By placing cursor over the number and clicking you will be able to pull up the full Resolutions. Resolution No. 1000 1001 1002 1003 Date 1003a 11/29/1982 1004 12/27/1982 1005 12/27/1982 1006 1007 12/27/1982 01/12/1983 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 01/07/1983 1013 07/27/1983 1014 1015 1016 1017 08/01/1983 09/26/1983 10/10/1983 10/14/1983 1018 1019 1020 10/19/1983 11/18/1983 12/19/1983 1021 1022 01/06/1984 02/22/1984 1023 02/29/1984 1024 1025 03/23/1984 03/16/1984 1026 05/02/1984 06/09/1982 08/18/1982 11/10/1982 01/24/1983 03/06/1983 07/25/1983 Description of Resolution Levy a tax not to exceed one mill for county bridges Levying Co Gross Earnings Tax Atchison County 1982 Levying Co Gross Earnings for 1983 and thereafter Authorizing a non exclusive community antenna television system franchise Cooperation agreement on local housing finance law with Labetta County Noxious Weed transfer into Noxious Weed Capitol Outlay Fund Portion of Road #2 be vacated in 29-5-19,Lancaster Twp Vacation of Road #115 Sec 17 & 18-7-18, Benton Twp To issue Agricultural Development Bonds with other counties De annex S1/2 NW1/4 35-5-20 for city of Atchison Back taxes Foreclosure of property with delinquent taxes Levy Co Gross Earnings Tax for 1984 and Thereafter Issuance of IRB by Atchison City to finance Northwest Pipe Improvements Cancellation of outstanding County Warrants two years old Compensation of County Attorney Fixed Assets Resignation of Garry Newquist as Director EMS Void General Fund Warrant 1596 and replace it with Warrant No. 1636 Sale of Mineral Rights by public sale Sale and issuance of deeds for Mineral Interest Cancellation of General Fund Warrant 1939 and replace it with Warrant No. 2030 Cancellation of General Fund Warrant 203 Correcting erroneous clerical error on tax assessment on Orville Abramson Mineral Rights Cancellation of Ambulance Warrants 1948 to 1957 and replaced with Warrants No. 1974 thru 1983 Regulations for hauling and disposing of Solid Waste Cancellation of Co General Warrant 1115 and replace it with a new warrant issued to District Court Cancellation of Appraiser Fund Warrant 735 and replaced with a new warrant 1027 05/02/1984 1028 06/18/1984 1029 08/01/1984 1030 09/05/1984 1031 10/03/1984 1032 10/19/1984 1033 11/07/1984 1034 1035 1035A 1036 11/21/1984 03/08/1985 12/30/1984 03/11/1985 1037 1038 07/10/1985 07/24/1985 1039 07/24/1985 1040 07/24/1985 1041 07/24/1985 1042 11/15/1985 1043 03/07/1986 1044 04/18/1986 1045 04/21/1986 1046 05/05/1986 1047 1048 05/21/1986 06/11/1986 1049 07/14/1986 1050 08/08/1986 Cancellation of Nursing Home Warrant #3579 and replaced with a new warrant To rebuild bridges in Atchison County to a width of no less than 20 feet Abating the outstanding account receivables of Agnes Arensbergs from the Noxious Weed Fund Election to the voters on imposing a 1% sales tax for improvement of public roads, facilities with Atchison Co and City Settlement Agreement as negotiated by the railroads in the Kansas 4R Cases Correcting erroneous clerical error on tax assessment of Orville Abramson Mineral Rights Cancellation of Special Bridge Warrant 684 and replace with warrant 697 Annexation of Land for Shannon Industrial Park Cancellation of Nursing Home warrant 2214A Cancellation of Co General Warrant 3882 Cancellation of Road & Bridge Warrant 3648 and replaced with warrant 4129 Sale of Lt 12, Block 8, City of Huron Transferring 4117.59 from Road and Bridge into Special Machinery fund Transfer $94,000.00 be transferred from Road and Bridge into Special Machinery Fund Transfer $5000.00 be transferred from Noxious Weed Fund into Noxious weed Capitol Outlay 1983 Transfer $5000.00 be transferred from Noxious Weed Fund into Noxious Weed Capitol Outlay 1984 Cooperation agreement on local residential housing finance law Unlawfully using weapons on property owned or maintained by Atchison County Banning together with other counties on legal representation for the Rural housing Cancellation of Appraiser Warrant 1247 and replaced with Warrant No. 1250 Cancellation of Nursing Home Warrant 5507 and replace with Warrant No. 799 Request by B & D to vacated a public road Request by City of Atchison to abate a nuisance abatement Amending description of road to be vacated by B & D Equipment Transfer 145,947.00 from Road and Bridge to Special Machinery as per 1985 budget 1050A 07/21/1986 1051 1052 09051986 09051986 1053 1054 04/17/1987 1055 07/24/1987 1056 07/24/1987 1057 1057A 1058 1987 10/07/1987 02/03/1988 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 06/29/1988 06/29/1988 07/01/1988 08/03/1988 09/21/1988 1064 11/09/1988 1065 1988 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 03/01/1989 03/15/1989 03/13/1989 04/12/1989 05/11/1989 06/12/1989 1072 07/28/1989 1073 10/16/1989 1074 10/27/1989 1075 11/03/1989 1076 01/01/1990 1077 12/1/1989 Declining vacating of a road in W1/2 of Shannon Twp Road between 12-13-5-20 Cancellation of county warrants two years old or older Cancellation of Nursing Home warrant 920 and replaced with warrant No. 204 Division of rock be equally divided among all quarries Speed Limit along Mt. Vernon Road from Mt. Vernon Cemetery to city Limits of 30 miles per hour Cancellation of County General Warrant 9323 and replaced with 9541 Cancellation of Solid Waste Warrant 3032 and replaced with 3068 Designating non smoking areas Purchasing policy Authorizing the execution and delivery of a cooperation agreement to the Kansas Local Residential Housing Finance Law Burning when there is a lack of moisture Refund of properties purchased in tax sale Supports of reopening of the Vliets to Parnell railroad Putting a question on ballot for sales tax Speed limit reduction on old Highway 73 south to St Pat’s Turnoff 45 mph Cancellation of Co General Warrant 2506 and replaced with Warrant 145 Voided accounts receivable that have not be collected at the Atchison Senior Village for five years. Sale of property on tax sale To allow cereal malt beverages on Sunday Burning ban Cancelling outstanding warrants five years old or older Construction requirements of electric fences Vacation of Road No. 192 Shannon Township 16 & 15 5-20 Refunding back money from tax sale property purchased by Steve Caplinger Cancellation of Co General Warrant 2030 and replaced with Warrant 2861 Purchasing property from USD #409 for $8,100 in Block 96, Old Atchison Allowing hunting on county property known as County lake Adopting the policy and procedures for Atchison Co Employees Errors on property on tax rolls 1078 03/28/1990 1079 03/28/1990 1080 04/27/1990 1081 1082 07/16/1990 01/07/1991 1083 01/09/1991 1084 01/09/1991 1085 03/20/1991 1086 04/24/1991 1087 04/24/1991 1088 06/05/1991 1089 09/23/1991 1090 07/19/1991 1091 1092 01/27/1992 01/27/1992 1093 1094 01/29/1992 08/10/1992 1095 12/30/1992 1096 12/31/1992 1097 1098 1099 1100 01/01/1993 1101 1102 1103 02/26/1993 02/26/1993 04301993 01/28/1993 02/26/1993 Cancellation of ASV Warrant 1308 and replaced with warrant 1914 Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years old or older Vacating on certain alleys in Arrington in Block 5, Kapioma Twp Not accepting waste tires at Transfer Station 1 & 2 Cancellation of Co General Warrant 1732 and 1738 and replace them with warrants 1732A and 1738A Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years old or older Establishing a policy for providing health insurance for county employees Establishing a solid waste fee for Atchison County Property owners Cancellation of County General Warrant 2172 and replace it with warrant 2172A Establishing a limited and temporary moratorium on the establishment and construction of salvage yards pending adoption of sanitary codes Establishing a limited and temporary moratorium on salvage yards Transfer $9,550.35 from Co General Maintenance Fund into Co General Capitol Outlay and Improvement fund Establishing policy and procedures tax exemptions and incentives for economic development Enterprise zone and incentives Establishing an enterprise zone within Atchison County Establishing 75 cent charge for 911 Establishing cooperation agreement pursuant to KSA 12-2908 Establishing a regional economic development organization Cancellation of Co General Warrant 7970 and replaced with warrant 8211 Supporting a regional strategic plan Judicial foreclosure on tax sale Rescinding Resolution #1097 and adopting a new resolution on strategic planning Finalizing the strategic plan Purchases made by County Departments All terrain vehicles at county lake 1104 1105 1106 05/24/1993 06/25/1993 06/21/1993 1106A 08/11/1993 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 08/11/1993 08/11/1993 08/30/1993 11/03/1993 11/01/1993 12/17/1993 01/24/1994 01/24/1994 01/26/1994 01/26/1994 01/27/1994 03/30/1994 1119 1120 03/301994 05/02/1994 1121 1122 1123 05/18/1994 06/10/1994 06/29/1994 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 07/06/1994 07/08/1994 07/08/1994 08/24/1994 08/24/1994 11/21/1994 1130 1131 12/21/1994 01/30/1995 1132 1133 03/01/1995 04/17/1995 1134 1135 04/17/1995 05/03/1995 1136 1136A 05/10/1995 08/02/1995 911 addressing for county residences 1% sales tax for joint communication and solid waste Joint resolution and ordinance for Joint Communications Transfer $8,597.40 from Sooner Reappraisal to the Reappraisal acct To purchase land for Transfer station NW1/4 1-6-19 Levying a 1% sales tax countywide Conveyance of Real Estate 1-6-19 Equipment lease purchase dispatching equipment Prohibiting yard waste at County landfill Providing for time clock by all county employees Long distance phone calls Use of county vehicles Establish personal days Organizational meeting for 1994 Designating county doctors for work related injuries Approving annexation of property in City of Atchison SW1/4 26-5-20 Camping permits at County Lake Revision of Camping permits at county lake rescinded Resolution #1119 Levy taxes for Mental Health Services Work release for inmates Reimbursement of expenditures from bond money for work at ASV Commercial Truck on county asphalt roads Promoting Economic Growth and Development Real Estate sold at tax sale Declaring Sericea Lespedeza as a Noxious Weed Adopting names of roads in Atchison County for 911 Authorizing the county to levy not to exceed 2 mills to remodel older part of ASV County Jail to be smoke free Cancellation of Co General Warrant 12606 and replace it with 12857 Cancelling outstanding warrants two years old or older Authorizing sale of 1.4 million in general obligation bonds Designating a revitalization area for Atchison County Modifying agreement with the St of Kansas and Social Security on SS and Medicare coverage on Election Board wages On Issuing general obligation bonds for Nursing Home Interlocal agreement between City of Atchison and 1137 08/02/1995 1138 1139 1140 08/16/1995 08/30/1995 09/15/1995 1141 1142 11/17/1995 02/21/1995 1143 1144 03/01/1996 03/20/1996 1145 1146 06/14/1996 06/18/1996 1146A 06/14/1996 1147 1148 07/26/1996 10/04/1996 1149 10/09/1996 1150 01/08/1997 1151 02/05/1997 1152 02/28/1997 1153 03/07/1997 1153A 1154 1155 03/14/1997 04/16/1997 04/28/1997 1156 1157 05/28/1997 06/27/1997 1158 07/07/1997 1159 08/01/1997 1160 08/06/1997 1161 10/15/1997 USD #409 on NRA Interlocal agreement between City of Effingham and USD #377 on NRA Housing of City of Atchison Inmates Amending personnel policy on orientation Cancellation of Co General Warrant 15387 and replace it with warrant 15727 Sale of property by seal bid Ratifying city of Atchison ordinance No 5092 vacating fourteenth St between “O” and “P” Bakewell Heights Supporting strategic plan for Economic Development Cancellation of Co General Warrant 14603and 14834 and replace it with warrant 14985 Support for regional strategic plan Cancellation of Road warrant 16663 and reissue warrant 16140 Confirming a regional economic development organization has been established Clarifying resolution #1129 payment of bonds for ASV Cancelling checks issued by the County Treasurer that our outstanding County Support of Regional Strategic Plan and Regional Incentives Cancellation of Co General Warrant 15885 and reissued warrant 17040 Supporting the improvement of the infrastructure system at Shannon Industrial Park Stating that Intangible taxes in certain townships be abated as per SBTA order Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years old or older Ordering tax sale of delinquent real estate Support of strategic plan for Atchison County Cancellation of Comm. Correction Warrant 17651 and reissue warrant 66 Passing of the Revitalization Plan Cancellation of ASV warrant #557 and reissue warrant 896 Cancellation of Law Enforcement warrant #577 and reissue warrant 985 Cancellation of ASV warrant 1311 and reissue warrant 1702 Appointment of James Lampe as County Appraiser for four years Not to abate or refund any taxes prior to 1989 1162 11/10/1997 1163 01/09/1998 1164 02/06/1998 1165 02/25/1998 1166 02/27/1998 1167 04/03/1998 1168 05/01/1998 1169 1170 05/01/1998 04/27/1998 1171 05/201998 1172 1173 1174 10/14/1998 02/03/1999 1175 02/051999 1176 02/24/1999 1177 08/04/1999 1178 08/27/1999 1179 08/27/1999 1180 1181 09/01/1999 10/01/1999 1182 12/01/1999 1183 05/15/2000 1184 07/03/2000 1185 1186 12/04/2000 Establishing assistance to other counties, cities and townships during disasters Cancellation of Road Warrant 7901 and reissued with warrant 7997 Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years old or older Asking legislature to remove caps on the demand transfer state aid programs from the state general fund Special election to impose a ½ cent sales tax to finance building a law enforcement center Cancellation of Co General Warrant 19309 and reissue 20015 Interlocal agreement with Cities of Effingham, Muscotah, Huron, Atchison, USD #77 and other municipalities who had adopted the Neighborhood Revitalization Adopting a neighborhood revitalization plan Authorizing the levy of a one half percent countywide sales tax Authorizing the sale of general obligation sales tax bonds series 1998-A Bond Sale Adoption of sanitary codes Rescinding Resolution #1120 requiring camping permits at County Lake Cancelling county warrants outstanding for two years or older Cancellation of ASV warrant 24510 and reissued another warrant Cancellation of Co General Warrant 25396 and reissued another warrant Applying for the small city community development block grant program Taxation policy of the Bd of Atchison Co Commissioners for 2000 Budget year Support for Fire District #5 Amending the Commercial Truck over County Road ways Support of Regional Strategic Plan and Regional Incentives Cancellation of ASV Warrant 27659 and reissued another warrant in its place Appointing the County Clerk as Freedom of Information Officer for Atchison County Establishing a rotation on towing call list Supporting environmental solutions to problems on 1187 01/08/2001 1188 01/10/2001 1189 02/26/2001 1190 02/26/2001 1191 02/26/2001 1192 1193 03/07/2001 03/07/2001 1194 1195 1196 04/18/2001 04/18/2001 08/22/2001 1197 1198 09/04/2001 09/05/2001 1199 1200 09/07/2001 09/10/2001 1201 09/11/2001 1202 09/19/2001 1203 1204 1205 1206 10/24/2001 11/14/2001 12/1/2002 02/11/2002 1207 1208 02/13/2002 03/22/2002 1209 04/26/2002 1210 1211 1212 05/01/2002 1213 06/28/2002 water Cooperation agreement with Sedgwick Co on residential housing finance law Interlocal agreement with NEK County Commissioners to address environmental problems on water Applying for the small cities community development block grant program Long range financing of operation and maintenance costs associated with the new houses project To seek funding for City of Huron and Lancaster for Fire District #5 to building fire stations Cancelling outstanding warrants two years or older Cancellation of Atchison Co Jt Communication warrant 3018 and reissue a new one Exempting itself from 2000 cash basis law Exempting itself from 2001 cash basis law Naming BG Engineers, Manhattan as acting county Engineer to repair or replace two bridges Selling general obligation bonds to repair bridge Authorizing execution of an interlocal cooperation agreement respecting the improvement of brookdale road with the city of Atchison Naming Ks Highway 7 as the Kansas Scenic Byway Property taxation policy of the Bd of Atchison County with respect to financing the 2022 annual budget Expressing grief and anger at the terrorist events of 911 Cancellation of Co General Warrant 5858 and replacing it with another warrant Public sale of Go Bonds Bridge 2001A Bond Resolution Resolution to Join KCAMP Entering into an interlocal agreement with other NEK Co Commissioners to continue to address environmental problems Cancellation of Co General Warrant 7414 Cancellation of Co General Warrant 7433 and reissued another warrant Cancellation of Co General Warrant 9085 and reissue another one in its place Selling of real estate due to delinquent taxes missed missed Authorizing of a interlocal cooperation agreement and escrow trust agreement on Ks retailers sales tax 1214 07/31/2002 1215 08/09/2002 1216 08/30/2002 1217 09/30/2002 1218 1219 1220 1221 10/02/2002 10/02/2002 10/04/2002 10/18/2002 1222 11/20/2002 1223 12/04/2002 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 01/06/2003 01/10/2003 01/15/2003 06/04/2003 06/18/2003 06/18/2003 07/23/2003 09/03/2003 1232 09/22/2003 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 11/21/2003 10/17/2003 02/06/2004 02/24/2004 03/01/2004 04/14/2004 04/30/2004 05/05/2004 05/14/2004 1242 08/04/2004 1243 09/17/2004 proceeds Cancellation of Co General Warrant 7099 and to reissue a new one Cancellation of Co General Warrant 32464 and reissue a new one Cancellation of Co General Warrant 1047 and reissue a new one Public sale of $965,000 of general obligation refunding bonds for ASV For Optional life insurance for KP & F Transfer of KPERS to KP & F Bid Policy Cancellation of Co General Warrant 2254 and reissue a new one Authorizing General Obligation Refunding bonds in the amount of $970,000 Atchison Co as a named party in legal action by KAC to demand transfer payment reductions by the State of Kansas Cancelling outstanding warrants two years or older Supporting Casey’s Law To belong to KCAMP a self insured pool Naming a HIPA representative for Atchison County Adopting a booking or processing fee Payments by inmates to defray maintenance costs To waive Gap Expressing the property taxation policy of the Bd of Atchison Commissioners with respect to financing the 2004 annual budget Reappointing a representative for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act for Atchison County Burn Ban Policy Judicial foreclosure of real estate Opening sexually oriented businesses in rural Atchison Atchison County Solid Waste Management Plan Burn Ban rescinding Section 5 Policy Atchison County Adult Entertainment code Terminating the ½ cent sales tax Terminating the ½ cent sales tax To chip and seal the access road to Lewis and Clark Bike Trail Cancellation of Co General Warrant 105759 and to reissue Releasing certain lands from Rural Water District #1 1244 12/06/2004 1245 12/10/2004 1246 01/05/2005 1247 1248 01/07/2005 01/14/2005 1249 01/14/2005 1250 1251 1252 02/28/2005 03/07/2005 03/07/2005 1253 05/09/2005 1254 08/01/2005 1255 1256 1257 08/03/2005 08/03/2005 08/22/2005 1258 09/26/2005 1259 10/3/2005 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 10/31/2005 11/30/2005 12/19/2005 01/04/2006 01/23/2006 02/15/2006 1266 04/03/2006 1267 1268 1269 05/03/2006 06/12/2006 08/09/2006 1270 08/16/2006 Supporting the native American casinos located in Brown County Waiving the 2004 cash basis and budget laws of the state To apply for the Small cities community development block To join KCAMP Cancelling outstanding county warrants two years or older Cancellation of Co General Warrant 17159 and to reissue a new one Not to vacate a road in Potter, Ks in Block 1 Support of the regional strategic plan Reconfirming a regional economic development organization has been established Cancellation of Co Road Warrant 109363 and to reissue a new one Speed limit along Atchison County River Road from city limits to the end of the wildlife and parks property of 40 MPH Cancelling Law Enforcement Payroll Warrant Cancelling outstanding warrants two years or older Transferring the surplus one half cent sales tax into the county General fund and then to transfer $200,000 into Law Enforcement Capitol Outlay fund and $128,236 into the Co General Capitol Outlay Miscellaneous fund Designating the NIMS to be used for planning, responding and recovery in case of a disaster Cancellation of Co General Warrant 15351 and to reissue warrant 21662 in its place Establishing the flood plain program Selling of Cereal Malt Beverage on Sundays Judicial foreclosure of delinquent real estate Waiving 2005 financial reports Participation in the NFIP Cancellation of Jt. Communication Warrant 1979 and to reissue it with 2167 Rescinding Resolution #1120 revising camping permits at County Lake Disposition of Surplus Property Special Election on ¼ cent sales tax sports complex Restrictions on entry and use of Independence Creek Lewis and Clark Historic Site Authorizing the imposition of a special one fourth percent countywide retailers sales tax 1271 11/06/2006 1272 11/27/2006 1273 1274 1275 01/08/2007 01/08/2007 01/22/2007 1276 1277 1278 1279 01/31/2007 1280 09/12/2007 1281 10/17/2007 1282 10/24/2007 1283 1284 1285 12/03/2007 12/26/2007 Petition for Annexation of certain lands into City of Atchison 1286 12/31/2007 1287 01/28/2008 1288 1289 1290 02/04/2008 02/04/2008 02/11/2008 1291 1292 03/03/2008 06/16/2008 1293 08/20/2008 1294 1295 09/03/2008 09/10/2008 1296 10/22/2008 1297 10/22/2008 Repealing chapter 8 workplace safety from substance abuse from the personnel policy of Atchison County Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years older or older Establishing a smoking policy Establishing a inclement weather policy Cancellation of Atchison Co Noxious Weed Warrant 31661 and to reissue a replacement Judicial Foreclosure on delinquent real estate Cancellation of Atchison Co ASV warrant 5243 and to reissue same Speed limit along Sedgwick Road Between 298th and 314th rd to 45 mph 2009 annual budget to exceed levy authority Endorsing transportation improvements for Atchison County To apply for the 2009 Kansas Small cities community development block grant That funds will be continually provided for the operation and maintenance of improvements of Memorial Hall 08/22/2007 08/29/2007 Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years old or older Interlocal agreement with the city of Atchison providing for the creation of the Atchison Co Economic Development Board Waiving the requirements of KSA 75-1120a for 2006 Waiving the requirements of KSA 75-1120a or 2007 Cancellation of Co Warrants to Cellular One and reissued warrants Supporting keeping drivers licenses at local level 2008 Annual budget to exceed their limit Appointing Clark Land Surveying PA as the Deputy Atchison County Surveyor Naming Clark Land Surveying PA as the County Surveyor Applying for the 2008 Small cities community development block grant program Continually provide for the operation and maintenance of improvements of Memorial Hall Issuing 2007 IRB for Benedictine College Dorms 1298 12/1/2008 1299 01/12/2009 1300 01/12/2009 1301 01/26/2009 1302 01/26/2009 1303 02/02/2009 1304 02/02/2009 1305 02/11/2009 1306 07/27/2009 1307 07/29/2009 1308 09/02/2009 1309 09/14/2009 1310 09/23/2009 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 09/28/2009 10/12/2009 10/26/2009 12/30/2009 1316 12/23/2009 1317 1318 01/13/2010 03/17/2010 1319 03/17/2010 1320 1321 1322 04/26/2010 05/10/2010 05/10/2010 Endorsing transportation improvement for the county of Atchison Waiving 2008 requirements of the cash basis and financial reports Waiving 2009 requirements of the cash basis and financial reports Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years old or older Cancellation of Co General Warrant 36850 and reissuing warrant 37050 Confirming a regional economic development organization County support of regional strategic plan and regional incentives Cancellation of Co Road warrant 36861 and to reissue warrant 37359 Cancellation of Co General Warrant 39331 and reissued Warrant 39337 Cancellation of Co General Warrant 39073 and reissued Warrant 39443 Setting speed limit on Deer Run Road in September Hills to 30 mph Cancellation of County General Warrant No 38439 and Election Warrant No. 38515 and reissue warrant #40111 and #40131 Cancellation of Law Enforcement Warrant No. 39176 and reissue Warrant #40128 Atchison Co Solid Waste Management Plan Establishment of an Emergency Agency Authorizing sale of Lt 1 to Fire District #1 Waiving 2010 requirements for county on Cash basis and financial basis Exempting certain recording fees at Register of Deeds Office Agreement with KCAMP on insurance coverage Prohibiting Alcoholic Beverages at the Atchison Sports Complex Delegating authority to Atchison Sports Activities and Fitness Inc for Atchison Sports Complex KPERS optional life insurance Noise Limitations Notification to City on Road for Annexation Country Club Road 1323 07/12/2010 1324 07/12/2010 1325 08/16/2010 1326 1327 09/01/2010 10/06/2010 1328 10/13/2010 1329 1330 10/13/2010 12/6/2010 1331 1332 12/29/2010 01/03/2011 1333 1334 01/10/2011 02/15/2011 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 03/14/2011 03/14/2011 04/11/2011 05/02/2011 07/13/2011 2011-1340 08/08/2011 2011-1341 2011-1342 09/12/2011 10/17/2011 Cancelling outstanding warrants that are two years older or older Cancellation of Community Correction Warrant No. 43073 and reissued Cancellation of Law Enforcement Warrant No. 43039 and reissued Warrant 43812 Judicial Foreclosure and sale of Real Estate tax liens Supporting maintaining retention of judges instead of electing them Assur1ng KDOC of continuance support of maintenance on courthouse elevator Legal Authority to apply for the 2011 CDBG Withdrawing from inter local agreement on Economic Development Civil rights/Fair housing policy Cancellation of Atchison Senior Village Payroll Warrant No. 12546 and reissue Warrant Modifying the Atchison County Bid policy Supporting continuance of the KS Local Environmental Protection Program and funding, Nuisance resolution Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Cancellation of payroll check No 12902 and reissue Concerning the use of engine brakes on vehicles Support of AT&T’s plan to bring 4G wireless to Atchison County Biennial occupation or license tax drinking establishments RESCINDED Financing the 2012 annual budget for Atchison County To Issue Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds for Benedictine College