Indian Trail Elementary Site Based Minutes for March 18, 2014 In attendance: S. Jansen, A. Hamilton, R. Coward, E. Simpson, M. Eaddy, P. Murphy, H. Weaver, M. Richardson-Lineberry, J. Lamphear, S. Sumner, J. Roper, L. Conway, C. Boatright Welcome and approval of agenda Unfinished business: Mrs. Boatright reviewed the results of last working session. After discussion, we decided to make the following our non-negotiable list: use current data, use PLC to implement effective grade-level WIN time and stand up for all students at all times. We will add to this with today’s working session. Parent Concerns: Richardson-Lineberry expressed frustration with the county’s communication with families affected by the redistricting. She would like to have direct information from the schools rather than information posted to websites. Mrs. Boatright explained that schools did not have the names of the families affected yet and she expected that letters would go out once all the details are settled and the principals are given the information. Updates and News On April 24th ITES will host an open house for new families and Kindergarten families. It will start at 6:00 and then break out into two groups. Two classrooms from each grade-level will be open for families to visit. Leadership Night will be April 29th with student leaders in the room and K performance of LIM songs. Please continue to support our new teachers covering for our teachers on maternity leave. 92% of Boosterthon money has been turned in. We will get the rock wall and the Lobby Guard/Campus Security Control ID swipe for campus visitors. Each grade-level will get $500 to spend and each teacher will have 10% of their own classroom fundraising. BOE meeting update from Mrs. Boatright: Crowder’s Funeral was emotional, uplifting and touching. He had helped the county work through difficult times of our past and was part of many hard decisions including desegregation, redistricting, year round schools, purchase of land and budget decisions. He was always looking out for all students of the district. Someone will be appointed to complete his term. Working Session: Discussion of our Focus Areas included differentiation and Leader In Me would help with student behavior and help build student-teacher relationships. Our parent representatives said that the “protection of students at all times” was result of a parent hearing a teacher/staff speak sharply to a student. Mrs. Boatright made it clear that she expects all adults on campus to confront any person on campus who is degrading or insulting to a student. Also discussed was the importance of the protection of time for the teachers and students: protection of instructional schedule, use of agendas in meetings, and protection of individual time for teachers. Miscellaneous: Back playground drainage problems were discussed and Roper will address with the county. May 20th we will meet to review the Parent, Teacher, and Student survey results. Teachers were given a list of curricular resources to identify the grade-level requests for next year. Bring results to the next meeting. Next meeting is April 22, 2014