VNPP Round 4.14 - NP models In Aged Care & Chronic Disease Management Application template Instructions For details of the policy and funding framework, eligibility, selection criteria, and funding deliverables and conditions, respondents should first refer to: VNPP Round 4.14_Application Guidelines: Nurse Practitioner Candidate Support Packages Funding Guidelines: Name of Service Provider Key Contact for submission - Name Organisation’s Postal Address Position/Title Telephone Number (Work) (Mobile) Preferred E-mail (Please print) APPLICATION FOR TARGETED AREA: Complete a separate application for each targeted area. NUMBER OF NPC SUPPORT PACKAGES YOU ARE SEEKING OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED MODEL Area of Practice: Briefly describe the proposed model of care that a NP role will support (max 500 words) Competitive applications will Include elements such as: which part of the care continuum the model services and the service parameters including hours of operation, site/settings, client groups or exclusions, referral pathways etc. what specific service gaps does the proposed model and specific NP role anticipate it will address? alignment with relevant key strategy/policy directions SPECIFIC DH SELECTION CRITERIA (MAXIMUM of three A4 pages) KSC 1: Provide brief information about your organisational commitment to develop and expand NP services (to date and current) including appointment of NP candidate in targeted area within designated period. KSC 2: Alignment of proposed NP service model with key organisational, state or national service/policy framework for the targeted clinical area. KSC 3: Provide summary information that demonstrates your organisation’s capacity to successfully manage workforce initiatives of this size/type or previous experience in service development initiatives. KSC 4: Describe the level of executive support for proposed model and the name, position title and role within the organisation of the specific clinical sponsors (who are considered clinical leaders in area). KSC 5: Describe to what extent your organisation is committed to collaborating with other health services and agencies in the course of developing the NP model. KSC 6: Briefly describe the processes that will be used (existing or new) to engage stakeholders, consumers and the community in model development. KSC 7: Describe how you will support the appointed candidate or endorsed NP to manage any barriers to practice, thereby ensuring the model remains responsive to the needs of the organisation and its clients. If your organisation utilizes a steering committee for this purpose, a copy of the terms of reference describing membership and frequency of meetings would be a highly valued additional attachment. KSC 8: Describe how you will recruit/appoint/deploy appropriate project support such as, project coordinator, to enable the work to commence within the required period. KSC 9: Describe the proposed governance arrangements including project management roles and governance structures (including roles and responsibilities for all sites if collaborative model). If a collaborative model, the details of all collaborating sites and evidence of the agreement for all sites must be provided. ANY OTHER INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF THIS APPLICATION. Declaration by CEO In submitting this application, the signatory to the application confirms they have read the VNPP Round 4.14 NP models guidelines and declares that the information contained in the application, including all attachments, is to the best of their knowledge true, accurate and complete in all material particulars. CEO Name & Title Signature Preferred E-mail (Please print) Date ……./…..../2014 NOTE: If a collaborative model, a letter of agreement/support is required from CEO’s of all services involved. If you are unable to insert an authorised electronic CEO signature, a hard copy is required by DH to be delivered within two weeks of the closing date. Submitting your application Applications (using the VNPP Round 4.14 Application template) should be sent electronically to: no later than Friday 29 August 2014.