Semester-III Chemical Engineering No of period per week Sr. No. Subjects LECT PRAC TUT Duration in hours Marks Distibution TH TW PR OR TOTAL 1. Applied Mathematics-III Click Here 04 -- 01 03 100 25 -- -- 125 2. Advanced Chemistry-I Click Here 04 03 -- 03 100 25 25 -- 150 3. Computer Applications Click Here 04 03 -- 03 100 25 25 -- 150 4. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Click Here 04 03 -- 03 100 25 25 25 175 5. Process Calculations Click Here 04 -- 02 03 100 25 -- 25 150 6. Presentation & Communication Techniques Click Here -- 02 -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50 Total 20 11 03 -- 500 150 75 75 800 University of Mumbai Class: S.E. Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester: III Subject : APPLIED MATHEMATICS- III Periods per Week Lecture 04 (each 60 min) Practical -- Tutorial 01 Hours Marks Theory 03 100 Practical and Oral -- -- Oral -- -- Term Work -- 25 Total -- 125 Evaluation System Module 1 Contents Hours Laplace Transform Definition ,properties of linearity, Laplace transform of elementary function, Properties of Laplace transform(First & Second 10 Shifting property) Theorem of Laplace Transform 2 Inverse Laplace Transform Definition ,Inverse Laplace Transform by using partial fraction method ,Convolution Theorem (without proof) Applications to solve boundary value problem involving ordinary differential equations with one independent variable. Applications to chemical engineering 08 3 Laplace Transform & Matrices Laplace Transform of periodic functions. 08 Types of Matrices,Adjoint of Matrices ,inverse of Matrix 4 Matrices Rank of Matrix ,Elementary transformation of matrix ,Linear dependant & independent of rows & columns of a matrix over a real 08 field Reduction of normal form, Homogeneous linear equations & non-homogeneous equations, their consistency 5 Complex Variable Functions of complex variable, Continuity (only statement), Derivability of a function, Analytic functions C-R equations in Cartesian & polar (with proof) .Harmonic functions. Orthogonal trajectories ,Analytical & Milne- Thomson method to find f(z) 14 Mapping , Conformal mapping , Bilinear transformation , Cross ratio preservation property (with proof) 6 Bessels Equation Bessels equation & functions (with out proof) Equations reducible to Bessel form, Method of solving the equations & conditions for the four types of Bessels & modified Bessels equations 12 & functions. Recurrence Relations for Bessels functions. Applications to Chemical engineering e.g. heat transfer for an extended surface. Theory Examination: 1. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. 2. Only five questions need to be solved 3. Question 1 will be compulsory & it will be based on entire syllabus 4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.(for example if Q2 has part (a)from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3. 5. In question paper, weight age of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. University of Mumbai Class: S.E. Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester: III Subject : ADVANCED CHEMISTRY - I Periods per Week Lecture 04 (each 60 min) Practical 03 Tutorial -Hours Marks Theory 03 100 Practical and Oral -- 25 Oral -- -- Term Work -- 25 Total -- 150 Evaluation System Module 1 Contents Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structures Ionic & covalent bonds ,Exeptions to Octet rules,Resonance, Variable Valency,Hydrogen band ,Valence Bond Theory,Crystal field theory, Ligand field theory, Structures of molecules with lone pair electrons,H2O,NH3,BRF3 ,SF4,PCl3,PCl5, Molecular Orbital Theory,Non bonding & anti bonding orbitals, LCAO method,VSEPR theory,Molecular Orbital structures of homonuclear & hetronuclear molecules H2, HC2, BC2, B2, N2,C2,O2,F2,CO,HF,NO2,Metallic bond,Bloch’s theory Pauling theory. 2 Hours 10 Co- Ordination chemistry Co-Ordination dative bond, complexions, co-ordinations number or ligancy,werner’s co- ordination theory,Effective atomic number, nomenclatures & isomerism in co-ordination compounds with respect to co- ordination number 4 & 6. Application of CFT to 10 tetrahedral & octahedral complexes , Drawbacks of CFT to tetrahedral & octahedral complexes of Fe & Ni. Measurement of CFSE (10 D2) Numericals based on EAN & 10 D2 measurement. 3 Organometallic compounds Chemistry of Fe- carbonyls with respect to preparation properties ,structure & bonding 10 3.23.2 Bi-inorganic Chemistry of iron Classification of biomolecules containing metal ions,Bio chemistry of proteins contains Cu,Fe & Zn ,Chemistry of cyclochromes & their applications, O2 atom transfer reaction of biomolecular reactions containing Fe 4 Dyes & Drugs Dyes – Sensation of color, color & constitution, nomenclature, classification based on chemical composition & mode of application. Synthetic & uses of 08 (1) Fast printing Green (2) Methyl orange (3) Congo red (4) Alizarin (5) Methyl red Drugs – Synthesis & uses of (1) Ibuprofen (2) Aspirin (3) Vitamin –C (4) P-nitro aniline (5) O- Chlorobenzoic acid 5 Electrochemistry Introduction – conductance ,Effect of temperature & conductivity ,mobility of ions, transport number & its determination 12 ,theories of electrolytic conductance ,Debye Huckel theory of strong electrolytes, concentration cells with & without transference ,standard cells ,standard electrode potential, reference electrode potential ,reference electrode .Use of EMF measurements & other techniques for determination of dissociation constancies of acids & bases ,solubility product ,hydrolysis constant ,hydrogenation concentration, theory of acid base indicators ,electrometric titrations 6 Reactions, mechanisms & industrial applications of PinacolPinacolone rearrangement ,Michel reaction,Deckmann Condensation,Benzil – Benzilic acid rearrangement ,Beckmann, Darzan reactions ,Fischer – Indole synthesis ,Mecrmin pondroff reaction & Oppenauer oxidation. 10 University of Mumbai Class: S.E. Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester: III Subject : Computer Applications Periods per Week Lecture 04 (each 60 min) Practical 03 Tutorial -- Evaluation System Module 1 Hours Marks Theory 03 100 Practical and Oral -- 25 Oral -- -- Term Work -- 25 Total -- 150 Contents Hours Introduction Software Evolution, Algorithm, Flowchart, Approaches to Modular Design, Software Development life cycle and object oriented 10 paradigm. 3.4 1.2 Opening and closing of data files (File access options),creating a data files and accessing data file . 2 Basic concepts in data base management systems (DBMS) Data base system application, File structure versus DBMS, database Languages, Data base User and administrator , E-R 10 diagrams and Reduction of E-R to the Relational Scheme introduction to visual programming Case study in Visual Basic: Form Designing by Active data object(ADO),Open data base connectivity (ODBC),with Excel and application to the chemical engineering problem 3 Introduction to MATLAB Introduction; Tutorial lessons: A minimum MATLAB Session, creating and working with arrays of numbers, creating, saving and executing a function file, working with files and directories, and 14 publishing reports. Interactive computations :Matrices and vectors, matrix and array operations, vectorization, command line functions using built- in functions and on line help, saving and loading data and plotting simple graphs; Programming in MATLAB, scripts and functions; applications to chemical engineering. 4 Introduction to Robotics 06 3.4 4.1 Automation, Specification of robot NC and CNC machine advantages, disadvantages, basic concepts of artificial intelligence, expert system and its applications to chemical engineering. 5 Numerical Methods 3.4 5.1 Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations , bisection 10 method, method , method of false positions ,iteration method , secant method ,Newton rapshon method ,Muller`s method the quotient difference method and solution of systems nonlinear method. 6 Interpolation Errors in polynomial interpolation ,finite differences, detection of errors by use of difference tables, Newton`s formula practical interpolation , interpolation with unevenly spaced points , divided differences and their properties , inverse interpolation , interpolation with unevenly spaced points, divided differences and 10 their properties , inverse interpolation and double interpolation . Curve fitting ,cubic splines and approximation Least squares curve fitting procedures, data fitting with splines, approximations of functions. Term Work: Term work consists of minimum eight programs & a written test. The distribution of term work shall be as follows, Experiments & Journal : 10 marks Test (At least one) : 10 marks Attendance (Practical) : 5 marks University of Mumbai Class: S.E. Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester: III Subject : Electrical and Electronics Engineering Periods per Week Lecture 04 (each 60 min) Practical 03 Tutorial -- Evaluation System Module 1 Hours Marks Theory 03 100 Practical and Oral -- 25 Oral -- 25 Term Work -- 25 Total -- 175 Contents Hours D.C. machines D.C .Generator, Constructional details, types (shunt, series, &compound), principle of working, e.m.f. equation characteristics. 3.3 1.2 Motoring action significance of back e.m.f. Torque and speed equations, torque-armature current and torque-speed characteristics of different types of motors, speed control, starter, applications. 12 2 3.2.2..1 Induction motor Rotating magnetic field, construction and principle of operation, slip, rotor frequency, torque – slip characteristic, relation between slip and 10 rotor copper loss, speed control, starting methods, motor ratings. 3 .Fractional horse power motors Construction and principle of operation of single phase induction motor, types of single phase induction motor (resistance split phase, capacitance split phase) and their applications. Shaded pole induction 08 motor. 4 Synchronous Machines 08 3.3 4.1 Alternator Constructional features and principle of operation, Synchronous speed, regulation. 3.3 4.2 Synchronous Motor Principle of operation, method of starting and applications. 5 3.3 5.1 Switchgear, measuring instruments and utilization of power. Autotransformer, construction and principle of current and 08 potential transformer, introduction to relays, contactors, isolators and HRC fuses, principle and working of circuit breakers. Introduction of induction and dielectric heating 6 Electronics Diode rectifiers, and filter, transistor characteristics and its three configurations,(C.E.,C.B.,C.C.), transistor as an amplifier, opto electronic devices(L.D.R.,photo transistors , photodiode ),S.C.Rs(silicon controlled rectifier) and its application to control speed of motors, cathode ray oscilloscope. A preliminary level treatment for induction to digital electronics (number system and 16 basic gates).Basic architecture block diagram of microprocessor 8085. Theory examinations: 1 .Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of 20 marks. 2. Only 5 questions need to be solved. 3. Q1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus 4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. 5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. University of Mumbai Class: S.E. Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester: III Subject : Process Calculations Periods per Week Lecture 04 (each 60 min) Practical -- Tutorial 02 Evaluation System Module 1 Hours Marks Theory 03 100 Practical and Oral -- -- Oral -- 25 Term Work -- 25 Total -- 150 Contents Hours Introduction Units And Dimensions Various systems of Units, conversion of units from one system to other. Basic Chemical Calculations Density, specific volume, specific gravity, concentrations & composition of mixtures & solutions. Density of gases & vapors using Ideal Gas law & Van der Walls equation state,Dalton’s law,Amargat’s law ,concept of VLE ,Raoult’s law,Henry’s law. 2 14 Material Balance (For Unit Operations) General material balance equation ,degree of freedom analysis for individual units ,solving material balance problems for various unit operations using steady state equation 10 3 Material Balance for unsteady Processes 04 4 Material Balance (For processes involving Chemical Reactions) 08 5 Recycle ,Bypass & Purge Calculations (For topic 4 & 6 ) Psychometry 10 Humidity & saturation Psychrometric chart,basic calculations using psychometric chart 6 Energy Balance Heat capacity ,sensible heat, latent heat,calculation of enthalpy changes General energy balance equation Energy balance for processes involving chemical reaction including adiabatic reactions & combustion processes. Material & Energy Balance for complete process/flow sheet 14 Formulation of equations & DOF analysis ,use of spreadsheet software like MS Excel R for calculations Tutorials Minimum number of tutorials conducted must be 10. At least one Tutorial must be given on the each topic Theory Examination: 1. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions each of 20 marks 2 .Only 5 questions need to be solved 3.Question 1 will be compulsory & it will be based on entire syllabus 4.(One question will based on one modules ) in this way there will be remaining six questions of 20 marks each out of four will have to be solve Term Work: Term work consists of minimum eight assignments & a written test. The distribution of term work shall be as follows, Assignment & Journal : 10 marks Test (At least one) : 10 marks Attendance (Practical University Of Mumbai Class:-S.E Branch: Computer Engineering Subject :-Presentation and communication Techniques(PCT) Lecture Periods per week (each 60 min) practical Tutorial Evaluation System Theory Practical & Oral Oral Term Work Total Semester:-III 2 2 Hours - Marks 50 50 Module Contents Hours 1 Communication in Business organization Internal and external communication Types of Meetings strategies for conducting successfully business meetings documentation of meetings Introduction to modern communication Techniques (E-mail internet video conferencing ) legal and ethical issue in communication (Intellectual properties rights patents TRIPS geographical indication) Advanced Technical writing Report Writing : Definition and importance of reports qualities of reports languages and style of report types of reports format(letter Memo Project report) . methods of compiling data for preparing reports A Computer Aided presentation of technical Project report based on survey or reference based topic . the topics are to be assigned to a group of 8-10 students . the written report should not exceed 20 printed pages Technical paper writing, writing business proposals Interpersonal Skill: Introduction to emotional intelligence, motivation Negotiation and conflict resolution , Assertiveness tea-building, decision making , time- management ,persuasion Presentation Skill Element of effective presentation, structure of presentation, presentation tools, Audience analysis Language, Articulation good pronunciation voice quality Modulation Accen and Intonation. Career Skill Preparing Resume and Career letters, types of resumes, Interview Techniques, Preparing for job Interviews, facing an Interviews , observation sessions and role- 05 2 3 4 5 07 03 03 03 6 play techniques to be used to demonstrate interview strategies(mock interviews) Group Discussion: 03 Group discussion as a part of selection process, structure of a group discussion ,dynamics of group behavior, techniques for effective participation, team work and use of body language Term Work Part-I (25 Marks):- Assignment; Two assignments on communication topic Three assignments on report-writing Three assignments on interpersonal skills Two assignments on career skills At least one class test(Written) Distribution of term work marks will be as follows Assignments :-10 marks Written test :-10 marks Attendance :-05 marks Part-II(25 marks): Presentation Distribution of term work mark will be as follow Project Report Presentation :-15 marks Group Discussion :-10 marks The final certification and acceptance of term work ensure the satisfactory performance of laboratory work and minimum passing in the term work Text Books: Lesikar and Pelit “Report writing for Business ” Tata McGraw hill Raman and sangeeta Sharma, technical communication, Oxford University press, New Delhi Wallace and Master, personal delopement for life and work Thomson lerning Heta Murphy effective Business communication, McGraw Hill. Huckin& oslsen , technical writing and Professional communication McGraw Hill Fred Luthans Organizational behavior, McGraw Hill. Reference Books Semester-IV Chemical Engineering No of period per week Sr. No. Subjects LECT PRAC TUT Duration in hours Marks Distibution TH TW PR OR TOTAL 1. Applied Mathematics-IV Click Here 04 -- 01 03 100 25 -- -- 125 2. Advanced Chemistry-II Click Here 04 03 -- 03 100 25 25 -- 150 3. Fluid Flow Click Here 04 03 -- 03 100 25 25 -- 150 4. Material Science & Technology Click Here 04 03 -- 03 100 25 25 25 175 5. Plant Utilities Click Here 04 -- 02 03 100 25 -- 25 150 6. Streangth Of Materials & Fabrication Technology Click Here -- 02 -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50 Total 20 11 03 -- 500 150 75 75 800 CLASS : S.E.CHEMICAL SUBJECT :Applied Mathematics –IV Periods per week Lectures (Each of 60 mint.) Practical Tutorial Evaluation system Theory Examination Practical Examination & oral Examination Oral Examination Term Work Total SEMESTER –IV 04 ---01 Hours 03 ---- Marks 100 ----- ----- Detailed Syllabus 4.1.1 Module 1 Fourier Series Defn.of Fourier series ,full range Fourier series for (0,2 ) ,(0,2f),(- , )& (-1,1) Half range sine & cosine series ,Parseval’s identity & complex form of Fourier series 4.1.2 Module 2 Fourier Transform & Matrices Orthogonal & orthonormal function ,Fourier sine & cosline integral Characteristic values & vectors,their properties for Hermition & real symmetric matrices,Caley Hamilton theorem (without proof) 4.1.3 Module 3 Matrices Diagonalization of square matrix,Functions of square matrix ,minimal polynomial,Derogatory & non-derogatory matrix. Quadratic form,Congruent & orthogonal reduction of quadriatic forms,Rank ,Index,Signature & Class values of quadratic form 4.1.4 Module 4 Complex integration Line integral of a function of complex variable, Cauchy’s theorem for analytic function , Cauchy’s integral formula (with proof) & deductions Singularities & Poles ,Taylor’s & Laurent’s series (without 25 125 Lectures 10 10 10 10 proof) 4.1.5 4.1.6 Module 5 Applications of Complex Integration & Numerical Method Residue Theorem & its Evaluation ,Residue Theorem application to evaluate real integrals of type 2 F (COS ,Sin )d and f - (X)dx Numerical solution of partial differential equation ,Liebmann’s method for Laplace equation .Derivative boundary conditions,Explict & imlpict methods for the heat equation Crank Nicolson Method ,Bender Smidth method. Module 6 Optimization (NLPP) Objective function & constraint maxima & minima for one & two constraint,Hessian Matrix ,Lagrange’smultiplier method (for not more than two constraints ),Kuhn –Trucker conditions 12 08 Theory Examination 1. Question paper will be comprise of 7 questions each of 20 marks. 2. Only five questions need to be solved 3. Question 1 will be compulsory & it will be based on entire syllabus 4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then part(b) will from any module other than module 3 5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. CLASS : S.E.CHEMICAL SUBJECT :ADVANCED CHEMISTRY -II Periods per week Lectures (Each of 60 mint.) Practical Tutorial Evaluation system Theory Examination Practical Examination & oral Examination Oral Examination Term Work Total SEMESTER –IV 04 03 ---Hours 03 03 Marks 100 25 ----- Detailed Syllabus 4.2.1 Module 1 Instrumental methods of Analysis Chromatography –paper ,Gas Liquid ,Thinlayer ,HPCL & applications Optical Methods (instrumentations & applications) UV ,IR, flame photometry ,NMR-SPECTROSCOPY Moss Bauer spectroscopy ,Electron spin resonance spectroscopy ,(spectral interpretation & characterization of compounds) 4.2.2 Module 2 Potentiometry ,conductometry,Amythetometry Polarography methods & applications ,Titrations,Acid base ,precipitation & complexometric 4.2.3 Module 3 Ion exchange & solvent extraction techniques Ion exchange resins ,cation & anion exchange & separation of lanthanides Solvent extraction introduction ,Distribution ratio, calculations ,Batch extraction ,counter current extraction. Numericals based on solvent extraction 4.2.4 Module 4 Colloidal State Origin of charge on colloidal particals ,concept of double layer ,Helmholtz & system models,analitative idea of elecrtokinetic phenomenon,electrophoresis, elecro-osmosis,streaming potential & Dorn effect Colloidal electrolyses, Donnam Membrane equilibrium ,Emulsions O/W and W/O types emulsifying agents surfractants in detergents pesticide formulations &food industry. 4.2.5 Module 5 25 150 Lectures 12 08 10 10 4.2.6 Synthesis & properties of malonic ester & Aceto acetic ester Aromaticity & aromatic character Introduction ,Discussion of Aromatic character of Benzene ,Furan,Parole ,Thiophene,pyridine,Naphthalene ,Anthracene Huckel rule of aromaticity. Module 6 Reactions,mechanism & Industrial applications Knoevanagel’s ,Gatterman,Gatterman Koch,Kolbe’s ,Sommpel reaction ,Wurtz fitting ,Perkins,Retormatsky,Darzen condensation,& Hoffmann Elimination 10 10 Term work: Students are expected to perform at least 09 experiments from the following One test examination & five assignments are necessary for the complete term work The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:Journal Test Attendance (Practical & Theory) : 10 marks : 10 marks :05 marks The final certification & acceptance of the term work ensures the satisfactory performance of practical work & minimum passing of the term work. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS S.E. CHEMICAL SUB.:- ADVANCED CHEMISTRY -II SR.NO. 01 NAME OF EXPERIMENT a) Organic Spotting Identification of organic compound at least 5 02 Potentiometric titration I) Titration of strong acid & strong base potentiometrically II) Determination of solubility & solubility product of AgCl pH metry Determination of dissociation constant of malonic acid & succinic acid Conductometric titration 03 04 SEM. IV. 05 06 07 08 i) Titration of strong acid with strong base ii) Titration of weak acid with strong base iii) Titration of mixture of weak acid & strong acid against strong base Flame photometry Determination of sodium present in the given sample. Spectro photometry i)Determination of Fe by KSCN method ii) Determination of [Cu(M3)4] + spectro photometrically Organic estimation i) Estimation of glucose Iodometrically ii) Estimation of Ester by hydrolysis Volume strength of H2O2 Term work: Students are expected to perform at least 09 experiments from the following One test examination & five assignments are necessary for the complete term work The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:Journal Test Attendance (Practical & Theory) : 10 marks : 10 marks :05 marks The final certification & acceptance of the term work ensures the satisfactory performance of practical work & minimum passing of the term work. CLASS : S.E.CHEMICAL SUBJECT :FLUID FLOW Periods per week (Each of 60 mint.) Evaluation system SEMESTER –IV Lectures 04 Practical Tutorial 03 ---Hours 03 03 Theory Examination Practical Examination & oral Examination Oral Examination Term Work Total Marks 100 25 ----- Detailed syllabus 4.3.1 Module 1 Introduction Scope & application of fluid flow ,System of units, conversion of units Introduction internal energy, types of fluid – incompressible fluid Ideal gas, Non ideal gas. The fluid in motion .Continuity ,Momentum change in a fluid motion ,Energy of a fluid in motion ,Pressure & fluid head .Constant flow per unit area, separation ,Pressure –volume relationship – incompressible & compressible fluid 4.3.2 Module 2 Flow in pipes & Channels The nature of fluid flow- Flow shearing characteristics of a fluid ,Resistance to flow in pipes ,Calculation of drop in pressure along a pipe ,Roughness of pipe surface .Types of flow, Flow with free surface – Laminar flow down an inclined surface ,flow in open channels .Non Newtonian behavior – steady state shear dependant behavior ,Time –dependant behavior ,Viscoelastic behavior ,Characterization of non – Newtonian fluids, Relation between rheology & structure of material, flow in pipes & channels of regular geometry ,General equations for pipe line flow, Turbulent flow. 4.3.3 Module 3 Flow of compressible liquids Flow of gas through orifice-Isothermal flow ,Non isothermal flow .Flow in pipe –Energy balance for flow of ideal ---25 150 Lectures 10 10 10 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 gas .Isothermal flow of an ideal gas, in a horizontal pipe ,Adiabatic flow of an ideal gas in a horizontal pipe ,Flow of non ideal gas Module 4 Flow of Multiphase Mixtures Two-phase gas –liquid flow –Flow regimes & flow patterns, Hold up, Pressure momentum & energy relations,Erosion.Newtorian & Non newtorian flow past immersed bodies ,Friction in flow through beds of solids, motion of particles through fluids, fluidization. Module 5 Flow & pressure measurements Fluid pressure – Static pressure ,Pressure measuring devices ,Impact cell Measurement of fluid flow – the pilot tube, orifice meter,venfurimeter , pressure recovery in orifice type meters .Variable area meters –Rota meters, other methods of measuring flow rates ,Types of Valves Module 6 Liquid Mixing Types of mixing –Single phase liquid mixing, mixing of immiscible liquids, Gas-Liquid mixing, Liquid solid mixing, GasLiquid –solid mixing, Solid-solid mixing .Mixing mechanismsLaminar & turbulent mixing. Scale –up of stirred vessels, Power consumption in stirred vessels- Low & high viscosity systems. Flow patterns in stirred tanks. Mixing equipment Pumping of Fluids Introduction ,pumping equipment for liquids- reciprocating pump, Positive displacement rotary pumps, Centrifugal pump .Pumping equipment for gases –reciprocating piston compressors, Rotary blowers & compressors. Centrifugal blowers & compressors. Power requirement for pumping through pipelines 10 10 10 University Of Mumbai Class:-S.E Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester:-IV Subject:- Strength of Materials and Fabrication Technology Lecture Periods per week (each 60 min) practical Tutorial Evaluation System Theory Practical & Oral Oral Term Work Total 04 02 Hours Marks 03 03 Detailed Syllabus 4.4 1. 100 25 125 Lectures Module 1 Stress and Strain 4.4 1.1 Types of stresses and strains. Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of rigidity, Bulk modulus, Passion’s ratio, Relations between elastic constants, Study of stress-strin curve, Thermal stresses and strains for simple and composite bars. 13 Shear Force and Bending Moment 4.4 1.2 Basic concept of shear force, bending moment and axial force, Shear force, bending moment and axial force diagrams for statically determinate beams (Excluding beams with internal hinge) 4.4 2 Module 2 Bending Stresses 4.4 2.1 Theory of simple bending,Expression for bending stress,position of neutral axis,section modulus,moment of resistance,Problem on bending Stresses in symmetrical and Unsymmetrical sections 11 Shear Stresses in Beams 4.4 2.2 Distribution of shear stress across plane sections used commonly for structural purposes. Direct and Bending Stresses 4.4 2.3 Introduction,load eccentric to one or both the axes,Resultant stresses at the corners,Condition for no fension in the section ,practical application –Chimneys involving iateral loads. 4.4 3 Module 3 Columns and struts 4.4 3.1 Infroduction ,Classiffication of columns Equivalent length concept ,Euler,s theory for long columns with different end conditions,(Derivation only for column with both ends hinged)Rankine’s Hypothesis for columns 08 Thick and Thin Cylinders: 4.4 3.2 Thin and Thick cylinders under internal pressure Design of composite shell using lame’s theory 4.4 4 Module 4 FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY 4.4 4.1 Cold working & hot working of metals. cold workingshearing & cutting forming &Drawing.Bending of sheets ,rods&pipes .Hot working –Hot spinning &Hot rolling 4.4 4.2 Welding-classfication types Gas welding, glass cutting electric are welding spot welding TIG/MIG welding Arc welding,Flaws in welding simple Calculation invoing strength of welded joints.Riveted Joints,Temporary Joints 4.4 4.3 NDT, Visual methods ,Magnetic partied test.Surface 10 penetrate liquid method,Radiography,Ultrasonic technology 4.4 5 Module 5 06 4.4 5.1 Plastics, Types of plastics, Important properties, additives used ,molding characteristics etc. 4.4 5.2 Refractories-Types,applications ,fabrication with refractory materials lining of Vessels/pipes ,PVC,rubber,refractory,FRP glass,lead lining 4.4 6 Module 6 4.4 6.1 Injection molding,Types,molding equipments,technique,process parameters &their effect on quality of molding,various defects in molding,causes & remedies,Blow molding,Types-Extrusion,Injection &stretch blow molding,process parameters &their effect on quality of molding. Defects in molding,causes & remedies,Rotational molding &fabrication with FRP 12 CLASS : S.E.CHEMICAL SUBJECT :Material Science & Technology Periods per week Lectures (Each of 60 mint.) Practical Tutorial Evaluation system Theory Examination Practical Examination & oral Examination Oral Examination Term Work Total SEMESTER –IV 03 ---02 Hours 03 ---- Marks 100 ---- ----- Detailed Syllabus 4.5.1 Module 1 Introduction to Materials Scope of materials science & technology &its importance in chemical course –B.E. Chemical Engg. Atomic structure & Chemical bonding Structure of the atom ,the quantum states,the periodic table ,ionization potential ,electron affinity & electro negativity. Wave nature of electron & Schrodinger wave equation, Chemical Bonding : Bond energy ,Bond type &bond length, ionic bonding .Covalent bonding metallic bonding ,secondary bonding (dispersion bonding ,dipole bonding & hydrogen bonding) Variation in bonding character & properties 4.5.2 Module 2 Crystal Structure & Determination Geometry Crystals The space lattices (a brief mention of the Bravais lattices) ,basis ,cubic & hexagonal crystal structure. Crystal directions and lances.(Miller indices & planes) Structure determination by X-ray diffraction .The Bragg law of X-ray deffiaction, the Bragg spectrometer the powder method & structure determination 3 Crystal Imperfections Point imperfections, dislocations or line imperfections, Burgers vector, critical resolvedshear ---25 125 Lectures 10 10 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 stress ,dislocation theory, surface imperfection & volume imperfection Module 3 Structure of solids Ionically –bonded structures, properties solids ,covalently –bonded structures ,properties of covalent solids ,metallically-bonded structures & their properties ,molecularly –bonded structures & their properties Deformation of Materials Elastic deformation ,anelastic deformation .Plastic deformation of a single crystal deformation by slip, critical resolved stress dislocation theory work hardening Module 4 Mechanical Properties Fundamental properties : Fatigue –Mechanism of fatigue ,characteristics of fatigue failure ,factors affecting fatigue strength ;Creep-types of creep ,creep curve ,design of creep ,factors affecting creep, mechanism of creep. Fracture -: types of fracture ,cleavage ,brittle fracture& Griffith crack theory ;factors affecting ,mechanical properties ,Changes in mechanical properties by heat treatment Module 5 Electrical & Magnetic properties of Materials: Electrical conductivity ,Band model of conductivity (brief description) Semiconductors ,Valence band model(brief description) Dielectric properties & dielectric materials Ferroelectricity ,Piezoelectricity Introduction to Magnetism & Magnetic Properties (Definition & brief explanations ) Magnetization & Classification of magnetic materials, hysteresis Introduction to Superconductivity :- ( Definition & Explanation ) Critical transition temperature Type I & type II superconductors, Applications Thermoelectricity :- Thermocouples ,Thermoelectric electromotive force ,Seebeck effect,Peltier,Thomson effect,Laws of intermediate matels & temperatures,Uses of thermocouples as a thermometer ,pyrometer 10 10 10 4.5.6 Module 6 Selection of Materials of Construction for Chemical process Industries Factors determining choice of materials a) General factors (topic 6,7,&8 of this syllabus ) b) Corrosion : Definition, units of measurement Eight forms of corrosion (sub types, mechanisms & examples) prevention of corrosion Materials a) Metals & alloys & their applications (ferrous & nonferrous) b) Non metallic materials :Polymetric materials & applications ,Ceramics (Clays,Refractories & Glasses ),others (eg.Graphite 10 Theory Examination 1. Question paper will be comprised of 7 questions each of 20 marks. 2. Only five questions need to be solved 3. Question 1 will be compulsory & it will be based on entire syllabus 4. (One question will be based on one module )in this way there will be remaining six questions of 20 marks each out of Four will have to solve. TERM WORK Term work should consists of at least one assignment (detailed note on a topic or numerical problems where applicable) on each of topics through above .In addition at least two chemical process industries as case studies for materials of construction in various equipments The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:Journal Test Attendance (Practical & Theory) : 10 marks : 10 marks :05 marks The final certification & acceptance of the term work ensures the satisfactory performance of practical work & minimum passing of the term work. University Of Mumbai Class:-S.E Branch: Chemical Engineering Semester:-IV Subject:- Plant utilities Periods per week (each 60 min) Evaluation System Lecture practical Tutorial Theory Practical & Oral Oral Term Work Total 04 00 01 Hours Marks 03 03 100 25 125 Details Syllabus Lectures 4.6.1 10 Module 1 Introduction Identification of comman plant utility Importance of utility in Industry Water Row water storage and treatment, Treatment of water ,salt water and DM water cooling water system Fire water system 4.6.2 Module 2 10 Properties of stream Stream generation of boiler Types of boiler and there operations Steam generation by utility process waste using thermic fluid Thermic flude,regenerator and reevaporators Distribution of stream in plant, efficient 4.6.3 Module 3 10 Air Compressed air from blower and compressor air drying system for instrument air and plant air Humidification and de-Humidification of air 4.6.4 Modul 4 Refrigeration Principal of refrigeration Refrigeration system like compression refrigeration absorption , and chiles water sytem. 4.6.5 4.6.6 Types of refrigerants Module 5 Vacuum system Selection of vacuum system Operation of various process equipment under vacuum distillation ,reactor ,evaporators Module 6 Flaring & venting Introduction Type of vent flares 10 10 THEORY EXAMINATIONS 1. Question paper will be comprised of 7 questions each of 20 marks. 2. Only five questions need to be solved 3. Question 1 will be compulsory & it will be based on entire syllabus 4. (One question will be based on one module )in this way there will be remaining six questions of 20 marks each out of Four will have to solve. TERM WORK A minimum of 10 assignment should be given at regular interval The performance of the students should be evaluated based on each assignment giving suitable weightage to punctuality & contents Point 1 & 2 above should account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) marks for term work. Suggested list of topics from where the assignment & practical are to be taken up are as follow 1. Performance study of cooling tower 2. Heat balance in boiler/thermic fluid system 3. Performance study of chilled water system 4. Performance of humidification &De-humidification system 5. Performance of ion exchange for soft water & DM water generation 6. Study of following Steam trap Emergency vents & safty valves Utility line diagram 7. Study of compressors 8. Study of vacuum system