Yan Pratama (31801200469) Prassetyo Utomo Putra (31801200464) TEFL | 2014 Method of Teaching Language Education is a most important thing. It cannot be tolerance, if there is some reason who cannot accept it because it can help us to find a new idea easily. But, quit of the direction of education, education can run, if there are best method from educator to student. So, student can be easily to accept an object. Some of the method of language teaching are such as the silent way, the direct method, and the grammar translation-method. The method are usually depend on the student and the material which given. The grammar translation method is a method used to focus on learning the rules of grammar and how they use it to translate the target language to their native language, conversely. This method is one of the most traditional method and first used in the teaching of the classical languages, Latin and Greek. Based on this method, the student is required to translate words in text and memorize numerous grammatical rules because this is used by teacher to student to read literature written language, and with studying foreign language can make good mental exercises which helps involving their minds. The role of teacher in this method is the teacher have to more active conversely the student. But, teacher is like the boss in the classroom. While, the student only follow and do the instruction from the teacher. All of activity is depend on the teacher. The interaction mostly happen between the teacher and the student, while the interaction between the student and student is very rare. Natives’ language is the mostly language is used as interaction in the class. On the other hand, they only can use target language if they practice to translate a text or word from target language to native language, conversely. In this method, area of language that have to emphasis is vocabulary and grammar. While, the skills primary are reading and writing. This method started from, the teacher can give a short text or word then the student try to translate it. Then the teacher give them questions based on the text, while the student demanded to answer the questions based on their understanding of the text that they have read. Next, the teacher give the student one of the set words and they have to find the antonyms the word in the text. The teacher also make it conversely, the student have to find the synonyms the word in the text. The teacher can ask the student to give explanation of a word or set of word and the student give the explanation based on their understanding. If it can, they have to translate it, or maybe it can be do by other student. Some of the technique are cognates. The student have to find a word in text and spell it, then find a similar word in native language to be easily for remember the word. Fill in the blanks is a technique to fill a blank word in a statement. The purpose is to help student to remember the main point of text. Next, the student also have to make different examples based on the rule of grammar that have learned. This technique is called deductive of rule. Then direct method is method that came to against the grammar translation method. This happen because the grammar translation method was not very effective to use and cannot make the student learning target language directly. In the Grammar Translation Method, the ideas’ student is first translated a text into the native language and then have to understand, but in the direct method the intervention of the mother tongue is together with the learner understands when the students reads or hears in the second language without thinking of the native language equivalence. Likewise, the students speaks or writes the target language without need translating in his thought or idea from the native language into the target language. So, this method can help the student to how to communicate in target language directly. Therefore, the student should learn to think in the target language. The role of the student and teacher in the direct method is like partners in learning process. Both of them is same to be active. Not only student and teacher that will be active to making interaction but also between student and student too. The students’ native language should not be used because to make this method be success the student and the teacher have to use the target language directly. Some of the technique of this method are reading aloud, the student have to read a text or dialogue loudly; question and answer in full exercise, with this technique the student are asked to answer the question in full sentences into target language so that practice new words and grammatical structures; fill in the blank exercises, same with the grammar translation method but the differential is the question and answer is full of target language; dictation, the teacher reads a text three times, in the first time the teacher reads normally then the second time with pausing by phrase of phrase, while the student write anything what they have hear and last time the teacher reads again normally and the students checks what they does do. The result is the student are asked to use the language not to demonstrate their knowledge. They can be command to speak or written. The silent way method is a method used in language teaching who devised by Caleb Categno. There are some basic principles in silent way method. One of the basic is teaching should be subordinate to learning. In this method have many material that is small rectangular block patched in board, each of the block have many colour. The teacher only point the block with make sound, and the student try to guess, what the word is and the teacher mostly become silent. Based on this method, he think that learning is a process which we initiate by ourselves by mobilizing our inner resources (our perception, awareness, cognition, imagination, intuition, creativity, etc.) to meet the challenge at hand. The role of teacher in this method is teacher can do learning but only try to evolving and relying on what his student already know, the teacher can give help what the student is necessary, focusing on the student’s perception, force their awareness, and provide exercises to insure their facility. The teacher have to respect of autonomy of learners in student’s attempts at relating and interacting. While the role of the student is to make what they know used, to free themselves of any obstacles that would interfere with giving their utmost attention to the learning task and to actively engage in exploring the language. The teacher can start learning with something the students already know and build from that to the known. While, the students learn the sounds of block by tapping or pointing out names of their teacher and classmates. But, teacher only can speak if it is necessary. Sometimes, instructions or clue from the teacher is in the students’ native language, because it can help the students to produce the target language. Consequently, the student have to always guess and speak of what the teacher does mean. The method of silent way is like teacher points five blocks of different colour without saying anything. The blocks of colour represent the sounds of five English vowels. Started of here, the student have to guess it, if there is not correct respond from student. The teacher can speak. The teacher points the first colour and says “a”. Based on this clue, the student have to guess what next of blocks are. The teacher can choose the student to try to answer it, if the answer is not correct, the teacher can choose the next student beside of the previous student is. The teacher can grade the student by their answer. Students’ actions also can tell the teacher whether or not they have known. Based on the three method above, the best method is depend to the student and material. We can use the grammar translation method in the new student who new to learn language. We cannot use the direct method to the student because it will make them be hate the language. The direct method can be used to the student in the class intermediate or more than it. While, the silent way can make the student do not interest. So, based on three method, the best method to tech language is grammar translation and the direct method.