Risk Assessment Guidance The assessor can assign values for the hazard severity (a) and likelihood of occurrence (b) (taking into account the frequency and duration of exposure) on a scale of 1 to 5, then multiply them together to give the rating band: Hazard Severity Remote 1 (eg discomfort, slight bruising, self-help recovery) (eg small cut, abrasion, basic first aid need) (eg strain, sprain, incapacitation > 3 days) (eg fracture, hospitalisation >24 hrs, incapacitation >4 Likelihood of Occurrence 1 – Remote 2 – Unlikely 3 – Possible 4 – Likely 5 – Very likely (b) (almost never) (occurs rarely) (could occur, but uncommon) (recurrent but not frequent) (occurs frequently) (single or multiple) The risk rating (high, medium or low) indicates the level of response required to be taken when designing the action plan. Fatal Serious Moderate Minor Trivial 1 – Trivial 2 – Minor 3 – Moderate 4 – Serious weeks) 5 – Fatal (a) Rating Bands (a x b) 2 3 4 5 4 6 8 10 LOW RISK (1 – 8) MEDIUM RISK (9 - 12) HIGH RISK (15 - 25) Continue, but implement additional reasonably practicable controls where possible and monitor regularly -STOP THE ACTIVITY- Unlikely 2 Possible 3 6 9 12 15 4 8 12 16 20 5 10 15 20 25 Likely Very likely UOB Risk Assessment Continue, but review periodically to ensure controls remain effective Identify new controls. Activity must not proceed until risks are reduced to a low or medium level University Health, Safety & Environment Unit Risk Assessment Record Risk Assessment of: 6E1.12 Soils Lab Assessor(s): David Williams Overview of activity / location / equipment / conditions being assessed: The soils lab is used for small scale material preparation and testing. It houses a number of triaxial testing frames and other soils testing equipment as well as the main chemical store. Generic or specific assessment? Generic risk assessment Context of assessment Update of existing risk assessment. # 1 Hazard(s) identified Trip/slip hazards Persons affected Technicians, staff, postgraduates, undergraduates, visitors Existing controls & measures 3 4 Use of chemicals Technicians, staff, postgraduates, undergraduates Injury from test equipment Technicians, staff, postgraduates, undergraduates Manual handling Technicians, staff, postgraduates, undergraduates Assessor signature: A x B 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 3 2 6 Equipment only to be used after adequate training PPE to be worn as appropriate Additional controls required Large and heavy objects should be moved using the appropriate lifting equipment and/or following the correct manual handling procedures Correct PPE to be worn as appropriate See manual handling risk assessment for further guidance Print name: David Williams UOB Risk Assessment B A Floors to be kept clean and clear from liquid contamination, in particular 2 areas marked out with yellow lines should be kept clear at all times to reduce trip hazards. Before commencing any work with chemicals, users must familiarise themselves with the individual hazards associated with these by looking at the relevant COSHH assessment and MSDS. 3 Wear appropriate PPE Fume cupboard available for use if necessary 2 Date: 17/07/2015 Review date: July 2016 University Health, Safety & Environment Unit Risk Assessment Action Plan Action Plan in respect of: Ref no. Prepared by: Action to be taken, incl. Cost Responsible manager’s signature: Print name: UOB Risk Assessment By whom Target date Review date Outcome at review date Responsible manager’s signature: Date: Print name: Date University Health, Safety & Environment Unit