
ExComm Conference Call
WA-BC Chapter American Fisheries Society
The Executive Committee of the WA-BC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society met via
conference call on Monday, March 10, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
ExComm representatives present:
 Brian Missildine (President)
 Matt Klungle (President-Elect)
 Mark LaRiviere (Vice President)
 John Morgan (Past President)
 Megsie Siple (Student Representative)
 Martina Beck (Treasurer)
 Orlay Johnson (Communications Officer)
 Sean Naiman (Student Representative)
Summary of Decisions/Votes/Motions/Agreements
1. John Morgan moved and Matt Klungle seconded the approval of the February 2014
Excomm conference call minutes with no changes.
2. John Morgan proposed to invest $40,000 with the Western Division’s endowment fund
for the Jeff Cedarholm Memorial Scholarship Fund on the condition that the award
criteria will be established by a committee. The motion was seconded by Martina Beck
and the ExComm members present passed the motion.
Officer Reports
1. President’s Report (Brian Missildine): Brian Missildine reported that most activities
have been associated with the annual general meeting (AGM). Bellingham Technical
College is looking to establish a student sub-unit. The Excomm should support them.
Brian asked for Excomm members to look over their proposed bylaws and comment.
2. President-Elect’s Report (Matt Klungle): Matt Klungle deferred most of his discussion
to the 2014 AGM planning discussion.
3. Vice President’s Report (Mark LaRiviere): Mark LaRiviere discussed his impressions of
the AFS investment fund from the WDAFS Excomm call. There is a MOU and to sign it
looks like a good investment. Orlay Johnson questioned how dispersal to students will
occur and John Morgan suggested a committee to figure out the investment and
dispersal steps. It will be several years away before this will be finalized.
4. Past President’ Report (John Morgan): John Morgan reported he is working on chapter
awards & student chapter awards. They have been ordered and shipped to Brian
Missildine at the WDFW office.
5. Treasurer’s report (Martina Beck): No report.
6. Secretary’s report: No report.
7. Communications Officers’ Report (Stephanie Caballero, Orlay Johnson): Orlay Johnson
reported they are working on the next newsletter and will not get it out before the
AGM. There will be a spring newsletter. He has been posting to Facebook and working
with the AFS national office for the chapter list serve. Brian Missildine reported he
received the list and that the AFS national office is sending it out monthly. However,
there are only a couple of hundred WA-BC chapter members rather than the 1,000+ in
the past. Apparently the key is who pays the $5. While the numbers of AFS members in
WA & BC does exceed 1,000, AFS only recognizes a portion of them. Orlay is sending out
the list serve to over 1,000 people.
8. Stephanie Caballero: No report.
9. Student Representative’s Report (Natalie Sopinka): Natalie submitted her report via
email on March 9, 2014. She wrote an update on the Project Save Science Community
Symposium. Orlay Johnson, Natalie, and Patrick Cooney will be presenting in the
session. They are still trying to recruit one more person and are exploring the idea of
having a panel discussion after the presentations. Brian and Natalie offered to talk on
the panel. Orlay responded via email on March 9, 2014 that Ruth Howel at the NWFSC
asked Megan Morlock at the NOAA Fisheries West Coast Regional Portland office to
repsent at the event. Orlay says that Megan Morlock is an excellent speaker and he will
ask her to speak on the panel as well as give a longer talk on what NOAA is doing in the
social media world.
10. Student Representative’s Report (Sean Naiman): Sean Naiman reported on AGM
business. He has secured the services of several students and is looking to recruit some
more to help out at the AGM.
11. Student Representative’s Report (Megsie Siple): Megsie Siple reported the display
board is completed. The UW group has been recruiting students. A recent student
chapter sponsored activity was featured in the DAILY (UW student newspaper). She will
send the link.
Old/New Business
1. Brian Missildine: Brian Missildine discussed filing the tax forms – 990 PF (EZ). They are
ready for submittal and they did get a quote for review. The $600 cost seemed
expensive to the Excomm. After a discussion the Excomm agreed to just send it in and
see what the IRS has to say. If no issues then no need to review. Brian will double check
the taxes, sign and mail off.
The WA-BC chapter donated some additional funds to the Western Division meeting in
Mazatlán. The chapter was asked if they had any chapter brochures to send. Mark
LaRiviere and Megsie Siple will look for the brochures in the stored materials at the UW.
2. John Morgan: Proposed a motion to invest $40,000 with the Western Division’s
endowment fund for the Jeff Cedarholm Memorial Scholarship Fund subject to approval
of 2014-2015 budget, and on the condition that the award criteria will be established by
a committee. The motion was seconded by Martina Beck. Motion passed.
Next Meeting
Upcoming meetings: Conference call on April 14th, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.