February - Upper Adams


Happy Birthday to Brayden, Caleb, & Aubrey in March!

Come to Literacy Night and meet a real author on March 24 th !

Pelc Press

February 27, 2015

A Note From Mrs. Pelc

How did we arrive in March already?

In February, we supported a great cause with Jump Rope for Heart. Many of you worked hard to raise money for the

American Heart Association. We also enjoyed Cultural Arts Day and participated in the spring fundraiser. We celebrated

Valentines Day and the 100 th Day of School!

Phew! I’m exhausted just thinking about it!

Next week, be sure to make it to our parent-teacher conferences on the 4 th and 5 th . Remember there isn’t any school on Thursday, March 5 th and Friday, March

6 th .

In this edition, students had to choose one of two formats for writing.

They could write an opinion piece or an informational piece. Look for opinions and facts in each piece of writing, and enjoy this edition of the Pelc Press. See you at conferences!

We enjoyed dressing up for Cultural Arts Day!

Cultural Arts Storyteller

The library storyteller was really funny. She told us funny stories and she asked someone to be a donkey. Then she picked two people. One was a bear the other one was a pig. The bear was selling donuts. The pig was selling pancakes with fruit inside the pancakes. She gave them a coin. The bear got hungry so he went to the pig and said “how much for a pancake?” The pig said 25 cents. So the bear went back to his store and the pig got hungry. So she went to the store to get a donut and the pig said “how much?” The bear said “25 cents.” Then the pig went back to her store and they kept doing that.

But they made no money. So the story teller gave everyone a coin and said to choose if you want pancakes or if you want a donut. The donuts won. The bear got more money than the pig.

By Franchesca

Time Warp Trio

The series of Time Warp Trio was the best series book we read in Febuary!

Time Warp Trio is a series. Fred, Sam, and

Joe are best friends. Joe had a birthday party and his uncle Joe gave him a magic book. The book can take Sam, Fred, and

Joe back in time and to the future. Fred is the brave one, Sam is sarcastic, and Joe tries to calm everyone down. Sam, Fred, and Joe always solve strange problems. For example, a giant and a dragon were coming. So before the dragon came the giant came. Same said the dragon called the giant a sissy, so when the dragon came they got into a fight. That’s why I like

Time Warp Trio. See you next Pelc Press.

By Anna

Snow Gauge

The snow gauge is fun because you can do stuff with them. We got a paint stick. We painted it white. We drew centimeters on the paint stick. We put a

Happy Birthday to Brayden, Caleb, & Aubrey in March!

Come to Literacy Night and meet a real author on March 24 th ! hat and scarf. It was fun when we did it.

You can use it in the snow.

By Delaney

We can certainly use our snow gauges!


The fundraiser was a lot of fun and that’s why I’m going to teach you about it!

One reason is that you get to raise money for your school! There are a lot of fun prizes you can earn. For example, you can get an inflatable chair or a light up bouncy ball set, plus there’s a duck that goes with it like a wacky duck or secret spy duck!

You know there is a lot – no, tons – of yummy chocolate products. For example, polka dot cat and dog or dark chocolate raspberry smigins! I really hope that I taught you enough and I hope I convinced you to do your school fundraiser.

Here’s one last reason to convince you. If you don’t do the fundraiser, your school could lose money and shut down! I really hope you didn’t get an idea because you wouldn’t get any smarter!

By Claire


It is fun. You could learn hard words like friendly and hard facts like 1x1=1. You can learn measurement and times.

Sometimes you can work with partners and sometimes you could do it with the class.

Sometimes in math we can do a craft.

By Jacob


Measurement is awesome because you get to measure anything. Measuring is cool because you get to measure toys.

Measuring is amazing because you get to measure doors. Measuring is awesome because you get to measure desks.

Measuring is awesome because you get to measure books. Measuring is awesome because you get to measure people.

Measuring is cool because you get to measure anything.

By Connor T.


Multiplication is times. Times looks like this x. For example a times fact is

5x5=25. It is really hard. You might think you have to take it all away or a math trick game. Just to say, I got very confused. You do it in 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , 6 th , 7 th , 8 th , and 9 grade. I’m going to say you have to be careful because it’s very tricky. You’ll th learn it good. You know it’s like as hard as cursive writing. That’s as hard as it is, but the only point is to do it good.

Multiplication is super hard.

By Seth

We loved Valentine’s Activities!


The moon spins around Earth. Rocks are on the moon. The moon has big holes.

The moon has little mountains. The moon does not have air. The moon does not have heat. The moon does not have water. The moon does not have food. The moon is not

Happy Birthday to Brayden, Caleb, & Aubrey in March!

Come to Literacy Night and meet a real author on March 24 th ! a place where people live. The moon seems to change.

By Patience

We made fractions with candy hearts!

100 Cup Structure

The cup structure was the best because we got to draw the structure on a piece of paper. Mari and I built it. It looked like a turtle’s shell. We used 100 cups. We did not fill the cups with water. We did not fill up at all. It was so awesome because we go to destroy everything. Every single thing got to get knocked down.

By Brayden

Cultural Arts Scratch Paper

First you do your age. Next you do your detail. Third you do lines and squiggle lines and dots. You can do hearts and squares and circles. You can make people and dogs and triangles and numbers. You can write words. We did scratch paper on cultural arts day.

By Conner M.

Valentines Exchange

I am going to convince you why

Valentines Exchange was the best. Get ready for some awesome reasons. One reason is we got candy. For example we got fun dip. Also we got lollipops. A second reason is we got cards. For example some of them said “be mine.” They also might have said “be my Valentine.” A third reason is we got to decorate our own bag.

For example we got to decorate them with hearts also with paper strips. A fourth reason is we got to play games. For example they were “Say What?” and a fun game that you need candy hearts to play.

Now I bet I have convinced you why

Valentines exchange was the best.

By Hope

Valentine Poems

You should make Valentines poems because they turned out great. Stop moving – I’m trying to convince you! One reason is you take something from your mind and you put it on paper. For example love looks like a present. Love sounds like birds.

A second reason is everyone loved it. So you should do it now. Or go buy the stuff then do it (if they have the stuff).

You get to glue it to a piece of paper to make a card. We folded a paper, glued it, and stuck it on. A third reason is you got to take a picture with you wearing a fake mustache. For example, we put the picture on the card. A fourth reason is we gave it to our mom for Valentine’s Day.

By Amiee

We graphed our candy hearts!

Happy Birthday to Brayden, Caleb, & Aubrey in March!

Come to Literacy Night and meet a real author on March 24 th !

We made snow gauges using paint sticks!


This is a dreidel game that we played on cultural arts day. We had four or five people in a group to play with. We had to play with beans so we could play the game and they were in a bag. There were ten beans in each bag and we had to put a bean to play with too. We had a dreidel that can spin and we had to see what the symbols meant. We also had directions so we could know what they meant. On the dreidel there were four different symbols and we had to spin the dreidel to see what is the symbol that we spun. These are reasons why this game was fun and the best that we did on cultural arts day.

By Stephanie


We’re learning about Earth. So then let me teach you all about it. Did you know

Earth is surrounded with water? Did you know that the Earth has one moon, Mars has 2 moons, and Jupiter has 63 moons!

One of Jupiter’s moons are called Io. Io has volcanoes on it and it’s yellow. Earth is rounded but it’s like flat where we walk. If you would look at a globe, you would see that we are on the top left. And if you would live in Antarctica, you would be walking on the bottom of the earth. So that’s how Earth is made and Earth travels around the sun. Each planet goes around the sun, and that’s called the Solar

System. The Earth is part of the Solar

System too.

By Landen

Bobcat Scramble

In Bobcat Scramble we read books and we make predictions before we read the book. We ask questions. We try to answer them. Bobcat Scramble is 30 minutes. We read nonfiction and fiction.

There are not very many people in our group.

By Hayden

/igh/ Sound

We learned about the igh sound.

Some words have the igh sound. It sounds like i like high. It says its name. It is the long vowel. Here is a list of igh words: night, light, might, fight. These are all my igh words I could think of.

By Aubrey

Aubrey shows off his ‘stache!

Morning Work

Morning work is fun because it is fun to do. It is good for your brain to learn.

Monrnig work is good for learning. Each day we have different morning work. You’ll get a good grade and you’ll pass the grade and be good at math tests. When you do one you’ll be good at math but if you don’t do it you won’t be good. That’s why you

By Shyenne

Happy Birthday to Brayden, Caleb, & Aubrey in March!

Come to Literacy Night and meet a real author on March 24 th ! should do morning work. You should do morning work every school day.

Opinion Writing

Opinion writing is when you have to get a planning paper. You have to write your opinion. You write your first reason.

Next you write your examples or details.

Next you go to the second reason. You write to convince people.

By Daniel

We worked so hard on our 100-cup structures!

Jump Rope for Heart

I’m going to convince you that

Jump Rope for Heart is the best thing to do because you jump for people who need a healthy heart. First you can give people to give you money for the paper. Second you can earn ducks if you go online and do the thing. Third is you can earn prizes like Tshirts and headphones. Fourth is you get your prizes when you turn in your paper with the money in it. Jump rope for Heart is the best. I love Jump Rope for Heart!

By Amaiah

Cultural Arts Day Craft

In art we made a picture of us and put a hat around our head. We used markers to make the hats on our head. We did not have that much time in art. We got to see pictures of the hat on our head.

Making the craft was really fun to do.

Making the craft was really hard to make in art. In art there was another teacher named Mrs. Enenoria. In art you had to listen because there were a lot of directions to make the picture.

By Alyssa

Valentines Activities

The Say What activity has a lot of stuff in it. There is an activity called Candy

Count. When you play Candy Count you have 23 pieces of candy. You have to put groups of candy into fractions like 6/23 or

4/23. There is another activity called

Cupid’s Cat. In Cupid’s Cat you have to find the cupid with questions. The last activity is Say What. You have to use a box of candy hearts with words on them. Then you make sentences on a paper with the hearts. I like Cupid’s Cat because it is fun.

Now see you later, alligator.

By Kody


Snack was the best ever because the tea is the best. First was the biscuit and apple butter. It is the same as ours. As

I was saying, about the tea... it was the best but it wasn’t as good as the biscuit. It was good. The ginger cookies are the best in the world. That is why I liked snack.

By Caleb

Conferences March 4

th & 5

Literacy Night on March 24

th th !
