PBIS Newsletter August/September 2014

PBIS Newsletter Issue # 1
Arundel Elementary/Middle School # 164
August 25, 2014
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior
Intervention and Supports. PBIS is a
broad range of systemic and
individualized strategies for achieving
important social and learning outcomes
while preventing problem behaviors with
all students.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to a new school year at Arundel
Elementary/Middle School # 164. This year, we will
be continuing PBIS. We plan to make this the best
year ever! The PBIS Team has been meeting over
the summer and planning a spectacular year of
fun, enriching activities and events. Please look for
our newsletter on the first Friday of every month.
Every month, starting October 3, 2014, a child from
each grade level team, will be chosen to appear in
the newsletter and on the showcase board in the
main lobby of the school. These students will be
chosen based on how they display TIGER
expectations throughout the building.
The PBIS Team
The purpose of the Arundel EMS #164
School-wide PBIS program is to establish
and maintain a safe and effective school
environment that maximizes academic
achievement and behavioral competence of
all students.
Academic achievement and behavior
competence are the results of school
personnel and families working together to
provide a continuum of support for all
learners. A continuum of academic and
behavioral support includes:
1. School-wide interventions for all
learners (Universal)
2. Specialized interventions
for earners who are at
risk for academic or social
failure due to behavior
challenges (Targeted)
3. Individualized
interventions for
students with
behavior challenges
Timeliness- Be on time.
Integrity- Be honest.
Generosity- Give t others.
Excellence- Do your best.
Responsibility- Do your part.
This year, we will have expectations of ALL
students to participate in school-wide PBIS
activities. For your child to participate, he/she
Be on time and present 100% of the month.
Be in uniform 100% of the month.
No early dismissals.
No major or minor office referrals.
There will be no exceptions and school staff will be
closely monitoring these expectations. Students
would meet all four expectations will participate in
the following planned monthly activities.
September 26- Game Day
October 30 & 31- Sock Hop
November 26- Hot Skate Trip
December 23-No Uniform Day
January 30- PBIS All-Stars Luncheon
February 27- Let’s go to the Movies
March TBD- PARRC Incentive
TIGER Dollar
Teacher will begin explicitly teaching the
TIGER expectations during the first two
week of the 2014-2015 school year.
Teachers will continue teaching the TIGER
rules and activity expectations as part of
daily routines throughout the school year.
Your child will receive lessons on the TIGER
way to act in the classrooms, hallways,
bathrooms, resource classes, cafeteria,
and entering/exiting the school building.
Students will begin receiving TIGER dollars
once these lessons are complete. TIGER
dollars are school money that your child
can spend for items within the classroom
and at the TIGER store. Students who have
earned TIGER dollars will be taken to the
TIGER store once per week to spend their
dollars. Items at the store include: small
toys, school supplies, mp3 players, gift
cards, etc. TIGER dollars can be saved for
future use for larger incentives.
The PBIS team will be holding a Bake Sale
Event during the Back to School Night on
September 15, 2014 to raise funds to keep
the store well stocked and help offset the
costs of activities throughout the school
year. Your support will be greatly
April 30- Bowling Trip
May 29- Lunch on the Lawn
June 5- Arundel’s Spectacular TIGERs Celebration
If you would like to donate to the TIGER
store, please see Mrs. Eustace or Mrs.