Trouble in the halls scene 1

AVB Lesson: (lesson #1 and “2)
Substitute for: (Trouble in the Hall Scene 1 and 2)
Targeted Audience: (both, male, female)
New Title:
Goal: To teach students to deal with daily situations where they
must weigh what is right and wrong. They must also be able to
balance emotions of all parties involved.
Conflict resolution is a trend to which students need to become
familiar. They should understand the possible impact that
alternative dispute resolution may have in their lives.
This lesson encourages students to think of different ways in which
they may solve their problems.
Students will identify the problem, the choices and the
consequences both positive and negative. The students will work
together to make a group decision.
Distribute copies of the Decision Mountain handout. Inform
students that they are going to make a decision by climbing
the "Decision Mountain." By climbing the mountain they will
learn the steps involved in decision- making, while
examining in further detail the conflict presented on their
cards. Have students break into groups of five or six.
Give students an index card with a conflict scenario on it and
ask them to read it to their group and identify the problem. At
the foot of the mountain, write the problem.
Ask students to identify possible options for resolving the
problem. List negative and positive options.
Next, have the class identify the consequence (positive or
negative) for the specific option. List the consequences
with the corresponding option number.
Review and discuss information. Ask students to decide
which options and corresponding consequences are
best. Have students write their group decision at the top
of the mountain.
Ask students to share their results with the class. Discuss problems
and decisions. Discuss how decisions were made and why it
resolves the problem. Focus on the positive solutions of each
conflict and stress the fact that there may be more than one
positive way to deal with the conflict. It is all about
choices…positive ones are always available.
Conflicts for Index Cards
1. A close friend sends you a text message gossiping about
another student and asks you to pass it on. What do you
2. You are late for class and someone bumps into you
causing you to drop all of your books. What do you do?
3. You are sitting at a table with three of your best friends
and a new kid comes and sits down. Your friends start
saying mean things to the new kid. What do you do?
4. You got a new IPOD for your birthday and you take it to
school. A friend asks to borrow it for a class period and
then loses it. What do you do?
5. You and a group of kids are playing a game after school
and another kid wants to play. However, some of the
group doesn’t want the new kid to play because he is a
different race. What do you do?
6. Someone throws food at you while you are eating lunch.
What do you do?
7. Your friends are making fun of a classmate that is
overweight. What do you do?
8. You notice a classmate is harassing a girl at the locker
across from yours. What do you do?
9. You receive an anonymous facebook message telling you
that your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you. What do
you do?
10. While walking to class, someone comes up and pushes
you saying that they heard you were spreading rumors
about them. What do you do? What would you do if you
were a bystander?
1. _____________________
3. _____________________
2. ___________________
4. ___________________
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Define the Problem
Lesson extension:
Discuss conflicts and resolutions of each group.
Have students come up with definitions of the following words:
MEANSTRONGGIVING INAfter they come up with definitions, have students give
examples of each. Have each group apply one of the three
categories to the reactions of their given conflicts.
Which reactions were mean? strong? Giving in?
Discuss how different situations produce different emotions and
reactions and the importance of finding a win-win solution.
Michelle Short/Clark Middle School/ ASD