Ch. 9 Test Multiple Choice

Ch. 9 Test
Multiple Choice (2 pts.)
1. __________ After the fall of Rome in the 5th
century, the western Roman Empire
a. Became known as the Byzantine
b. Fell under the control of Constantine
c. Rebelled against Byzantine
authority, finally defeating them at
the Battle of Tours
d. Fragmented into a handful of
Germanic kingdoms
2. __________ In what area did the Vikings NOT
a. England
b. The Arabian Peninsula
c. Sicily
d. France
3. __________ Which statement best describes
the role of the Roman Catholic Church in
Europe during the Middle Ages?
a. The Church encouraged individuals
to question authority
b. Church leaders were only involved
in spiritual activities
c. The Church gained influence as
people became more interested in
secular affairs
d. The Church provided a sense of
stability, unity, and order
4. __________ Why is the period in Europe
between 500 CE & 1300 CE called the
“Middle Ages”?
a. Europe at this time was controlled
by peoples in its central area rather
than by the people of the
Mediterranean as it had been in the
b. It was the beginning of the rise of
the middle class
c. Europe was invaded by Muslim
nomads from the Middle East
d. It came between the Greco-Roman
civilization and the Renaissance
Name: _________________________________
__________ Why did the Catholic Church play
a key role in the development of a large part
of medieval Europe?
a. It controlled the Eastern Orthodox
b. Its monasteries preserved ancient
manuscripts, and the Church
provided cultural cohesion
c. It was led by Protestant reformers
d. Catholics joined with Jews in
developing cities
6. __________ Women in medieval Europe
a. All lacked property rights
b. Had equality before the law,
especially in matters of reproductive
c. Had some legal protections, but
their rights often depended on
where they lived and which class
they belonged
d. Could enter religious life only in
Orthodox Byzantium
7. __________ The investiture controversy of the
Middle Ages was
a. A disagreement between the Pope
and secular rulers over the
appointment of bishops
b. A widespread heresy that Innocent
III sought to eliminate by launching
a crusade
c. A quarrel between Florentine
political factions
d. A dispute over the orthodoxy
granting land to monasteries
8. __________ The image above refers to
a. The invasion of the Vikings
b. The Treaty of Verdun
c. The investiture controversy
d. The Great Schism
9. __________ A major goal of the Christian
Church during the Crusades (1096-1291)
was to
a. Establish Christianity in western
b. Capture the Holy Land from Islamic
c. Unite warring Arab peoples
d. Strengthen English dominance in the
Arab world
“Christian warriors, He who gave His life for you,
today demands yours in return. These are combats
worthy of you, combats in which it is glorious to
conquer and advantageous to die. Illustrious
knights, generous defenders of the Cross, remember
the examples of your fathers who conquered
Jerusalem, and whose names are inscribed in
Heaven; abandon then the things that perish, to
gather unfading palms, and conquer a Kingdom
which as no end.”
-- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
10. _________ This statement above was most
likely used to encourage people to
a. Repel a Viking invasion
b. Stop advancement of the Huns in
c. Join the Crusades
d. Force Russians to become Catholic
Use the above image to assist your answering of
questions #11-13
11. __________ The most important relationship in
feudalism was between
a. King & pope
b. Serf & pope
c. Lord & vassal
d. Serf & king
12. __________ The Illustration above represents a
society based on
a. Social class
b. Educational achievement
c. Accumulated wealth
d. Political ability
13. __________ The illustration suggests that the
European feudal system was
a. Designed to promote political and
economic equality
b. Controlled by a powerful middle
c. Intended to provide opportunities
for social mobility
d. Supported by the labor of the
Use the image above for questions #16-17.
14. ___________ Using the above image as a guide,
results of the Crusades included all of the
following EXCEPT
a. Permanently freeing the Holy Land
from Muslim control
b. Increasing the sale of feudal rights
to the peasants and towns
c. Introducing new weapons &
methods of warfare in Europe
d. Promoting the wealth & influence of
commercial towns like Venice
15. __________ Cyril & Methodius are significant in
world history because they
a. Helped bring silk technology to the
Byzantine Empire
b. Traveled the complete stretch of the
Silk Road
c. Traveled to Rome & influenced
musical styles such as Gregorian
d. Traveled to Moravia (E. Europe),
where they helped introduced a new
writing system to the Slavic peoples
16. __________ Which of the following is an
accurate description of serfs in Feudal
a. Agricultural slaves who had no
rights on the lord’s manor
b. Free peasants who could sell their
land & move at will
c. Semifree individuals who owed
obligations to the lord whose lands
they cultivated
d. Servants of the lord, who provided
the lord with domestic and military
17. __________ The agricultural technology
illustrated in the image above is
a. The water wheel
b. The horse collar
c. The three-field system
d. The seed and feed system
18. __________ Which is Mr. Mendoza’s favorite
soccer team?
a. Arsenal FC
b. FC Barcelona
c. Pioneer HS Lady Titans
d. Chivas (insert vomit noise here) 
19. __________ Vikings were similar to Arabs in
that both
a. Came from very arid (dry)
b. Looked to W. Europe as an area of
c. Raided & traded, Vikings using ships
& Arabs using horses
d. Were interested in learning from
Western feudal institutions
20. _________ The Orthodox Church & the Latin
Church (RCC)
a. Were united under the pope, who
appointed the patriarch of
Constantinople to rule as his
b. Formally split at the same time that
the Roman Empire split into the
Byzantine Empire and Feudal
c. Met in a series of council meetings
to decide which parts of Europe
would remain Orthodox and which
would remain Catholic in order to
avoid competition
d. Formally split over doctrinal
disputes in the 11th century but still
united to fight together in the
21. _________ The growth of feudalism in the
Middle Ages was primarily caused by the
a. Rivalry between the colonial
b. Suppression of internationalism
c. Decline of the Roman Catholic
d. Collapse of a strong central
22. _________ The term caesaropapism refers to
the fact that the Byzantine emperors
a. Claimed divine favor and sanction
b. Claimed divine status
c. Claimed ½ human and ½ divine
d. Claimed to be both Roman emperor
and pope
23. __________ W. Europe & the Byzantine Empire
differed politically because
a. W. Europe maintained more of the
political traditions of the Roman
b. The Byzantine Empire maintained
more of the political traditions of the
Germanic peoples
c. The Byzantine Empire gave political
& religious authority to a patriarch
while W. Europe gave it to the pope
d. The Byzantine Empire maintained a
centralized government while W.
Europe broke apart into localized
political entities
24. _________ Using the image above, Byzantine
achievements in art & architecture include
a. The Hagia Sophia
b. The Praetorian Gate
c. The Arch of Triumph
d. Schools in which masters were
trained in art & architecture
25. _________ Throughout most of its history, the
capital of the Byzantine Empire was
a. Anatolia
b. Constantinople
c. Anzhi
d. Thessaloniki
26. _________ Emperor Justinian is best
remembered for his
a. Plan to destroy Constantinople in
order to rebuild it
b. Codification of Roman Law, known
as Justinian’s Code
c. Complete reconstitution of the
classical Roman Empire
d. Decisive victory over the Muslims
30. _________ A historian researching origins of
the Great Schism that split Christianity in
1054 CE would most likely use which of the
following sources?
a. Correspondence between the popes
in Rome and the patriarchs in
Constantinople prior to 1055 CE
b. Census data related to Christian
populations in Europe, SW Asia, and
N. Africa c. 1055 CE, especially
urban centers such as Rome,
Constantinople, Antioch, and
c. Official church biographies of
bishops and archbishops in modern
Italy, Greece, and Turkey c. 1055 CE
d. Letters sent by churchmen to their
families in the 1050s CE, focusing on
W. European sources
27. _________ Use the picture above to guide you.
By the 10th century, the office of the pope
a. Become more powerful and was, at
last, freed from control of the Roman
b. Diminished with the diminishing of
the Roman Empire
c. Managed to place all secular rulers
under the power of the church
d. Consolidated control over a vast
territory that ran from England to
28. __________ Kievan Russia became firmly
oriented toward the Byzantine world and
turned away from the Muslim world once
a. It viewed Muslims as a direct threat
following the Battle of Manzikert
b. The Crusades began
c. It saw how the Muslims treated
d. Prince Vladimir I converted to
29. _________ Which of the following empires is
most closely associated with the concept of
a. The Holy Roman Empire
b. The Carolingian Empire
c. The Hanseatic League
d. The Byzantine Empire
31. _________ Which of the following best
characterizes encounters beginning in the
9th & 10th century CE between Norse
(Viking) mariner merchants and their
trading partners?
a. Norse (Viking) merchant marines
during this time period rarely
ventured beyond the Baltic Sea and
North Sea until the discovery of
Iceland & Greenland
b. The Byzantine fleet blocked Norse
(Viking) merchant mariners from
the Black Sea & Mediterranean Sea
basins, rebuking the attempts of
Norse merchant mariners to trade in
those regions
c. Very few products from Scandinavia,
Carolingian Europe, or the
Byzantine Empire were valued by
Abbasid merchants; so Norse
merchant maritime contacts with
the Abbasids were limited
d. Norse (Viking) merchant mariners
carried Scandinavian products to
the Abbasid empires, traded the
goods for silver coins, and then
exchanged the silver for Carolingian
goods valued in Scandinavia
The Crusader states were able to cling to survival
only through frequent delivery of supplies &
manpower from Europe. [They] were defended
primarily by 3 semi-monastic military orders: the
Templars, the Hospitallers, & the Teutonic Knights.
Combining monasticism and militarism, these orders
served to protect pilgrims & to wage perpetual
(ongoing) war against the Muslims.
- Palmira Brummett (historian, 2007)
Whenever I visited Jerusalem, I always entered the alAqsa Mosque, beside which stood a small mosque
which the Franks had converted into a church…. The
Templars,…. who were my friends, would evacute the
little adjoining mosque so that I could pray in it.
Usamah ibn Munqidh (Muslim historian,
Jerusalem, circa 1138 CE)
32. __________ The 2nd passage does not support
the 1st passage because the 2nd passage
a. Shows that an influx of manpower
from Europe was not critical for the
survival of the Crusader states
b. Shows that Muslims vastly
outnumbered Europeans in the
Crusader states
c. Minimizes the importance of
Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights in
the administration of the Crusader
d. Presents an incident in which a
military order supported a Muslim
33. __________ Which circumstance best describes
a long-term result of the Crusades?
a. Muslim control of Jerusalem ended
b. Feudalism began in W. Europe
c. Cultural exchanges between the
Middle East and Europe grew
d. Christians and Muslims achieved a
lasting peace
34. __________ In 1054 CE, the Byzantine
patriarch and the pope of Rome mutually
excommunicated each other because of
disagreements over matters of which of the
a. Rituals such as whether priests
should shave their beards
b. The worship of icons
c. Who had authority over their
jurisdiction (official power to make
d. All of the above
35. _________ Which of the following is true of the
crusades launched by the western
Europeans during the 12th & 13th centuries
a. They were trying to recapture
Jerusalem & other holy sites from
Muslim control
b. They sacked the city of
c. They were used to strengthen
economic positions in the eastern
d. All of the above
36. _________ Which of the following was NOT a
consequence of the Byzantine missions to
the Slavic peoples?
a. The Cyrillic alphabet became the
writing system of the Slavic peoples
b. The Byzantine empire and Slavic
peoples united to fight against the
Islamic empires
c. Eastern Orthodox Christianity was
adopted by the Slavic peoples
d. Schools were organized by the
37. __________ Which of the following was one
thing done by Charlemagne?
a. He built an impressive, if relatively
short-lived empire in W. Europe
b. He rejected coronation by the pope
c. He established a large bureaucracy
to rule his empire
d. He wrote an important book on the
art of statecraft
38. __________ Serfs were
a. Semifree individuals who owed
obligations to the lord whose lands
they cultivated
b. Servants of the lord, who provided
the lord with domestic and military
c. Agricultural slaves who had no
rights on the lord’s manor
d. Free peasants who could sell their
land and move at will
39. _________ According to St. Benedict’s Rule,
monks in monasteries should
a. Live communal, celibate lives
b. Work hard for personal wealth
c. Live like hermits, isolated from the
outside world
d. Deprive themselves of all pleasures
40. __________ St. Scholastica
a. Established a convent & began to
accept nuns for the 1st time in the
history of Christianity
b. Devised an entirely new set of
regulations as guidance for the
religious life of women in convents
c. Strongly believed that women
should be allowed to become priests
and monks
d. Adapted her brother’s Rule as
guidance for nuns
41. _________ Which of the following social
services was NOT provided by monasteries?
a. Inns, refuges, and orphanages
b. Banks, shops, and factories
c. Schools & Medical care
d. Libraries and scriptoria
42. _________ The medieval manor
a. Was a self-sufficient farming estate
and the primary center of
agricultural production
b. Was a land grant given by kings in
return for military service
c. Was often given as part of a dowry
in marriage contracts
d. Developed as a way to allow the best
knights to train full time
43. _________ The Battle of Tours
a. Prevented Alexius Comnenus from
becoming pope
b. Guaranteed the split between the
Eastern Empire and the Western
c. Was a major defeat of the Vikings at
the hands of the French
d. Ensured that the Muslims would not
encroach further into Europe
44. _________ One major controversy in the
church concerned the question of who
should appoint bishops and abbots. This
conflict is known as
a. The Capet controversy
b. Monasticism
c. The investiture controversy
d. Primogeniture
45. _________ By the 10th century, the office of the
pope had
a. Become more powerful and was, at
last, freed from control of the Roman
b. Diminished with the diminishing of
the Roman empire
c. Consolidated control over a vast
territory that ran from England to
d. Mananged to place all secular rulers
under the power of the church