Submit your research proposal and be a winner for the sponsorship

Date/ Nov/ 24 /2015
Call for Research
Proposal Submission
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Submit your research proposal and be a winner for the sponsorship
awarded by SPHMMC!!
TO- All interested Academic staff Members of SPHMMC
From: Research office SPHMMC
SPHMMC research office is pleased to inform to the entire faculty that research grant award for the 3rd
time is now coming
The plan is to fund 12-15 research proposals based on the selection criteria and each selected proposal
will be funded till maximum 60.000 ETB except two research proposals which will be with full length of
1and half to two year community level research
will be awarded till maximum of 120,000EB. Hence it
is with great pleasure the research office invites all interested faculty members to submit their
research proposals.
Multidisciplinary and team researchers are encouraged and the research proposal have to be within
the selected thematic area of the collage as it is basic and country priority and that reflect also the
collage vision . The selected research thematic and their sub- thematic areas for 2015/2016 academic
calendar year are as follow-
Theme I: Infectious Diseases
1. Common infectious diseases: Malaria, TB, HIV - - 2. Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
3. Neglected Tropical diseases (NTDs)
4. Hospital Acquired Infections
Theme II:
Non-communicable Disease (approved with the indicated corrections with the
1. Non-communicable Diseases including Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Non-communicable
diseases of organs or organ systems
2. Systemic Diseases and Syndromes
3. Metabolic related Disease
4. Cancers /Neoplastic disorders
5. Congenital Diseases
6. Genetic Disorders
7. Mental health disorders
Theme III:
Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition
1. Maternal Health and related disorders
2. Neonatal and Child Health and related disorders
3. Adolescent and Youth Health and related disorders
4. Nutrition of all age groups including adults
Theme IV:
Health Care Service Delivery and Quality
1. Health Care Service Delivery with priority in SPHMMC
2. Patient Satisfaction and Safety with priority in SPHMMC
3. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Research with priority in SPHMMC
4. Evaluation Research in SPHMMC
5. Information Education Communication (IEC)/Behavior Change Communication (BCC)
Theme V:
Medical Education, Training and CPD
1. Education: Standard and Quality of Education with priority
2. Curricula – Focused Researches with priority in SPHMMC
3. Continuous Professional Development – with priority Focused in SPHMMC
4. Training Need Identification, Designing and Development with priority
5. Student – Focused Researches with priority in SPHMMC
Theme VI:
Accidents, Injuries and Emergencies
1. Road Traffic Accidents
2. Common Injuries of Organs and Systems
3. Public Health Emergencies
Other Emergencies
Date of submission- -25th of November 2015 – February 3/2016
Place of submission- Research office, SPHMMC (located on old nursing building 2nd floor room number
Notice: The Principal investigators who were already candidates of the research fund who already are
grant receivers from the collage in the first round and second round and who didn’t finish or publish
their research proposals are not eligible to apply for this funding as far as the project is not finalized as
of the agreement made with the collage.
Please see the additional required documents during submission and the time table for the funding
1. Additional documents required during the time of research proposal submission
a. C/V- of P/I and all co -researchers including the clear responsibilities in the projects
(If there are publications it has to be reported with the website and the journal
With its specifications).
b. Hard copy of full research proposals -3 binded hard copies.
c. Electronic copy of research proposal by- CD = 1 CD involving the PDF file as well as
the word document of the proposal.
Electronic proposal submission format will be available on the college website where this
announcement is also posted –college website address is https//
or the format
could be collected from the college research office
2. Time table during the research proposals funding period for the 13 proposal awards
1. Review and selection of the successful applicant -8th of February 2016
2. Notification of the selected proposal – on 29th of February 2016
3. Fund release – 7th of March 2016
4. Data collection / financial reconciliation- 9th May 2016.
5. Data analysis – 13TH June / 2016.
6. Final report July 18 /2016.
NOTE!! For the two full length community level research grant
Maximum total duration of the project will be 1and half year to two year period where the
above time table from 1-3 will be as stated but the data collection /financial reconciliation
will be after one year of starting the project and the final report after three month of data
analysis .
NOTE if applicants are going to apply for full length community level research grant they
have to notify on their application.
Good luck!!