Creating a Writing Rubric

Rubrics for Writing Assessment
Rubrics are composed of four basic parts. In its simplest form, the rubric includes:
- A task description. The outcome being assessed or instructions students received for an assignment.
- The characteristics to be rated (rows). The skills, knowledge, and/or behavior to be demonstrated.
- Levels of mastery/scale (columns). Labels used to describe the levels of mastery should be tactful but clear.
Commonly used labels include:
Not meeting, approaching, meeting, exceeding
Exemplary, proficient, marginal, unacceptable
Advanced, intermediate high, intermediate, novice.
1, 2, 3, 4
- The description of each characteristic at each level of mastery/scale (cells).
Developing Your Rubric as a Class
Step 1: Identify what you want to assess
Step 2: Identify the characteristics to be rated (rows)
- Specify the skills, knowledge, and/or behaviors that you will be looking for.
- Limit the characteristics to those that are most important to the assessment.
Step 3: Identify the levels of mastery/scale (columns).
Tip: Aim for an even number (4 or 6) because when an odd number is used, the middle tends to become the
"catch-all" category.
Step 4: Describe each level of mastery for each characteristic (cells).
- Describe the best work you could expect using these characteristics. This describes the top category.
- Describe an unacceptable product. This describes the lowest category.
- Develop descriptions of intermediate-level products for intermediate categories.
Important: Each description and each category should be mutually exclusive.
Step 5: Test rubric.
- Apply the rubric to the assignment.
Tip: It is often useful to establish the minimum score needed for the student work to be deemed passable. For
example, faculty members may decided that a "1" or "2" on a 4-point scale (4=exemplary, 3=proficient,
2=marginal, 1=unacceptable), does not meet the minimum quality expectations. They may set their criteria for
success as 90% of the students must score 3 or higher. If assessment study results fall short, action will need
to be taken.
Step 6: Discuss with peers and instructor. Review feedback and revise.
Six Trait Essay Scoring Guide
Ideas and
This paper is clear and
focused. It holds the reader's
attention. Relevant anecdotes
and details enrich the central
theme or story line.
The writer is beginning to
define the topic, even though
development is still too
The paper has no clear sense
of purpose or central theme.
To find meaning in the text,
the reader must make
inferences based on sketchy
The organization enhances and
showcases the central idea or
storyline. The order, structure,
and presentation of
information are compelling, so
the reader moves through the
The organizational structure is
strong enough to move the
reader through the text without
much confusion.
The writer lacks a clear sense
of direction. Ideas, details, and
events seem strung together in
a loose or random fashion.
There is no internal structure.
The writer speaks directly to
the reader in a way that is
individualistic, expressive, and
engaging. The writer is
involved in the text, sensitive
to the needs of the audience,
and writing to be read.
The writer seems sincere, but
not fully involved in the topic.
The result is pleasant, but not
The writer seems indifferent,
uninvolved or distanced from
the topic and/or the audience.
As a result, the writing is
lifeless or mechanical.
Depending on the topic, it may
be overly technical or
Words convey the intended
message in a precise,
interesting and natural way.
The language is functional,
even though it lacks punch. It
is easy to figure out the
writer's meaning on a general
The writer struggles with a
limited vocabulary, searching
for words to convey meaning.
The writing has an easy flow
and rhythm when read aloud.
Sentences are well built, with
strong and varied structure
that invites expressive oral
The text hums along with a
steady beat, but tends to be
more pleasant or businesslike
than musical, more
mechanical than fluid.
The reader has to practice to
give this paper a fair
interpretive reading.
The writer demonstrates a
good grasp of standard writing
conventions. Grammar,
capitalization, punctuation,
usage, spelling and
paragraphing enhance
readability. The reader can
easily overlook a few minor
errors unless hunting for them
The writer shows reasonable
control over a limited range of
standing writing conventions.
Conventions are sometimes
handled well and enhance
readability. At other times,
errors are distracting and
impair readability.
Errors in spelling, punctuation,
usage, grammar, capitalization
and/or paragraphing
repeatedly distract the reader.
The text is very difficult to
Primary Trait Scoring Rubric for Technical Writing
Writing is purposeful with logic
maintained throughout.
Maintains clear logical
Subject/position is vague with no unifying
Drifts or has lapses in logic.
Paper consists of repetitions and
Insufficient writing to show that
criteria are met.
All major points fully developed
and supported evenly by specific
detail throughout the paper (e.g.
explanation, evidence, examples,
figures, tables and/or graphs).
Supporting evidence is
understandable and wellorganized.
Structure is clear, appropriate and
All paragraphs are appropriate and
Coherence (paragraph to
paragraph) and cohesion (sentence
to sentence) are effectively
demonstrated throughout paper.
All points are logically presented
and interrelated.
All key points developed and
supported by specific detail; some
key points may be less developed
than others (not even or balanced).
Supporting evidence illustrates the
key points but lacks depth.
Some key points are developed by specific
detail; some may be general and some may
lack depth.
Supporting evidence is minimal and/or not
easily interpreted.
Insufficient or repetitious
writing that fails to develop key
Structure is clear and appropriate
to purpose.
Most major points are
appropriately paragraphed.
Coherence (paragraph to
paragraph) and cohesion (sentence
to sentence) are demonstrated with
appropriate transitions.
Most points logically presented and
Structure is evident.
May have inappropriate or intrusive
transitions that disrupt the progression of
Some major points appropriately paragraphed.
Has coherence (paragraph to paragraph) but
lacks cohesion (sentence to sentence) or vice
May have one or more minor digressions.
Clearly sets purpose of paper
through introduction or overview.
Effective conclusion that relates to
introduction and unifies the
Clearly sets purpose of paper
through introduction or overview.
Clear conclusion.
Subject/position identified by only a brief,
general introductory statement.
Conclusion is absent or only a verbatim
reiteration of the introduction.
Focus (applies
to theses, term
papers and
Lacks supporting evidence
and/or supporting evidence is
unrelated to key points.
Structure is missing or
attempted but not obvious to the
Limited evidence of appropriate
Little structure within
May have one or more major
Subject/position (or issue)
is unclear.
Primary Trait Scoring Rubric for Writing Mechanics
Sentences and
Usage of sophisticated sentence
Paragraphs indicate shift in thought
and are used to make sequence of
events clear.
Words are used correctly and
Simple and some complex
sentences are used.
Some paragraphing to show
sequence of events/ideas.
Sentence structure is usually correct.
Simple sentences are used.
Little attempt made to paragraph writing.
Sentences do not make sense.
No paragraphing.
Acceptable vocabulary.
Words are technologically
Simple vocabulary.
Incorrect vocabulary.
Word choice
Spelling is correct, including
complex and irregular words.
Spelling is generally accurate.
Frequent spelling errors.
Spelling errors interfere with
A range of punctuation including
commas, apostrophes, colons and
semicolons is used accurately and
Periods and capitals are used
correctly and punctuation is
beginning to be used within the
Frequent punctuation errors.
Insufficient or lacks punctuation.
Incorrect use of capital letters.