Chapter 30 Reading Guide: Society, Politics, and World Events from Ford to Reagan, 1974-1989 See the Concept Outline handout for all of Period 8 (1945-1980) Know all of these Key Terms and their Significance – these all should be in your outlines and highlighted, Try to add these where they belong in the Concept Outline Note that Chapter 30 in our book goes beyond College Board’s Period 8 (1980 vs 1989) Gerald Ford Pardon of Nixon Energy crisis OPEC Yom Kippur War Wage and price controls Stagflation Rachel Carson Silent Spring Three Mile Island Earth Day Endangered Species Act Ralph Nader Unsafe at Any Speed Affirmative action Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Equal Rights Amendment Glass ceiling Roe v Wade (1973) Phyllis Schlafly Bakke v. University of CA (1978) Indian Self-Determination Act (1974) Moral Majority Jimmy Carter Depts. of Energy and Education Panama Canal Treaty SALT II Camp David Accords Iranian hostage crisis New Right Reagonomics Supply Side Economics Strategic Defense Initiative Iran-contra scandal Sandra Day O’Connor Mikhail Gorbachev Fall of the Berlin Wall After reading the chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions. 1. What effect did Nixon’s presidency have on domestic politics? 2. Describe the new patterns of immigration into the United States that set in after 1965. 3. What became of the social movements of the 60’s in the 1970s and 80s? Why?How did prospects for Native Americans improve in the late 1960s and 1970s? What significant problems continued to plague American Indians? 4. What are some of the causes of the “malaise” of the late 1970s? 5. What were the main events/issues of Jimmy Carter’s presidency? Think domestic and foreign policy; successes and failures? 6. What are some of the causes, characteristics, characters, and consequences of the rise of the Religious Right and the conservative revolution? 7. Explain the Iran-contra affair. 8. Discuss briefly the record of the Reagan and Bush administrations on environmental issues. How do they compare with earlier administrations? What administrations would you choose to include in a compare and contrast essay about environmental issues? 9. Why did government continue to grow throughout the 1980’s despite the rising influence of “small government” conservatives? 10. Explain how and why U.S.-Soviet relations changed from the late 1970s to 1988. What factors led to the end of the Cold War?