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Northern Territory of Australia
Government Gazette
No. G40
8 October 2014
General information
The Gazette is published by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel.
The Gazette will be published every Wednesday, with the closing date for
notices being the previous Wednesday at 4.00 pm.
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Interpretation Act
Notification of Making of Rules
under Racing and Betting Act
I, Matthew Escott Conlan, Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing, under
section 63(3) of the Interpretation Act, give notice that the Racing Commission has made
the following rules under section 57(2)(a) of the Racing and Betting Act:
Subordinate Legislation No. 32 of 2014:
Greyhound Racing Amendment
Rules 2014
Copies of the rules may be purchased at the Print Management Unit, Department of the
Chief Minister, 22 Mitchell Street, Darwin NT.
The Print Management Unit may be
contacted by email at
Dated 22 September 2014
M. E. Conlan
Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act
Determination of Fees
I, Bess Nungarrayi Price, Minister for Parks and Wildlife, under section 117(2) of the
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, determine the following fees for the grant of
a permit authorising the hunting of pigs in parks and reserves:
1 year permit — $10;
5 years permit — $40.
Dated 25 September 2014
B. N. Price
Minister for Parks and Wildlife
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Notice of Declaration of Management Area
Katherine-Kalano Locality-Geyulkgan
I, Anthony Joseph Wright, Executive Director, Strategy and Reform in the Department of
Health, as the delegate of the Minister for Health, under section 48(1) of the Volatile
Substance Abuse Prevention Act, give notice that:
I have declared an area in the Kalano locality, Town of Katherine, comprising the
area of land described in Schedule 1 and shown bounded by thick black lines on the
map in Schedule 2, to be a management area; and
the management area is declared to enable a plan to be made for the management
of the possession, supply and use of volatile substances in the management area;
the declaration takes effect on the date this notice is published in the Gazette.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. J. Wright
Executive Director, Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Schedule 1
All that parcel of land in the Town of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia
containing an area of 18.43 hectares more or less, being the whole of Lot 3031, more
particularly delineated on survey plan s92/185 lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
Schedule 2
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Declaration of Management Area
Katherine-Kalano Locality-Geyulkgan
I, Anthony Joseph Wright, Executive Director, Strategy and Reform in the Department of
Health, as the delegate of the Minister for Health, under section 47(2)(a) of the
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act, declare an area in the Kalano locality,
Town of Katherine, comprising the area of land described in Schedule 1 and shown
bounded by thick black lines on the map in Schedule 2, to be a management area.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. J. Wright
Executive Director, Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Schedule 1
All that parcel of land in the Town of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia
containing an area of 18.43 hectares more or less, being the whole of Lot 3031, more
particularly delineated on survey plan s92/185 lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
Schedule 2
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Notice of Declaration of Management Area
Katherine-Kalano Locality-Miali
I, Anthony Joseph Wright, Executive Director, Strategy and Reform in the Department of
Health, as the delegate of the Minister for Health, under section 48(1) of the Volatile
Substance Abuse Prevention Act, give notice that:
I have declared an area in the Kalano locality, Town of Katherine, comprising the
area of land described in Schedule 1 and shown bounded by thick black lines on the
map in Schedule 2, to be a management area; and
the management area is declared to enable a plan to be made for the management
of the possession, supply and use of volatile substances in the management area;
the declaration takes effect on the date this notice is published in the Gazette.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. J. Wright
Executive Director, Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Schedule 1
All that parcel of land in the Town of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia
containing an area of 86.21 hectares more or less, being the whole of Lot 508, more
particularly delineated on Diagram 174 and the whole of Lot 1864, more particularly
delineated on plan S80/150 lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
Schedule 2
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Declaration of Management Area
Katherine-Kalano Locality-Miali
I, Anthony Joseph Wright, Executive Director, Strategy and Reform in the Department of
Health, as the delegate of the Minister for Health, under section 47(2)(a) of the Volatile
Substance Abuse Prevention Act, declare an area in the Kalano locality, Town of
Katherine, comprising the area of land described in Schedule 1 and shown bounded by
thick black lines on the map in Schedule 2, to be a management area.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. J. Wright
Executive Director, Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Schedule 1
All that parcel of land in the Town of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia
containing an area of 86.21 hectares more or less, being the whole of Lot 508, more
particularly delineated on Diagram 174 and the whole of Lot 1864, more particularly
delineated on plan S80/150 lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
Schedule 2
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Notice of Declaration of Management Area
Katherine-Cossack Locality-Rockhole
I, Anthony Joseph Wright, Executive Director, Strategy and Reform in the Department of
Health, as the delegate of the Minister for Health, under section 48(1) of the Volatile
Substance Abuse Prevention Act, give notice that:
I have declared an area in the Cossack locality, Municipality of Katherine,
comprising the area of land described in Schedule 1 and shown bounded by thick
black lines on the map in Schedule 2, to be a management area; and
the management area is declared to enable a plan to be made for the management
of the possession, supply and use of volatile substances in the management area;
the declaration takes effect on the date this notice is published in the Gazette.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. J. Wright
Executive Director, Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Schedule 1
All that parcel of land in the Municipality of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia
containing an area of 14.39 hectares more or less, being the whole of NT portion 1533,
more particularly delineated on plan S84/115G lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
Schedule 2
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act
Declaration of Management Area
Katherine-Cossack Locality-Rockhole
I, Anthony Joseph Wright, Executive Director, Strategy and Reform in the Department of
Health, as the delegate of the Minister for Health, under section 47(2)(a) of the Volatile
Substance Abuse Prevention Act, declare an area in the Cossack locality, Municipality of
Katherine, comprising the area of land described in Schedule 1 and shown bounded by
thick black lines on the map in Schedule 2, to be a management area.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. J. Wright
Executive Director, Strategy and Reform
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Schedule 1
All that parcel of land in the Municipality of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia
containing an area of 14.39 hectares more or less, being the whole of NT portion 1533,
more particularly delineated on plan S84/115G lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
Schedule 2
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Correctional Services Act
Revocation of Declaration of Police Prison
I, Johan Wessel Elferink, Minister for Correctional Services, under section 13(a) of the
Correctional Services Act and with reference to section 210(2) of that Act and
section 43 of the Interpretation Act, revoke the instrument entitled “Declaration of Police
Prison” dated 13 June 2009, published in Gazette No. G25 dated 24 June 2009.
Dated 22 September 2014
J. W. Elferink
Minister for Correctional Services
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Correctional Services Act
Revocation of Declaration and Declaration
I, Johan Wessel Elferink, Minister for Correctional Services;
under section 12 of the Correctional Services Act and with reference to section 43
of Prison Darwin Correctional Centre” dated 6 August 2014, published in Gazette
No. S66 dated 7 August 2014; and
under section 12 of the Correctional Services Act, declare Lot 6222, Hundred of
Bagot, excluding the building known as the Step Down Cottages depicted by the
thick black line on the plan in the Schedule, to be a correctional centre.
Dated 22 September 2014
J. W. Elferink
Minister for Correctional Services
Note for paragraph (a)
The declaration referred to was made under section 10 of the Prisons (Correctional Services) Act.
Under section 210 of the Correctional Services Act, a place declared to be a prison becomes, on
commencement of that Act (which was 9 September 2014), a correctional centre under section 12 of
that Act.
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
Work Health Safety Inspectors – Appointment
I, Stephen Hugh Gelding, the Work Health Authority:
under section 156 of the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation)
Act 2011, and with reference to section 44(1) of the Interpretation Act, terminate all
appointments of workplace safety officers in force immediately before the date of
this instrument; and
under section 156 of the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation)
Act 2011, appoint the people named in the Schedule to be Work Health and Safety
Dated 1 October 2014
S. H. Gelding
Work Health Authority
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Allan Combie Fischer
Amber Louise Sayers
Andrew James Lucas
Anthony John Waite
Brian Wingrove
Bruce Wayne McKinley
Carolynne Murrell
Colins Dubre Gipey
David James Mallett
Fred James Munro
Jasmine Julia Currington
Joseph Peter Pisani
Karyn Ellis
Ken Charles Johnson
Kenneth John Davidson
Kenneth John Orwell
Kerry Lee-Anne Barnaart
Malcolm Grossman
Maria Rigas
Maria Staunton
Martin Clive-Griffin
Nigel Butler
Natalie Joan Clifton
Neil Kenneth Watson
Neil William Burgess
Rebecca Sue Trimble
Robert Stanley Fereday
Stuart Dean Hand
Tanya Geraldine Cosgrove
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail
(National Uniform Legislation) Act
Appointment of Officers
I, Stephen Hugh Gelding, the Competent Authority:
(a) under section 23(1) of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and
Rail (National Uniform Legislation) Act and with reference to section 44(1) of the
Interpretation Act, terminate all appointments of authorised officers in force
immediately before the date of this instrument; and
(b) under section 23(1) of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National
Uniform Legislation) Act, appoint the people named in the Schedule to be authorised
officers and exercise the powers under:
a) sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 86, 88, 90, 93, 95, 96 and 99 of the Transport of
Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National Uniform Legislation) Act; and
b) regulation 232 of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail
(National Uniform Legislation) Regulations.
The power to amend a notice pursuant to sections 88 and 96 is restricted to minor
for clarification; or
to correct errors or references; or
(iii) to reflect changes of address or other circumstances.
Dated 1 October 2014
S. H. Gelding
Work Health Authority
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Allan Fischer
Amber Louise Sayers
Andrew James Lucas
Brian Wingrove
Bruce Wayne McKinley
Carolynne Murrell
Collins Dubere Gipey
David James Mallett
Fred James Munro
Jasmine Currington
Joseph Peter Pisani
Karyn Ellis
Ken Charles Johnson
Kenneth John Davidson
Kenneth John Orwell
Kerry Lee-Anne Barnaart
Malcolm Grossman
Maria Staunton
Maria Rigas
Martin Clive-Griffin
Melissa Jane Garde
Natalie Joan Clifton
Neil Kenneth Watson
Nigel Butler
Rebecca Sue Trimble
Robert Stanley Fereday
Robin Leslie Paget Smith
Stuart Dean Hand
Tanya Geraldine Cosgrove
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
Work Health Safety Inspectors – Appointment
I, Stephen Hugh Gelding, the Work Health Authority under section 156 of the Work Health
and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011, appoint the people named in the
Schedule to be Work Health and Safety inspectors and exercise powers under:
a) Section 39 of the Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011;
b) On condition that under Section 161 of the Work Health and Safety (National
Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 only exercise the powers in Part 9 and Part 10 under
the direct supervision of an inspector appointed under section 156 of the Work
Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 without conditions.
Dated 1 October 2014
S. H. Gelding
Work Health Authority
Lisa Lee Taylor
Fiona Louise Peters
Amanda Brooke Baker
Tishana Lee Reeves
Stephen Turnbull
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Crown Lands Act
Notice of Determination to Grant
Lease of Crown Land
Notice is given, under section 12(6) of the Crown Lands Act, that the Minister for Lands,
Planning and the Environment determined under section 12(3) of the Act to grant a lease
of Crown land, details of which are specified in the Schedule.
Dated 1 October 2014
Peter James Somerville
A/Regional Director South
Description of Crown land the subject of
the grant
Approximately 2.85 hectares of NT
Portion 6219, Brewer Estate, Hugh
Persons to whom proposed grant is to be
Darren James Burton as trustee for the
Burton Property Trust
$132 000
Proposed Development
Commercial Incinerator
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Darwin Rates Act
Declaration of Rate
I, Adam Graham Giles, Minister for Local Government and Regions, under section 14 of
the Darwin Rates Act, for the year commencing 1 July 2014:
declare a rate of 0.347398 cents in the dollar on the unimproved capital value of all
ratable land within the prescribed area; and
declare $1055.00 to be the minimum amount which may be levied as a rate in
respect of one parcel of ratable land.
Dated 29 September 2014
A. G. Giles
Minister for Local Government and Regions
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G40, 8 October 2014
Northern Territory of Australia
Darwin Rates Act
Inspection of Rate Book
I, Adam Graham Giles, Minister for Local Government and Regions, under section 10(1)(b)
of the Darwin Rates Act, give notice that the rate book may be inspected at the following
place between 9.00 am and 4.15 pm on any day except a Saturday, Sunday or public
Department of Local Government and Regions
Ground floor
RCG House
83 – 85 Smith Street
Darwin NT 0800
Dated 29 September 2014
A. G. Giles
Minister for Local Government and Regions
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