Microsoft Word - CAC Staff App.doc

311 Kerckhoff Hall – 308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Cultural Affairs Commission General Staff Application 2015-2016
What is the Cultural Affairs Commission?
The Cultural Affairs Commission is one out of the thirteen bodies in USAC. The mission of the
Cultural Affairs Commission is to put on quality programming that sparks conversation on
contemporary and social issues. The primary focus of the commission is to program events with
cultural, political, or social relevance that are accessible to all students. “Edutainment” (education +
entertainment) and arts activism have guided the purpose of the commission over the past years.
Specifically, the programs are meant to ignite conversation regarding current events, facilitate an
exhibition of creativity, and also engage more student investment, connection, and participation. Our
programs foster an inclusive environment that permits students at UCLA to challenge and exchange
with one another to achieve intersectional solidarity. The programs, events, and services offered by
the commission are unique in their nature and are unduplicated by any other campus entity.
Why Should I Join?
CAC is a commission that prides itself in its passionate and dedicated work of its members. From
Bruin Bash to Hip Hop Explosion to the JazzReggae Festival, our events are some of the most
recognized events at UCLA, bringing entertainment to both campus and the greater Los Angeles
community, all in a collective effort to promote cultural awareness and dialogue.
Dedication and Time Commitment
The Cultural Affairs Commission is looking for dependable and committed individuals who will take
the initiative to take on commission responsibilities. Members of the commission share and display a
genuine interest in a multitude of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Staff members of the Cultural Affairs Commission are an integral part of the planning and
programming of the commission. Staff also must attend a minimum of four series each quarter (and
are expected to attend more), attend biweekly staff meetings, and publicize CAC events. Please note
that staff members have tentatively scheduled retreats.
General Staff Responsibilities
Weekly Time Commitments*
- Participate in committee/series staff meetings (minimum 1 hour/week)
- Attend monthly all-staff meetings (1 hour/month)
- Plan, execute and attend series programs (time commitment varies per week)
* Failure to adhere to aforementioned commitments may result of termination of membership
- Attend staff retreat, fall and winter quarter (this is MANDATORY)
o Save the Date (location TBA)
Fall Quarter Staff Retreat: October 2-4, 2015 (End of Week 1)
- Attend a minimum of four events per quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring) from other weekly series
- As a member of the commission, promotion all events (flyering, online, word of mouth) is
- Complete series program/committee tasks
-Monthly All-Staff meetings are mandatory
311 Kerckhoff Hall – 308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Committee/Series Descriptions
Marketing Team
The Marketing Team takes the initiative to promote and inform students about CAC and all its
programs. In addition to staff responsibilities (see above), the responsibilities of the Marketing Team
are as follows:
- Design
- The Design Team will provide graphics to meet the commission's marketing needs, including but
not limited to logos, flyers, posters, website graphics, stickers, buttons, and other publication
materials (for both online and print)
- The Design Team will also maintain, update, and edit content (news, events, relevant posts on arts
and culture) for
- Online
- Online Team will be in charge of the weekly newsletter to the general listserv
- Also publicize the commission on the web through the Cultural Affairs Commission Facebook fan
page, Facebook events, Twitter, YouTube account
Weekly Series
- Art Series
The Art Series strives to educate, inform and inspire students through a variety of artistic disciplines.
Exhibits aim to highlight the talent of students and local artists, and create dialogue on relevant social
issues. The Art Series will work with student organizations and artists to curate the Kerckhoff Art
Gallery and showcase a new exhibition every week; promote the arts on campus: showcase
murals/public art and find/establish alternative venues; organize live art events.
- Concert Series
The Concert Series is dedicated to exploring the diverse array of music genres through facilitating a
space for student musicians. The weekly series showcases the best of UCLA student talent, bringing
together student musicians from all different backgrounds and cultures, to provide a unique atmosphere
to Kerckhoff Coffeehouse every week.
- The Word
The Word is a space for students to express themselves through innovative performance art forms of
poetry and comedy, embracing the idea of “the power of words, the art of laughter”. The lounge
experience will be a weekly series in which students will be able to explore and dialogue on various
issues through spoken word.
311 Kerckhoff Hall – 308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Annual Programming Series
- WorldFest
WorldFest is an annual week-long multicultural festival that celebrates and showcases different
cultures to promote diversity at UCLA. The richness of the festival is showcased in by its studentinitiated production and promotion of student talent. All events are put on in partnership with other
commission series and UCLA organizations, such as student cultural organizations, USAC offices, and
the Office of Residential Life. Various aspects of the numerous cultures presented are highlighted
though events such as an international food festival, film screenings, dance classes and a cultural
showcase. This year WorldFest will also work throughout the year to put on quarterly cultural cooking
classes and fitness workshops.
- Hip Hop Congress
Hip Hop Congress promotes and celebrates hip hop culture. The mission of the national Hip Hop
Congress organization is to evolve hip hop culture by inspiring social action and creativity within the
community. As the UCLA chapter, the staff members of the Hip Hop Congress build on this mission
and represent UCLA at the regional, statewide and national levels, work with other campuses/chapters
in Southern California, attend Hip Hop/Urban events, and organize the annual Hip Hop Appreciation
Month, which includes programs such as panel discussions, DJ/MC/b-boy/b-girl exhibitions and
battles, and the Hip Hop Explosion concert.
Special Initiative Series
- DiverseCity Tours
Many of us chose to come to UCLA not just because of this university but also because we recognized
the opportunities available in the greater Los Angeles area. DiverseCity Tours will work to organize
and provide free trips to these art and cultural spots around Los Angeles to allow students with
opportunities to explore the city affordably.
- Cultural Arts Collective
The Cultural Arts Collective will work to provide greater support to all cultural and performing arts
organizations by outreaching to and developing relationships with these organizations, as well as
facilitating monthly networking nights with these organizations. This series will also be responsible for
compiling a listing of cultural programming every quarter for the communal calendar that will appear
on the CAC website.
- JazzRaggae Festival
JazzReggae staff is dedicated to the planning and execution of this annual festival, which has evolved
since it's inception 29 years ago. It is our mission to produce a diverse, sustainable, and enriching
festival for the students and the entire Los Angeles community. A celebration of music, art, and
culture, JazzReggae is known for hosting prominent musicians from genres ranging from jazz, soul,
reggae, and hip hop, international and local craft and food vendors, and live artists.
INCLUDE NAME in file; failure to save
application in said format will result in nonconsideration of application)
311 Kerckhoff Hall – 308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Staff Application Instructions: Please complete and attach 1) this page (Part A, B, and C), and 2)
your responses to the questions in Part D. Please submit your application by e-mail to the Cultural
Affairs Commission at (Subject: “CAC Staff Application 2013/Your
Name”)*. Applications must be submitted on or before Friday, Oct 2nd, 2015 at 11:59 PM.
Last Name
First Name
Local Phone
Date of Birth
Year in School
Email Address
Major & Minor/Specialization
PART B: POSITION SEEKING (only check up to two)
General Staff:
Marketing Team:
[ ] Design*
[ ] Online
*Please also attach or link to digital work samples/portfolio
along with your application submission.
[ ] Art Series
[ ] Concert Series
[ ] The Word
[ ] WorldFest
[ ] Hip Hop Congress
[ ] DiverseCity Tours
[ ] Cultural Arts Collective
[ ] JazzReggae Festival
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information that I have provided in the application and
the supplementary materials are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and all statements are
my own.
Type or Sign Name
311 Kerckhoff Hall – 308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Please type your responses on separate pages and attach them with your application submission.
1. It’s a Cultural Affair
1a) Why do you want to join CAC? What is your interest in the particular component for which you
are applying?
1b) How do you believe CAC can bring awareness to different cultural and ethnic identities
showcased on the UCLA campus and beyond?
1c) What do you hope to learn and/or gain from your experience from CAC? What will you
contribute as a staff member?
2. Identity
2a) Choose one art form to represent your personality. Explain why in one sentence.
2b) Create the soundtrack of your life (or it could be of this past year, or of your college life thus far,
etc.). What five songs would you choose for this soundtrack? Explain one of your song choices.
3. Commitments
What outside commitments do you anticipate for the 2015-2016 academic year and approximately
how much time per week will each commitment require? Please prioritize your commitments (1 =
most important) and include CAC in your rankings.
*Interviews: If the review committee deems your application as fit to proceed to the next round –
interviews – we will contact you via email during Week Two to schedule an interview.