Auxiliary Materials: Hatala et al 2012, “Gross ecosystem photosynthesis causes a diurnal pattern in methane emission from rice” 1. Foundations of spectral Granger causality analysis 2. Testing for the effect of stomatal conductance on CH4 flux 1. Foundations of spectral Granger causality analysis Although in this analysis we used the spectral nonparametric Granger causality analysis, we briefly review the foundation of parametric Granger causality and then explain the extension to the nonparametric form. Details on the foundations of spectral Granger causality and applications to complex ecological systems are found in Detto et al. [2012]. Granger initially proposed causality analysis in parametric form with autoregressive order m where the bivariate form assesses the influence of a random variable y on another random variable x as: m m j 1 j 1 xn a1, j xn j a2, j yn j n (Equation S1) where εn is the bivariate prediction error and a and b are coefficients describing the linear interactions between variables with j time lags. Granger determined that y caused x by comparing the bivariate with the univariate case: m xn a j xn j n (Equation S2) j 1 where ηn is the univariate prediction error. In this form, y is said to cause x if the bivariate model outperforms the univariate model so that σ2ε< σ2η [Granger, 1969]. In parametric form, Grangercausality is expressed as: G y x ln 2 2 (Equation S3) 1 If the variables x and y are not interacting, Granger-causality will tend to zero, even if the variables are correlated. Because of temporal ordering, Granger-causality can only capture interactions that are sufficiently separated in time. The spectral approach to Granger-causality is nonparametric, since it does not require any assumptions about the autoregressive order of the model. This approach is particularly useful for this analysis, where periodicities might be superimposed on long-term memory of the system, requiring high order autoregressive models to accurately replicate dynamics. Additionally, estimation error increases with the order of autoregressive models, which can create spurious causal relationships [Hlavackova-Schindler et al., 2007] and nonparametric analysis avoids this error. We use the definition of Granger-causality expanded to the spectral domain [Dhamala et al., 2008; Geweke, 1982] where Granger-causality I is a function of frequency f: I ( f ) y x ln S xx ( f ) 2 xy S xx ( f ) yy xx (Equation S4) 2 H xy ( f ) where Sxx is the spectral density of x at frequency f, Γ is the error covariance matrix for Equation S1 and the converse equation for the influence of random variable x on y, and H is the spectral transfer function for writing the system of equations in the Fourier domain. S is estimated directly from the spectral and cross-spectral functions of the time series and H and Γ are computed by the matrix factorization of S as described below. As in Equation S3, if x and y are not interacting, I(f) will tend to zero. We computed the spectral transfer function H and the error covariance matrix Γ from the measured wavelet spectral and co-spectral density functions of the time series. We chose wavelet rather than Fourier analysis due to the ability of wavelets to accommodate non-stationary time 2 series and reduce spectral noise [Dhamala et al., 2008; Geweke, 1982]. For this spectral analysis we used the Morlet mother wavelet. In wavelet analysis, the frequency domain (given in angular frequency θ=2πf) is discretized uniformly in the interval 0 to π after the relationship between wavelet scale s and f is known. Global spectra and co-spectra are averaged together if there are multiple realizations of the process, and the spectral matrix S(θ) is numerically extrapolated for f 0 where these spectra and co-spectra are used to infer H and Γ. In this analysis we broke the growing season dataset into realizations of 14 days to more accurately determine the causal relationship of high-frequency oscillations in CH4 flux. The factorization theorem of a spectral matrix states any spectrum that is Hermitian, nonnegative and integrable with Fourier expansion S ( ) k coefficients γk are given by k 1 2 S ( )e ik k eik where the sequence of d , can be decomposed into S(θ) = ψ (θ) ψ(θ)´, where ´ denotes the matrix adjoint [Katul et al., 2001; Torrence and Compo, 1998]. ψ(f) has a Fourier expansion in non-negative powers of e 2 if given as ( ) Ak eik and the moving k 0 average coefficients { Ak }0 are given by Ak 1 ( )e 2 ik d . We use the Wilson algorithm to solve for the convergence of ψ(f) [Masani, 1966]. The algorithm is solved by imposing the initial condition 0 ( ) A0,0 , a real, upper triangular matrix that is constant for all . A0,0 can be taken . Once the convergence is reached, the prediction of and H by factorization of 0 A0,0 A0,0 can be computed as: A0 A0 (Equation S5) H A01 (Equation S6) 3 A tolerance is imposed on the determinant of Γ at each iteration step so the algorithm quickly converges. The conditional Granger-causality is evaluated by the factorization of a spectral matrix of order three. For the trivariate system with random variables x, y, z given the factorizations S(x,y,z) = HΣH´ and S(x,z) = GΓG´ the conditional Granger causality of the effect of y on x given z is computed as: I ( f ) y x| z ln xx Q xx ( f ) yy Qxx ( f ) (Equation S7) where Q is given by: G11 0 G13 H11 H12 Q 0 1 0 H 21 H 22 G 31 0 G 33 H 31 H 32 H13 H 23 H 33 and H = HP11 , G = GP21 where P1 and P2 are the transformation matrices needed to make the noisy terms independent. We assessed the statistical significance of Granger-causality against the null hypothesis that no interactive relationship exists by using the iterative amplitude-adjusted Fourier transform (IAAFT) [Wilson, 1972]. The IAAFT preserves the probability distribution and power spectrum of the original series, but removes correlation between the two series. 2. Testing for the effect of stomatal conductance on CH4 flux Although there is limited direct evidence for a link between stomatal conductance and CH4 flux [Molini et al., 2010], we also evaluated the alternative hypothesis that mass flow through canopy stomatal conductance (Gs) regulates CH4 flux. To compute stomatal conductance 4 for the rice growing season, we used the Penman-Monteith equation with our measured micrometeorological fluxes and variables. We calculated Gs as: s ( Rn G ) a C p DGa s 1 Gs EGa Ga Ga 1 (Equation S8) where Gs is canopy stomatal conductance in m/s, s is the slope of the relationship between saturation vapor pressure and temperature in Pa/K, Rn is measured net radiation and G is measured soil heat flux in Wm-2s-1, ρa is the dry air density in kg/m3, Cp is the specific heat capacity of water equal to 1003.5 J kg-1K-1, D is the measured vapor pressure deficit in Pa, γ is the psychrometric constant equal to 66 Pa/K, and Ga is the canopy boundary conductance in m/s, calculated as: u*2 Ga u (Equation S9) where u is the measured 10Hz streamline wind speed averaged over each 30-minute interval and u* is the measured friction velocity in each 30-minute interval. The stomatal conductance for the growing season follows a distinct diurnal pattern, as we would expect from the daily pattern of photosynthesis (Figure S.2a). 5 Figure S2. a) Canopy stomatal conductance follows a strong diurnal pattern during the growing season, where Gs increases rapidly following sunrise, and begins to decrease quickly around hour 15. b) The pattern of canopy stomatal conductance also follows a seasonal pattern that corresponds to different rice developmental stages. Gs is high during tillering (leaf growth and expansion) and flowering, and decreases during grain formation. Gs increases rapidly following sunrise, and decreases rapidly around hour 15 each day, while the mean growing season rate is about 30-34 mm/s during daylight hours (Figure 2a). Although Gs leads the diurnal peak of CH4 flux, if Gs were driving CH4 flux we would expect to see a corresponding increase in CH4 flux much earlier, rather than when Gs begins to decrease for the day. Computing the conditional Granger causality for the hypothesis that Gs causes CH4 flux conditional on the relationship between both GEP and temperature and CH4 flux revealed that there is no direct causal link between Gs and CH4 flux within our dataset (Figure S3). This analysis allows us to reject the alternative hypothesis that stomatal conductance causes the diurnal pattern in CH4 flux, and reinforces the connection between GEP and CH4 flux. 6 Figure S3. The Granger-causality for the hypothesis that Gs causes CH4 flux at the daily timescale has little support after accounting for the relationship between GEP and soil temperature and CH4 flux. Conversely, when accounting for Gs, GEP remains a significant predictor of CH4 flux at the daily and harmonic 12-hour timescales. References Detto, M., A. Molini, G. Katul, P. Stoy, S. Palmroth, and D. 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