Supplementary Materials Probing the early stages of salt nucleation— experimental and theoretical investigations of sodium/potassium thiocyanate cluster anions S. H. M. Deng, Xiang-Yu Kong,† and Xue-Bin Wang a) Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Boulevard, P. O. Box 999, MS K8-88, Richland, Washington 99352, United States a) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: † Visiting student supported by PNNL alternate sponsored fellowship. Permanent address: Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China. S1 – – Figure S1. Low temperature 20 K photoelectron spectra of Na4 (SCN)5 and K 5 (SCN)6 at 157 nm (7.867 eV). Blue and red highlight spectral bands from the singly charged and doubly charged dimer species, respectively. The extra spectral bands could be due to the existence of unknown impurities. S2 Computational details on the singly charged sodium thiocyanate cluster anions To choose the method for the calculation, we started on the SCN– anion using several functionals with 6-311+G(d) basis set for every atom and compared those results with the reported one (J. Chem. Phys. 98, 800 (1993)).42 B3LYP, B3PW91, M06-2X, MP2, ωB97XD, and PBEPBE were used for SCN– anion optimizations. All results including VDEs and ADEs were listed in the Table S1. The best results were calculated using ωB97XD functional, and the results with B3LYP were also acceptable. Moreover, CCSD(T) single point calculation on geometry optimized using B3LYP was conducted as well, but the obtained VDE was too low. ADE calculations were skipped for PBEPBE and CCSD(T) since both calculated VDEs were smaller than the measured EA. Therefore, ωB97XD/6-311+G(d) was chosen as our initial calculation method. Table S1. Calculated VDEs and ADEs of SCN– anion using different functionals. EA(NCS)=3.537 eV B3LYP B3PW91 M06-2X MP2 ωB97XD PBEPBE CCSD(T) at B3LYP geometry VDE 3.540 3.538 3.652 3.782 3.567 3.469 3.099 ADE 3.506 3.503 3.623 3.651 3.534 ------------- Calculation of Na(SCN)–2 cluster The optimization led to a linear structure of (SCN-Na-NCS)–, even started with initial linear (NCS-Na-SCN)– and nonlinear structures. The calculated B97XD/6-311+G(d) // B3LYP/6-311+G(d) VDE of 5.02 eV (Table 1) agrees well with the experimental VDE of 5.19 eV, and also in excellent accord with the calculated VDE of 5.01 eV reported in a previous calculation (Inorg. Chem. 48, 10231 (2009)).33 S3 23-A ΔE=1.20 kcal/mol VDE=4.874 eV 23-B ΔE=5.94 kcal/mol VDE=5.371 eV 23-C ΔE=7.20 kcal/mol VDE=5.381 eV Figure S2. Low-lying isomers for Na2 (SCN)–3 . This cluster was constructed by elongating the Na(SCN)–2 cluster by adding a third NaSCN unit at the end of the linear structure, or considering the metal-in-the-center and ligands-stay-outside pattern. Results showed the elongated structure had a higher relative energy. B97XD/6-311+G(d) // B3LYP/6-311+G(d) were used for calculations. S4 34-A ΔE=2.43 kcal/mol VDE=5.779 eV 34-C ΔE=4.11 kcal/mol VDE=5.839 eV 34-B ΔE=3.12 kcal/mol VDE=5.903 eV 34-D ΔE=4.27 kcal/mol VDE=5.836 eV 34-E ΔE=16.92 kcal/mol VDE=6.009 eV Figure S3. Low-lying isomers for Na3 (SCN)–4 . We considered the Na…NSC interaction, metal-in-the-center and high symmetry elements to construct many initial guess structures for this species. Six stable structures were obtained with the calculated VDEs ranging from 5.78 to 6.01 eV. B97XD/6-311+G(d) // B3LYP/6-311+G(d) were used for calculations. S5 45-A ΔE=0.031kcal/mol VDE=5.867 eV 45-B ΔE=0.57 kcal/mol VDE=5.680 eV 45-D ΔE=4.85 kcal/mol VDE=5.901 eV 45-C ΔE=0.59 kcal/mol VDE=6.033 eV 45-F ΔE=5.37 kcal/mol VDE=5.808 eV 45-E ΔE=5.30 kcal/mol VDE=5.774 eV S6 45-H ΔE=8.63 kcal/mol VDE=4.891 eV 45-G ΔE=6.34 kcal/mol VDE=6.191 eV 45-I ΔE=9.56 kcal/mol VDE=5.249 eV 45-J ΔE=14.62 kcal/mol VDE=4.894 eV 45-K ΔE=14.63 kcal/mol VDE=4.893 eV Figure S4. Low lying isomers for Na4 (SCN)–5 . Many initial structures were considered and 10 stable structures were obtained with relative energy less than 10 kcal/mol (calculated VDEs were in the range of 4.89 to 6.19 eV). B97XD/6-311+G(d) // B3LYP/6-311+G(d) were used for calculations. S7 56-A ΔE=1.36 kcal/mol VDE=6.122 eV 56-B ΔE=3.04 kcal/mol VDE=6.111 eV 56-D ΔE=4.71 kcal/mol VDE=6.197 eV 56-C ΔE=3.77 kcal/mol VDE=6.192 eV 56-E ΔE=7.54 kcal/mol VDE=6.074 eV 56-F ΔE=9.90 kcal/mol VDE=6.164 eV S8 56-H ΔE=14.64 kcal/mol VDE=6.365 eV 56-G ΔE=12.56 kcal/mol VDE=6.125 eV 56-J ΔE=20.69 kcal/mol VDE=5.726 eV 56-I ΔE=19.56 kcal/mol VDE=5.321 eV 56-K ΔE=23.23 kcal/mol VDE=6.246 eV 56-L ΔE=24.59 kcal/mol VDE=5.912 eV Figure S5 Low-lying isomers for Na5 (SCN)–6 . Many initial structures were considered but finally seven stable structures were obtained with relative energy less than 10 kcal/mol (calculated VDEs were in the range of 6.07 to 6.20 eV). B3LYP/6-311+G(d) was used for geometry optimization and ωB97XD/6-311+G(d) was used for the single point energy calculation. S9 67-A ΔE=5.90 kcal/mol VDE=6.333 eV 67-B ΔE=9.18 kcal/mol VDE=6.054 eV 67-C ΔE=10.20 kcal/mol VDE=6.276 eV 67-D ΔE=10.43 kcal/mol VDE=6.350 eV 67-E ΔE=10.62 kcal/mol VDE=6.023 eV 67-F ΔE=11.17 kcal/mol VDE=6.097 eV S10 67-H ΔE=14.85 kcal/mol VDE=6.393 eV 67-G ΔE=11.83 kcal/mol VDE=5.943eV 67-J ΔE=25.91 kcal/mol VDE=5.862 eV 67-I ΔE=21.00 kcal/mol VDE=6.306 eV 67-K ΔE=27.52 kcal/mol VDE=5.955 eV 67-L ΔE=29.87 kcal/mol VDE=6.563 eV S11 67-M ΔE=30.89 kcal/mol VDE=6.405 eV Figure S6. Low lying isomers for Na6 (SCN)–7 . This cluster was constructed by adding a NaSCN unit to Na5 (SCN)–6 cluster. A structure based on crystal structure was constructed as well. Many initial structures were considered but finally three stable structures were obtained with relative energy less than 10 kcal/mol (calculated VDEs were in the range of 6.05 to 6.33 eV). B3LYP/6-311+G(d) was used for geometry optimization and ωB97XD/6-311+G(d) was used for the single point energy calculation. S12 -0.482 0.073 -0.591 -0.350 0.149 0.899 -0.748 -0.609 0.086 -0.319 0.787 0.866 -0.306 0.155 -0.649 -0.760 0.765 0.765 0.140 0.866 -0.307 -0.266 -0.294 -0.284 0.155 0.797 -0.773 -0.679 0.784 0.124 0.114 -0.654 -0.637 0.826 0.155 -0.278 0.789 -0.775 0.160 -0.662 0.804 0.130 -0.272 -0.282 0.725 -0.297 0.150 -0.351 0.122 -0.556 0.718 -0.734 -0.292 0.172 0.798 -0.274 -0.628 0.153 -0.764 0.766 0.168 -0.638 -0.252 -0.646 -0.773 0.157 -0.249 -0.633 0.162 -0.267 0.726 0.778 -0.255 0.744 0.797 0.169 -0.293 -0.737 -0.686 0.762 0.130 0.153 -0.299 Figure S7. NBO natural atomic charge distribution for [Nax(SCN)x+1]– (x = 0 to 6) and [Na8(SCN)10]2–. For the x = 5 cluster, the missing numbers of the charges for C, N, S, and Na are the same as those for each respective atom that is labelled. S13 Figure S8. Mass spectrum of potassium thiocyanate clusters. Triply charged anions were labeled in green. S14 2– Figure S9. Low temperature photoelectron spectra of K13 (SCN)15 at (a) 193, (b) 157 nm, and combined both in (c). In (c), a bandwidth change can be observed clearly, which indicates the existence of Repulsive Coulomb Barrier (RCB), a hallmark of multiply charged anions. S15 Table S2. Calculated cluster size dimensions (in Å) Clusters SCN– Na(SCN)–2 Na2 (SCN)–3 Na3 (SCN)–4 Na4 (SCN)–5 Na5 (SCN)–6 Na6 (SCN)–7 Na8 (SCN)2– 10 Na9 (SCN)2– 11 Na10 (SCN)2– 12 Na11 (SCN)2– 13 Na12 (SCN)2– 14 Length 2.844 10.069 8.258 9.694 9.783 8.835 9.432 13.570 11.902 13.447 15.037 22.564 S16 Width Height 8.258 3.854 9.696 4.856 8.080 10.426 11.246 10.131 13.234 9.608 2.643 3.811 4.746 4.334 6.281 5.906 10.981 9.553 8.536 7.364