August 11, 2015 The Board of Trustees met for their regular meeting Tuesday, August 11th, 2015, at 7:00 pm in the city meeting room. The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeShaw. Present were DeShaw, Lange, Guthrie and Melchert. Absent, none. Motion by Lange, seconded by Guthrie, to approve the agenda and the minutes of the July meeting. Ayes, all. Carried. The bills were presented for payment as follows: ELECTRIC: PAYROLL PAYROLL TAXES TYLER COLE BARD MATERIALS GREINER CONST. INC BLACK HILLS ENERGY LEICK SMALL ENGINE REPAIR THE MINI MART RICK'S REPAIR SERVICE PAINT "N" PLACE RPGI HARRIS ELECTRICAL SERVICE BHMG CITY LAUNDERING CO CITIZENS STATE BANK MIDWEST LAMP RECYCLING LEADER PUBLICATIONS USPS CARDMEMBER SERVICE BOSS OFFICE US CELLULAR WINDSTREAM WELLMARK BCBS TREAS STATE OF IA K & L CONTRACTING DELHI LUMBER LESS TAXES & INS FED WH-SS-MED-IPERS DEDUCTIBLE SELF-INSURANCE SWITCHGEAR FOUNDATION USE OF CONCRETE FORMS AUGUST BILLINGS LINK CHAINS GAS OIL CHG, BELTS & PULLEY ‘15 U'COAT, BEDLINER & RUNNING BDS PURCH PWR (459,872 kWh) MISC LINE SUPPLIES SERVICES ON SWITCHGEAR MAT & TOWEL SERVICE MONTHLY CASH MGT & ANNUAL LK BX LAMP/BALLAST DISPOSAL PROCEEDINGS JULY BILLS OFFICE SUPPLIES LASERPRINT PAPER AUGUST SERVICE JULY BILLING AUGUST HEALTH INS JULY SALES TAX BACKHOE - CEMENT REMOVAL & FTGS REBAR, SCREWS, NAILS, CDX, LBR ETC WATER: US CELLULAR WINDSTREAM WELLMARK BCBS TREAS STATE OF IA K & L CONTRACTING DELHI LUMBER USA BLUE BOOK JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL MAGUIRE IRON INC AUGUST SERVICE JULY BILLING AUGUST HEALTH INS JULY SALES TAX BACKHOE -CEMETERY WATERLINE READY MIX GRAVEL KOP KIT, INJ VALVE ASSY, SERVICE KIT BALL VALVE - CHLORINATOR CLEAN/INSPECT WATERTOWER $8,364.12 4,867.52 1,500.00 2,175.00 455.20 67.69 54.83 265.29 331.70 1,310.75 25,312.41 218.07 1,611.65 79.68 33.95 209.53 81.09 102.55 79.86 66.82 114.01 168.46 234.00 1,120.00 695.00 561.03 114.02 60.06 1,876.05 407.00 355.00 63.55 366.99 16.02 1,390.50 August 11, 2015 MUNICIPAL UTILITIES USPS 6/18-7/20/15 PUMPING & POWER POSTAGE - WATER SAMPLES (3) 374.50 40.59 METER: MARJORIE FELDMANN DEP REFUND 100.00 Motion by Guthrie, seconded by Lange, to allow the bills as presented. Ayes, all. Carried. Supt. Melchert reported on the following items: The waterline as discussed in July has been replaced at the cemetery. Another leak surfaced following the repair and another section of pipe was replaced. There appears to still be an issue of some sort and they will be hand digging to locate the problem. A water leak was repaired in front of 112 First St SE. It required digging down to the main on the north side of the street to shut it off. A customer wishing to install a carport requested an UG service installation. 106 Walnut SE Repair of the bucket truck is complete and will be picked up Wed, August 12th. A DOT permit has been approved to install UG wiring in front of 101 School St NW which will allow the removal of an overhead line across highway 38. Additional water samples were submitted this month for nitrates, radionuclides, and Stage 2 disinfection byproduct rule. The used switchgear purchased from McLeansboro, IL, was moved in on Tuesday, August 4th. For the next phase, Melchert would like to replace the 3 pole mount transformers located in the cabinet next to the gear with a 3 phase padmount. He hopes to have the wall replaced along First St. sidewalk within the next week or two. The Board reviewed the watertower inspection report and pictures. It is recommended by Maguire Iron that the inside of the tower be painted at the same time as the exterior, which is tentatively scheduled within the next year. No action taken at this time. In the future, we will be requesting that the inside of the tower be powerwashed when the cleaning/inspection is done. Melchert requested permission to purchase new tool boxes for the new pickup. He is pricing 68” DeeZee side mounts. He has one price and is awaiting a second. Permission granted, cost not to exceed price already quoted. A discussion was held concerning selling the old pickup. It was decided to advertise for sealed bids. The description will include the following information: 2002 Chevrolet 1500 pickup, dark blue, regular cab, 4 WD, auto, 102K, with receiver hitch, good rubber, toolboxes and some rust. Bids will be due Sept. 1st. We will reserve the right to reject any or all bids. It was decided to sign Cole up for IAMU’s UG course September 16-18th in Ankeny. The Board asked if Cole had completed his testing for water and wastewater certification. It has not yet been scheduled to Melchert’s knowledge. The Board would like it to be done as soon as possible. Delinquent accounts were reviewed. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm. Receipts for July 2015: Balance 7/31/15: Electric $49,310.86 Water 6,070.25 Meter 275.00 Sales tax 1,489.33 MMG 72.69 Investments $28,089.57 91,346.92 6,974.00 827.00 151,678.23 35,000.00 ________________________________ Secretary _________________________________ Chairman August 11, 2015