C48CD_C4 - Heriot

Form C4
1. Course
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
2. Course
Chinese Advanced for Business 2
6. Course
5. School
Management & Languages
7. Delivery:
Location &
Sem………. Sem……. Sem….
Chinese Advanced for Business 1 (or equivalent)
8. Pre-requisites
9. Linked Courses
(specify if synoptic)
10. Excluded Courses
C48GC (synoptic)
11. Replacement Courses
Date Of Replacement:
13. The course may be
delivered to:
UG only
PG only
Collaborative Partner
12. Degrees for which
this is a core course
4. Credits
Michelle Liao
Approved Learning Partner
Name …………………………………Sem………..
MA (Hons) in International Business Management and
Languages (IBML)
14. Available as an Elective?
15. Aims
A number of different activities fall within this course, each with different aims. Each activity, however, aims to further the students’ knowledge of Chinese
language and culture and equips them to be ready to spend their 3 rd year abroad on placement in China.
To enhance existing knowledge of Chinese in order that students can express themselves effectively in a wide variety of situations
To communicate in writing, using complex sentence structures
To apply and extend complex grammatical structures to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
To understand and respond effectively to authentic spoken discourse
Written Composition
To improve students’ ability to produce texts in Chinese for specific purposes in a business context
To acquaint students with a wide variety of written texts in Chinese in specific fields and registers
To enable students to make decisions about the appropriateness of Chinese texts produced in relation to intended purposes
To improve students’ knowledge of researching source texts and target texts
To enable students to acquire the skills of text production for specific purposes in a business context
To reinforce students’ understanding of Chinese business and economy
To enable students to achieve a competent standard in the production and presentation of translations and forms of derived text in English,
To improve FL reading comprehension in specified topic areas to a level suitable for embarking on translation tasks.
Form C4
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
To introduce the specialist skills of translating by ensuring that
(a) students are able to identify and attempt to resolve translating difficulties
(b) students are able to use the appropriate terminology in discussion of translating problems encountered.
Area Studies
To provide students with a comprehensive appreciation of the principal features underlying key aspects of societies and political systems of contemporary China.
To foster the ability to discuss issues relating to these in appropriate written and spoken Chinese.
To develop and foster awareness of current social and political issues in China.
To develop a depth of specialised vocabulary in Chinese.
To prepare students for study at a university abroad by being exposed to Chinese lectures and concepts which may be different from the UK.
To equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for studying in a business school abroad.
To enable students to acquire an understanding of basic concepts of social / economic / business culture relevant to the country of study.
To develop the skills of oral and written description and analysis of illustrative documents
To develop presentation skills.
To equip students with the skills needed to act as a liaison interpreter between speakers of English and Chinese in business-related contexts.
To achieve command of strategies for realisation in Chinese of the most common speech acts in the business liaison situation.
16. Syllabus
The delivery of this course will respond to the changing needs of the students and to student numbers. Our aim is to deliver a flexible course which optimally matches
the students’ needs and the availability of other Chinese modules which can be integrated into this large course.
Students will therefore follow a dedicated Chinese language for business purposes course.
Written Composition
Workshops involving a variety of activities (translating, correspondence, précis-writing, text analysis) relating to the production of target texts in Chinese working from
English and/or Chinese source texts. Students are given preparation work which they are expected to complete outside class hours.
Area Studies
Topics covered may include: history; industrial relations; political culture; government systems; media; political parties and pressure groups; education; regionalism;
social welfare
Seminar/Spoken/Liaison Interpreting
An oral class which will cover a number of different activities, all intended to develop the students’ oral skills, introduce them to liaison interpreting and equip them with
the ability to discuss business topics in Chinese.
17. Learning Outcomes (HWU Core Skills: Employability and Professional Career Readiness)
Form C4
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
Subject Mastery
Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills
Scholarship, Enquiry and Research
(Research-Informed Learning)
 Further develop the necessary competence in oral and written Chinese, thus enabling
successful study abroad in the third year.
 Engage in spontaneous conversation and communicate effectively with peers and native
speakers of Chinese
 Express and defend opinions in Chinese
 Do presentations and argue a case in Chinese; manage face to face interaction
 Successfully interpret between two people (one English speaker, one Chinese speaker) on a
variety of business and other subjects
 Undertake analysis for specified purposes of texts written in Chinese
 Produce written texts for a specific purpose in grammatically accurate and idiomatic Chinese
 Develop knowledge of and analyse linguistic ‘formulae’ encountered in communicative
situations in order to extend the application of such ‘formulae’ to new communicative situations
 Show awareness of cross-cultural differences and apply this knowledge in Chinese language
 Demonstrate a broad and detailed knowledge and understanding of the social, political and
business contexts of China.
 Carry out routine lines of enquiry, development or investigation problems and issues relating to
the social, political and business contexts of China.
Personal Abilities
Industrial, Commercial & Professional
 Structure and make presentations
 Analyse texts in complex Chinese for a
specific purpose
 Respond accurately and appropriately to
various written and aural stimuli
 Convey complex information in English and
Chinese (written and spoken) to a range of
audiences and for a range of purposes.
 Take continuing account of own and others’
roles, responsibilities and contributions
 in carrying out and evaluating translating
and interpreting tasks.
18. Assessment Methods
Autonomy, Accountability & Working
with Others
 Exercise autonomy and initiative.
 Demonstrate self-management skills
fostered by the need to be committed to a
purpose, to work to deadlines and to manage
self-study effectively in order to make rapid
progress in language production and cultural
 Demonstrate ability to gather, sort and apply
 Demonstrate capability to engage with and
respond appropriately to cultural differences
 Work effectively with others to produce an
output (written or oral) that meets a specific
 Use reference and support materials
appropriately (e.g CALL materials,
VLE, on-line and print dictionaries)
 Learn to research information and to
evaluate its usefulness/reliability
Communication, Numeracy & ICT
 Communicate effectively in Chinese in
both writing and in speech
 Use ICT for language-learning purposes
19. Re-assessment Methods
Form C4
Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor
Duration of Exam
(if applicable)
Continuous Assessment (40%)
Exam (60%) (written + oral)
Synoptic courses?
2 hours
+ c.15 mins
Duration of Exam
(if applicable)
Synoptic – if student fails to
achieve 40% average in
synoptic courses, oral exam
+ written submission
depending on profile of
c. 15 mins
20. Date and Version
Date of Proposal
Jan 2015
Date of Approval by
School Committee
Date of
January 2016