Songs for 4th & 5th grade Holiday Concert To practice your songs, you can visit the following music wiki pages: December Nights, December Lights December days are dark and cold and the snow is growing deep. The trees are bare in the frosty air and the world is fast asleep. There are candles in the window, there are lights upon the tree. All shining in the darkness, tell their tale to me. 4th grade refrain: December nights, December lights, tell us of days so very long ago. December nights, December lights, tell us the secrets we must know. 5th grade refrain: December nights. December lights tell us of days so very long ago, so long ago. December nights, December lights tell us the secrets we must know. December nights are crisp and clear and the stars are icy cold. From far and near all the sounds you hear are a promise that’s foretold. There are merry voices singing, there is music in the air. All the tower bells are ringing, there is laughter ev’ry where. Go to refrain. December times are happy times and they bring a message true. Good will to all and peace on earth and a happy New Year, too. And when the snow has gone away and the sun shines warm and bright, we’ll dream of merry days gone by and the cold December night. Go to refrain. Christmas Sock Rock Oh I wish, how I wish as I lie awake, upon each Christmas eve. I wonder what old Santa Claus might have up his sleeve. I wake up in the morning to a brightly colored box. But when I open up my gift, I always get new socks! 4th: Socks! (spoken) 5th: Socks! (spoken) All I get is socks! Red and blue and green. I don’t know what to do. Ev’ry year it’s socks! Argyles, sweat socks, bobby sox, knee-highs, too. My toes are toasty as a bun, but socks for Christmas isn’t very much fun. Refrain: 4th grade:More socks for Christmas! 5th grade: More socks for Christmas! All: More socks for Christmas this year. All I get is socks! (spoken) Oh I wish, how I wish on this Christmas Eve, for something fun instead. Hot mountain bikes and MP3’s dancing in my head. I’d even take a dolly, or some multi-colored blocks, but here we go again I fear. I always get new socks. Go to refrain. Up on the Housetop/Hey You! Up on the housetop, reindeer pause, out jumps good old Santa Claus. Down through the chimney with lots of toys. All for the little ones, Christmas joys. Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go? Ho, Ho, Ho! Who wouldn’t go? Oh, up on the housetop click, click, click! Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick! Hey you! Get off of my roof now! Hey, you! Get off of my roof now! Hey, you! Get off of my roof now. I’m trying to get some snore, snore, sleep! (snore, whistle), (snore, whistle), (snore, whistle) (air through lips) Hey, you! Get off of my roof now. I need to get some sleep tonight! 2nd time through- 4th sings “Up on the Housetop”; 5th sings “Hey You.” S’vivon S’vi-von, sov, sov, sov. Chanukah, hu chag tov. Chanukah, hu chag tov. S’vi-von, sov, sov, sov. Neis ga-dol ha-yah sham! A great miracle happened there! Neis ga-dol ha-yah sham! A great miracle happened there! Dreidyl spin, spin, spin, spin. Chanukah, day of joy. Chanukah, day of joy. Dreidyl spin, spin, spin, spin. Jingle Bell Jammin’ Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh. O’er the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright. What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Oh… (Part 1) Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Hey! Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. (Part 2) Thought I’d go to a jam session. Hope that I’m not late. Jerry Lee will be there too, rockin’ those eighty eights. Jimi, Stevie, and Carl Perkins playin’ their guitars. When you’re at a jam session, everyone can be a star! Part 1 and 2 sing together…at end of song, shout…”Be an Irving All-Star!” Tis the Season Once Again Here we come a caroling, among the leaves so green. Here we come a wand’ring so fair to be seen. Love and joy come to you and to you glad Christmas too. And God bless you and send you a happy New Year; and God send you a happy New Year. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree how lovely are your branches. Your boughs are green in summer’s glow, and do not fade in winter’s snow. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches. Deck the halls with boughs of holly; Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. ‘Tis the season to be jolly; Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Don we now our gay apparel; Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Troll the ancient yuletide carol; Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. 4th grade: Here we come a caroling 5th grade: Here we come a caroling Choir: Here we come a caroling Here we come! Everybody Say Peace We come from many places. We speak a thousand ways. But we still can join together and help make brighter days! Ev’rybody say Peace. Say Heiwa. (hay-WAH) Say Salam (sah-LAHM) to every boy and girl. Ev’rybody say Mir. (meer) Say Do-hi-yi.(doh-hee- YEE) Ev’rybody join hands in a circle ‘round the world. We all can life our voices. Together we can sing. And in all our dif-rent languages, let peace and freedom ring. Ev’rybody say Peace. Say Shalom (shah-LOHM) Say Shanti (shahn-TEE) to every boy and girl. Ev’rybody say Paz. (pahz) Say Amani. (ah-MAH-nee) Ev’rybody join hands in a circle ‘round the world. Ev’rybody join hands in a circle ‘round the world. Heiwa (hay-WAH) = Japanese Salam (sah-LAHM) = Arabic Mir (meer) = Russian Dohiyi (doh-hee-YEE) = Cherokee Shalom (shah-LOHM) = Hebrew Shanti (shahn-TEE) = Hindu Paz (pahz) = Spanish Amanti (ah-MAH-nee) = Swahili