3-D Organic Molecule Project 4 th Quarter

4th Quarter Extra Credit
Due Date: May 30, 2014
1. Find an organic molecule you like or want to know more about. Get ideas from food packages, cosmetic
containers, internet, etc. Your organic molecule should be composed of at least 30 atoms or more. No Group
work – must be done individually!!!
2. Reserve your molecule with your teacher 1st. First come, first serve. There will be no duplicate molecules
accepted. Your teacher will have a list of who is going to research which molecule. Be prepared with a list of
your top three molecules (chemical name and structure) in case another student has already reserved on of
3. What to turn in:
3-D hangable model of this organic molecule: Use whatever you want for the atoms – Be Creative and
use items that would be good representatives of the molecule. (Include your name and name of
molecule on it.) Model is well made and very durable (Does not fall apart when touched.)
Written description: Your description should be a minimum of ½ page (or greater than 200 words) and
should include: (Include your name and name of molecule on it.)
- chemical name, molecular formula, and structural formula
- basic information about the organic molecule itself (Where does it come from? Is it found in
nature or man-made? How do we use it in society? What is unique about this molecule?
- Why did you pick this particular molecule?
- Other interesting facts you would like to add.
-Key to 3D model: Provide an answer key of what items represent which elements in the
-References: Included two sources used to research your molecule. Examples of reputable
sources: internet (Not Wikipedia or ask yahoo … ), text books, other library books (the Merk
index, etc.)
Presentation: Present molecule to teacher and be able to answer any questions regarding the above
items that were turned in.
Plagerism will not be allowed and will result in an immediate zero and
will not be considered for any extra credit. (This includes copying for
the written description and the 3D model itself).
4. Grading: Total amount of extra credit awarded will be based off of rubric. All parts of the extra credit project
must be turned in by Friday May 30, 2014. No exceptions will be made.
3D Organic Molecule Rubric
Great! Maximum points
3D Molecule
Key to 3D Molecule
Turned in on Time
Hangable with student
name and chemical
formula. 30 atoms or
more. Included student
name and chemical name.
Model is well made and
very durable (Does not fall
apart when touched.)
Very Creative 3D molecule.
All parts of the model are
great representations of
the molecule and elements
in model.
At least 200 words/ or ½
page. Included:
- chemical name, molecular
formula, and structural
- basic information about
the organic molecule itself
(Where does it come from?
Is it found in nature or
man-made? How do we
use it in society? What is
unique about this
- Why did you pick this
particular molecule?
- Other interesting facts
you would like to add.
Included at least two
references of reputable
sources (no Wikipedia or
ask google sites)
Key was included and
covered every part of
Covered everything about
the molecule.
Turned in By Friday, May
30, 2014
Minimum points given
Hangable, at least 30 atoms
or more. Missing name of
molecule or wrong
representation of molecule.
Model is not very durable and
falls apart when touched.
Too Bad! No points
Tried to be creative
Not creative at all.
Not ½ page or 200 words.
Forgot one or more of the
items off the previous column
to left.
No description was given
or 4 or more parts were
missed to count as a full
Only one source was
No references given or
neither were reputable
Key was included but was
No key was provided for
Not hangable, and/or not
30 atoms or more, not
creative at all.
Missed some key points about No presentation given.
molecule but overall well
Was not able to answer
any questions regarding
Not turned in on time!