Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes
Write down at least 5 points from the video explaining how digestion of carbohydrates works;
Write down at least 5 points from the video that explains how Diabetes Type 2 affects the body;
Type 2 is the most ____________________ form of diabetes, affecting ____________________ of all people with
diabetes. While it ____________________ affects ____________________ adults, more and more ____________________
people, even children, are getting type 2 diabetes.
In type 2 diabetes, the ____________________ makes some ____________________ but it is not produced in the
____________________ your body needs and it does not ____________________ ____________________.
Type 2 diabetes results from a combination of ____________________ and ____________________ factors.
Although there is a strong genetic predisposition, the risk is greatly increased when associated with
lifestyle factors such as
 ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
 overweight or ____________________
 insufficient physical ____________________
 poor ____________________ and
 the classic ‘____________________ shape’ body where extra weight is carried around the
Type 2 diabetes can often initially be managed with ____________________ eating and regular physical
____________________. However, over time most people with type 2 diabetes will also need
____________________ and many will also need ____________________. It is important to note that this is just the
natural progression of the disease, and taking tablets or insulin as soon as they are required can result
in fewer complications in the long-term.
There is currently no ____________________ for type 2 diabetes.
Cause of Type 2 Diabetes
While there is no ____________________ cause of type 2 diabetes, there are well-established
____________________ factors. Some of these can be changed and some cannot.
You are at a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes if you:
• have a ____________________ ____________________ of diabetes
• are ____________________ (over 55 years of age ) - the risk increases as we age
• are over 45 years of age and are ____________________
• are over 45 years of age and have ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
• are over 35 years of age and are from an ____________________ or ____________________
____________________ Islander background
• are over 35 years of age and are from ____________________ Island, ____________________ subcontinent
or ____________________ cultural background
• are a ____________________ who has given birth to a child over ____________________ (9 lbs), or had
____________________ diabetes when pregnant, or had a condition known as ____________________
____________________ ____________________.
Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
In type 2 diabetes, many people have ____________________ symptoms at all, while other signs are
dismissed as a part of ‘getting ____________________’. By the time type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the
complications of diabetes may already be ____________________.
Symptoms include:
• Being ____________________ ____________________
• Passing more ____________________
• Feeling ____________________ and ____________________
• Always feeling ____________________
• Having cuts that heal ____________________
• Itching, ____________________ infections
• ____________________ vision
• Gradually putting on ____________________
• Mood ____________________
• ____________________
• Feeling ____________________
• ____________________ cramps
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
It is estimated that up to 60% of type 2 diabetes can be ____________________. People at risk of type 2
diabetes can ____________________ and even ____________________ this disease by following a
____________________ lifestyle.
This includes:
• ____________________ a healthy weight
• Regular ____________________ activity
• Making healthy food choices
• Managing ____________________ pressure
• Managing ____________________ levels
• Not ____________________
Managing Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes can sometimes initially be managed through lifestyle ____________________ including a
healthy ____________________ and regular ____________________. However, as the disease progresses, people
with type 2 diabetes are often prescribed ____________________ to control their blood glucose
____________________. These tablets are intended to be used in conjunction with healthy eating and
regular physical activity, not as a ____________________. Diabetes tablets are not an oral form of insulin
and they require insulin to be present in the body to be ____________________.
Eventually it may be necessary to start taking ____________________ to control blood glucose levels, when
your body is no longer producing enough insulin of its own. Sometimes tablets may be continued in
addition to insulin.
The aim of diabetes management is to keep blood glucose levels as close to ____________________ as
possible, that is between ________________________________________, as this will help prevent both short-term
and long-term complications.
Regular blood glucose ____________________ is necessary to see if the treatment being followed is
adequately controlling blood glucose levels.
In people with type 2 diabetes the body ____________________ insulin but the insulin does not
____________________ as well as it should. This is often referred to as insulin ____________________. To
compensate the body makes more but eventually ____________________ make enough to keep the balance
right. Lifestyle changes can delay the need for tablets and/or insulin to stabilise blood glucose levels.
When insulin is required, it is important to understand that this is just the ____________________
progression of the disease.
At this stage, insulin can only be ____________________.
Monitoring Blood Glucose levels
Similarly to Type 1 Diabetes, ensuring that an individual is aware of their blood sugar levels is an
important part of adequately managing the disease and keeping the blood glucose levels as safe as
Dietary considerations
Similarly to Type 2 Diabetes, a healthy diet that incorporates slow release carbohydrates is an
important management strategy for Diabetes Type 2.
The following are important;
• Regulating diet so intake is matched to insulin and exercise
• Increasing the amount of ‘slow’ carbohydrates (or Low GI rated foods) in the diet, such as
beans and fruit, which take longer to be absorbed by the body
• Avoiding choosing high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt or low-fibre foods