Programme 6 th European – Chinese Cultural Dialogue 16 th – 17

6th European – Chinese Cultural Dialogue
16th – 17th of October 2014
Bucharest, Romania
Thursday, 16th of October
Venue: Palace of the Parliament (2-4 Izvor St., entrance A2 S1, Nicolae Bălcescu room)
09:00 Registration
09:30 – 10:30 Opening ceremony: welcome speeches
• Valeriu Zgonea, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament
• Lilian Zamfiroiu, President of the Romanian Cultural Institute
• Jia Leilei, Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Arts
• Annika Rembe, President of EUNIC
• Iulia Deutsch, Deputy Head of the Representation of the European Commission in
• Georgică Severin, Senator, Senate's Commission for culture, art and mass-media
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Keynote speeches
Gerald Bast (EU), Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
Zhu Legeng (CN), Director of the Artistic Creation Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts
Gruia Bădescu (EU), Ph.D. candidate – University of Cambridge, Romanian Centre for Innovation in
Urban Development, Romania
Liu Tuo (CN), Director of the Architecture and Arts Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts /
Public Nature of Public Space
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Panel 1: How can artists animate public spaces (add new value, interpretation and
engagement of people)?
Followed by Q&A session
Speakers / Lectures:
Viestarts Gailitis (EU), Creative Director, the Skaņu Mežs Association for Adventurous Music and
Related Arts, Latvia / Animating the Space with Sound
Hang Jian (CN), Assistant President of the Chinese Academy of Art, Director of the Art Museum /
Aesthetic Cities: Design and China’s Urbanization – Reflection on Plans for Annual Design
Exhibitions in Beijing and Shanghai
Dr. Hideaki Ogawa (EU), artist, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria / Art as Catalyst for Social Commons
Li He (CN), Deputy Director of the Sculpture Department, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua
University / How can Artists Animate Public Spaces
Moderated by:
• Angelika Fitz (EU), Curator and author, Austria
• Pan Lusheng (CN), Director of the Chinese Design Art Institute, Chinese National Academy
of Arts, President of the Shandong University of Arts & Design
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 Panel 2: The value of involving artists / cultural practitioners in the design and
management of public spaces
Followed by Q&A session
Speakers / Lectures:
Zhi Min (CN), China Sculpture Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts / The Application and
Extension of Sculpture in the Public Space
Magdalena Malm (EU), Director of the Public Art Agency, Sweden / Expanded Public Practice
Pan Lusheng (CN), Director of the Chinese Design Art Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts,
President of the Shandong University of Arts & Design / On Public Art Space during China`s
Urbanization Process
Corinne Szteinsznaider (EU), Secretary General for European Cultural Relations, France / From
Eclectis to Urbanitis: EU – China cultural cooperation projects
Moderated by:
• Anamaria Vrabie (EU), urban economist – MakeBetter (MKBT), Romania
• Pan Lusheng (CN), Director of the Chinese Design Art Institute, Chinese National Academy
of Arts, President of the Shandong University of Arts & Design
19:00 Official opening of the European Comics Festival
Venue: National Museum of Contemporary Art, 4th floor (Palace of the Parliament, entrance E4,
Calea 13 Septembrie)
Friday, 17th of October
Venue: Palace of the Parliament (2-4 Izvor St., entrance A2 S1, Nicolae Bălcescu room)
09:00 Welcome coffee
09:30 – 11:00 Panel 3: How artists can be involved in creating sustainable cities?
Followed by Q&A session
Speakers / Lectures:
Prof. Dr. Carlos Fortuna (EU), University of Coimbra, Portugal / The Role of the Arts in the Cities
Yet to Come
Dong Ya (CN), Director of the Environmental Design Department, School of Architecture, Tianjin
University / Inheritance and Regeneration – Evolution of Architectural Forms
István Szakáts (EU), President of the Alt Art Foundation, Romania / Spaces of Reapropiation
Sun Dagang (CN), Head of the Visual Communication Design School, Shandong University of Arts &
Design / Graphic Artist and City Image
Moderated by:
• Mary McCarthy (EU), Director of the National Sculpture Factory Cork, Ireland
• Liu Tuo (CN), Director of the Architectural Art Institute, Chinese National Academy of
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00 Panel 4: Creative imaginings and visions on the future
Followed by Q&A session
Speakers / Lectures:
Ma Quan (CN), Director of the Research Institute of Brand Communication Design, Academy of
Arts and Design, Tsinghua University / Studies of Visual Planning for Commercial Space in Chinese
City Development
Luc Schuiten (EU), Architect,, Belgium / Vegetal City
Yuan Li (CN), Research Fellow, The Chinese National Academy of Arts / Extend Cities on Basis of
Augustin Ioan (EU), President of the National Commission for Historical Monuments, Romania /
Public Space and the Architecture of Memory: Layering versus Erecting and Beyond
Moderated by:
• Teodor Frolu (EU), Architect, Managing Partner at DC Communication, Romania
• Liu Tuo (CN), Director of the Architectural Art Institute, Chinese National Academy of
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Conclusions and closing ceremony
Mary McCarthy, curator of the 6th edition of the European – Chinese Cultural Dialogue
Li Shufeng, Assistant President of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, Director of the
Cultural Development Strategy Research Center, Director of the Photographic Art
Research Institute
Liviu Jicman, Vice President of the Romanian Cultural Institute