 0.83 0.47 0.80 0.79 II 0.81 3.12 0.83 1.67 0.85 1.75 0.86 1.34 0.84 1.94 III 0.78 2.35 0.81 1.21 0.83 1.27 0.84 0.98 0.82 1.42 IV 0.75 0.69 0.81 0 0.82 0 0.85 0 0.80 0 V 0.81 2.31 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.89 0.86 0.53 0.84 1.10 VI 0.78 1.58 0.81 0.40 0.83 0.44 0.84 0.14 0.82 0.61 1.43 21.07 1.56 21.39 1.58 21.47 1.62 21.24 1.55 %C %N %C %N %C %N %C %N %C %N Residual mercaptopropyl chains (µmol/m2) 21.02 * The attachment modes used as the basis for the calculations in this table are illustrated in Figure 22. † Calculations based on the mean %C and %N values averaged across samples A-D. Table 11:Calculated surface loading for porphyrin 56-modified silica for four separate samples withdrawn from a common batch. The figures in Table 11 show that the calculated porphyrin coverage is little affected by the assumption of a singly-tethered or doubly-tethered attachment regime. The assumption of different attachment modes for the anchoring silicon atom also has little impact on the calculated porphyrin loading but does, of course, significantly affect the estimated loading of the low formula weight residual mercaptopropyl chains. Calculated surface loadings made using the mean microanalysis figures indicate that the surface density of porphyrin units is close to 0.82 µmol/m2 and, assuming an exclusively singly-tethered perpendicular attachment (Mode III), gives a surface coverage of 1.42 µmol/m2 for unreacted mercaptopropylsilanyl residues. The total 78 loading of surface-attached residues (both porphyrin and residual mercaptopropyl chains) is 2.24 µmol/m2 in this instance, which correlates reasonably well with the calculated surface density of chains in the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica at about 2.49 µmol/m2, Table 10. The coverage obtained with the bis(pentenyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (56) was, therefore, rather lower than that obtained with the bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (47), Table 5, regardless of the greater quantity of thiol sites present at the surface of the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica used for the attachment reaction. The lower loading of porphyrin 56 may be due to the greater chain length conferring additional flexibility and perhaps lower packing efficiency for the porphyrin units. However, the attachment reaction was also undertaken with a somewhat lower porphyrin to silica ratio than used for the allyloxyphenyl-substituted porphyrin. Metallation of porphyrin 56 was accomplished as before, using zinc acetate in hot dichloromethane. The silica substrate for fixation of the resulting zinc porphyrin 57 was prepared by the usual treatment of dried silica gel with (mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (2.1 mol/m2 of substrate silica surface) in hot toluene. After the standard clean up and drying procedure the resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica analysed for 2.80% carbon content, corresponding to a surface coverage within the limiting range of 1.01-1.74* µmol/m2 but probably close to 1.47† µmol/m2. In order to demonstrate definitively that the presence of a metal center in the porphyrin alters the attachment mode, this silica was divided into two batches of 200 mg and then, under identical reaction conditions, one batch was reacted with 0.12 mmol of zinc porphyrin 57 whilst the other was treated with 0.12 mmol of the nonmetallated parent porphyrin 56. The two batches of porphyrin-modified silicas resulting from this parallel experiment analysed respectively for 5.49 %C / 0.00 %N and 21.07 %C / 1.43 %N. The latter result is clearly very similar to the microanalytical data summarised in Table 11 and demonstrates the reproducibility for attachment of the nonmetallated porphyrin. The calculated porphyrin surface coverage, using the same procedure adopted for the data in Table 11 and assuming a type III attachment mode is 0.78 µmol/m2. Interestingly this loading is very close to that issuing from the earlier experiment even though the loading of mercaptan units (~2.49 µmol/m2) in the parent * † Calculated using the limiting attachment modes A and E illustrated in Figure 15. Calculated assuming that the anchoring silicon atom is attached by a range of modes with a 1.5/1 ratio of single to double siloxane linked forms and loss of 60% of residual methoxy groups. 79 mercaptopropyl-modified silica used for that experiment was substantially higher than here (~1.47 µmol/m2). The silica modified with the metallated porphyrin (57) analysed for a much lower carbon content, consistent with the result obtained with the zinc bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (52), Table 6, and consistent with a switch in the porphyrin’s attachment from a substantially perpendicular mode to a parallel mode. Thus, porphyrin attached parallel to the silica surface through initial coordination followed by covalent fixation, Scheme 37, occupies a much greater area on the surface. Ph O N HN NH N O Approximate formula and formula weight for porphyrin residues coordinatively attached with two covalently linked tethers: Ph C64.9H68.3N4O6.8S3Si3Zn 56 Zn(OAc)2 DCM, The formula is calculated assuming that the silicon anchoring group is connected by modes involving single and double siloxane linkages in 1.5/1 ratio with replacement of 60% of residual methoxy groups by hydroxyl Ph O N N Zn N N 1258.51 O Ph Ph N O HN NH 57 O N S S Ph HS 1. mercaptopropyl-modified silica 2. AIBN, MeCN, HO Si O OH MeO Si OH O OMe OH OH HO Si O O Scheme 37 The failure to detect any nitrogen in the zinc porphyrin 57-modified silica was not unduly disturbing; the silica sample had remained purple after thorough washing and the %N figure expected was very low (of the order of 0.1 or 0.2%). Moreover, the silica showed a clear increase in carbon content from 2.80% for the parent mercaptopropylmodified silica to 5.49%. Evaluation of the porphyrin loading based purely on the carbon content, assuming an initial mercaptopropyl coverage of 1.47 µmol/m2 in the silica substrate and the attachment mode shown in Scheme 37, suggests a porphyrin loading of 0.085 µmol/m2. This value is a little lower than the surface loading of zinc bis(allyloxyphenyl)porphyrin 52, at 0.10 µmol/m2, calculated in the same way from the %C figures for the porphyrin-modified silica (5.99 %C) and its parent mercaptopropyl- 80 modified silica (3.00 %C). This result may reflect the larger area occupied by porphyrin 57. These studies, though informative, did not conclusively show that the dual coordinative and the doubly-tethered attachment strategy had been achieved. The loadings of metalloporphyrins 52 and 57 were substantially lower than that of the nonmetallated parent porphyrins, consistent with the coordinative bonding between the metal and surface bound thiols, but this was not tangible proof that the radical addition between the double bond of the two porphyrin side chains and the surface-bound thiols had occurred concomitantly. To definitively probe the mode of porphyrin attachment on mercaptopropyl-modified silica, solid-state NMR studies were undertaken with a porphyrin labelled with 13C on the terminal olefinic centre. 2.1.6 Solid-state NMR studies Standard pulsed Fourier Transform NMR techniques commonly used for soluble samples can not be used for solid samples because of the low mobility of the latter. In solution, the rapid motion of the molecules averages the local magnetic field created by the applied magnetic field and chemical shift anisotropy to 0. To increase homogeneity the sample is rotated at approximately 15 Hz and, as a result, sharp signals can be observed.97 In contrast, the absence of movement in the solid phase creates a great deal of line broadening due to magnetic dipole-dipole interactions and chemical-shift anisotropy. Nevertheless, research has allowed these difficulties to be partly overcome and techniques are now available for reducing the linewidths of solid samples. To average the dipolar and chemical shift anisotropies to zero, the solid sample is rotated at an angle to the applied magnetic field. This angle, called the “magic angle” is equal to 54.74º and the technique is known as magic angle spinning (MAS) spectroscopy.98 The difficulty with MAS spectroscopy is that the required spinning frequency of the solid sample depends on the width of the resonance, which is of the order of the kHz. However, gas-driven sample spinners that can be rotated at 4 to 5 kHz are now routinely available and can often produce narrower resonances. Note that the calculated surface loading for porphyrin 52 based on the %N figure lies in the range 0.0700.074 µmol/m2, Table 7. This value is likely to be more reliable because the calculation based purely on the %C figures for the porphyrin-modified silica and its parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica is subject to a high degree of uncertainty in the mercaptopropylsilanyl surface density due to the poorly defined attachment mode of these units. The absence of a usable %N figure for the silica modified with zinc porphyrin 57, however, leaves no option but to use the %C-based calculation. 81 Solid-state NMR techniques have been applied to the studies of silica gel surfaces and their silylated derivatives.89 Thus, silica and surface-modified silica systems have been characterised by 29 Si and 13 C solid-state NMR. It was therefore decided to subject the parent silica gel, the mercaptopropyl-modified silica and silica modified with a labelled porphyrin (58) and its metallated derivative (74), Scheme 43, to 29 Si and 13 C- 13 C solid-state NMR investigation. Solid-state NMR studies of silica gel and its mercaptopropyl derivative. As mentioned in the introduction of this thesis, silica gel has been studied by various techniques and it is now widely accepted that the surface of silica is composed of two types of silanol sites: single hydroxyl sites and geminal sites.70 It is also agreed that the bulk of silica is formed by silicon atoms surrounded by 4 siloxane bonds, and these sites are known as lattice sites, Figure 23. These three types of sites (single and geminal silanol sites, lattice sites) have different environments and therefore give different 29 Si resonances in solid-state NMR studies. Maciel and co-workers carried out extensive investigations of silica gel using MAS solid-state 29Si NMR and have published data for silicas where resonances at -110, -100 and -91 ppm were attributed to lattice sites (Q4)§, single silanol sites (Q3) and geminal sites (Q2) respectively.99 The 29Si NMR spectrum of the silica gel substrate used in our attachment studies is shown in Figure 23 and clearly exhibits the three resonances (at -92, -101 and -111 ppm) described by Maciel et al. Quantitative analysis of the spectrum by deconvolution of the resonances showed that single silanol sites constituted 92% of the total hydroxyl site population. § The Qn notation refers to the number of siloxane bonds connected to a core silicon atom: Q n = Si(OSi)n(OH)4-n. 82 single hydroxyl sites OH geminal hydroxyl sites OH OH (-92 ppm) (-101 ppm) Si Si O O O Schematic representation of sites present O in silica Si Si Si O O O lattice sites (-111 ppm) Si 29 Si solid–state NMR spectrum of the unmodified silica used for surface attachment in our studies Signal deconvolution for quantitative analysis of the proportion of lattice, single silanol and geminal silanol sites. Figure 23 A mercaptopropyl-modified silica was prepared according to the method described previously. Thus, dried silica was treated with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (2.1 µmol/m2) in hot toluene. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was washed and dried in the normal way and analysed for 2.89% and 0.88% carbon and hydrogen contents respectively, corresponding to a surface coverage within the limiting range of 1.05-1.80* µmol/m2 but probably close to 1.52† µmol/m2. The 29 Si solid-state NMR spectrum of this material, shown in Figure 24, exhibited signals at Si -111, -102, -92, * Calculated using the limiting attachment modes A and E illustrated in Figure 15. † Calculated assuming that the anchoring silicon atom is attached by a range of modes with a 1.5/1 ratio of single to double siloxane linked forms and loss of 60% of residual methoxy groups. 83 -57, -47 and -37. The resonances at -111, -102 and -92 correspond respectively to silicon atoms in lattice sites (Q4), single silanol sites (Q3) and geminal silanol sites (Q2) as seen for the parent unmodified silica gel, Figure 24. The ratio of silanol silicon atoms (from both single and geminal sites) to lattice silicon 29 Si solid-state NMR spectrum of the mercaptopropyl-modified silica SH SH (SiO)4Si (-111 ppm) HO OH OH OH Si Si Si Si O O O O O O Si Si O Si Si Si O O O Si Si(OH) (-100 ppm) Si(OH) (-90 ppm) Signal deconvolution for quantitative analysis. OCH3 O Si SH -47 ppm SH -57 ppm OCH3 OCH3 O Si O Figure 24 atoms changes from 1:2.5 in the unmodified silica (Figure 22) to 1:3.5 in the mercaptopropyl-modified silica (Figure 24), corresponding to a 26% loss in silanol hydroxyl groups from the core silica on grafting with the mercaptopropylsilanyl chains. Given a silanol density‡ of 6.9 µmol/m2 for the unmodified silica gel, and assuming a surface mercaptopropylsilanyl density† of 1.52 µmol/m2 the expected loss in hydroxyl groups is 31%. Thus, the degree of hydroxyl loss from the core silica observed by NMR ‡ Estimated from microanalytical data (page 47) † Calculated assuming that the anchoring silicon atom is attached by a range of modes with a 1.5/1 ratio of single to double siloxane linked forms and loss of 60% of residual methoxy groups. 84 (26%) correlates reasonably well with the estimated loss (31%) based on microanalytical data. One of the objectives of the solid-state NMR studies with the mercaptopropylmodified silica was to probe the attachment mode for the silicon anchoring atom of the grafted residues — several attachment modes are possible, Figure 15. In their solidstate 29Si NMR studies of silica gel modified with alkyltrimethoxysilanes, Maciel et al attributed signals at Si -49, -57 and -65 to T1, T2 and T3 attachment modes which involve respectively one, two and three anchoring siloxane linkages.¶ These resonances are highly diagnostic and are now routinely used for analysis of silicas grafted with alkyltrimethoxysilanes.100,101 Low intensity resonances at -47 and -57 in the 29 Si NMR spectrum of our mercaptopropyl-modified silica (Figure 24) can be attributed, therefore, to T1 and T2 type grafted silicon atoms respectively, and these are present in approximately 1.5/1 ratio. T3 type grafted silicon centres are not detectable from the noise in the spectrum, and a third very low intensity signal (marked at -37) is probably not real. Silicon atoms that would give rise to T1, T2 and T3 resonances in the NMR spectrum of mercaptopropyl-modified silica are highlighted, respectively, with blue, red and green boxes in Figure 15. Note that, although the chemical shift of the T1, T2 and T3 resonances is sensitive to successive replacement of MeO groups by SiO siloxane linkages, it is insensitive to the replacement of a methoxy group by a hydroxy group.101 Thus, the replacement of carbon by electropositive silicon (ie Si-OCH3 to Si-OSi) causes an upfield movement in the position of the observed Si resonance as the attachment mode changes from T1 through T2 to T3. However, the silicon centres in grafted residues described as modes A, D and E in Figure 15 would all contribute to the same T1 resonance observed at Si -47. The predominance of T1 and T2 type attachment modes in our mercaptopropyl-modified silica is typical for the grafting of an alkyltrimethoxysilane. Thus, silica gel treated with (3-chloropropyl)trimethoxysilane in boiling toluene for 24 h gives mainly T1 and T2 type attachments with very little T3 linked residues observed; grafting under basic conditions, however, reportedly shifts the distribution in favour of T2 and T3 attachments with little or no T1 linked species.123 The quantitative solid-state 13C NMR spectrum of our mercaptopropyl-modified silica is shown in Figure 25. Signals were observed at 48.8, 27.1 and 10.2, which can be 85 attributed respectively to the residual methoxy methyl groups, the and chain methylenes (together), and the chain methylene adjacent to the silicon atom. Interestingly, the ratio of methylenes to residual methoxy groups in this mercaptopropyl-modifed silica is 1.6/1. Given the 1.5/1 ratio for T1 and T2 grafted silane residues observed in the 29 Si spectrum, the expected methylene-to-methoxy ratio in the 13C spectrum is 1/1.6. The ratio actually observed, however, is the reverse, 1.6/1. Taken together these data suggest that approximately 60% of the residual methoxy groups have been replaced by hydroxyls in this sample of mercaptopropylmodifed silica. Clearly, the hydrolysis of grafted methoxysilane centres should not be possible under strictly anhydrous conditions, and the loss of methoxy groups observed here must have arisen during post-preparation handling of the material exposed to the atmosphere. It is unclear how representative this sample is of the various batches of mercaptopropyl-modified silica that were prepared for surface attachment studies during this project. Certainly some modest variation was seen in the microanalytical data for different batches of the silica prepared under identical conditions with the same reacting ratio of silica to (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane. As an approximate guideline, however, the attachment regime indicated from these solid-state NMR studies has been used (where indicated) as the basis for the surface density calculations discussed earlier in this thesis. 11 ppm O Si O OCH3 SH 27 ppm 50 ppm Figure 25 The main objective of the solid-state NMR studies in this project was to probe the attachment of model porphyrins to a mercaptopropyl-modified silica surface. Preliminary solid-state NMR studies were carried out on the bis(pentenyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (56)-modified silica discussed previously in section 2.1.5. It was hoped that ¶ The Tn notation refers to the number of siloxane bonds connected to the grafted alkylsilanyl silicon atom: Tn = RSi(OSi)n(OMe)3-n. 86 any residual olefinic signals from 56 would be detectable in the solid-state 13 C and 1H NMR spectra of the silica modified with this porphyrin. Such signals would confirm the singly-tethered perpendicular attachment mode proposed for the non metallatedporphyrin (ie covalently bound to the surface through radical addition to just one of the pentenyloxy side chains). Unfortunately, due to the breadth of resonances in both spectra and low intensity of signals in the 13C spectrum, it was impossible to distinguish olefinic resonances from those arising from other centres in the surface-bound residue. This problem led us to introduce a 13C-labelled carbon at the terminal olefinic centre of the pentenyl chains in porphyrin 58, Scheme 38. Thus, any radical addition of a surfacebound mercaptan to the olefinic centre should be evident in the replacement of the labelled olefinic resonance in the 13C spectrum with an upfield thioether signal. In this way we hoped to probe the degree of covalent tethering with porphyrin 58 and its zinc derivative (74). Syntheses of 13C-labelled porphyrin 58 and its zinc derivative (74) As discussed in the introduction of this thesis, porphyrin syntheses are typically accompanied by the formation of congeneric compounds. If the labelled carbon atom were to be introduced before the synthesis of the porphyrin, then unwanted labelled porphyrin congeners would be formed. Therefore, to avoid losing expensive labelled material, it was planned to synthesise bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin 59 and subsequently alkylate the meso phenol substituents with 5-bromo-pent-1-ene (60) labelled at the terminal olefinic centre, Scheme 38. introduction of the 13 C label involved the The first route selected for Wittig reaction between 4- bromobutyraldehyde (62) and the triphenylphosphonium salt (61) prepared from commercially available 13 C labelled iodomethane. The aldehyde is not commercially available but we thought might be conveniently prepared through ozonolysis of commercial, unlabelled 5-bromopent-1-ene (63). 87 Ph N Ph N HN O NH HN HO O OH NH N Ph * N Ph * 58 59 Br * 60 O Br Br * H 3C H 63 62 P(Ph) 3 I 61 Scheme 38 Synthesis of porphyrin 59 was achieved by reaction of phenyldipyrromethane (65) and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (64) in neat propionic acid, Scheme 39. Unfortunately this porphyrin 59 could not be separated from its congener (66) by flash chromatography. Separation might perhaps have been accomplished by HPLC, but >100 mg quantities of this material were required in order to support surface attachment studies. As we knew from previous experiments that the congeneric pentenyloxyphenyl-substituted porphyrins could be separated comparatively easily, it was decided to carry out the alkylation step on the porphyrin mixture. CHO NH propionic acid N HN HO NH OH NH N OH 64 65 R 59, R = H 66, R = OH Scheme 39 Ozonolysis of 5-bromopent-1-ene (63) was carried out by bubbling ozone through a dichloromethane solution of the substrate at -78 ºC. Decomposition of the resulting ozonide was achieved by adding triphenylphosphine to the solution at -78 ºC. The 88 target aldehyde was isolated by flash chromatography as a colourless oil in 77% yield (Scheme 40). This aldehyde has also been prepared by reduction of 4-bromobutanoyl chloride with HCr(CO)5 (95%) and by ring opening of THF with boron tribromide followed by oxidation of the resulting borate ester with pyridinium chlorochromate (70%).102, 103 The 1H NMR spectrum of 62 exhibited an aldehydic resonance at 9.81 and the loss of the starting material’s olefinic signals. The aldehyde was found to be air sensitive and gradually oxidised to the corresponding acid on exposure to air; storage was thus necessary under an inert atmosphere. 13 Initial route: CH 3I 67 PPh 3 I Ph 3P i. O3, DCM, -78 °C ii. PPh3 Br Br H 63 CH 3 61 O Br 13 62 * 60 LDA Scheme 40 The Wittig reaction between aldehyde 62 and 13 C-labelled methyltriphenylphosphonium iodide 61 was then attempted, Scheme 40. The latter was prepared by heating 13 C-labelled iodomethane and triphenylphosphine in toluene in a sealed tube overnight. The resulting white precipitate was collected by filtration and dried in vacuo over P2O5. A THF suspension of phosphonium salt 61 was deprotonated under standard conditions using n-butyllithium as a base at -78 ºC. The resulting dark red ylide solution was then transferred to a flask containing a solution of aldehyde 62 in dry THF at –78 ºC and stirred overnight at room temperature. The 1H NMR spectrum of the organic residue obtained following a standard aqueous work-up exhibited no signals in the olefinic region and indicated that a complex mixture of components had been formed. Chromatographic fractionation of this mixture did not allow the isolation and identification of any definable compound. The reason for the failure of the Wittig reaction on aldehyde 62 was unclear, though the bromide is a possible site for substitution or elimination (with basic reagents). A publication by a Swiss group reported the failure of a Wittig reaction with similar bromo-aldehyde, 4-bromo-2hydroxybutanal, though in this case the compound possessed an acidic hydroxyl to the aldehyde which had not been protected.104 89 The disappointing failure of the Wittig reaction between aldehyde 62 and phosphonium salt 61 led us to abandon this route for construction of the labelled pentenyl chain. Literature procedures for the preparation 5-bromopent-1-ene have involved zinc-mediated debromination105,106,107 of 1,2,5-tribromopentane (71%), dehydrobromination108 of 1,2-dibromopentane in hexamethylphosphoramide (57%) and bromination109 of pent-4-en-1-ol with phosphorus tribromide (65%). Of these procedures the latter seemed most amenable to adaptation with the 13C label. However, the modest yield of bromide from the PBr3 treatment prompted us to consider transforming the pentenol into a triflate derivative rather than the bromide, since the triflate would also serve as a good leaving group for alkylation of porphyrin 59 and might conceivably be prepared in better yield. Thus, a synthetic route was required for preparation of [5-13C ]-pent-4-en-1-ol (72). It was decided to start from the symmetrical 1,4-butandiol (68), protect one of the two alcohol functions as the t-butyldimethylsilyl ether, oxidise the remaining hydroxyl to the aldehyde, and then undertake the Wittig reaction with the labelled phosphonium salt (61), Scheme 41. Successful route i. Oxalyl chloride DMSO, -78 °C i. NaH, THF, RT OH HO ii. TBSCl, RT 68 O OTBS HO ii. Et 3N, -78 °C 69 99% OTBS H 70 71% 67% Ph 3P CH 3 I 13 61 n-BuLi, RT OTf H213C 73 (TfO)2, Et 3N OH H213C 60% 72 TBAF, THF OTBS H213C 70% 71 Scheme 41 Monoprotection of symmetrical diols can be carried under statistical control with tertbutyldimethylsilyl chloride using imidazole as a base. Better yields are obtained, however, when a solution of the diol in THF is treated with one equivalent of sodium hydride followed by the silyl chloride.110 The mono-sodium salt of the parent diol is formed under these conditions, facilitating selective protection of just one of the alcohol groups. Accordingly, a solution of 1,4-butandiol in THF was treated with sodium hydride, TBSCl and after an aqueous work-up and purification by flash chromatography silyl ether 69 was isolated in nearly quantitative yield. 90 Partial oxidation of the monoprotected diol (69) under standard Swern conditions afforded aldehyde 70 in yields around 70%. As with the bromobutanal (62), this aldehyde was also air sensitive and storage under argon was again necessary. In contrast to the bromobutanal, Wittig reaction between aldehyde 70 and the ylide derived from the 13 C labelled methylphosphonium salt (61) was successful. The 13 C-labelled alkene (71) was obtained as a colourless oil in yields of nearly 70%. As expected, the 1 H NMR spectrum of olefin 71 exhibited a large coupling between the terminal olefinic protons and the 13 C atom (spin quantum number = 1/2). Thus, the characteristic dq pattern for both terminal hydrogens was doubled with an additional doublet splitting (1JCH 155 Hz). The 13C spectrum was, unsurprisingly, dominated by the resonance for the labelled centre (C 114.5) with very low intensity signals for the other carbons of the molecule. With the successful introduction of the labelled olefinic centre, the route progressed to deprotection of the silyl ether. This was achieved by treatment with a hot solution of tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) in THF. At the end of the reaction, solvent was removed by conventional distillation rather than rotary evaporation as a precaution against loss of the target alcohol — the boiling point of the corresponding unlabelled pent-1-en-5-ol is 131 °C. The triflate (73) was then obtained in 60% yield by reacting freshly distilled trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride with alcohol 72 and triethylamine in ice-cooled dichloromethane. Synthesis of the target labelled bis(pentenyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (58), Scheme 42, was successfully achieved by reaction of the porphyrin 59/66 mixture, prepared according to Scheme 39, with the triflate and triethylamine in dichloromethane. As previously noted, the two phenolic porphyrin congeners were inseparable by flash chomatography. Moreover, their proportions in the starting mixture were unclear from the 1H NMR spectrum, and consequently it is not possible to give a defined yield for this reaction. The target labelled porphyrin (58; 153 mg, 0.19 mmol) was isolated by flash chromatography following treatment of the starting mixture (470 mg, 0.71-0.73 mmol) with 0.71 mmol of the triflate. 91 OTf N * HN HO 73 N NH N HN O OH O NH DIPEA, DCM N * * R 58 59, R = H 66, R = OH Scheme 42 The zinc derivative (74) of porphyrin 58 was synthesised by boiling a solution of the porphyrin with zinc acetate in dichloromethane (Scheme 43). The metallated porphyrin was obtained as a lustrous purple powder in 95% yield. Its 1H NMR spectrum was identical to that of the non-metallated parent porphyrin with the exception that the characteristic core NH signal at -2.68 was absent. In the UV-visible spectrum a red shift was observed in the Soret band of the zinc porphyrin compared to the nonmetallated parent. With sufficient quantities of the labelled porphyrin to hand, it was possible to progress to the surface attachment studies. * * O O ZnOAc, DCM N NH Ph N HN N N Ph Ph Zn N 95% O O * * 74 58 Scheme 43 92 Ph N Solid-state NMR studies of silica modified with porphyrin 58 and the zinc(II) derivative 74. A sample of mercaptopropyl-modified silica (110 mg) from the batch prepared previously for solid-state NMR study (pages 83-84) was reacted with the non-metallated porphyrin (58; 0.33 mmol) in hot acetonitrile containing a trace of AIBN. The silica recovered, following the usual washing and drying procedure, analysed for 9.10, 1.44 and 0.23% carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contents respectively. This result was surprising, given that the mercaptopropyl-silicas previously modified with the nonmetallated porphyrins (47 and 56) gave carbon contents above 20%. Unfortunately it was not possible to repeat the attachment reaction with the labelled porphyrin because of its limited availability. Thus, the solid-state 13 C NMR spectrum, Figure 26, was acquired on the material functionalised with the labelled non-metallated porphyrin from this one experiment. 13 Signal deconvolution for quantitative analysis of C solid–state NMR spectrum for the porphyrin 58-modified silica Solid-state NMR spectrum of porphyrin 58-modified silica Figure 26 In addition to signals arising from the more abundant mercaptopropylsilanyl residues attached to the silica, the NMR spectrum shown in Figure 26 exhibited three prominent 93 resonances that could be assigned to 13 C labelled centres at 113, 51 and 32. Clearly the signal at 113 originates from the residual labelled olefinic centre that must be associated with the singly-tethered porphyrin as shown in Figure 27. * O NH Ph N N Ph HN Ph O 3 3 * * S Si OMe O O NH HN NH HN O S Si OMe O O SH Si OMe O O Ph O 3 * SH S Si OMe MeO Si O O O O Figure 27 The resonance at 32 is likely to be derived from the labelled olefinic centres which have undergone the radical addition to form a thioether linkage (-13CH2SCH2-). Signals from the and methylenes in the abundant unreacted mercaptopropylsilanyl chains are also expected close to this resonance, and indeed a shoulder at 27-28 may arise from these carbons. Of considerable surprise, however, was the strong resonance observed at 51. This signal is clearly derived from the labelled olefinic centres of the porphyrin substrate, although the methoxy groups of the parent mercaptopropylmodified silica give a resonance at 49, Figure 25. The intensity of the 51 resonance, however, when compared to the mercaptopropyl methylene at 11, is far too strong simply to arise from the residual methoxy groups. Indeed close inspection reveals a shoulder on the upfield side of the 51 resonance which might arise from the residual methoxy groups present in the material. The origin of the 51 resonance is obscure but might potentially be due to aerial oxidation of the thioether linkage, giving rise to a sulfoxide species [-13CH2S(O)CH2]. Predicted chemical shifts for the methylene adjacent to the sulfoxide are consistent with this view, Figure 28. 94 Predicted shifts 72.3 25.5 33.1 36.3 9.7 Si(OMe) 3 S Ar O 29.9 32.3 72.3 42.1 25.8 52.3 55.5 9.8 Ar O Si(OMe) 3 S O 30.8 27.9 16.8 42.1 12.4 Figure 28 Using the upfield SiCH2 resonance at 11 as a reference it is possible to estimate the proportion of total aliphatic signals in the spectrum that are derived from the porphyrin. The ratio of signals in the 13 C spectrum of the mercaptopropyl-modified silica (Figure 25) was 0.6 ( 49) / 2.0 ( 27) / 1.0 ( 11). Subtracting the mercaptopropyl component from the spectrum in Figure 26, then, gives a ratio of 1/3.3 for the olefinic 113 resonance to porphyrin-derived aliphatic signals. Ignoring the small contribution from the unlabelled aliphatic centers in the porphyrin, this olefin to aliphatic signal ratio suggests that the porphyrin is attached by a 1/1.1 mixture of singly- and doubly-tethered modes, see Figure 27. The comparatively high proportion of units with the doublytethered parallel arrangement is consistent with the lower porphyrin surface density observed with this modified silica. An important question, then, is why in earlier preparations of the unlabelled porphyrin 56-modified silica, Table 11, the loading level was so much higher? Conceivably the concentration of porphyrin used in the surface attachment reaction might hold the key to this discrepancy. Indeed, with the labelled porphyrin the attachment reaction was carried out at half the concentration used for fixation of the unlabelled porphyrin (56). The 13C spectrum of the labelled porphyrin 58-modified silica (Figure 26) shows some further complications in addition to the 51 resonance. Thus, the presence of signals centred at approximately at 22 and 40 requires explanation. One possibility is that the field induced by the porphyrin’s ring current perturbs the chemical shift of the / methylenes of some mercaptopropyl chains and perhaps the labelled center in some of the porphyrin tethers. Upfield or downfield displacements might be induced. Indeed, strong support for the proposed porphyrin-induced chemical shift perturbation in the aliphatic region is seen in the solid-state 13 C spectrum of mercaptopropyl- modified silica treated with the zinc porphyrin (74) in the absence of a radical initiator. A sample of mercaptopropyl-modified silica (110 mg) from the batch prepared previously for solid-state NMR study (pages 83-84) was treated with 0.059 mmol of 95 zinc porphyrin 72 in acetonitrile. The material was washed and dried in the usual way, and on submission for microanalysis returned carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contents of 5.52, 1.23 and 0.01% respectively. Not surprisingly, with the porphyrin attached necessarily in the parallel mode (Figure 29), the surface loading in this material was comparatively low. Ph O * N N SH N N O HS S Ph Zn * Si OH O O Si OMe O O MeO Si OH O Figure 29 The solid-state 13C spectrum of this modified silica (Figure 30) was much simpler than the spectrum for the covalently attached porphyrin discussed above (Figure 26). A strong signal was observed for the labelled olefinic center of the coordinatively attached porphyrin at 113. Three resonances seen in the spectrum of the parent mercaptopropyl-modified silica (cf Figure 25: C 11, 27 and 49) were also prominent in the porphyrin-modified sample. The intensity of these signals, derived as they are from unlabelled mercaptopropyl chains, compared to the labelled olefinic resonance is consistent with their presence in large excess over the porphyrin units. The unlabelled aliphatic methylenes of the porphyrin side chains are lost in the baseline noise. Interestingly, two new minor resonances at 22 and 32 are now seen in the spectrum, and it is possible that these arise from / methylenes in mercaptopropyl chains perturbed by the proximity of porphyrin units. Their intensity relative to the porphyrin’s labelled olefinic resonance clearly indicates that each individual porphyrin unit must affect several nearby mercaptopropyl chains. 96 13 C solid-state NMR spectrum of porphyrin 74-modified silica where no covalent tethers were present residual * O Si O S H3CO Si Figure 30 Having examined the covalently and coordinatively attached porphyrin materials, we next prepared a sample of porphyrin-modified silica using the dual coordinativecovalent tethering strategy for comparison. This material was prepared, as before, using a sample of mercaptopropyl-modified silica (110 mg) from the batch previously used for solid-state NMR study (pages 84-85). An acetonitrile solution of the zinc porphyrin (74; 0.27 mmol) was reacted with this silica in the presence of AIBN. The resulting porphyrin-modified silica analysed for carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contents of 7.84, 1.29 and 0.21% respectively. The comparatively low surface loading of this porphyrin was again consistent with a substantially parallel mode of attachment and, to our delight, the 13C spectrum of this material (Figure 31) showed only a low proportion of residual labelled olefinic centers at 113. Prominent labelled aliphatic resonances at 32 and 51 were again observed, matching the signals seen in the spectrum of the covalently attached non-metallated porphyrin (58). With the metallated porphyrin, however, the ratio of olefinic to porphyrin-derived aliphatic resonances was 1/7.3. Thus approximatively 88% of the porphyrin alkene chains have undergone the radical addition process. 97 13 C solid-state NMR spectrum of zinc(II) porphyrin 74-modified silica with covalent tethers 13 Signal deconvolution for analysis of the C solid–state NMR spectrum of zinc (II) porphyrin 74modified silica. Figure 31 Given that the radical-mediated attachment reactions of the non-metallated and metallated porphyrins (58 and 74) were carried out under the same conditions with very similar concentrations of porphyrin, these results clearly demonstrate that the presence of the metal center substantially increases the degree of covalent tethering. This is consistent with the establishment of a coordinative linkage to the metallated porphyrin which brings about a parallel attachment mode, thus promoting radical addition of surface-bound mercaptans to both of the porphyrin’s olefinic side chains. We have shown that 88% of these side chains in the metallated bis(pentenyloxyphenyl)porphyrin undergo the radical addition process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate a dual coordinative-covalent tethering strategy for a metalloporphyrin with a thiol ligand to the metal center. 98 2.2 ATTACHMENT OF A PROTOTYPICAL NOS MODEL TO A MERCAPTOPROPYLMODIFIED GOLD SURFACE 2.2.1 Synthesis of the prototypical NOS model The surface attachment studies above with simple porphyrin analogues of our NOS model demonstrated the feasibility of anchoring the porphyrin core to a mercaptopropyl-modified surface through both covalent and coordinative bonding. However, the ultimate goal of the Heriot-Watt programme is the construction of an electrocatalytically functional model, and to do this NOS models will have to be attached to an electrode surface. It was therefore decided to carry out preliminary studies towards the attachment of a prototype NOS model to a mercaptopropyl-modified gold surface. Initial assessment of the redox properties of the resulting material might then be possible. A gold surface was chosen over other possible surfaces (e.g. platinum) because introduction of the mercaptopropyl group used throughout the preliminary studies with silica, is readily achieved by exposure to di-mercaptan 75, Scheme 45. O Cl O OBut Ar = Au Au Au Au Au Ar HS SH 75 N O N HS HS HS S prototypical NOS model S S S Au Au Au Au Au HS HS Fe N S Ar O N HS HS S AIBN, MeCN, S S S S S S S Au Au AuAu Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Scheme 45 As described in section 1.5, the prototype NOS model possesses meso phenanthrenyloxyacetate units on the porphyrin moiety. Synthesis of the model comprising these but lacking meso alkenyloxyphenyl substituents has been achieved by other members of the group.60 To carry out preliminary surface attachment studies then, it was decided to adopt the model synthesis, (Scheme 46), in order to introduce the alkenyl side chain required for the thiol addition process. 99 Me 2SO4 NaHSO 3, KBrO3 NaOH (aq) H2O/EtOAc uv 0 to 70 °C Cl OH Cl OMe Cl step 1 OMe step 2 8 9 Br 10 PPh 3 toluene step 3 reflux LDA, THF I2, O uv petrol Cl CHO OHC Cl OMe OMe Cl OMe -78 °C CHO step 5 13 step 6 step 4 CHO PPh 3 12 Br 11 EtSH, NaH, DMF, 100°C O then Br O O Cl O NH O O propionic acid NH CHO 14 55 CO 2R Cl O RO2C O R' R = t-Bu R'= HN N Cl O N NH R' 76 Scheme 46 Methylation of 4-chloro-3-methylphenol (8) was achieved under basic conditions using dimethyl sulfate as an electrophilic methylating agent. Aqueous sodium hydroxide was used as a base to generate the phenolate anion as the reactive nucleophile. The product, 1-chloro-4-methoxy-2-methylbenzene (9), was obtained in 88% yield following extraction of the aqueous reaction mixture. Formation of anisole 9 was confirmed by observation of a singlet methoxy resonance at 3.75 in its 1H NMR spectrum. The spectrum showed no detectable impurities and the anisole was used for subsequent reactions without any further purification. In order to obtain the benzyl bromide (10) required for synthesis of the phosphonium salt (11) destined for the Wittig reaction leading to stilbenes 12, anisole 9 had to be 100 selectively monobrominated on its 2-methyl group. Side chain halogenation of aromatic compounds is possible with a brominating agent in the absence of a Lewis acid catalyst (the presence of a catalyst favours ring bromination). Common reagents used for benzylic bromination are molecular bromine and N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in the presence of a radical initiator or under photolysis conditions. Studies by others within our laboratories, to be reported in detail elsewhere,111 showed that bromination of anisole 9 using one equivalent of NBS and a catalytic amount of benzoyl peroxide in carbon tetrachloride afforded target benzyl bromide 10 together with gem-dibromide 77 in 2.5/1 ratio, Scheme 47. NBS (1eq) Cl Cl OMe 9 benzoyl peroxide CCl 4 or UV OMe Cl OMe Br Br 10 Br 77 Scheme 47 Separation of the mixture of monobromide 10, dibromide 77 and unreacted anisole 9 issuing from the conventional benzylic bromination with NBS was problematic. Bromination with molecular bromine under photolysis conditions produced similar results. The formation of dibromide 77 could be suppressed using the anisole in excess, and the target bromide was rather more readily isolated from the resulting binary mixture with the excess anisole than from the ternary mixture including 77. The irritant properties of monobromide 10 and use of a toxic, environmentally hazardous solvent prompted a search for an improved preparative method however — one that would eliminate use of carbon tetrachoride and also generate the bromide efficiently enough to eliminate need for an elaborate separation procedure. A literature survey led us to a recent publication by a Japanese group relating the use of a bromate-bisulfite mixture for benzylic bromination of p-tert-butyltoluene in a twophase ethyl acetate-water medium.112 The mechanism tentatively proposed is a radical process in which the active bromine atom radical is produced by decomposition of hypobromous acid (HOBr). The latter would be produced by reduction of bromate with bisulfite in the aqueous phase. It was proposed that dissociation of HOBr could produce the free bromine atom which could then cross into the organic phase and participate in the radical bromination process, Scheme 48. In this scheme the hydrogen bromide produced by benzylic bromination returns to the aqueous phase where its reaction with the hydroxyl radical again produces a bromine radical that cycles back into the organic 101 phase. The overall stoichiometry associated with this process is illustrated in Scheme 48 and requires consumption of one bromate and two bisulfite ions per mole of substrate. Ar CH 2 Ar CH 3 Br HBr Ar CH 2Br Br Organic Phase Aqueous phase BrO3 2 HSO3 Br HBr Br H2 O 2 HSO4 BrO OH HOBr H2 O OH BrO3 BrO3 2 HSO3 BrO H2 O BrOH OH HSO 4 OH SO42 H2 O HOBr ArCH3 ArCH2Br H2 O 2 HSO3 ArCH3 BrO ArCH2Br 2 HSO4 HSO 4 SO42 Scheme 48 Extensive studies were carried out by another member of the group to adapt the published protocol to our studies.111 Optimal conditions were found using a substrate to bromate to metabisulfite ratio of 1/1.2/0.8, where an aqueous bisulfite solution was added slowly under photolysis conditions to a vigorously agitated mixture of aqueous bromate and substrate in ethyl acetate. Under these conditions, now used routinely in the group, 2-bromomethyl-1-chloro-4-methoxybenzene (10) is obtained in yields ranging from 50 to 70%. For the studies described in this thesis, the reaction was carried out on 136 g of substrate (9); pure bromide 10 was obtained in 45% yield by separation of the organic layer, evaporation and crystallisation. The somewhat lower yield, probably due to lack of experience with the protocol, was not an issue because of the scale on which the reaction was carried out, and bromide 10 was obtained in quantities sufficient to carry out the ensuing steps in the route to phenanthrene 14. A key step in the route to phenanthrene 14 is the Wittig reaction between terephthalaldehyde and the ylide derived from triphenylphosphonium salt 11. The latter was prepared in essentially quantitative yield by reaction of bromide 10 with 102 triphenylphosphine in boiling toluene over 4 hours, Scheme 49. The salt, which precipitated from solution, was collected by filtration and dried in vacuo over phosphorus pentoxide in preparation for the subsequent Wittig reaction. PPh3, PhCH3 Cl Cl OMe OMe 99% PPh 3 Br 10 Br 11 Scheme 49 The Wittig reaction of phosphonium salt 11 and terephthalaldehyde was carried out using the protocol previously employed within our group.60 Thus, the phosphorus ylide was prepared by addition of LDA to a suspension of phosphonium salt 11 in dry THF. The resulting solution was then cannulated into a flask containing terephthalaldehyde in slight excess (1.2 equivalents) to suppress formation of the diadduct 78, Scheme 51. The 1H NMR spectrum of the crude material obtained after aqueous work-up of the reaction mixture showed that an impure mixture of E- and Z-stilbenes 12 had been obtained. Purification by flash chromatography afforded a 1:2 mixture of the E- and Zisomers of 12 in 42% combined yield. Smaller scale reactions carried out within the group have previously afforded stilbenes 12 in up to 80% yield. However, with sufficient quantities of the stilbene to hand the route proceeded to the photocyclisation step leading to phenanthrene 13. 1. LDA, THF, RT, Ar 2. OHC Cl CHO Cl OMe PPh 3 Cl OMe OMe CHO Br 11 (E/Z 1:2) MeO Cl 12 78 42% Scheme 50 Separation of the stilbene isomers prior to the photocyclisation was unnecessary because, although the electrocyclic ring closure takes place on the Z-isomer, stilbene photoisomerisation also occurs under the reaction conditions. Stilbene photocyclisations are typically carried out at low concentrations to minimise competing [2+2] photocycloadditions of the stilbene with itself or across the 9,10-double bond of 103 the phenanthrene.113,114 In principle, two products might be formed from the photocyclisation of stilbene 12 — phenanthrenes 13 and 81, respectively, through dihydrophenanthrene intermediates 79 and 80, Scheme 51. Iodine added to the reaction mixture, however, efficiently oxidises dihydrophenanthrene 79 leading cleanly to the desired phenanthrene (13). Other phenanthrene products such as 81, which would be formed by elimination of HCl from dihydrophenanthrene 80, have not been isolated from the photocyclisation. Cl OMe CHO 12 MeO MeO - HCl Cl Cl CHO 81 H CHO H OMe H 80 79 [O] Cl OMe CHO CHO 13 Scheme 51 As with other steps in the route, then, the photocyclisation reaction was carried out using the protocol previously employed within our group.74 Thus, a dilute solution of the E/Z-stilbene mixture in light petroleum containing one equivalent of iodine and excess of 1,2-epoxybutane was irradiated at room temperature with a medium pressure mercury lamp, Scheme 51. The epoxide added to the reaction mixture is used as a nonbasic scavenger for HI generated during the oxidation of dihydrophenanthrene 79. To accumulate sufficient quantities of phenanthrene 13 several batches of stilbene were irradiated in a 1 L quartz immersion well reactor using a 400W lamp. The phenanthrene partially precipitated during the reaction and was collected by concentration of the reaction mixture and filtration. Overall, the target material was obtained as a colourless solid in 69% yield from the combined batches. The 1H NMR spectrum of the product exhibited a distinctive resonance at 10.51 for the deshielded phenanthrene bay hydrogen (H-4). 104 I2, UV, petroleum ether Cl OMe Cl O CHO OMe CHO 69% 12 13 Scheme 52 The next step of the route to the phenanthrene spacer unit involved removal of the Omethyl group and its replacement by an acetic acid chain. Oxyacetate chains had been designed into the prototype NOS model to provide a functional cleft intended to bind a guanidinium substrate.60 The procedure developed for introduction of these chains involved nucleophilic demethylation of phenanthrene 13 using ethanethiolate in hot DMF and direct alkylation of the resulting phenolate (82) using t-butyl bromoacetate, Scheme 53. The ethanethiolate was generated by reaction of ethanethiol with sodium hydride. O Cl i. NaH EtSH DMF OMe CHO Cl Na O ii. 100 ºC BrCH 2CO 2But Cl O O CHO 13 CHO 82 14 Scheme 53 An initial attempt to repeat the one-pot demethylation-alkylation procedure of Scheme 54 was unssuccessful. Two products were isolated, both of which retained the methoxy resonance in their 1H NMR spectra but lacked the aldehyde. Although one of the compounds did exhibit signals derived from the bromoacetate, the other possessed a hydroxymethyl group. Full characterisation of the compounds using two-dimensional NMR experiments identified them as ester 83 and alcohol 84, Scheme 54. These compounds clearly arise from a Cannizzaro reaction on the phenanthrenecarbaldehyde starting material, with the carboxylate component being alkylated by the bromoacetate added at the end of the reaction. i. NaH, EtSH inadequately dry DMF Cl OMe ii. BrCH 2CO 2But Cl OMe Cl OMe O CHO CH 2OH O O 13 83 Scheme 54 105 O 84 The above Cannizzaro reaction suggested that the DMF used in the reaction was inadequately dry and led to formation of sodium hydroxide from the hydride added to generate the ethanethiolate nucleophile. The synthesis of phenanthrenyloxyacetate 14 via the one-pot demethylation-alkylation procedure of Scheme 52 is now routinely carried out in our laboratories with yields in excess of 80% using scrupulously dried solvent. In the case of this particular project, however, the one-pot reaction was abandoned in favour of a separate two step process proceeding with the isolation of phenanthrenol 15, Scheme 55. The isolation of phenanthrenol 15 was planned in order to allow its use for construction of new variants of the phenanthrene- superstructure (cf section 1.8) in addition to the building block (14) incorporated into the original prototype model. Thus, demethylation of 13 was carried out using ethanethiol in the presence of sodium hydride as before, but the intermediate phenolate (82) was protonated by addition of dilute hydrochloric acid at the end of the reaction rather than trapping it with bromoacetate. Phenanthrenol 15 was isolated in 52% yield and the alkylation reaction leading to 14 was carried out in a separate step using sodium hydride in THF with t-butyl bromoacetate; compound 14 was obtained in 45% yield. Sufficient quantities of phenanthrenol 15 were also produced to investigate the construction of more elaborate phenanthrene spacer units with alternative chains to the oxyacetate (vide infra, section 2.3). O Cl NaH, THF 1. EtSH, NaH, DMF Cl OMe CHO OH 2. H+ BrCH 2CO 2But Cl O CHO 52% 13 O CHO 45% 15 14 contruction of more elaborate phenanthrene superstructures for the NOS model Scheme 55 Construction of the prototype NOS model (76) carrying pentenyloxyphenyl chains for surface attachment to gold was achieved by boiling phenanthrenecarbaldehyde 14 with dipyrromethane 55 in propionic acid. Porphyrin 76 was obtained in 57% yield as a dull purple powder, Scheme 56. The 1H NMR spectrum of this material showed the presence of the two atropisomers, ,-76 and ,-76, in a 1/1 ratio. A similar observation had been made with original NOS model prototype (7, R3 = t-Bu, X = H; Scheme 16), where interconversion of the two atropisomers was slow enough on the 106 NMR timescale at room temperature to allow the resolution of two sets of signals.60 However, the energy barrier for interconversion is too low to lock the two atropisomers and permit their isolation. O Cl O NH O O propionic acid, reflux NH 55 CHO 14 CO 2R Cl O RO2C CO 2R O R' Cl Cl HN N R' N N NH O R' 76 ,-atropisomer R = t-Bu R'= HN N NH O R' O Cl RO2C 76 ,-atropisomer Scheme 56 In order to carry out the surface attachment study with gold and investigate the model’s redox properties it was decided to introduce the iron centre required for generation of a functional NOS model. The porphyrin might in principle be metallated to introduce either a ferrous or ferric iron centre, the former providing the active oxygen-coordinating species that could participate in substrate oxidation. Iron(II)- porphyrins, however, are typically unstable and difficult to work with. 115 Metallation of porphyrin 76 was therefore carried out with ferrous chloride under conditions that are known to yield the iron(III)-porphyrin i.e. with oxidation occurring under the metallation reaction conditions.116 Thus, the parent porphyrin (76) was boiled with ferrous chloride tetrahydrate in acetonitrile, Scheme 57, monitoring the reaction by UV-visible spectroscopy. The reaction appeared to be complete after 3 hours and acetonitrile was then removed in vacuo. The metallated porphyrin (85) was isolated by flash column chromatography using CHCl3 as an eluent, eluting after residual traces of the non-metallated starting material (76). To ensure that the porphyrin was homogenously associated with an axial chlorine ligand following the chromatography, a solution of the porphyrin in CH2Cl2 was treated with Amberlite IRA-400 (Cl–) resin. The metallated NOS model was obtained as a dull green powder in 47% yield. Although only very small quantities of 107 porphyrin 83 were available, the few milligrams obtained appeared to be sufficient to carry out surface attachment to gold wire. O O O O N HN NH N O O O O Cl O O O O Cl Cl O O Cl N Cl N FeCl2.4H20 MeCN reflux Fe N O N O 76 85 Scheme 57 2.2.2 Surface attachment of chloroiron(III)porphyrin 85 on a mercaptopropyl-modified gold surface and subsequent preliminary electrochemical studies. To the best of our knowledge, only one set of experiments has been published that describe surface attachment of porphyrin derivatives to a mercaptopropyl-modified gold surface. In this work Pilloud et al studied the electrochemistry of self-assembled monolayers of iron protoporphyrin IX attached to modified gold electrodes through a coordinated thiol linkage.117 They used propane dithiol (75) to modify gold coated quartz slides (0.8 1.5 cm) and subsequently reacted a range of iron(III)porphyrins with the mercaptopropyl–modified slides, Scheme 58. Of course, in these studies the metallated porphyrins were bound to the surface solely through coordinative bonding of the metal to a mercaptan on the surface. Cyclic voltammetry then allowed the American team to characterise their material at the electrode surface. They concluded that a homogeneous single monolayer of porphyrin had been formed at the surface and that the redox state of the material could be controlled. 108 Au Au Au Au Au HS porphyrin SH 75 HS HS HS FeIII porphyrin Fe S S porphyrin FeIII HS S III S S S Au Au Au Au Au S S Au Au Au Au Au Scheme 58 For our preliminary studies, assistance was sought from others in the Department with experience in the electrochemical area, and gold wire readily available from Aldrich was used as the supporting electrode. Prior to use, a 20 cm long wire of 0.5 mm diameter was divided into three segments of 6 cm each which were then coiled to provide an electrode. These gold wire segments were then sonicated in CH2Cl2 to remove grease and subsequently dried with a nitrogen gas gun equipped with a filter to remove any dust. Each of the three gold filaments was then dipped into a 10-2 M CH2Cl2 solution of dimercaptan 75 under an argon atmosphere for 2 hours at room temperature. Two of the gold segments were then reacted in parallel experiments with chloroiron(III)porphyrin 85 in acetonitrile, one experiment carried out with AIBN added and one without. It was hoped in this way to bring about coordinative attachment of the porphyrin on one wire while with the other the dual coordination-covalent attachment strategy developed with mercaptopropyl-modified silica was reproduced. Both the modified gold wires were then used as electrodes in cyclovoltammetric experiments. To our great disappointment, no useful cyclic voltammogram could be obtained and this may be because insufficient material was present on the gold wires. The approach followed by Pilloud et al, who used gold coated slides with a larger surface area than wires used in our studies might provide a more fruitful approach in future work. These disappointing results concluded the surface attachment studies towards the construction of biomimetic NOS models in this project. However, the results should not overshadow the encouraging findings with the dual coordination-covalent attachment strategy envisaged at the outset of the project for fixation of a porphyrin to a thiolmodified surface. Indeed, we have demonstrated the success of this dual attachment strategy with mercaptopropyl-modified silica and, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such an approach has been applied for surface fixation of porphyrins. 109 2.3 SYNTHESIS OF NEW SPACER-SUPERSTRUCTURE UNITS FOR THE NOS MODEL. Although the majority of work in this project was focussed on the surface attachment studies, some work was also directed towards the synthesis of new variants of the phenanthrenyloxyacetate units built into the original NOS model prototype. A range of models variant in the spacer-superstructure unit might usefully allow the dependency of substrate oxidation on its bound orientation and proximity to the catalytic centre to be investigated in future studies. Two variants of the oxyacetate chain of the prototype model were envisaged in the first instance. Firstly, a phosphonic acid replacement for the carboxylic acid was considered, requiring the synthesis of phosphonate 19 (Scheme 18), to investigate the effect of a stronger acid on substrate binding. Secondly, an amino acid derivative (20, Scheme 18) was considered in order test the feasibility of introducing more sophisticated, branched superstructure chains derived from chiral amino acids into the model. Synthesis of phosphonate 19 The planned route to phosphonate 19 (Scheme 18) involved reaction of phenanthrenol 15 with diethyl phosphonomethyl triflate (17). Triflate 17 was prepared according to the method of Phillion et al 86 who reacted it with a variety of nucleophiles to form more elaborate phosphonates in good yields (above 90%). Thus, diethyl hydroxymethylphosphonate (87) was prepared by reaction of neat diethyl phosphite (86) with paraformaldehyde in the presence of catalytic triethylamine at 50ºC, Scheme 59. Ester 87 was obtained in 97% yield and was used without purification as its 1H NMR spectrum showed that it had been formed in >95% purity. Evidence for the formation of 87 was seen in the resonance for the -methylene protons which was split by the adjacent phosphorus atom ( 3.79, 2H, J 6.2). Triflate 17 was then prepared by reaction of 87 with trifluoromethanesulfonyl chloride. This reaction was achieved by pretreatment of 87 with sodium hydride in ether; the resulting alkoxide suspension was then cannulated into a solution of the sulfonyl chloride in Et2O at -78 ºC. Following an aqueous work-up triflate 17 was obtained in 21% yield. As expected, the signal for the methylene protons adjacent to the phosphonate exhibited a downfield shift compared to the corresponding signal in the precursor phosphonate 87. 110 O (EtO) 2P CH 2O, Et 3N, H 95 % O (EtO) 2P 86 O (EtO) 2P i. NaH, Et 2O, RT OH ii. CF3SO2Cl, Et2O, -78 C 87 O O S CF 3 O 17 Scheme 60 The triflate thus obtained was then reacted with phenanthrenol 15 in CH2Cl2 in the presence of diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA) in a sealed tube, Scheme 60. After purification by flash column chromatography, the target phosphonate was obtained as a solid in 12% yield. Though disappointingly low-yielding, this first attempt demonstrated that a phenanthrene bearing phosphonate functionality could indeed be synthesised as initially planned. Optimisation of the reaction conditions in order to improve the yield will be required in further studies if phanthrene 19 is to be taken forward for construction of the porphyrin. O (EtO) 2P Cl OH CHO O O S CF 3 O 17 Cl O DIPEA, DCM 15 OEt P O EtO CHO 19 12% Scheme 61 Synthesis of amino acid 20. Introduction of a chiral amino acid in place of the prototype’s oxyacetate chain could open substantial opportunities for development of the model’s molecular recognition superstructure. In principle, this could lead to enhanced binding features for Arg as substrate or allow us to broaden the diversity of substrates recognised by the model. A method was therefore sought for introduction of an amino acid chain through phenanthrenol 15. Previous work carried out in our group on a different project had successfully applied the palladium-catalysed Buchwald-Hartwig procedure for amination of quinolyl halides and triflates.118 Therefore it was decided to synthesise the triflate derivative (16) of phenanthrenol 15 as a substrate for amination with an -amino ester, Scheme 61. 111 Ph H2N Cl OH Tf 2O, DIPEA Cl CO 2Et CsCO 3, Pd 2(dba)3 racemic BINAP OTf Cl N H toluene, DCM, 0 ºC CHO 15 18 CHO 16 CO 2Et CHO 20 Scheme 61 Triflate 16 was prepared in 96% yield from phenanthrenol 15 by reaction with freshly distilled trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride and DIPEA, Scheme 62. The conditions previously applied in our group141 for amination of haloquinolones were then used for synthesis of amino ester 20. Thus, a solution of triflate 16, L-phenylalanine ethyl ester, Cs2CO3 and racemic BINAP in dry toluene was heated at 140 ºC in a sealed Wheaton flask in the presence of Pd2(dba)3. The reaction mixture was then directly transferred onto a silica gel column and chromatographed. The target amino ester (20) was isolated in 7.5% yield. Unfortunately, the quantity of material obtained from this single reaction attempt was insufficient to allow characterisation of the compound beyond acquisition of its 1H NMR spectrum, and the optical integrity of the product is unclear at present. The product was clearly identified by its 1H NMR spectrum, however, which exhibited all the distinctive phenanthrene signals (including the aldehydic resonance at H 9.80) as well as signals corresponding to the L-phenylalanine ethyl ester derivative — H 3.34 (2H, AB system) for the benzylic methylene; H 5.15 (1H, m) for the -methine. The intensities of both sets of signals, phenanthrene and amino ester resonances, integrated in proportion consistent with the structure of amino ester 20. As with the synthesis of phenanthrene-phosphonate (19) the low yield of 20 was disappointing. However, these preliminary investigations provide a foundation for future optimisation which could allow construction of NOS models with more advanced superstructure. 112 3. Conclusion 113 The two main approaches for anchoring porphyrins reported in the literature involve either covalent or coordinative fixation of the macrocycle to a surface. The former mode of attachment is generally achieved by substitution of a good leaving group on the porphyrin’s side chains by a suitable nucleophile bound to the surface. This method is efficient for preventing catalyst leaching from the surface, however functional operation of the porphyrin for oxidation requires a suitable axial donor ligand, as observed in Nature. Coordinatively bound models, where the metalloporphyrin’s core metal centre is linked by a surface-tethered ligand (generally through a nitrogen donor centre), may provide more efficient catalysts. In this thesis we have proposed a novel approach for surface fixation of porphyrins, an approach that may allow the development of porphyrin-based models for the nitric oxide synthase enzymes. Our porphyrin models were anchored through a dual coordinative-covalent strategy, Scheme 62, where a surface-tethered mercaptopropyl chain simultaneously serves as a donor ligand to the metal centre and provides a site for covalent attachment of the porphyrin. This approach is intended to minimise catalyst leaching from the surface and, moreover, may lead to better NOS mimetics in which the axial donor ligand centre for the metal is a sulfur atom. To achieve the dual attachment meso alkenyloxyphenyl side chains were exploited in a radical addition to the surfacebound thiol chains. NOS model spacer units and molecular recognition superstrucutre n O M n O n O HS S M S n O S Scheme 62 To avoid losing the synthetically expensive prototype NOS model during development of the attachment strategy, preliminary studies were carried out on simple porphyrins possessing allyloxyphenyl or pentenyloxyphenyl side chains (respectively, 47 and 56). 114 These unmetallated porphyrins were successfully bound to a mercaptopropyl-modified silica by radical addition mediated with the initiator AIBN in acetonitrile. In both cases high surface loadings were obtained — estimated at up to 1.3 µmol/m2. Surface loading may be sensitive to the concentration of porphyrin substrate used, with lower concentrations potentially favouring a doubly-tethered, parallel attachment mode. The high loading levels achieved with 47 and 56, however, are consistent with a predominantly singly-tethered, perpendicular attachment, Figure 32. Ph O Si O OMe N O S n HN NH OH O N n Ph Ph OH O Si N O S n OH OMe NH HN N O n Ph Figure 32 The zinc derivatives of porphyrins 47 and 56, respectively 52 and 57, were successfully coordinatively attached to mercaptopropyl-modified silica. The porphyrin surface loadings were substantially lower than those obtained for the parent free-base porphyrins and were consistent with parallel binding of the metalloporphyrins, Figure 33. However, with these porphyrins it was not possible to evaluate the percentage of porphyrin alkene side chains that had undergone the radical addition to become attached to the surface through the dual mode. Ph Ph N O N S HO Si O Zn N HO Si OH OH O N S S Ph OH N O O N OMe OH OH HO Si O Zn N S Ph HO Si OH OH OH O O N S OMe HO Si OH OH OH O O Figure 33 These studies were encouraging but provided no tangible proof that the dual attachment (i.e. coordinative and covalent) had occurred. To obtain this proof, porphyrin 58 and its zinc derivative 74, both labelled at their terminal olefinic centres, were synthesised and reacted with mercaptopropyl-modified silica. The solid-state 115 NMR experiments carried out on the resulting silicas demonstrated clearly that the dual attachment mode initially foreseen had indeed taken place, with an estimated 88% of alkene chains having undergone radical addition in the case of zinc porphyrin 74, Figure 34. * O NH Ph N N Ph HN Ph O * 3 3 * S Si OMe O O O NH HN NH HN O S Si OMe O SH Ph Si OMe O O O 3 * SH Si O O S OMe MeO Si O O Figure 34 Following the success of the surface attachment studies on silica, preliminary electrochemical studies were attempted using a mercaptopropyl-modified gold wire reacted with a prototype NOS model (85). Unfortunately, the surface attachment in this case was inconclusive and these studies will require further development. For instance, a larger surface than the gold wire used here could be employed in order to maximise the quantity of metalloporphyrin to be analysed at the surface. The disappointing outcome from our preliminary electrochemical studies should not eclipse the excellent results obtained with the studies carried out on silica however. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of such a dual coordinative-covalent attachment strategy and the way now lies open for attachment of the Heriot-Watt NOS model prototypes for assessment of their catalytic potential. A secondary aim of the project was the synthesis of phenanthrene spacer units carrying acidic superstructure chains differing from the those of the first Heriot-Watt NOS model prototype. Variation of the original oxyacetic acid superstructure might lead to models with different guanidinium binding characteristics. 116 Such models might allow the dependency of substrate oxidation on its bound orientation and proximity to the catalytic centre to be investigated in future studies. Thus, a chiral amino ester, Lphenylalanine ethyl ester (18) was introduced on phenanthrenol 15 by amination of its triflate derivative (16) using a palladium-catalysed pocedure. The synthesis of phenanthrene 19 possessing a phosphonate-containing superstructure chain was also achieved by nucleophilic substitution of the phenolate of 15 on triflate 17. These two procedures, Scheme 63, remain to be improved. Cl OH Tf2O, DIPEA DCM CHO CHO 15 O EtO P EtO 17 O O S CF 3 O Cl 16 Pd cat. BINAP Cs2CO3 toluene Ph O O S CF 3 O K2CO3 DMF H2 N CO 2Et 18 O Cl O Ph P OEt OEt Cl N H CHO CO 2Et CHO 19 20 Scheme 63 The work described in this thesis represents a significant step forward in the NOS models programme at Heriot-Watt University. However, synthetic challenges remain to be overcome. For instance, a bulky group remains to be introduced on the phenanthrene ortho to the porphyrin (X, Figure 35). This will prevent rotation of the spacer units for the construction of models with a fixed cleft. Work has already been directed towards introduction of a locking halogen atom atom at this position, but did not lead to a practicable synthetic route to the required spacer units. Current studies by others in our group with an additional fused benzo ring attached to the lower ring (i.e. a pyrene spacer) are more promising. The drawback with blocking spacer rotation in these models, however, is of course the generation of atropisomers — the ,-atropisomer is required for construction of our models. Work is currently being undertaken using strap methodology for construction of suitable models with locked spacer units. In this work a temporary strap between the superstructure chains of two spacer units is established prior to the porphyrin-forming step. Construction of the porphyrin then gives rise to structures of the type shown in Figure 35. Removal of the strap subsequently unmasks 117 the porphyrin’s guanidinium-binding cleft. These studies are currently in progress for the synthesis of more advanced models to be used in detailed solution phase host-guest binding studies with guanidinium substrates. strap Cl O O R Cl HN N N NH X X R n R= O Figure 35 As described above, then, the work towards construction of a functional biomimetic model for NOS is far from completion. However, substantial progress has been made towards this goal through the studies in this thesis and by others in our group. NOS plays a key role in physiological and pathophysiological processes. An advanced model could usefully throw light on the reactions catalysed by this remarkable enzyme and, in principle, provide technology for clean, highly-regulated and directed generation of NO from Arg. Such technology would provide a powerful tool for biomedical research in the NO field. 118 4. Experimental 119 4.1 GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL Reactions were routinely carried out under an inert atmosphere of N2 or Ar unless otherwise stated. Chemicals were purchased Aldrich, Avocado, Strem, Sigma and Lancaster chemical companies and were used as supplied. THF, Et2O and toluene were dried by distillation from sodium-benzophenone under Ar. DCM was dried by distillation from CaH2 or P2O5 under Ar. Other solvents were purified by distillation prior to use. Meting points were determined using Reichert Micro Hot Stage apparatus and are uncorrected. Mass spectra were obtained on a Kratos Concept 15 (electron impact) instrument. 1 H NMR spectra were recorded at 200 and 400 MHz on Bruker AC200 and DPX400 spectrometers using tetramethylsilane as an internal standard. NMR spectra were recorded at 50 and 101 MHz on the same instruments. 13 13 C C and 29Si solid-state NMR spectra were carried out by the analytical service of the chemistry department of Durham Universiy. Chemical shift data are reporteded part per million ( in ppm) where s, d, dd, t, q and m designate singlet, doublet, double doublet, triplet, quartet and multiplet respectrively. J values are given in Hz. IR spectra were recorded on a Perkin Elmer 1600 FT IR spectrometer. Flash coloumn chromatography was performed using Fisher Matrex silica gel 60 (35-70 m). TLC was performed on Merck silica gel 60 F254 precoated sheets (Art. 1.05554) with detection by UV light and/or alkaline KMNO4 dip. Elemental analyses were carried out by the analytical service of the chemistry department at Heriot-Watt University. Silica gel used for the surface attachment studies was purchased from Aldrich: [28,850-0], BET surface area ~500 m2, particule size 2-25m, pore volume 0.75 cm3/g, pore diameter 60 Å. Gold wire was purchased from Aldrich: [31,098-0], 0.5 mm diameter, 99.99%. 120 4.2 SURFACE ATTACHMENT VIA MESO-(P-ALLYLOXYPHENYL) GROUPS. Preparation of allyl phenyl ether (22) Phenol (47.0 g, 0.50 mol), potassium carbonate (69.1 g, 0.50 mol) O and allyl bromide (60.5 g, 0.50 mol) were refluxed in acetone (100 22 C9H10O Mol. Wt.: 134.1751 ml) for 8 hours. The reaction mixture was poured onto water (500 ml) and washed with Et2O (3 x 100 ml). The combined organic layers were further washed with 2M aqueous NaOH solution, and dried over potassium carbonate. The ether was removed on the rotary evaporator and the residue was distilled under reduced pressure to afford allyl phenyl ether 22119 (47.0 g, 0.35 mol; 70%); bp 19 mmHg 85 ˚C; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 4.54 (2 H, dt, J 5.3 and 1.5, OCH2), 5.29 (1 H, dq, J 10.4 and 1.3, vinylic-CH2), 5.42 (1 H, dq, J 17.4 and 1.6, vinylic-CH2), 6.07 (1 H, ddt, J 17.3, 10.4 and 5.4, vinylic-CH), 6.89-6.99 (3 H, m, Ph-H), 7.24-7.34 (2 H, m, Ph-H). Preparation of [3-(3-phenoxypropylsulfanyl)propyl]trimethoxysilane (23) Allyl phenyl ether (2.28 g, 17.1 mmol), (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (3.35 g, O Si(OCH 3)3 23 C15H26O4SSi Mol. Wt.: 330.5160 mmol) and AIBN (0.11 g, 0.4 mmol) were heated in acetonitrile (15 ml) at 85 ºC under nitrogen for 6 hours. S 17.1 At the end of the reaction solvent and unreacted volatile materials were evaporated under reduced pressure. [3-(3- phenoxypropylsulfanyl)propyl]trimethoxysilane 23 was afforded as a pale yellow oil (5.62 g, 17.0 mmol; 99% in > 95% purity): Rf (CHCl3) 0.17; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 0.72-0.80 (2 H, m, SCH2CH2CH2Si), 1.64–1.79 (2 H, m, SCH2CH2CH2Si), 2.10 (2 H, p, J 6.6, OCH2CH2CH2S), 2.55 (2 H, t, J 7.3, SCH2CH2CH2Si), 2.70 (2 H, t, J 7.1, OCH2CH2CH2S), 3.55 (9 H, s, 3 OCH3), 4.10 (2 H, t, J 6.1, OCH2CH2CH2Si), 6.886.97 (3 H, m, Ph-H), 7.24-7.32 (2 H, m, Ph-H). 4.2.1 Drying silica A sample of silica gel (sample A) that had undergone no treatment was submitted for elemental analysis: (Found 0 %C, 0.40% H). Two batches of this silica gel of identical 121 weight (14.680 g) were dried under the conditions used for all surface the attachment studies described in this thesis: in vacuo (0.1 mmHg) at 110 ºC for different lengths of time. Sample B was dried under those conditions for 24 h, weighed 130.955 g at the end of the treatment and was analysed by elemental analysis: (Found 0 %C, 0.35% H). The second sample, sample C was dried for 48 h and weighed 130.964 g at the end of the drying treatment: (Found 0 %C; 0.36% H). 4.2.2 General method for surface attachment of organic molecules onto silica Method A: (MeO) 3Si S O R OH O OH O Si OMe S O R The radical addition between (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane and an alkenyloxyfunctionalised organic residue was carried out (vide infra) in solution before surface attachment. - The silica was dried in vacuo (0.1 mm Hg) at 110 ºC for 24 hours. - The silane and the silica were heated in dry toluene (5 ml of toluene for 200 mg of silica) at 100 ºC in a sealed tube overnight. - The tube was opened under a nitrogen atmosphere and the mixture was then filtered, washing consecutively with dry toluene (5 ml for 200 mg silica) and dry CH2Cl2 (5 ml for 200 mg silica). - The resulting silica was then dried in vacuo for (110 ºC, 24 hours, 0.1 mmHg) before being submitted for elemental analysis. Method B: The radical addition was this time carried out on the surface between a silica-bound alkanethiol and an alkenyloxy-functionalised organic residue. - The silica was reacted with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane according to method A. - The resulting mercaptopropyl–modified silica was then heated with the alkenyloxy-functionalised compound in acetonitrile (5 ml for 200 mg silica) in the presence of catalytic AIBN in a sealed tube at 100 ºC for 6 hours. 122 - The reaction mixture was filtered under nitrogen and washed subsequently with dry toluene (5 ml for 200 mg of silica) and dry CH2Cl2 (5 ml for 200 mg of silica) or until the filtrate ran clear if the reactions were carried out with porphyrins. - The silica was then dried in vacuo (0.1 mmHg, 110 ºC, 24 h.) before being submitted for elemental analysis. 4.2.3 Attachment of allyl phenyl ether (MeO)3Si OH OH S O 23 O Si O OMe S O According to general method A: General method A was followed with different silane/silica ratios to optimise silane loading. Four experiments were carried out using 2.0 mol, 10.0 mol, 20 mol and 40 mol per m2 of substrate silica (Experiments 1–4, Table A). Silica gel was dried under standard conditions prior to use (0.1 mmHg, 100 ºC, 24 hours). Silica gel (200 mg, 100 m2) was then reacted with with silane 23 (66.0 mg, 0.20 mmol, experiment 1); (330 mg, 1.0 mmol, experiment 2); (660 mg, 2.0 mmol, experiment 3); (1.32 g, 4.00 mmol, experiment 4) in boiling toluene (5 ml) overnight. The resulting modified silicas were collected by filtration, washing with toluene (5 ml) and CH2Cl2 (5ml), and dried under standard conditions (0.1 mmHg, 100 ºC, 24 hours). The samples were submitted for elemental analysis and the results are summarised in Table A. OPTIMISATION STUDIES Experiment number Carbon percentage Hydrogen percentage (quantity of silane reacted in mg per 200 mg of silica substrate) (from elemental analysis) (from elemental analysis) 1 (66.0) 7.59 1.32 2 (330) 7.88 1.34 3 (660) 10.03 1.60 4 (1320) 11.59 1.85 Table A 123 Reproducibility of the results was also investigated by carrying out 4 experiments (experiments 5–8, Table B) using 2 mol of silane per m2 of silica for each experiment. Silica gel (200 mg, 100 m2) was dried (0.1 mmHg, 110 ºC, 24 hours) and was then treated with silane 23 (66.0 mg, 20.0 mol) in boiling toluene (5 ml) overnight. The resulting modified silica was filtered, washed with toluene (5 ml) and CH2Cl2 (5 ml) and dried under standard conditions (0.1 mmHg, 100 ºC, 24 hours). The samples were submitted for elemental analysis and the results are summarised in Table B. REPRODUCIBILITY STUDIES Experiment number Carbon percentage Hydrogen percentage (quantity of silane reacted in mg) (from elemental analysis) (from elemental analysis) 5 (66.0) 6.14 1.13 6 (66.0) 6.3 1.14 7 (66.0) 6.71 1.17 8 (66.0) 6.62 1.23 Table B According to general method B: OH OH (MeO) 3Si 21 Method A O 22 SH O Si O OMe SH Method B O O Si OMe S O Attachment of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane on silica was followed by radical addition of phenyl allyl ether on the surface. Dry silica gel (200 mg) was heated with (3mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (41.0 mg, 0.21 mmol) in dry toluene (5 ml). The silica was filtered and dried under the conditions described in the general method (0.1 mmHg, 110 ºC, 24 hours) and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 2.64; H, 0.83%. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was heated with allyl phenyl ether (29.0 mg, 0.21 mmol) in acetonitrile (5 ml) in the presence of AIBN (2.00 mg, 7.30 mol). This silane 22-modified silica was filtered, washed with toluene (5 ml) and CH2Cl2 (5 ml) and dried (0.1 mm Hg, 110 ºC, 24 hours) and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 5.70; H, 1.15%. 124 4.2.4 Surface attachment studies with porphyrins carrying allyloxy groups. Preparation of (4-methoxycarbonylphenyl)dipyrromethane (31) Methyl 4-formylbenzoate (500 mg, 3.05 mmol), pyrrole (2.04 were refluxed in dry toluene (15 ml) under nitrogen for 1.5 3' 2' O g, 30.46 mmol) and trifluoroacetic acid (34.0 mg, 0.35 mmol) 4' H3CO 1' NH 1 NH 5' 6' 31 C17H16N2O2 Mol. Wt.: 280.3212 hours. The solvent and unreacted pyrrole were then removed by conventional distillation on a water pump. The crude material was then submitted to a flash column chromatography on silica gel (Et2O/light petroleum, 1:9-3:7 gradient). After recrystallisation from toluene, the target dipyrromethane 31 was obtained as colourless needles (390.8 mg, 1.39 mmol; 47%): m.p. 164 ºC; Rf (2:3, EtOAc-light petroleum) 0.61; max (KBr disk)/cm-1 3341, 3121, 2952, 1705, 1606, 1557, 1433, 1417, 1260, 1196, 1180, 1031; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 3.83 (3 H, s, OCH3), 5.45 (1 H, s, H-1), 5.81-5.83 (2 H, m, pyrrole H), 6.09 (2 H, q, J 2.8, pyrrole H), 6.63-6.66 (2 H, m, pyrrole H), 7.20 (2 H, ~ d, J 8.3, H-2’ and H-6’), 7.91 (2 H, ~ d, J 8.4, H-3’ and H-5'), 7.91 (2 H, bs, 2 NH); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 43.88 (CH-1), 52.04 (OCH3), 107.42 (pyrrole CH), 108.49 (pyrrole CH), 117.48 (pyrrole CH), 128.34 (CH-2’ and CH–6’), 128.78 (C), 129.84 (CH-3’ and CH–5’), 131.49 (C), 147.23 (C), 168.82 (CO2); m/z (EI) 280 (100%, M+), 249 (17%, [M – OCH3]+), 214 (42%, [M – C4H4N]+) (Found M – 31: 249.1011. C16H13N2O requires 249.1028); (Found: C, 72.73; H, 5.73; N, 10.02%. C17H16N2O2 requires C, 72.84; H, 5.75; N, 9.99%). Preparation of 5,15-bis(4-carboxymethylphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin (32) (4-Methoxycarbonylphenyl)dipyrromethane 31 (448.4 mg, 1.60 mmol) and benzaldehyde (188.4 mg, 1.76 mmol) were refluxed in propionic acid (15 ml) for 30 minutes. The reaction was carried out in air to ensure oxidation of the porphyrinogen intermediate. Propionic 2 acid was removed under reduced pressure and the crude 3 4 material was submitted to a flash chromatography column 5 on silica (CH2Cl2/light petroleum, 2:3-4:1 gradient). Four 1 N NH 20 HN N 15 10 porphyrin congeners were eluted and identified from their 1 H NMR spectra. 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenylporphyrin 2751 (15.6 mg, 25.3 125 27 C44H30N4 Mol. Wt.: 614.7360 mol, 1.5 %) was eluted first in 1:1 CH2Cl2-petroleum: Rf (CH2Cl2) 0.87; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) <0 (2 H, bs, 2 NH), 7.69-7.78 (12 H, m, 8 meta Ph-H and 4 para Ph-H), 8.20-8.25 (8 H, m, 8 ortho Ph-H), 8.79 (8 H, s, pyrrolic-H). 5-(4-carboxymethylphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin 38 (23.8 mg, 35.4 mol, 2.2%) eluted second in 3:2 CH2Cl2-petroleum: Rf (CH2Cl2) 0.83; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 251 2' (5.27), 320 (4.98), 419 (6.57), 514 (5.08), 534 O (4.26), 550 (4.62); H (200 MHz, CDCl3) <0 (2 H, bs, 2 NH), 4.03 (3 H, s, OCH3), 7.62-7.74 (9 H, 2 3' 4' 3 1 N 4 5' H3CO 1' 20' HN NH N 15' 10' m, 6 meta Ph-H and 3 para Ph-H), 8.12-8.16 (6 H, m, 6 ortho Ph-H), 8.23 (2 H, d, J 8.2, H-2 38 C46H32N4O2 Mol. Wt.: 672.7720 and H-6), 8.37 (2 H, d, J 8.2, H-3 and H-5), 8.78– 8.81 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 52.35 (OCH3), 119.16 (C), 120.29 (C), 126.63 (meta Ph-CH and para Ph-CH), 127.76 (CH-2 and CH-6), 129.45 (C), 131.29 (pyrrolic-CH), 134.46 (CH-3 and CH-5, ortho Ph-CH), 141.95 (C), 146.97 (C), 167.25 (CO2); m/z (ESI) 673 (100%, MH+). The target 5,15-bis(4-carboxymethylphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin 32 (129.2 mg, 0.20 mmol; 11%) was eluted third in 7:3 CH2Cl2-petroleum: Rf (CH2Cl2) 0.28; max 2' (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 306 (3.93), 332 (2.78), 419 (5.42), 514 (3.78), 552 (3.08); max (KBr disk)/cm-1 3318, 2924, 1720, 1604, O 2 3' 4' 3 1 H3CO 1559, 1473, 1434, 1400, 1349, 1310, 1276, 4 5' 1' N NH 20' HN N O 15' OCH 3 10' 1177, 1110, 1020, 964, 799, 755, 730, 701; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) <0 (2 H, bs, 2 NH), 4.03 (6 H, s, 2 OCH3), 7.71-7.81 (6 H, m, 32 C48H34N4O4 Mol. Wt.: 730.8081 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H), 8.19-8.24 (4 H, m, 4 ortho Ph-H), 8.23 (4 H, d, J 8.2, 2 H-2 and 2 H-6), 8.37 (4 H, d, J 8.2, 2 H-3 and 2 H-5), 8.80 (8 H, d, J 4.8, pyrrolic-H), 8.88 (8 H, d, J 4.9, pyrrolic-H); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 52.37 (OCH3), 118.86 (C), 120.51(C), 126.68 (meta Ph-CH and para Ph-CH), 127.84 (CH-2 and CH-6), 129.53 (C), 131.38 (pyrrole CH), 134.46 (CH-3 and CH-5, ortho Ph-CH), 141.81 (C), 146.84 (C), 167.24 (CO2); m/z (ESI) 731 (55%, MH+); (Found C, 78.62; H, 4.99; N, 7.27%. C48H34N4O4 requires C, 78.89; H, 4.69; N, 7.67%). 126 5,10,15-tris(4-carboxymethylphenyl)-20-phenylporphyrin 39 (102.7 mg, 0.13 mmol; 8.2%) eluted petroleum: Rf fourth in (CH2Cl2) 4:1 CH2Cl2- 0.21; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 306 (4.51), 323 (4.26), 420 (5.84), 516 (4.45), 535 (3.62), 552 2' O 2 1 H3CO 3' 4' 3 4 5' 1' N NH (4.05); H (400 MHz, CDCl3) -2.81 (2 H, 20' HN O 15' N OCH 3 10' bs, 2 NH), 4.03 (9 H, s, 3 OCH3), 7.76 (3 H, m, 2 meta Ph-H and para Ph-H), 8.20-8.24 (2 H, m, 2 ortho Ph-H), 8.23 (6 H, d, J 8.2, 3 H-2 and 3 H-6), 8.37 (6 H, O OCH 3 39 C50H36N4O6 Mol. Wt.: 788.8442 d, J 8.2, 3 H-3 and 3 H-5), 8.81–8.90 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 52.43 (CH3, OCH3), 119.16 (C), 121.01 (C), 126.77 (meta Ph-CH and para Ph-CH), 127.95 (CH-2 and CH-6), 129.71 (C), 131.17 (pyrrole CH), 134.52 (CH-3 and CH-5, ortho Ph-CH), 141.79 (C), 146.76 (C), 167.25 (CO2); m/z (ESI) 789 (100%, MH+). Preparation of 4-(diacetoxymethyl)benzoic acid (43) In a three-necked round bottom flask equipped with a AcO mechanical stirrer and immersed in an ice-salt bath were placed AcO glacial acetic acid (96.0 ml, 1.68 mol), acetic anhydride (116 ml, 1.23 mol) and p-toluic acid (10.0 g, 73.5 mmol). To this solution 3 4 2 1 CO 2H 43 C12H12O6 Mol. Wt.: 252.2201 was added slowly with stirring concentrated sulfuric acid (18.0 ml, 0.33 mol). When the mixture had cooled to 5 ºC, chromium trioxide (20.0 g, 0.20 mol) was added in small portions at such a rate that the temperature did not rise above 10 ºC. The chromium trioxide was added over an hour and the reaction was left to stir for three more hours at 5 ºC. The reaction mixture was then poured onto crushed ice (200 ml) and the resulting mixture was then extracted with toluene (4 50 ml). The combined organic layers were dried (MgSO4) and the toluene was evaporated in vacuo. The residue was recrystallised from hot toluene, affording the target material, 4(diacetoxymethyl)benzoic acid 43 as colourless needles (6.65 g, 26.4 mmol, 37%): Rf (2:3, Et2O-CHCl3) 0.53; m.p. 86-87 ºC; max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2500-3040, 3039, 1772, 1692, 1619, 1585, 1494, 1426, 1375, 1290, 1245, 1200, 1126, 1064, 1007, 968, 937; H (200 MHz, C2D6SO) 2.12 (6 H, s, 2 CH3), 7.61 (1 H, s, CH(OAc)2), 7.63 ( 2 H, d, J 127 8.3, H-3 and H-5), 8.00 (1 H, d, J 8.4, H-2 and H-6); C (50 MHz, C2D6SO) 20.96 (2 CH3), 104.6 (CH(OAc)2), 127.15 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 130.02 (CH-2’ and CH-6’), 140.06 (C-4), 167.20 (CO2H), 169.11 (C–acetate); m/z (EI) 252 (2%, M+); (Found C, 57.27; H, 4.79%. C12H12O6 requires C, 57.14; H, 4.80%). Preparation of 4-formylbenzoic acid (41) 3 A solution of diacetate 43 (5.00 g, 19.8 mmol), ethanol (11.1 ml), water (11.1 ml, 0.62 mmol) and concentrated H2SO4 (1.1 ml, 20.1 mmol) was refluxed for 30 minutes. The reaction mixture was cooled and the resulting crystals were collected by filtration and OHC 2 4 1 CO 2H 41 C 8 H 6 O3 Mol. Wt.: 150.1314 washed with water. Recrystallisation from hot methanol afforded 4-formylbenzoic acid 41 as colourless needles (2.71 g, 18.1 mmol; 91%): Rf (Et2O-CHCl3, 2:3) 0.21; m.p. 146-147 ºC; max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2500-3200, 1690, 1575, 1504, 1431, 1393, 1290, 1205, 1125, 1110, 1015, 931, 851, 790; H (200 MHz, C2D6SO) 5.50 (1 H, bs, CO2H), 8.01 (2 H, d, J 8.3, H-3 and H-5), 8.13 (2 H, d, J 8.2, H-2 and H-6), 10.01 (1 H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, C2D6SO) 129.99 (CH-3 and CH-5), 130.36 (CH-2 and CH-6), 136.04 (C-1), 139.31 (C-4), 167.01 (CO2H), 193.45 (CHO); m/z (EI) 149 (8%, [M – H]+). Formation of 4-(1-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl)benzoic acid allyl ester(42) during the preparation of 4-formylbenzoic acid allyl ester (40) A suspension of 4-formylbenzoic acid (41; 1.50 g, 10.0 O mmol), allyl bromide (1.45 g, 12.0 mmol) and potassium O carbonate (1.38 g, 9.99 mmol) in acetone (20 ml) was refluxed for 48 hours. The reaction mixture was then filtered 2 3 1 4 OH O 6 5 42 C14H16O4 Mol. Wt.: 248.2744 through celite and the filtrate was evaporated under reduced pressure. The residue was taken up in CHCl3 and washed with saturated NaHCO3 solution (2 20 ml). The aqueous layers were extracted with CHCl3 (20 ml). The combined organic layers were dried (MgSO4) and the solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure, affording a yellow oil which was identified as being 4-(1-hydroxy-3- commercial reference 147 ºC (Aldrich) 128 oxobutyl)benzoic acid allyl ester 42 (1.50 g, 6.04 mmol; 60%): Rf (CHCl3) 0.33; max (neat)/cm-1 3483, 3017, 2940, 1712, 1648, 1611, 1577, 1509, 1414, 1362, 1266, 1176, 1076, 1076, 1017, 969, 937, 858, 762, 706; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 2.16 (3 H, s, COCH3), 2.79–2.83 (2 H, m, J 4.0, CHOHCH2CO), 3.63 (1 H, bs, OH), 4.78 (2 H, d, J 5.5, CO2CH2), 5.14-5.20 (1 H, m, CHOH), 5.26 (1 H, dd, J 10.4 and 0.8, vinylic-CH2), 5.37 (1 H, dd, J 17.4 and 1.4, vinylic-CH2), 6.00 (1 H, ddt, J 17.3, 10.5 and 5.4, vinylicCH), 7.39 (2 H, d, J 8.0, H-5 and H-3), 7.99 (1 H, d, J 8.1, H-2 and H-6); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 30.68 (COCH3), 51.61 (CHOHCH2CO), 65.47 (CO2CH2CH), 69.29 (CHOH), 118.16 (vinylic-CH2), 125.45 (CH-3 and CH-5), 129.28 (C), 129.83 (CH-2 and CH-6), 132.09 (vinylic-CH), 147.81 (C), 165.9 (CO2CH2), 198.2 (CH2COCH3); m/z (EI) 248 (22%, M+) (Found M 248.1055. C14H16O4 requires 248.1049). Preparation of 4-allyloxybenzaldehyde (45) 4-Allyloxybenzaldehyde was prepared by another member of the group (J.K, 20/02/1998): H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 4.61 (2 H, dt, J 5.2 and 1.5, OCH2), 5.34 (1 H, dq, J 10.5 and 1.5, vinylicCH2), 5.44 (1 H, dq, J 17.2 and 1.5, vinylic-CH2), 6.06 (1 H, ddt, 2 3 OHC 1 4 O 6 5 45 C10H10O2 Mol. Wt.: 162.1852 J 17.3, 10.5 and 5.2, vinylic-CH), 7.01 (2 H, d, J 8.8, H-3 and H5), 7.83 (2 H, d, J 8.8, H-2 and H-6), 9.90 (1 H, s, CHO). Preparation of (4-allyloxyphenyl)dipyrromethane (46) 4-Allyloxybenzaldehyde 45 (2.50 g, 15.4 mmol), pyrrole (10.3 g, 154 mmol) and trifluoroacetic acid (175 mg, 1.54 3' 2' O 4' 1' NH 1 NH mmol) were refluxed in toluene (50 ml) for 1.5 hours. Toluene and pyrrole were then removed by conventional distillation on a water pump. The crude material was 46 C18H18N2O Mol. Wt.: 278.3484 submitted to purification by flash column chromatography on silica (Et2O-light petroleum, 1:4 eluent). The target dipyrromethane 46 was afforded as a brown solid (2.26 g, 8.12 mmol; 53%): m.p. 132-133 ºC; Rf (1:1, EtOAc-light petroleum) 0.8; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 4.52 (2 H, dt, J 5.2 and 5.2, OCH2), 5.29 (1 H, dq, J 10.4 and 1.3, vinylic-CH2), 5.41 (1 H, dq, J 17.2 and 1.5, vinylic-CH2), 5.43 (1 H, s, H-1), 5.89-5.93 (2 H, m, pyrrole CH), 6.03 (1 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.5 and 5.2, vinylic-CH), 6.15 (2 H, q, J 129 2.7, pyrrole CH), 6.67-6.71 (2 H, m, pyrrole CH), 6.86 (2 H, d, J 8.7, H-3’ and H-5’), 7.12 (2 H, d, J 8.7, H-2’ and H-6’), 7.91 (2 H, bs, 2 NH); m/z (EI) 277 (14%, [M-H]+) 236 (17%, [M - C3H2]+) (Found M 278.1414. C18H18N2O requires 278.1419). Preparation of 5,15-bis(allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin (47) (4-Allyloxyphenyl)dipyrromethane (46; 1.74 g, 6.25 mmol) and benzaldehyde (775 mg, 7.37 mmol) were refluxed in propionic acid (50 ml) for 30 minutes. Propionic acid was then removed in vacuo and the residue was submitted to a flash column chromatography on silica (CH2Cl2-light petroleum, 1:1-4:1 gradient). Four porphyrins were isolated as lustrous purple solids. 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenylporphyrin 27 (52.5 mg, 0.08 mmol; 1.3%) eluted first in 1:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.97. 5-(4-Allyloxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin 49 (74.3 mg, 0.11 mmol; 1.8%) eluted second in 3:2 CH2Cl2-light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.94; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 305 2 (4.16), 318 (3.84), 4.19 (5.56), 465 (2.76), 516 (4.10), 534 (3.46), 550 (3.76); H (400 MHz, CDCl3) –2.67 (2 H, s, 2 NH), 4.72 (2 H, d, J 3' O 4' 3 2' 4 1' 5 1 N 20 HN NH N 15 10 5.3, OCH2), 5.35 (1 H, dd, J 10.5 and 1.5, vinylic-CH2), 5.52 (1 H, dd, J 17.1 and 1.6, vinylic-CH2), 6.18 (1 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.4 and 49 C47H34N4O Mol. Wt.: 670.7992 5.3, vinylic-CH), 7.20 (2 H, d, J 8.5, H-3’ and H5’), 7.74-7.76 (9 H, m, 6 meta Ph-H and 3 para Ph-H), 8.03 (2 H, d, J 8.5, H-2’ and H-6’), 8.11-8.16 (6 H, m, 6 ortho Ph-H), 8.74-8.81 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 69.14 (OCH2), 112.97 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 118.00 (vinylic-CH2), 119.96 (meso–C), 120.01 (C), 120.07 (C–10 and C–20), 126.66 (meta Ph-CH), 127.68 (para Ph-CH), 131.03 (pyrrole CH), 133.36 (vinylic-CH), 134.55 (ortho Ph-CH), 134.70 (C– 1’), 135.58 (CH-2’ and CH-6’), 142.19 (2 Ph–C), 142.21 (1 Ph–C), ~ 147 (C), 158.47 (C–4’); m/z (ESI) 671 (100%, MH+). 130 The target 5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin 47 (157 mg, 0.22 mmol; 3.5%) eluted third with 3:2 CH2Cl2-petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.89; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 420 (5.65), 518 2 3' (5.16), 538 (3.40), 553 (3.88), 577 1' O 4' (2.70), 592 (3.61); max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2' 3 4 20 1 N 5 HN NH 3023, 1718, 1603, 1558, 1504, 1471, N 15 O 10 1349, 1283, 1239, 1175, 956, 923, 799, 740; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) <0 (2 H, s, 2 47 C50H38N4O2 Mol. Wt.: 726.8625 NH), 4.72 (4 H, d, J 5.3, 2 OCH2), 5.35 (2 H, dd, J 10.5 and 1.4, 2 vinylic-CH2), 5.52 (2 H, dd, J 17.2 and 1.5, 2 vinylic-CH2), 6.18 (2 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.4 and 5.3, 2 vinylic-CH), 7.20 (4 H, d, J 8.5, 2 H-3’ and 2 H-5’), 7.74-7.76 (6 H, m, 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H), 8.03 (4 H, d, J 8.5, 2 H-2’ and 2 H-6’), 8.11-8.16 (4 H, m, 4 ortho Ph-H), 8.74-8.81 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 69.04 (OCH2), 112.85 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 117.94 (vinylic-CH2), 119.84 (meso–C), 126.66 (meta Ph-CH), 127.57 (para Ph-CH), 130.79 (pyrrole CH), 133.26 (vinylic-CH), 134.47 (ortho Ph-CH), 134.47 (C–1’), 135.50 (CH-2’ and CH-6’), 142.35 (2 Ph–C), 158.35 (C–4’); m/z (ESI) 728 (100%, [M + 2H]+); (Found C, 80.87; H, 5.23; N, 7.36%. C50H38N4O2 requires C, 82.62; H, 5.27; N, 7.71%). 5-(4-Allyloxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin 50 (63.5 mg, 0.08 mmol; 1.3%) eluted fourth with 4:1 CH2Cl2-petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.84; max (CHCl3)/nm (log 2 ε) 421 (5.69), 517 (4.17), 538 (3.39), 555 3' O 4' (3.93); H (200 MHz, CDCl3) <0 (2 H, s, 2 NH), 4.72 (6 H, d, J 5.3, 3 OCH2 ), 3 2' 4 1' 5 20 1 N HN NH N 15 O 10 5.35 (3 H, dd, J 10.5 and 1.6, 3 vinylicCH2), 5.52 (3 H, dd, J 17.2 and 1.6, 3 O vinylic-CH2), 6.18 (3 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.4 and 5.2, 3 vinylic-CH), 7.20 (6 H, d, J 50 C53H42N4O3 Mol. Wt.: 782.9257 8.5, 3 H-3’ and 3 H-5’), 7.74-7.76 (3 H, m, 2 meta Ph-H and para Ph-H), 8.03 (6 H, d, J 8.5, 3 H-2’ and 3 H-6’), 8.11-8.16 (2 H, m, 2 ortho Ph-H), 8.74131 8.81 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 69.02 (OCH2), 112.85 (CH-3’ and CH5’), 117.94 (vinylic-CH2), 119.72 (meso–C), 126.60 (meta Ph-CH), 127.58 (para PhCH), 130.97 (pyrrole CH), 133.27 (vinylic- CH), 134.50 (ortho Ph-CH), 134.66 (C–1’), 135.51 (CH-2’ and CH-6’), 142.19 (1 Ph–CH), 142.21 (C), 158.35 (C–1’); m/z (ESI) 783 (100%, MH+). Preparation of [5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrinato]zinc(II) (52) 5,15-Bis(allyloxyphenyl)-10,20diphenylporphyrin 47 (75.3 mg, 0.10 2 mmol), zinc chloride (260.8 mg, 1.24 3' O 4' mmol) and triethylamine (62.9 mg, 0.63 mmol) were refluxed in CH2Cl2 (20 ml) 3 2' 4 1' 5 1 20 N N 15 Zn N O N 10 for 2.5 hours. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the crude 52 C50H36N4O2Zn Mol. Wt.: 790.2366 residue was purified by flash column chromatography on silica (CHCl3-light petroleum 3:2 eluent). The metallated porphyrin (52) eluted following residual traces of the non-metallated starting material (47) but was contaminated with traces of triethylammonium salt. The latter was removed by treating a CH2Cl2 solution of the porphyrin with basic resin (Amberlite IRA-67, free base), filtration and evaporation. The target [5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrinato]zinc(II) (52) was thus obtained as a lustrous purple powder (75.6 mg, 0.09 mmol; 96%): R f (CHCl3) 0.86; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 424 (5.55), 532 (3.47), 557 (3.85); max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2932, 1715, 1602, 1548, 1503, 1467, 1347, 1283, 1240, 1174, 956, 923, 797, 738; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 4.72 (4 H, d, J 5.32, 2 OCH2), 5.35 (2 H, dd, J 10.5 and 1.6, 2 vinylic-CH2), 5.52 (2 H, dd, J 17.2 and 1.6, 2 vinylic-CH2), 6.18 (2 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.4 and 5.2, 2 vinylic-CH), 7.20(4 H, d, J 8.5, 2 H-3’ and 2 H-5’), 7.74-7.76 (6 H, m, 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H), 8.03 (4 H, d, J 8.5, 2 H-2’ and 2 H-6’), 8.11-8.16 (4 H, m, 4 ortho Ph-H), 8.74-8.81 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); m/z (ESI) 791 (100%, MH+); (Found C, 75.83; H, 4.51; N, 6.95 %. C50H36N4O2Zn requires C, 75.99; H, 4.59; N, 7.09%). 132 Attachment of 5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin Ph O Si O OMe S N O HN NH N O Ph According to general method A (route 1, Scheme 31): Porphyrin 47 (300 mg, 0.41 mmol), (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (111 mg, 0.56 mmol) and AIBN (6 mg, 0.02 mmol) were refluxed in acetonitrile (10 ml) for 6 hours. The solvent was then removed in vacuo and the 1H NMR spectrum of the residue showed that only unreacted starting materials were present. The reaction was repeated using a larger excess of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (805 mg, 4.1 mmol) for the same quantity of porphyrin 47. Again, the 1H NMR spectrum of the crude material showed that only unreacted starting material were present. According to general method B (route 2, Scheme 31): Dried silica gel (200 mg) heated with 3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (41.2 mg, 0.21 mmol) in dry toluene (5 ml) in a sealed tube at 110 ºC overnight. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was collected by filtration and washed according to the general method: Found C, 2.64; H, 0.83%. The mercaptopropyl-modified silica was heated with 5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin (145 mg, 0.2 mmol) in the presence of AIBN (4.0 mg, 0.01 mmol) in dry acetonitrile (5 ml) at 110 ºC in a sealed tube for 6 hours. The resulting silica was filtered and washed according to the general method: (Found C, 28.89%; H, 2.43%; N, 2.35%). Test reaction A: To assess whether the radical initiator is necessary for covalent attachment of porphyrin 47 to the mercaptopropyl-modified silica. Dried silica gel (50 mg) was heated with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (10.3 mg, 0.05 mmol) in dry toluene according to the general method. After filtration and washing the silica gel was subjected to elemental analysis: Found C, 2.90; H, 0.87%. The mercaptopropyl-modified silica was then heated for 6 hours with porphyrin 47 (36.0 mg, 0.05 mmol) in dry acetonitrile (1.5 ml) in a sealed tube at 110 ºC in the absence of AIBN. The recovered silica gel was washed, dried and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 4.86; H, 1.06; N, 0%. 133 Test reaction B: To assess whether the washing method is efficient in removal of physisorbed material on the surface of the silica. Dry silica gel (50 mg) was treated with porphyrin 47 (36 mg, 0.05 mmol) in acetonitrile (1.5 ml) in a sealed tube at 110 ºC overnight. The silica was recovered by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 0.75; H, 0.43; N, 0.0%. Attachment of [5,15-bis(4-allyloxyphenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrinato]zinc (II) (52) Ph O N N S Si O O Zn N O N S S Ph OMe Si OMe O O MeO Si O O Dried silica (300 mg) and (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (61.8 mg, 31.5 mmol) were heated in dry toluene (7 ml) at 110 ºC overnight. The resulting mercaptopropylmodified silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method before being submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 3.00; H, 0.93%. A sample (200 mg) of this mercaptopropyl–modified silica was heated with Zn-porphyrin 52 (58.3 mg, 7.45 mol) in the presence of AIBN (3 mg, 11 mol) in acetonitrile (5 ml) at 110 ºC for 6 hours. The zinc porphyrin-modified silica was then collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method before being submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 5.99; H, 1.10; N, 0.17%. 4.3 SURFACE ATTACHMENT VIA MESO-(P-PENTENYLOXYPHENYL GROUPS). 4.3.1 Attachment of 4-(pent-4-enyloxyphenyl)benzaldehyde (53). Preparation of 4-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde (53) 2 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde (2.05 g, 16.7 mmol), 5 bromoOHC pent-1-ene (3.00 g, 20.1 mmol) and potassium carbonate (2.32 g, 16.7 mmol) were boiled in acetone for 24 hours. 134 1 3 4 O 53 C12H14O2 Mol. Wt.: 190.2384 The reaction mixture was then filtered though celite and the filtrate was evaporated. The residue was then submitted to a flash column chromatography on silica gel (CHCl 3light petroleum 1:1 eluent). The target 4-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde (53) was afforded as a colourless oil (2.95g, 15.5 mmol; 93%): Rf (CHCl3) 0.29; max (neat)/cm-1 3077, 2943, 2738, 1686, 1601, 1577, 1059, 1470, 1428, 1394, 1312, 1258, 1160, 1110, 1014, 916, 857, 833; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.92 (2 H, p, J 6.8, OCH2CH2), 2.25 (2 H, q, J 7.1, OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.05 (2 H, t, J 6.5, OCH2), 5.06 (1 H, dq, J 10.0 and 1.3, olefinic-CH2), 5.26 (1 H, dq, J 17.1 and 1.5, olefinic-CH2), 5.85 (1 H, ddt, J 17.0, 10.2 and J 6.6, olefinic-CH), 6.98 (2 H, d, J 8.7, H-3 and H-5), 7.83 (2 H, d, J 8.8, H-2 and H-6), 9.89 (1H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 28.06 (OCH2CH2CH2CH), 29.87 (OCH2CH2CH2CH), 67.42 (OCH2), 114.64 (CH-3 and CH-5), 115.39 (olefinic-CH2), 129.68 (C–1), 131.90 (CH-2 and CH-6), 137.34 (olefinic-CH), 164.04 (C–4), 190.75 (CHO); m/z (EI) 190 (49%, M+) (Found M 190.1025. C12H14O2 requires 190.0994). Preparation of 4-{5-[3-(trimethoxysilanyl)propylsulfanyl]pentyloxy}benzaldehyde (54) 4-(Pent-4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde 2 3 53 OHC (569 mg, 3.00 mmol), mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane 1 4 O S (3- Si (OCH 3)3 54 C18H30O5SSi Mol. Wt.: 386.5793 (587 mg, 3.00 mmol) and AIBN (12.3 mg, 0.07 mmol) were heated in dry acetonitrile (5 ml) at 85ºC for 6 hours under nitrogen. At the end of the reaction, solvent and unreacted volatile materials were evaporated under reduced pressure. The target material 54 was afforded as a colourless oil (980 mg, 2.53 mmol; 84% in > 95% purity): Rf (1:1, light petroleum-CHCl3) 0.22; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 0.61–0.63 (2 H, m, J 8.2, SCH2CH2CH2Si), 1.46-1.69 (8 H, m, OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2S, OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2S, OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2S, and SCH2CH2CH2Si), 2.40 (4 H, 2 t overlapping, J 7.2, CH2CH2SCH2CH2), 3.43 (9 H, s, O(CH3)3), 3.90 (2 H, t, J 6.3, OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2S), 6.85 (2 H, d, J 8.7, H-3 and H5), 7.68 (2 H, d, J 8.8, H-2 and H-6), 9.7 (1 H, s, CHO). 135 4.3.2 surface attachment with simple molecules carrying pentenyloxy groups. According to general method A: (MeO) 3Si S CHO 3O 54 OH OH O Si O OMe Method A S O CHO Dried silica gel (200 mg) was reacted with 4-{5-[3-(trimethoxysilanyl)prop–3– ylsulfanyl)pent-1-yloxy}benzaldehyde (54; 74.5 mg, 0.21 mmol) in dry toluene (5 ml) according to the general method. The resulting silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 7.92; H, 1.28%. According to general method B: (MeO)3Si OH OH OHC SH 21 Method A O Si O OMe SH O 53 Method B O Si O OMe S 3 O CHO Dried silica gel (200 mg) and (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (41.2 mg, 0.21 mmol) were heated in dry toluene (5 ml) in a sealed tube at 110 ºC overnight. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 2.88; H, 0.93%. This mercaptopropyl-modified silica, 4-(pent-4-enyloxy) benzaldehyde (40.0 mg, 0.21 mmol) and AIBN ( 3 mg, 11 mol) were heated in dry acetonitrile (5 ml) in a sealed tube for 6 hours (110 ºC). The resulting silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 7.53; H, 1.27%. 4.3.3 Surface attachment with porphyrins carrying pentenyloxy groups. Preparation of [4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]dipyrromethane (55) 4-(Pent-4-enyloxy)benzaldehyde (53; 2.00 g, 10.5 mmol), pyrrole (3.53 g, 52.6 mmol) and trifluoroacetic acid (120 mg, 0.11 mmol) were boiled in dry toluene (40 ml) for 1.5 hours under nitrogen. Toluene and pyrrole were then removed by distillation on a water 136 pump and the residue was submitted to a flash column chromatography (4:1 Et2O-light petroleum eluent). (Pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]dipyrromethane 55 2' 3' [4was obtained as a brown solid and purified by trituration in light petroleum (2.42 g, 7.90 mmol; 75%): m.p. 186- O 1' 4' 6' 5' NH 1 NH 55 C20H22N2O Mol. Wt.: 306.4016 187ºC; Rf (4:1, Et2O-light petroleum) 0.38; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.94 (2 H, p, J 7.0, OCH2CH2CH2CH), 2.29 (2 H, q, J 6.4, OCH2CH2CH2CH), 3.99 (2 H, t, J 6.4, OCH2), 5.07 (1 H, dd, J 10.2 and 1.5, olefinic-CH2), 5.13 (1 H, dd, J 17.2 and 1.5, olefinic-CH2), 5.39 (1 H, s, H-1), 5.89 (1 H, ddt, J 16.8, 10.1 and 6.5, olefinic-CH), 5.93 (2 H, broad signal, pyrrole CH), 6.19 (2 H, q, J 2.8, pyrrole CH), 6.65–6.70 (2 H, m, J 4.0 and 2.5, pyrrole CH), 6.88 (2 H, d, J 8.6, H-3’ and H-5’), 7.14(2 H, d, J 8.6, H-2’ and H-6’), 7.92 (2H, bs, 2 NH); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 28.39 (CH2), 31.00 (CH2), 43.04 (CH-1), 61.17 (OCH2), 107.03 (pyrrole CH), 108.25 (pyrrole CH), 114.50 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 115.22 (olefinic-CH2), 117.15 (pyrrole CH), 129.34 (CH-2’ and CH-6’), 132.97 (C), 134.13 (C), 137.80 (olefinic-CH), 157.89 (C–4’); m/z (EI) 306 (100%, M+) (Found M 306.1729. C21H22N2O requires 306.1732). Preparation of 10, 20-diphenyl-5, 15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin (56) [4-(Pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]dipyrromethane (55; 2.63 g, 8.60 mmol) and benzaldehyde (1.10 g, 10.3 mmol) were refluxed in propionic acid (50 ml) for 40 minutes. Propionic acid was removed under reduced pressure and the residue was submitted to flash column chromatography on silica gel (CH2Cl2-light petroleum, 1:1-4:1 gradient). Four porphyrins were isolated as lustrous purple solids. 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenylporphyrin 27 (12 mg, 0.02 mmol; 0.21%) eluted first in 1:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.97. 5-[4-(Pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin (15.2 mg, 0.02 mmol; 0.2%) eluted second in 1:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.82; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 419 (5.54), 461 (2.94), 517 (4.10), 538 (3.34), 552 (3.81), 571 (2.94), 592 (3.59); H (400 MHz, CDCl3) -2.76 (2 H, s, 2 NH), 2.09 (2 H, p, J 6.9, OCH2CH2), 2.41 (2 H, q, J 7.2, OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.26 (2 H, t, J 6.2, OCH2), 5.10 (1 H, dq, J 10.0 and 1.5, olefinic-CH2), 5.18 (1 H, dq, J 17.2, J 1.7, olefinic-CH2), 5.98 (1 H, ddt, J 17.2, J 10.4, J 6.8, olefinic-CH), 7.25 (2 H, ~d, J 8.8, H-3’ and H-5’), 7.71-7.81 (9 H, m, 6 meta PhH and 3 para Ph-H), 8.10 (2 H, ~d, J 8.8, H-2’ and H-6’), 8.20-8.22 (6 H, m, 6 137 ortho Ph-H), 8.82-8.91 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 28.68 (CH2), 30.30 (CH2), 67.53 2 (OCH2), 112.76 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 115.33 (olefinicCH2), 119.93 (meso–C), 120.06 (C–10 and C–20), 3' O 4' 3 2' 4 1' 5 1 N NH 120.15 (meso–C), 126.67 (meta Ph-CH), 127.68 (para 20 HN N 15 10 Ph-CH), 131.02 (broad signal, pyrrolic-CH), 134.43 (C–1’), 134.56 (ortho Ph-CH), 135.61 (CH-2’ and C49H38N4O Mol. Wt.: 698.8524 CH-6’) 137.93 (olefinic-CH), 142.21 (Ph–C), 142.24 (Ph–C), 158.93 (C–4’); m/z (ESI) 699 (100%, MH+). The target 10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin 56 (154.1 mg, 0.20 mmol; 2.3%) eluted third in 7:3 CH2Cl2light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.47; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 421 (5.71), 453 (3.49), 517 (4.31), 538 (3.79), 552 (4.10), 591 (9.81), 669 (2.59); max (KBr disk)/cm-1 3312, 2923, 1639, 2 3' 4' O 3 2' 4 1' 5 20 1 N HN NH N 15 O 10 1605, 1505, 1466, 1400, 1350, 1282, 1245, 1175, 966, 802, 737, 701; H (400 MHz, CDCl3) -2.76 (2 H, s, 2 NH), 2.07 (4 H, p, J 7.2, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 2.40 (4 H, ~ q, J 7.0, 2 56 C54H46N4O2 Mol. Wt.: 782.9688 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.24 (4 H, td, J 6.2 and 1.2, 2 OCH2), 5.09 (2 H, dq, J 10.0, J 1.2, 2 olefinic-CH2), 5.18 (2 H, dq, J 17.2 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-CH2), 5.98 (2 H, ddt, J 17.2, J 10.2, J 6.8, 2 olefinic-CH), 7.25 (4 H, ~ d, J 8.8, 2 H-3’ and 2 H-5’), 7.717.81 (6 H, m, 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H) 8.10 (4 H, ~ d, J 8.8, 2 H-2’ and 2 H-6’), 8.20-8.22 (4 H, m, ortho Ph-H), 8.82-8.92 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 28.67 (CH2), 30.29 (CH2), 67.51 (OCH2), 112.74 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 115.32(olefinic-CH2), 119.93 (C), 119.97 (C), 120.07 (C), 126.66 (CH, meta Ph-CH), 127.65 (para Ph-CH), 131.06 (broad signal, pyrrolic-CH), 134.44 (C–1’), 134.56 (CH, ortho Ph-CH), 135.60 (CH-2’ and CH-6’) 137.93 (olefinic-CH), 142.26 (C), 142.29 (C), 158.90 (C–4’); m/z (ESI) 782 (100%, M+); (Found C, 82.56; H 5.99; N, 6.89%. C54H46N4O2 requires C, 82.84; H, 5.92; N, 7.15%). 138 20-Phenyl-5,10,15-tris[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl] porphyrin (80.9 mg, 0.09 mmol; 1.15%) eluted fourth in 4:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.37; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 422 (5.60), 464 (3.56), 519 (4.22), 538 2 (3.76), 555 (4.06), 626 (3.34), 648 (3.94); H (400 MHz, CDCl3) -2.76 (2 H, s, 2 NH), 2.07 3' O 4' 3 2' 4 1' 5 20 1 N HN NH 15 N (6 H, p, J 7.2, 3 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 2.40 (6 H, O 10 ~ q, J 7.0, 3 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.24 (6 H, t, J 6.2, 3 OCH2), 5.09 (3 H, dq, J 10.0 and 2.0, 3 O olefinic-CH2), 5.18 (3 H, dq, J 16.9 and 3.6, J C59H54N4O3 Mol. Wt.: 867.0852 1.2, 3 olefinic-CH2), 5.98 (3 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.2 and 6.8, 3 olefinic-CH), 7.25 (6 H, ~ d, J 8.8, 3 H-3’ and 3 H-5’), 7.71-7.81 (3 H, m, 2 meta Ph-H and para Ph-H) 8.10 (6 H, ~ d, J 8.8, 3 H-2’ and 3 H-6’), 8.21-8.21 (2 H, m, ortho Ph-H), 8.82-8.92 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 28.63 (CH2), 30.26 (CH2), 67.43 (OCH2), 112.69 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 115.29 (olefinicCH2), 119.99 (C), 119.87 (C), 119.99 (C), 126.63 (meta Ph-CH), 127.97 (para Ph-CH), 131.03 (broad signal, pyrrolic-CH), 134.45 (C–1’), 134.49 (CH, ortho Ph-CH), 135.57 (CH-2’ and CH-6’) 137.90 (olefinic-CH), 142.24 (C), 142.29 (C), 158.85 (C–4’); m/z (ESI) 867 (100%,MH+). Preparation of {10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrinato} zinc(II) (57) 10,20-Diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4enyloxy)phenyl] porphyrin 56 (100 mg, 0.12 2 mmol) and zinc acetate dihydrate (280 mg, 1.2 mmol) were refluxed in CHCl3 (5 ml). TLC monitoring showed that the reaction had reached completion after 5 minutes. The solvent was then 3' O 4' 3 2' 4 1' 5 1 20 N N Zn N N 15 O 10 removed in vacuo and the residue was submitted to flash column chromatography on silica (CHCl3 eluent). After trituration with light petroleum the target compound, 57 C54H44N4O2Zn Mol. Wt.: 846.3429 {10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4- enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrinato}zinc(II) 57, was obtained as a lustrous fuchsia powder 139 (92.5 mg, 0.11 mmol; 92%): Rf (CHCl3) 0.46; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 255 (3.84), 372 (3.07), 424 (5.26), 552 (3.75), 575 (2.37), 595 (3.07); H (400 MHz, CDCl3) 2.07 (4 H, p, J 7.2, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 2.40 (4 H, ~ q, J 7.0, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.24 (4 H, td, J 6.2 and 1.2, 2 OCH2), 5.09 (2 H, dq, J 10.0 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-CH2), 5.18 (2 H, dq, J 17.2 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-CH2), 5.98 (2 H, ddt, J 17.2, 10.2 and 6.8, 2 olefinic-CH), 7.25 (4 H, ~ d, J 8.8, 2 H-3’ and 2 H-5’), 7.71-7.81 (6 H, m, 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H), 8.10 (4 H, ~ d, J 8.8, 2 H-2’ and 2 H-6’), 8.20-8.22 (4 H, m, ortho Ph-H), 8.82-8.92 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 28.68 (CH2), 30.29 (CH2), 67.51 (OCH2), 112.62 (CH-3’ and CH-5’), 115.29 (olefinic-CH2), 120.92 (C), 120.96 (C), 121.01 (C), 126.53 (meta Ph-CH), 127.46 (para Ph-H), 131.86 ( pyrrolic-CH), 132.03 (pyrrolic-CH), 134.42 (C–1’), 135.08 (ortho Ph-CH), 135.40 (CH2’ and CH-6’) 137.95 (olefinic-CH), 142.89 (C), 150.20 (C), 150.55 (C), 158.72 (C–4’); m/z (ESI) 846 (100%, M+); (Found C, 76.44; H, 5.11, N, 6.47%. C54H44N4O2Zn requires C, 76.63; H, 5.24; N, 6.62%). Attachment of 10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin (56) According to general method B: Ph O Si O OMe S 3 N O HN NH N O Ph Dried silica gel (300 mg) was heated with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (21; 300 mg, 1.5 mmol) in dry toluene (7 ml) in a sealed tube at 110 ºC overnight. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method before being submitted: Found C, 4.05; H, 1.16%. This mercaptopropyl-modified silica was heated with 10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent4-nyloxyphenyl)porphyrin (56; 100 mg, 0.13 mmol) in the presence of AIBN (4 mg, 0.01 mmol) in dry acetonitrile (5 ml) at 110 ºC in a sealed tube for 6 hours. The resulting silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method. Four different batches were withdrawn of this same sample and were submitted for elemental analysis. The results are summarised in table C. 140 Batch number Carbon content Hydrogen content Nitrogen content (% from elemental analysis) 1 2 3 4 21.07 21.39 21.97 21.47 2.14 2.23 2.37 2.16 1.56 1.58 2.12 1.52 Table C Attachment of [10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis(4-pent-4-enyloxyphenyl)porphyrinato]zinc (II) According to general method B: Ph 3 O S Si OMe O O N N Zn N O 3 N S Ph Si OMe O O S MeO Si O O Dried silica gel (500 mg) and (3-mercaptopropyl)-trimethoxysilane (103 mg, 0.52 mmol) were heated in dry toluene (10 ml) at 110ºC overnight. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method. Four different batches were withdrawn of this same sample and were submitted for elemental analysis. The results are summarised in table D. A portion of the mercaptopropyl–modified silica gel (200 mg) was heated with zinc porphyrin 57 (108 mg, 0.13 mmol) in the presence of AIBN (3 mg, 11 mol) in acetonitrile (5 ml) at 110 ºC for 6 hours. The zinc porphyrin-modified silica was then collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method before being submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 5.49%; H, 1.02; N, 0.0%. 141 Batch number Carbon content Hydrogen content (% from elemental analysis) 1 2 3 4 2.80 2.70 2.90 2.91 0.90 0.87 0.90 0.90 Table D 4.3.4 Solid-state NMR studies Preparation of silica gel Silica gel was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich: TLC OH single hydroxyl sites O standard grade without Si binder, surface area 500 Si O O Si OH O Si Si O OH geminal hydroxyl sites O Si O lattice sites 2 m /g, particle size 2-25 m, pore diameter 60 Å, pore volume 0.75 cm3/g. Silica gel was dried in vacuo (0.1 mmHg, 110 ºC, 24 hours) prior to use: (Found C, 0.05; H, 0.45%); 29Si solid-state NMR (59.58 MHz, Direct Polarisation) –111.0 (71.1%, lattice sites), -101.2 (26.7%, single sites), -91.6 (2.2%, geminal sites). Preparation of phenyldipyrromethane (65) Benzaldehyde (6.00 g, 56.5 mmol), trifluoroacetic acid (644.2 mg, NH 0.56 mmol) and pyrrole (51.28 g, 0.76 mol) were stirred at room 1 NH temperature under nitrogen for 2 hours. Pyrrole was then removed by conventional distillation and the residue was submitted to a flash column chromatography on silica (1.5:8.5 Et2O-light petroleum eluent). 65 C15H14N2 Mol. Wt.: 222.2851 The isolated product was recrystallised from hot Et2O to afford phenyldipyrromethane60 as a pale yellow solid (65; 5.00 g, 22.5 mmol; 40%): Rf (1:4 Et2O-light petroleum) 0.56; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 5.46 (1 H, s, H-1), 5.87-5.93 (2 H, m, pyrrole CH), 6.10 (2 H, q, J 2.9, pyrrole CH), 6.62-6.66 (2 H, m, pyrrole CH), 7.25 (5 H, m, Ph-H), 7.83 (2 H, bs, 2 NH). 142 Preparation of 10, 20-diphenyl-5,15-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin (59) Phenyldipyrromethane (65; 3.00 g, 13.5 mmol) and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (1.65 g, 14.0 mmol) were refluxed in propionic acid (70 ml) for 30 minutes. Propionic acid was then removed in vacuo and the crude material was submitted to flash column chromatography on silica gel (CH2Cl2-petroleum 1:19:1 gradient). Three porphyrins were isolated as lustrous purple solids. 2 5-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin 1 3 2' 4 1' 5 3' HO 4' (87.2 mg, 0.14 mmol; 1%) eluted first in 4:1 CH2Cl2- N 20 HN NH light petroleum: Rf (CHCl3) 0.57; H (200 MHz, N 15 10 CDCl3) 7.20 (2 H, d, J 8.0, H-3’ and H-5’), 7.62-7.70 (9 H, m, 6 meta Ph-H and 3 para Ph-H), 8.06 (2 C44H30N4O Mol. Wt.: 630.7354 H, d, J 8.2, H-2’ and H-6’), 8.12-8.17 (6 H, m, 6 ortho Ph-H), 8.75-8.82 (8 H, m, pyrrolic-H). The target 5,15-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)–10,20-diphenylporphyrin (59) was eluted along with 5,10,15-Tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)-20-phenylporphyrin (66) in 9:1 CH2Cl2petroleum (339 mg). No further separation could be achieved. Rf (1:9, Et2O-CH2Cl2) 0.49 (59) 0.31 (66); H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 7.20 (1, d, J 8.0, H-3’ and H-5’), 7.62-7.70 (1.9, m, meta Ph-H and para Ph-H), 8.06 (1, d, J 8.15, H-2’ and H-6’), 8.12-8.17 (1, m, ortho Ph-H), 8.75-8.82 (1.8, m, pyrrolic-H). 2 3' HO 4' 2' 3 4 1' 5 1 2 20 3' N HN NH N HO 4' 15 OH 3 2' 4 1' 5 20 1 N HN NH N 15 10 10 OH 59 C44H30N4O2 Mol. Wt.: 646.7348 66 C44H30N4O3 Mol. Wt.: 662.7342 143 OH Preparation of 4-bromobutyraldehyde (62) Ozone gas was bubbled though a solution of 5-bromopent-1-ene O (3.00 g, 20.1 mmol) in dry CH2Cl2 (40 ml) at –78 ºC until the H 1 solution turned a persistant blue due to excess ozone (after 45 minutes). Nitrogen gas was then bubbled through the solution to 3 2 Br 4 62 C4H7BrO Mol. Wt.: 151.0018 remove the excess ozone. Triphenylphosphine (5.28 g, 20.1 mmol) was added to the reaction mixture at –78 ºC and the reaction mixture was stirred at that temperature for another 10 minutes before being allowed to warm to room temperature. Solvent was evaporated and the residue was submitted to flash chromatography column on silica gel (1:1 CHCl3-light petroleum eluent). The target aldehyde (62), which was unstable to aerial oxidation, was obtained as a colourless oil (2.30 g, 15.2 mmol; 77%): Rf (1:1 CHCl3-light petroleum) 0.56; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 2.16 (2 H, p, J 6.7, CH2-3), 2.66 (2 H, t, J 7.0, CH2-2), 3.44 (2 H, t, J 6.5, CH2-4), 9.81 (1 H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 24.83 (CH2-3), 32.70 (CH2-4), 42.01 (CH2-2), 200.70 (CHO). Preparation of 13C-labelled methyl-triphenylphosphonium iodide (61) Iodomethane-13C (5.00 g, 35.0 mmol) was added to a solution of triphenylphosphine (9.17 g, 35.0 mmol) in toluene (70 ml). The H313C P reaction mixture was heated at 40 ºC overnight in a sealed flask. I The precipitate formed was collected by filtration and thoroughly 61 washed with light petroleum before being dried on an oil pump (0.1 mmHg) for 24 hours. 13C-Labelled methyl- C1813CH18IP Mol. Wt.: 405.2171 triphenylphosphonium iodide (61) was obtained as a white powder (13.67 g, 33.8 mmol; 98%): H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 3.24 (3 H, dd, J 135.0 and 13.2, 13CH3), 7.65-7.87 (15 H, m, Ph-H). Preparation of 4-(tert-butyl-dimethylsilanyloxy)butan-1-ol (69) 1,4-Butanediol (6.00 g, 66.0 mmol) was added to a vigorously 1 HO stirred suspension of sodium hydride (60% dispersion in mineral oil, 2.66 g, 66.0 mmol) in dry THF (100 ml). The 3 2 O 4 Si 69 C10H24O2Si Mol. Wt.: 204.3819 reaction mixture was stirred under argon for 45 minutes, at the end of which time a white precipitate had formed. Tert-butyl-dimethylsilyl chloride 144 (10.0 g, 66 mmol) was added to the reaction mixture in one batch and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for a further 45 minutes. The reaction mixture was then diluted in Et2O (400 ml) and successively washed with saturated NaHCO3 solution (2 50 ml) and brine (2 50 ml ). The organic layer was dried (Na2SO4) and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure. The crude material was submitted to flash column chromatography on silica (3:7 EtOAc-light petroleum eluent). 4-(Tertbutyldimethylsilyloxy)butan-1-ol (69)120 was obtained as a colourless oil (13.40 g, 65.6 mmol; 99%): Rf (3:7 EtOAc-light petroleum) 0.41; max (neat)/cm-1 3350, 2929, 1472, 1445, 1388, 1361, 1255, 118, 1101, 1006, 939, 836, 775, 663; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 0.01 (6 H, s, Si(CH3)2), 0.83 (9 H, s, C(CH3)3), 1.56-1.62 (4 H, m, CH2-2 and CH2-3), 2.52 (1 H, bs, OH), 3.54-3.63 (4 H, m, CH2-1 and CH2-4); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) – 6.00 (Si(CH3)2), 18.19 (C(CH3)3), 25.79 (C(CH3)3), 29.78 (CH2-2), 30.12 (CH2-3), 62.62 (CH2-1), 63.26 (CH2-4); m/z (EI) 205 (MH+), 147 (36.8 %, [M - C(CH3)3]+); (Found M 205.1639. C10H25O2Si requires 205.1624). Preparation of 4-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)butyraldehyde (70) A solution of dry DMSO (3.50 ml, 49.4 mmol) in dry CH2Cl2 (40 ml) was added dropwise to a solution of oxalyl chloride (2.35 ml, 26.8 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (50 ml) at -78 ºC under argon. The mixture was left to stir under argon at -78 ºC for 20 minutes. O H 1 3 O Si 2 4 70 C10H22O2Si Mol. Wt.: 202.3660 Then a solution of 4-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)butan-1-ol (69; 5.00 g, 24.5 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (40 ml) was added dropwise to the reaction mixture at -78 ºC. The resulting solution was left to stir at -78 ºC for 25 minutes. Triethylamine (10.3 ml, 73.3 mmol) was then added to the reaction mixture at -78 ºC. Then the reaction mixture was allowed to warm up to 0 ºC and left to stir for 1 hour. The reaction mixture was diluted with CH2Cl2 (150 ml) and washed with water (2 50 ml). The aqueous layer was extracted with further CH2Cl2 (2 50 ml) and the combined organic layers were dried (Na2SO4). The solvent was removed in vacuo and the residue was submitted to flash chromatography column on silica (1:4 Et2O-light petroleum eluent). 4-(Tertbutyldimethylsilyloxy)butyraldehyde (70) was obtained as a colourless liquid (3.50 g, 17.3 mmol; 71%). Aldehyde 70 was found to be air sensitive and was therefore stored in an oxygen-free atmosphere in the refrigerator. Rf (1:4 Et2O-petroleum) 0.62; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 0.01 (6 H, s, Si(CH3)2), 0.84 (9 H, s, C(CH3)3), 1.82 (2 H, p, J 6.5, CH2145 3), 2.47 (2 H, dt, J 7.0 and 2.1, CH2-2), 3.61 (2 H, t, J 5.9, CH2-4), 9.75 (1 H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) – 6.00 (CH3, Si(CH3)2), 18.16 (C(CH3)3), 25.36 (CH2-3), 25.77 (C(CH3)3), 40.66 (CH2-2), 61.94 (CH2-4), 202.51 (CHO); m/z (EI) 201 (MH+), 187 (16%, [M - CH3]+), 145 (58%, [M- C(CH3)]+). Preparation of the [1-13C]-5-(tert-butyl-dimethylsilanyloxy)pent-1-ene (71) n-Butyllithium (6.36 ml, 16 mmol) was added dropwise to a suspension of 13 C-labelled methyltriphenylphosphonium 2 H213C 1 4 3 iodide (61; 6.36 g, 16.0 mmol) in THF (50 ml) at room temperature under argon. The resulting red solution was O Si 5 71 C1013CH24OSi Mol. Wt.: 201.3858 stirred at room temperature for 1 hour. The solution was then transferred by canula to a flask containing a solution of 4-(tert- butyldimethylsilyloxy)butyraldehyde (70; 3 g, 15.0 mmol) in THF (15 ml) at -78 ºC. Once the transfer was complete, the reaction mixture was allowed to warm to room temperature and was left to stir overnight. The reaction mixture was then diluted in CHCl3 (100 ml) and washed with water (2 30 ml). The organic layer was dried (Na2SO4) and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure. The residue was submitted to flash chromatography on silica (0.5:9.5 Et2O-light petroleum eluent). 13C- labelled 5-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)pent-1-ene (71) was obtained as a colourless oil (2.00g, 9.93 mmol; 67% in >95% yield): Rf (7:3 petroleum-EtOAc) 0.56; max (neat)/cm-1 3066, 2929, 2857, 1618, 1387, 1361, 1255, 1101, 1037, 1006, 967, 938, 904, 836, 813, 775, 736; H (400 MHz, CDCl3) 0.01 (6 H, s, Si(CH3)2), 0.87 (9 H, s, C(CH3)3), 1.60 (2 H, p, J 6.7, CH2-4), 2.12 (2 H, p, J 6.6, CH2-3), 5.60 (2 H, t, J 6.7, CH2-5), 4.93 (1 H, ddq, J 155, 10.1 and 1.6, olefinic 17.1 and 1.6, olefinic 13 CH2-1), 5.00 (1 H, ddq, J 155, CH2-1), 5.81 (1 H, ddt, J 17.0, 10.2 and 6.6, CH2-2); C (100 13 MHz, CDCl3) – 6.00 (CH3, Si(CH3)2), 18.35 (C(CH3)3), 25.96 (C(CH3)3), 30.03 (CH23), 32.02 (CH2-4), 62.54 (CH2-5), 114.49 (13CH2-1), 138.55 (d, J 69.4, CH2-2); m/z (EI) 277 (100%, M+) (Found M 201.1654. 13C12C10H24OSi requires 201.1630). 146 Preparation of [5-13C]-labelled pent-4-en-1-ol (72) 13 C-labelled 5-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)pent-1-ene (71; 2.00 g, 10.0 mmol) and TBAF (1M solution in THF, 15.0 ml, 15.0 mmol) 4 2 H213C 5 3 OH 1 72 were refluxed for 2.5 hours. The reaction mixture was diluted in C413CH10O CH2Cl2 (25 ml) and washed with brine (2 15 ml). The aqueous Mol. Wt.: 87.1250 layer was extracted with more CH2Cl2 (10 ml) and the combined organic layers were dried (Na2SO4). The solvent was removed by distillation under atmospheric pressure using a Vigreux column. 13C-labelled pent-4-en-1-ol (72) was obtained as a colourless liquid (610 mg, 0.70 mmol; 70% in >95% yield): Rf (1:1 CH2Cl2-Et2O) 0.56; max (neat)/cm-1 3368, 2937, 1741, 1724, 1619, 1143, 1415, 1390, 1372, 1249, 1048, 994, 905, 836, 776, 734; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.60 (2 H, p, J 7.0, CH2-2), 2.06 (2 H, p, J6.8, CH2-3), 2.06 (1 H, s, OH), 3.59 (2 H, t, J 6.6, CH2-1), 4.91 (1 H, ddq, J 157, 10.1 and 3.2, olefinic 13 CH2-5), 4.98 (1 H, ddq, J 157, 17.1 and 3.2, olefinic 13CH2-5), 5.77 (1 H, dddt, J 17.0, 10.2, 6.9 and 0.95, CH2-4); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 30.10 (CH2-3), 31.80 (CH2-2), 62.49 (CH2-1), 114.95 (13CH2-5), 138.58 (d, J 69.5, CH–4); m/z (EI) 87 (6%, M+), 70 (36%, [M – OH]+) (Found M 87.0749. 13C12C4H10O requires 87.0765). Preparation of [5-13C]-labelled trifluoromethanesulfonic acid pent-4-enyl ester (72) To a solution of 13C-labelled pent-4-en-1-ol (72; 100 mg, 1.15 mmol) and triethylamine (1.51 mg, 1.50 mmol) in dry CH2Cl2 (10 ml) at 0 ºC was added freshly distilled trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride (220 l, 1.4 mmol). The reaction was left to 4 H213C 5 O O S CF 3 2 3 1 O 73 C513CH9F3O3S Mol. Wt.: 219.1877 stir at 0 ºC under argon for 2 hours. The crude mixture was then washed with cold water (2 5 ml) and then cold 2M aqueous HCl (2 5 ml). The organic layer was dried (Na2SO4) and the solvent was removed in vacuo affording the target triflate (73) as a pale yellow liquid (151 mg, 0.69 mmol; 60% in >95% purity): Rf (CH2Cl2) 0.67; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.84 (2 H, p, J 6.8, CH2-2), 2.12 (2 H, q, J 7.3, CH2-3), 4.46 (2 H, t, J 6.6, CH2-1), 4.96 (2 H, ddq, J 157, 10.4 and 3.2, olefinic 13CH25), 5.00 (2 H, ddq, J 157, 16.7 and 3.2, olefinic and 6.6, CH-4). 147 13 CH2-5), 5.77 (1 H, ddt, J 16.8, 10.3 Preparation of 13C-labelled 5,15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]–10,20- diphenylporphyrin (58) A mixture of unknown composition of 5,15-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-10,20- 2 diphenylporphyrin (59) and 5,10,15-tris(4- 3' hydroxyphenyl)–20–phenyl porphyrin (66) (470 mg), 13 O 4' 3 2' 4 1' 5 20 1 N HN NH N 15 O C-labelled 10 trifluoromethanesulfonic acid pent–4–enyl 13 H2 C 13 CH 2 ester (73; 156 mg, 0.71 mmol) and 58 triethylamine (123 l, 0.71 mmol) were C5213C2H46N4O2 Mol. Wt.: 784.9541 heated in CH2Cl2 (15 ml) in a sealed tube at 70 ºC overnight. The solvent was then removed in vacuo and the crude material was submitted to flash column chromatography on silica gel (9.5:1.5 CH2Cl2-Et2O eluent). The target labelled porphyrin (58) was afforded as a lustrous purple powder (153 mg, 0.19 mmol): Rf (CHCl3) 0.65; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 421 (5.66), 518 (4.10); max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2923, 1605, 1558, 1504, 1464, 1441, 1399, 1349, 1281, 1245, 1175, 1107, 1071, 965, 908, 843, 804, 736, 700; H (400 MHz, CDCl3) –2.81 (2 H, s, 2 NH), 2.01 (4 H, p, J 7.2, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 2.33 (4 H, p, J 7.0, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.18 (4 H, t, J 6.4, 2 OCH2), 5.02 (2 H, ddd, J 154, 10.1 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-13CH2), 5.11 (2 H, ddd, J 154, 17.1 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-13CH2), 5.90 (2 H, ddt, J 17.0, 10.1 and 6.8, 2 olefinic-CH), 7.19 (4 H, dd, J 8.7 and 1.6, 2 H-3’ and 2 H-5’), 7.64-7.70 (6 H, m, 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H), 8.03 (4 H, d, J 8.56, 2 H-2’ and 2 H-6’), 8.13-8.15(4 H, m, 4 ortho Ph-H), 8.75 (4 H, d, J 4.7, pyrrolic-H), 8.81 (4 H, d, J 4.7, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 115.32 (CH2, (Found C, 82.57; H 5.83; N, 6.85%. 13 13 C-1); m/z (ESI) 785 (100%, M+); C212C52H46N4O2 requires C, 82.63; H, 5.91; N, 7.14%). The ratio of porphyrins 59 and 66 in the mixture used in this reaction was not determined 148 Preparation 13C-labelled of {10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis(4-pent-4-enyloxyphenyl) porphyrinato}zinc(II) (74) 13 C-labelled 5,15-bis[4-(pent-4- enyloxy)phenyl]–10,20-diphenylporphyrin 2 1 (58; 75.0 mg, 95.5 mol) and zinc acetate 3' O 4' dihydrate (223 mg, 0.95 mmol) were 3 2' 4 1' 5 20 N N Zn N refluxed in CHCl3 (5 ml) for 10 minutes. The solvent was then removed in vacuo and O 15 10 13 H2 C 13 CH 2 the residue was submitted to flash column chromatography on silica gel (9:1 CHCl3- N 74 C5213C2H44N4O2Zn Mol. Wt.: 848.3282 EtOAc eluent). The target metallated porphyrin (74) was obtained as a lustrous fuchsia powder (77 mg, 90.7 mol; 95%): Rf (CHCl3) 0.75; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 424 (5.21), 552 (3.70), 595 (2.95); H (400 MHz, CDCl3) 2.01 (4 H, p, J 7.2, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 2.33 (4 H, p, J 7.0, 2 OCH2CH2CH2CH), 4.18 (4 H, t, J 6.4, 2 OCH2), 5.02 (2 H, ddd, J 154, 10.1 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-13CH2), 5.11 (2 H, ddd, J 154, 17.1 and 1.2, 2 olefinic-13CH2), 5.90 (2 H, ddt, J 17.0, 10.1 and 6.8, 2 olefinic-CH), 7.19 (4 H, dd, J 8.7 and 1.6, 2 H-3’ and 2 H-5’), 7.64-7.70 (6 H, m, 4 meta Ph-H and 2 para Ph-H) 8.03 (4 H, d, J 8.56, 2 H-2’ and 2 H-6’), 8.13-8.15 (4 H, m, 4 ortho Ph-H), 8.75 (4 H, d, J 4.7, pyrrolic-H), 8.81 (4 H, d, J 4.7, pyrrolic-H); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 115.29 (olefinic 13 CH2); m/z (ESI) 848 (100%, M+). 13C-labelled Attachment of porphyrin (58) and 10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl] 13C-labelled {10,20-diphenyl-5,15-bis[4-(pent-4- enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrinato}zinc(II) (74) According to general method B: Dried silica (400 mg) and (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (82.5 mg, 0.42 mmol) were heated in dry toluene (10 ml) at 110 ºC overnight. The resulting silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method and submitted for O Si SH O OCH 3 O O Si O SH elemental analysis: Found C, 2.89; H, 0.89%; 29Si solid-state NMR (59.58 MHz, Direct Polarisation) -111.3 (73%, lattice sites), -101.6 (20%, single 149 hydroxyl sites), -92.1 (0.7%, geminal hydroxyl sites), -56.6 (2.2%, (SiO)3SiCH2), -47.3 (3.3%, (SiO)2(CH3O)SiCH2); 13 C solid-state NMR (75.43 MHz, Direct Polarisation) 10.17 (27%, C-), 27.01 (56%, C- and C-), 48.82 (18 %, SiOCH3). The two following reactions were then carried out in parallel. A portion of the Ph mercaptopropylmodified gel O Si O OMe silica (110 * S 3 N HN NH N O mg) * O Ph was reacted with the non-metallated poprhyrin (58; 100 mg, 0.31 mmol) in dry acetonitrile (10 ml) in the presence of AIBN (4 mg, 14 mol) according to the general method. The modified silica recovered was submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 9.11; H, 1.44; N, 0.23%; 13 C solid-state NMR (75.43 MHz, Direct Polarisation) 11.8 (4.8%, C-), 22.6 (8.4%), 31.4 (18%, 13CH2SCH2-, C- and C-), 39.4 (16%), 51.5 (31%, 13CH2(SO)CH2and SiOCH3), 113.4 (19%, olefinic 13C), 129.1 (3.3%). A second portion of mercaptopropyl-modified the Ph silica 3 * gel (110 mg) heated with the Zn- N O N S O N 3 * S mmol) in acetonitrile (10 ml) in a N S Ph porphyrin 74 (104 mg, 0.27 Zn Si OMe O O Si OMe O O MeO Si O O sealed tube at 110 ºC for 6 hours in the presence of AIBN (4.0 mg, 14.0 mol). The resulting silica was collected by filtration, washed and dried according to the general methods: (Found C, 7.84; H, 1.29; N, 0.21%); 13 C solid-state NMR (75.43 MHz, Direct Polarisation) 11.1 (6.0%, C-), 22.7 (10.7%), 27.7 (5.3%, C-), 32.1 (35%, 13 CH2SCH2–), 48.6 (0.1%), 51.2 (30%, 13 CH2(SO)CH2- and SiOCH3), 113.6 (8.9%, residual olefinic 13C), 130.6 (4.2%). A third portion of mercaptopropyl– Ph * N modified silica (110 mg) used for reactions heated the two above was with the Zn- N O SH N N * O HS S Ph Zn Si OMe O O porphyrin (74; 50.0 mg, 150 Si OMe O O MeO Si O O 0.13 mmol) in acetonitrile (2.5 ml) in the absence of AIBN. The resulting mercaptopropyl-modified silica was recovered by filtration, washed and dried according to the general method and submitted for elemental analysis: Found C, 5.52; H, 1.23; N, 0.01%; 13C solid-state NMR (75.43 MHz, Direct Polarisation) 10.53 (C-), 27.09 (C- and C-), 31.99 (low intensity, 13 CH2SCH2-), 49.23 (SiOCH3), 113.66 (high intensity, residual olefinic 13C). 4.4 ATTACHMENT OF A PROTOTYPICAL NOS MODEL TO A MERCAPTOPROPYLMODIFIED GOLD SURFACE. 4.4.1 Synthesis of a prototypical NOS model Preparation of 1-chloro-4-methoxy-2-methylbenzene (9) 4-Chloro-2-methylphenol (50.1 g, 0.351 mol) was dissolved in 1.5 M aqueous NaOH solution (250 ml) with vigorous stirring at 0 °C. 6 Cl reaction mixture was heated for an hour at 60-70 °C after which time a OMe Me Dimethyl sulfate (33.5 ml, 0.354 mol) was added dropwise to the solution, maintaining the temperature at 0 ˚C. After addition, the 5 3 9 C8H9ClO Mol. Wt.: 156.6092 separate oily phase had formed. The organic material was extracted into CH2Cl2 and washed with water and then 2M aqueous NaOH solution. The combined organic layers were then dried (MgSO4) and evaporation of the solvent under reduced pressure afforded 1-chloro-4-methoxy-2-methylbenzene60 (9; 48.5 g, 0.31 mmol; 88.3%): H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 2.31 (3 H, s, CH3), 3.75 (3 H, s, OCH3), 6.60 (1 H, dd, J 8.7 and 2.9, H-5), 6.75 (1 H, d, J 3.0, H-3), 7.25 (1 H, d, J 8.7, H-6). Preparation of 2-bromoethyl-1-chloro-4-methoxybenzene (10) A two-litre photochemical reaction vessel fitted with a quartz immersion well was charged with a solution of sodium bromate (136 6 5 Cl OMe 3 g, 0.81 mol) in water (250 ml). EtOAc (1.2 l) and 1-chloro-4- methoxy-2-methylbenzene (9; 97.0 g, 0.68 mol) were added to the vessel. The two phase-system was vigorously mixed by combined use Br 10 C8H8BrClO Mol. Wt.: 235.5052 of a magnetic stirrer and nitrogen gas purge. A solution of sodium metabisulfite (103 g, 0.54 mol) in water (350 ml) was then added dropwise to the 151 mixture under irradiation from a 400 Watt medium pressure mercury lamp over 5 hours. The irradiation was stopped and the organic phase was separated and successively washed with solutions of sodium thiosulfate (4 100 ml) and brine (2 250 ml). The combined organic layers were dried (Na2SO4) and the solvent was removed in vacuo yielding an orange oil. Initial crystallisation was carried out by stirring the oil with light petroleum at -50 C. Recrystallisation from 1:1 light petroleum:CHCl3 afforded 2bromomethyl-1-chloro-4-methoxybenzene (10)144 as a colourless solid (72.0 g, 0.31 mol; 45%): m.p. 43-45 C; Rf (1:9 Et2O/light petroleum) 0.75; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 3.86 (3 H, s, OCH3), 4.54 (2 H, s, CH2Br), 6.80 (1 H, dd, J 8.7 and 3.0, H-5) 6.96 (1 H, d, J 3.0, H-3), 7.28 (1 H, d, J 8.7, H-6). Preparation of (2-chloro-5-methoxyphenylmethyl)triphenyl phosphonium bromide (11) 3 4 2-Bromomethyl-1-chloro-4-methoxybenzene (10; 13.1 g, 55.6 mmol) Cl 2 5 and triphenylphosphine (17.5 g, 66.7 mmol) were refluxed in toluene 1 6 (100 ml) for 4 hours. The solid that had formed was collected by PPh 3 OMe Br 11 filtration and washed with toluene affording phosphonium salt 11 C26H23BrClOP+ (25.8 g, 51.8 mmol; 94%): Rf (9:1 Et2O-light petroleum) 0.08; m.p. Mol. Wt.: 497.7907 207-208 ºC; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 3.56 (3 H, s, OCH3), 5.55 (2 H, d, J 14.3, CH2), 6.74 (1 H, dt, J 8.6 and 2.8, H-4), 7.03 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-3), 7.20 (1 H, t, J 2.7, H-6), 7.70– 7.78 (15 H, m, Ph-H). Preparation of 4-[2-(2-chloro-5-methoxyphenyl)ethenyl]benzaldehyde (12) To a vigorously stirred suspension of (2-chloro-5- methoxyphenylmethyl)triphenyl phosphonium bromide (11; 24 g, 48 mmol) in dry THF (500 ml) was added LDA (33.0 ml, 66.0 mmol) dropwise to the mixture at room temperature. The reaction mixture rapidly turned to a dark red solution. After stirring for 1 hour, the ylide solution was transferred via cannula to a vigorously 11 12 Cl OMe 9 8 6 4 1 7 3 CHO 2 12 C16H13ClO2 Mol. Wt.: 272.7259 stirred solution of terephthalaldehyde (11.0 g, 82.0 mmol) in THF (100 ml). The dark red brown colour of the ylide dissipated on contact with the terephthalaldehyde mixture, leaving a yellow solution. The reaction mixture was stirred 152 for a further 2 hours at room temperature after addition was completed. The reaction mixture was then quenched by addition of water (4 ml) and concentrated under reduced pressure. The crude mixture containing a mixture of the E and Z stilbenes (2:1) was subjected to flash column chromatography (1:2:7 EtOAc-CH2Cl2-light petroleum eluent). A pure mixture of the stilbenes 12 was obtained (Z/E, 2/1; 5.45 g, 20.0 mmol; 42%). Z-stilbene60: H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 3.54 (3 H, s, OCH3), 6.64 (1 H, d, J 3.0, H14), 6.73-6.85 (3 H, m, H-7, H-8 and H-12), 7.31 (1 H, d, J 8.8, H-11), 7.33 (2 H, d, J 8.2, H-3 and H-5), 7.72 (2 H, d, J 8.3, H-2 and H-6), 9.94 (1 H, s, CHO). E-stilbene60 : H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 3.85 (3 H, s, OCH3 ) 6.82 (1 H, dd, J 8.9 and 3.0, H-12) 7.09 (1 H, d, J 16.3, H-7) 7.2 (1 H, d, J 3.0, H-14), 7.31 (1 H, d, J 8.8, H-11), 7.62 (1 H, d, J 16.4, H-8), 7.69 (2 H, d, J 8.4, H-3 and H-5), 7.89 (2 H, d, J 8.3, H-2 and H-6), 10.00 (1 H, s, CHO). Preparation of 8-chloro-5-methoxyphenanthrene-3-carboxaldehyde (13) 7 6 A mixture of the Z and E stilbenes (12; 200 mg, 0.73 mmol), 1,2-epoxybutane (3.00 ml, 35.8 mmol) and iodine (188 mg, 0.74 mmol) in petroleum (250 ml) was placed in a photochemical reactor vessel fitted with a quartz immersion well and irradiated for 2 hours with a 400 W medium pressure mercury vapour lamp. Cl 5 OMe 8a 4b 4 9 4a 10a CHO 10 1 2 13 C16H11ClO2 Mol. Wt.: 270.7100 The reaction mixture completely decolourised and was filtered to recover the precipitate that had formed during the irradiation. The filtrate was then evaporated down to half its volume and poured back into the vessel. Fresh starting materials were added (same quantities) and the reaction mixture was irradiated for another 2 hours. This procedure was repeated for 4 more batches of 200 mg and a last one of 100 mg of the stilbenes. The precipitates from the different batches were combined and recrystallised from 1:1 CHCl3-light petroleum. The filtrate was evaporated down, the residue taken up in CHCl3 and washed with sodium bisulfite solution. After being dried (Na2SO4) the organic layer was evaporated and the residue was submitted to flash column chromatography (3:47:50 EtOAc-light petroleumCH2Cl2 eluent). Phenanthrene 13 was obtained as a colourless solid (0.872 g, 3.22 mmol; 80%): Rf (1:4 Et2O-light petroleum) 0.43; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 4.10 ( 3 H, s, OCH3), 7.03 (1 H, d, J 8.7, H-6), 7.60 (1 H, d, J 8.7, H-7), 7.77 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-10,) 153 7.89 (1 H, d, J 8.1, H-1), 8.03 (1 H, dd, J 8.2 and 1.5, H-2), 8.27 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-9), 10.01 (1 H, s, H-4), 10.17 (1H, s, CHO). 8-chloro-5-methoxy-3-phenanthren–3–carboxylic acid tert–butoxycarbonylmethyl ester (83) and (8-chloro-5-methoxyphenanthren-3-yl)methanol (84) Ethanethiol (102 l, 1.38 mmol) was added to a suspension of sodium hydride (60% dispersion in mineral oil; 62.9 mg, 2.62 mmol) in DMF (15 ml) under nitrogen. After 5 minutes the mixture was transferred via cannula under nitrogen to a dry flask containing 8-chloro-5-methoxyphenanthrene-3-carboxaldehyde (13; 304 mg, 1.12 mmol), washing the transferring flask with further DMF (5 ml). The mixture was heated at 110 ˚C for 30 minutes. Tert-butylbromoacetate (383 l, 2.59 mmol) was then added to the hot reaction mixture. After 2 hours the reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature, and diluted with EtOAc and light petroleum (1:1) to precipitate sodium bromide. The reaction mixture was filtered and the organic solvent was evaporated to afford a brown solid residue. This crude material was then submitted to flash column chromatography (1:1-4:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum gradient). Two main compounds were isolated: tert-butylcarboxymethyl 7 6 8-chloro-5-methoxy-3- phenanthrenecarboxylate (83; 162 mg, 0.40 mmol, 36.7 %): Rf (1:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum) 0.17; max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2976, 1769, 1715, 1610.0, 1567, 1525, 1455, 1418, 1392, 1367, 1324, 1222, 1084, 1036, 956, 906, 844, 813; H (400 MHz, CDCl3) 1.61 (9 H, s, C(CH3)3), 4.32 (3 H, s, OCH3), Cl 5 OMe 8a 4b 4 9 4a O 10a 10 O 1 2 O O 83 C22H21ClO5 Mol. Wt.: 400.8518 4.75 (2 H, s, CO2CH2CO2), 7.13 (1 H, d, J 8.7, H-6), 7.65 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-7), 7.85 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-10), 7.95 (1 H, d, J 8.3, H-1), 8.25 (1 H, dd, J 8.3, J 1.6, H-2), 8.35 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-9), 10.5 (1 H, s, H-4); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 28.11 ((CH3)3), 55.99 (OCH3), 61.83 (CO2CH2CO2), 82.45 (C), 108.9 (CH-6), 122.25 (C), 124.34 (C), 125.43 (CH-9), 126.15 (CH-2), 127.17 (C), 127.48 (CH-7), 128.44 (CH-1), 128.60 (CH-10), 129.35 (C), 131.04 (C), 131.57 (C), 131.95 (C), 157.72 (CH5), 166.60 (CO2), 167.00 (CO2); m/z (FAB) 400 (100%, M+), 401 (29%, MH+), 269 (100%, [M-OCH2CO2C(CH3)3]+) (Found 400.1054. C22H2135ClO5 requires 400.1078). 154 (8-Chloro-5-methoxyphenanthren-3-yl)methanol (84): Rf (1:1 CH2Cl2-light petroleum) 0.4; H (400 MHz, CDCl3) 4.10 (3 H, s, 7 6 Cl CH3), 5.01 (2 H, s, CH2), 7.04 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-6), 7.61 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-7), 7.65 (1 H, d, J 8.2, H-2), 7.83 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-10), 7.89 5 OMe 8a 4b 4 9 4a 10a 10 OH 1 2 84 C16H13ClO2 Mol. Wt.: 272.7259 (1 H, d, J 8.2, H-1), 8.21 (1 H, d, J 9.2, H-9), 9.62 (1 H, s, H-4); C (100 MHz, CDCl3) 55.96 (OCH3), 66.34 (CH2OH), 108.29 (CH- 6), 122.13 (C), 122.79 (CH-9), 124.39 (C), 125.73 (CH-7), 126.93 (CH-2 or CH-4), 127.02 (CH-2 or CH-4), 128.44 (CH-1), 128.60 (CH-10), 129.33 (C), 131.20 (C), 132.11 (C), 139.23 (C), 157.77 (CH-5). Preparation of 8-chloro-5-hydroxyphenanthrene-3-carbaldehyde (15) To a suspension of sodium hydride (60 % dispersion in mineral oil; 178 mg, 4.46 mmol) in dry DMF (20 ml) was added ethanethiol (332 l, 4.48 mmol). After ten minutes, the mixture was transferred via a cannula under argon to a dry flask containing 8-chloro-5-methoxyphenanthren-3-carboxaldehyde (13; 1.00 g, 7 6 Cl 5 OH 8a 4b 4 9 4a 10a CHO 10 1 2 15 C15H9ClO2 Mol. Wt.: 256.6835 3.66 mmol) which was dried over P2O5 prior to use. The transferring flask was washed with further DMF (5 ml). The mixture was then heated at 70 ˚C for 30 minutes and the solution rapidly turned to a dark red colour. Hydrochloric acid (2M) was then added to the cooled reaction mixture. A yellow precipitate was formed, collected by filtration and thoroughly washed with water. TLC showed that some starting material was still present in the crude precipitate. This material was submitted to flash column chromatography. Unreacted starting material (376 mg, 1.89 mmol; 52%) eluted first with CH2Cl2. The target compound 8-chloro-5- hydroxyphenanthren–3–carboxaldehyde (15), eluted with neat acetone was isolated as a pale yellow powder (420 mg, 1.64 mmol; 45 %): Rf (CH2Cl2) 0.28; m.p. 243-245 ºC; max (KBr disk)/cm-1 3236, 1660, 1610, 1569, 1520, 1383, 1313, 1236, 1211, 1056, 1010, 902, 845, 819, 774, 793, 774; H (200 MHz, C2D6CO) 2.93 (1 H, bs, OH), 7.32 (1 H, d, J 8.4, H-6), 7.66 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-7), 8.04 (1 H, d, J 8.3, H-10), 8.10 (1 H, d, J 8.3, H-2), 8.16 (1 H, d, J 8.3, H-1), 8.34 (1 H, d, J 9.2, H-9), 10.21 (1 H, s, H-4), 10.42 (1 H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, C2D6CO) 114.59 (CH-6), 120.46 (C), 121.60 (C), 125.11 (CH-9), 125.86 (CH-7), 128.59 (CH-2 or CH-4), 129.08 (CH-2 or CH-4), 129.70 (CH-1), 130.09 (C), 130.71 (C), 133.29 (CH-10), 134.70 (C), 135.99 (C), 156.23 (CHO); m/z (EI) 256 155 (100%, M+) (Found 256.0297. C15H935ClO2 requires 256.0291); (Found C, 69.91; H, 3.43% C15H9ClO2 requires C, 70.19; H, 3.53%). Preparation of (1-chloro-6-formylphenanthren-4-yloxy)acetic acid tert-butyl ester (14) 8-Chloro-5-hydroxyphenanthren-3-carboxaldehyde (15; 1.00 O 2 3 Cl g, 3.90 mmol), tert-butylbromoacetate (0.65 ml, 4.40 mmol) 1 4 8a 4a 5 4b 10 and potassium carbonate (608 mg, 4.40 mmol) were refluxed in 9 O O 6 8a CHO THF (15 ml) for 1 hour. Water (20 ml) was then added to the 8 7 reaction mixture causing the target material to precipitate. The 14 C21H19ClO4 Mol. Wt.: 370.8259 precipitate was collected by filtration and washed thoroughly with water. Recrystallisation from hot Et2O afforded [(1-chloro-6-formylphenanthren4-yl)oxy]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (14)60 as colourless needles (742 mg, 1.77 mmol; 45%): Rf (1:4 Et2O-light petroleum) 0.51; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.56 (9 H, s, (CH3)3), 4.69 (2 H, s, OCH2), 6.85 (1 H, d, J 8.5, H-3), 7.54 (1 H, d, J 8.5, H-2), 7.75 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-9), 7.85 (1 H, d, J 8.2, H-8), 8.06 (1 H, dd, J 8.2 and 1.6, H-7), 8.23 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-10), 10.32 (1 H, s, CHO). Preparation of 5,15-bis[8-chloro-5-(tert-butoxycarbonylmethoxy)phenanthren-3yl]-10, 20-bis[4-(pent-4-enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin (76) Phenanthrene 14 (559 mg, 1.5 mmol) and dipyrromethane 55 (600 mg, 1.95 mmol) were refluxed in propionic acid (20 ml) for 30 minutes. O Propionic acid was then removed in vacuo and the residue was submitted to flash column chromatography (petroleum-Et2O-CHCl3, 95:4:1-80:18:2 O Cl 8' 9' 5' O 2 O 3 4' 3' 4 5 10' 1' 2' gradient). O O 20 1 N O HN NH The target material was eluted N 15 10 with 80:18:2 petroleum-Et2O-CHCl3 and as a lustrous purple powder (46.3 mg, 35.3 mol; 2%): Rf (4:1 petroleum-Et2O) 0.61; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 254 (5.09), 386 156 O 76 C82H72Cl2N4O8 Mol. Wt.: 1312.3766 Cl (4.41), 4.26 (5.80), 520 (4.25), 557 (4.02); H (200 MHz, CDCl3) –2.65 (2 H, bs, 2 NH), 0.78 (18 H, s, 2 (CH3)3), 2.0-2.11 (4 H, m, 2 pentenyloxy chain OCH2CH2), 2.39-2.42 (4 H, m, 2 pentenyloxy chain OCH2CH2CH2), 4.25 (4 H, t, J 6.3, 2 pentenyloxy chain OCH2), 4.47 (4 H, 2 s, 2 COCH2CO2), 5.07-5.24 (4 H, m, 2 pentenyloxy chain olefinic CH2), 5.97 (2 H, 2 ddt, J 17.0, 10.3 and 6.2, 2 pentenyloxy chain olefinic CH), 6.91 (2 H, d, J 8.6, 2 H-6’), 7.26 (2 H, d, J 8.6, 2 meta Ph-CH), 7.65 (2 H, dd, J 8.6 and 3.4, 2 H-7’), 8.10-8.29 (8 H, m, 2 H-7’, 2 H-2’ and 4 ortho Ph-CH), 8.46 (2 H, d, J 9.0, 2 H-9’), 8.48 (2 H, d, J 9.2, 2 H10’), 8.91 (8 H, dd, J 9.5 and 5.0, pyrrolic-H), 10.70 (2 H, s, 2 H-4’). Preparation of {5,15-bis[8-chloro-5-(tert-butoxycarbonylmethoxy)phenanthren-3yl]-10, 20-bis[4-(pent-4enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrinato}iron (III) (85) Iron insertion into 5,15-bis[8-chloro-5-(tertbutoxycarbonylmethoxy)phenanthren-3-yl]10,20-bis[4-(pent-4enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin O O (76) was achieved by heating the free-base porphyrin (15.0 mg, 0.01 mmol) and ferrous chloride tetrahydrate (7.20 mg, 0.04 mmol) in acetonitrile (4 ml). The reaction was O O Cl 8' 9' 10' 5' O 2 O 3 4' 4 3' 5 1' 2' 20 1 O N Cl N Fe N N monitored by uv/visible-spectroscopy and 15 10 appeared to be complete after 3 hours. Acetonitrile was removed in vacuo and the residue was submitted to flash column chromatography (CHCl3 eluent). The O 85 C82H70Cl3FeN4O8 Mol. Wt.: 1401.6585 metallated porphyrin (85) eluted following residual traces of the non-metallated starting material (76). To ensure the axial ligand was Cl, a solution of the porphyrin in CH 2Cl2 was treated with a Amberlite IRA-400 (Cl-) resin. {5,15-Bis[8-chloro-5-(tertbutoxycarbonylmethoxy)phenanthren-3-yl]-10,20-bis[4-(pent-4enyloxy)phenyl]porphyrinato}iron (III) chloride (85) was thus obtained as a dull green powder (8.00 mg, 5.71 mol; 57 %): Rf (CHCl3) 0.32; max (CHCl3)/nm (log ε) 422 (5.68), 488 (4.02), 515 (3.98). 157 Cl 4.4.2 Modification of a gold wire A 20 cm long gold wire was divided into 3 segments that were coiled. One segment was sonicated in DCM for 30 minutes and subsequently dried with N2 gun equipped with a filter. The clean wire was subsequently reacted with propane-1,3-dithiol (75; 10 mg, 92.3 mol) in DCM at room temperature for 2 hours. The resulting modified wire was rinsed with DCM to remove any physisorbed material and was then reacted with chloroiron(III)porphyrin 85 (8.00 mg, 5.71 mol) in boiling acetonitrile in the presence of AIBN. The resulting modified gold wire was cleaned with DCM to remove any residual physisorbed porphyrin and was then kept in an oxygen-free atmosphere. 4.5 SYNTHESIS OF NEW SPACER-SUPERSTRUCTURE UNITS FOR THE NOS MODEL. Preparation of diethyl hydroxymethyl-phosphonate (87) A mixture of diethyl phosphite (8.00 g, 73.5 mmol), paraformaldehyde (2.36 g, 76.8 mmol) and triethylamine (1.1 ml, 7.71 mmol) was slowly heated to 50 ºC. An exotherm ensued after 5 minutes and the mixture was left to stir for 15 minutes. The crude O 2 EtO P OH EtO 1 87 C5H13O4P Mol. Wt.: 168.1281 hydroxymethylphosphonic acid diethyl ester (87)86 thus obtained (12.0 g, 71.4 mmol; 97% in > 95% purity) was used for following reactions without further purification: R f (EtOAc) 0.19; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.22 (6 H, t, J 7.1, 2 ethyl CH3), 3.79 ( 2H, d, J 6.2, PCH2OH), 4.07 (4 H, q, J 7.1, 2 ethyl CH2), 5.01 (1 H, bs, OH); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 16.33 (d, J 5.4, 2 CH3CH2), 56.99 (d, J 162, PCH2OH), 62.33 (d, J 6.6, 2 CH2CH3). Preparation of diethyl trifluorosulfonyl-methylphosphonate (17) Hydroxymethylphosphonic acid diethyl ester (87; 2.90 g, 17.2 mol) was added to a vigorously stirred suspension of sodium hydride (dry powder, 595 mg, 24.8 mmol) in Et2O (25 ml). The resulting white suspension was stirred overnight at room O 2 O O S CF 3 O 17 C6H12F3O6PS Mol. Wt.: 300.1909 EtO P EtO 1 temperature. Et2O (25 ml) was added to the suspension which was then transferred via cannula to a vigorously stirred solution of trifluoromethanesulfonyl chloride (3.00 ml, 28.1 mmol) in Et2O (25 ml) at -78 ºC. The reaction mixture was then allowed to warm 158 to room temperature over the course of 3 hours. The resulting solids were filtered over celite; the filtrate was taken up in CH2Cl2 (200 ml) and washed with saturated NaHCO3 until TLC of the organic phase showed no starting material was left (5 50 ml). The organic phase was then dried (Na2SO4) and the solvent was removed in vacuo affording diethyl trifluorosulfonyl-methylphosphonate (17) as a colourless oil (1.10 g, 3.66 mmol; 21%): Rf(EtOAc) 0.63; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.25 (6 H, t, J 7.1, 2 ethyl CH3), 4.1 (4 H, q, J 7.1, 2 ethyl CH2), 4.54 (2 H, d, J 8.8, CH2P); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 16.10 (d, J 9.7, 2 ethyl CH3), 63.61 (d, J 8.8, 2 ethyl CH2), 66.30 (d, J 167.3, CH2P), 151.20 (CF3). Preparation of diethyl [(1-chloro-6-formyl-phenanthren-4- yl)oxymethyl]phosphonate (19) Diethyl trifluorosulfonyl-methylphosphonate (17; 199 mg, 0.65 mmol) was added to a solution of 8-chloro-5- hydroxyphenanthren-3-carboxaldehyde (100 mg, 0.40 mmol) and diisopropylethylamine (114 l, 0.65 mmol) in dry CH2Cl2 (20 ml) in a sealed tube. The solution was flushed with argon 2' 3' Cl 1' 4' 10' 9' O OEt O 2 P OEt 1 5' 6' CHO 8' 7' 19 C20H20ClO5P Mol. Wt.: 406.7963 before the tube was sealed and the reaction mixture was heated at 70 ºC overnight. The solvent was then evaporated and the residue submitted to flash column chromatography (7:3 light petroleum-EtOAc eluent). The target material (19) was obtained as a light brown solid (31 mg, 7.62 mol; 12%): Rf (EtOAc) 0.35; m.p. 101 ºC; max (KBr)/cm-1 1975, 1675, 1612, 1566, 1522, 1410, 1320, 1299, 1271, 1256, 1207, 1163, 1088, 1026, 962, 842, 820, 778, 704, 658; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.34 (6 H, t, J 7.1, 2 CH3CH2), 4.30 (4 H, q, J 7.2, 2 CH2CH3), 4.55 (2 H, d, J 10.5, CH2P), 7.15 (1 H, d, J 8.7, H-3’), 7.69 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-2’), 7.92 (1 H, d, J 9.2, H-9’), 8.00 (1 H, d, J 8.3, H-8’), 8.15 (1 H, dd, J 8.3 and 1.4, H-7’), 8.39 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-10’), 10.21 (1 H, s, H-5’), 10.22 (1 H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 16.46 (d, J 5.6, 2 CH3CH2), 62.35 (d, J 170, CH2P), 62.97 (d, J 6.3, 2 CH2CH3), 109.38 (CH-3’), 122.17 (C), 123.55 (CH-7’), 125.75 (C), 125.91 (CH-10’), 127.33 (CH-2’), 128.47 (CH-9’), 129.02 (CH-8’), 129.34 (CH-5’), 131.24 (C), 135.10 (C), 136.39 (CH-4’), 193.46 (CHO); m/z (EI) 406 (2%, M+) (Found M 406.0741; C20H20O5Cl requires 406.0737); (Found C, 58.95; H, 4.75%. C20H20ClO5P requires C, 59.05; H, 4.96%). 159 Preparation of 1-chloro-6-formylphenanthren-4-yl trifluoromethylsulfonate (16) To a solution of 8-chloro-5-hydroxyphenanthren-3- 2 3 O O S CF 3 8a 4a O 5 4b 10 6 8a CHO 9 8 7 Cl carboxaldehyde (15; 300 mg, 1.17 mmol) and diisopropylethylamine (264 l, 1.51 mmol) in dry CH2Cl2 (30 ml) at 0ºC was added freshly distilled triflic anhydride (232 l, 1 4 16 C16H8ClF3O4S Mol. Wt.: 388.7462 1.41 mmol). The reaction was left to stir for 2 hours at 0 ºC and then at room temperature overnight. The reaction mixture was then washed with 3M aqueous HCl (3 30 ml). The organic layer was dried (Na2SO4) and the solvent was removed in vacuo. The crude material was then submitted to a flash column chromatography on silica (9:1 CHCl3-light petroleum eluent). The yellow solid obtained was recrystallised from hot Et2O to afford the target material (16; 434 mg, 1.13 mmol; 96%): Rf (CHCl3) 0.66; max (KBr disk)/cm-1 2923, 1703, 1613, 1562, 1520, 1452, 1416, 1298, 1248, 1218, 1137, 984, 865, 829, 774; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 7.52 (1 H, d, J 8.5, H-3), 7.68 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-2), 7.85 (1 H, d, J 9.2, H-9), 7.95 (1 H, d, J 8.3, H-8), 8.10 (1 H, dd, J 8.2 and 1.4, H-7), 8.28 (1 H, d, J 9.2, H-10), 9.51 (1 H, s, H-5), 10.12 (1 H, s, CHO); C (50 MHz, CDCl3) 121.33 (CH-3), 121.62 (C), 124.57 (C), 125.43 (CH-7), 125.71 (CH-10), 126.88 (C), 127.46 (CH-2), 128.54 (C), 129.67 (CH-9), 129.94 (CH-8), 131.84 (C), 132.72 (CH-5), 133.11 (C), 135.04 (C), 136.75 (C), 145.27 (C-4), 191.9 (CHO); m/z (EI) 388 (49%, M+) (Found M 387.9761; C16H8O4ClF3S requires 387.9784); (Found C, 50.02; H, 2.11%. C16H8O4ClF3S requires C, 49.43; H, 2.07%). Preparation of 2-[(1-chloro-6-formylphenanthren-4-yl)amino]-3-phenylpropionic acid ethyl ester (20) A Wheaton round-bottom flask was charged with cesium and racemic BINAP (14.0 mg, 21.2 mol). A solution of 1chloro-6-formylphenanthren-4-yl trifluoromethylsulfonate (16; 3 2' 3' carbonate (263 mg, 0.81 mmol), Pd2(dba)3 (5.7 mg, 0.61 mol) Cl 1' 4' 10' 9' N 2 CO 2Et H 1 5' 6' CHO 8' 7' 120 mg, 0.31 mmol) and L-phenylalanine (240 mg, 1.2 mmol) in dry toluene (5 ml) was introduced to the flask. Argon was 20 C26H22ClNO3 Mol. Wt.: 431.9105 flushed through the flask before it was sealed and the reaction mixture was heated at 140 ºC overnight. The reaction mixture was then directly transferred onto a silica gel column and chromatographed (9:1 CHCl3-light petroleum 160 eluent). The target compound 2-[(1-chloro-6-formyl)phenanthren-4-ylamino]-3- phenylpropionic acid ethyl ester (20), was isolated as a light brown solid (10.1 mg, 2.34 mol; 7.5%): Rf (CHCl3) 0.58; H (200 MHz, CDCl3) 1.17 (3 H, t, J 7.1, ethyl CH3), 3.34 (2 H, dd, J 5.8 and 2.7, H-3), 4.15 (2 H, q, J 7.0, ethyl CH2), 5.10-5.20 (1 H, m, H2), 6.91(1 H, d, J 8.6, H-3’), 7.12-7.35 (5 H, m, Ph-H), 7.56 (1 H, d, J 8.6, H-2’), 7.84 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-9’), 8.00 (1 H, dd, J 8.3 and 1.4, H-8’), 8.01 (1 H, dd, J 8.3 and 1.3, H7’), 8.31 (1 H, d, J 9.1, H-10’), 9.75 (1 H, s, H-5’), 9.8 (1 H, s, CHO). No further characterisation was carried out with the small quantity of material obtained. 161 5. References 1 Ignarro, L. J.; Buga, K. S.; Wood, K. S.; Byrns, R. E.; Chaudhuri, G.: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1987, 84, 9265. 162 2 Palmer, R. M. J.; Ferrige, A. G.; Moncada, S.: Nature, 1987, 327, 524. 3 Ragsdale, R. O.: Development in Inorganic Nitrogen Chemistry, Elsevier, 1973, vol. 2. 4 Furchgott, R. 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