Quick Guide for Activity Pages


Quick Guide for Activity Pages:

General Information:

“Personal and Contact Information”: The Director of Student-Faculty Research would love it if you would input your research interests here and if you would indicate your willingness to supervise student research.


“Courses Taught”: o Contact the system administrator if any of your sections do not appear. o Cross-listed courses will appear twice at this point. Choose one entry to include your annotations. o Enrollment Numbers and GPA/GPA-C/GPA-O will be imported when available. o Input course-specific innovations here.

“Credit Research/Independent Study” & “Credit Internships”: Contact the system administrator if any of your sections do not appear. The names of all the students registered for each section should also be imported into each entry.

“Non-credit Research/Independent Study”: We recommend that you create one entry per student per year.

However, if you have a group of students working on a single project, you do have the option of inputting all the students’ names into a single record. For projects that extend beyond a single academic year, we recommend that you use the “Copy” function to create a new entry for each year with details relevant to that year.

“General Curricular innovations/contributions”: Use this for teaching innovations that you implemented across a number of courses/sections. Make a new entry for each innovation.

“Pedagogical Training”: Did you attend a pedagogical workshop? Enter your info here. Did you lead a pedagogical workshop? You can also enter your information here. However, if pedagogy is part of your research agenda, you can enter this information on the “Workshops Conducted” page under “Professional Life.”

Professional Life:

“Professional Memberships”: You only need one entry for each organization; leave the end date blank to indicate ongoing membership. You will not need to update this each year unless your membership status changes.

“Conferences Attended”: You will be able to link your conference activities (paper/poster presentations, session chair, etc.) to a particular conference, so it makes sense for you to fill out the conferences attended first.

“Cultural Events Attended”: Use this page to document your attendance at cultural events directly related to/significant for your professional research agenda.

Work Toward Advanced Degrees”: Complete one entry each year to document your progress during that year.

The Copy function will allow you to easily create a new entry for each year; unless your program changes, you’ll only need to describe the work accomplished that year.

Work Toward Licensures and Certifications”: Complete one entry for each licensure or certification.

“Paper/Poster/Lecture Presentations”: If this presentation took place at a conference, use the

“Conference/Meeting Name” drop down to choose that conference. You DO NOT need to re-enter conference info such as location and sponsoring organization. If the conference doesn’t appear in the drop down list, return to “Conference Attended” above to create an entry for that conference. If this presentation was given at a nonconference event, then please fill out the details (event name, etc.).

“Workshops Conducted”: One entry for each workshop conducted.

“Other Conference Activities”: Use this to enter information on chairing a session, being a respondent or a panel member, attending a committee meeting, or organizational work.

“GrantPro Activity”: At this point we are only able to provide a link to the GrantPro login screen. You will be able to generate GrantPro report there. Once GrantPro is revised, we will work on integrating the data into FACT


“Other Grant Activity”: Use this to enter information on external grants. Create one entry per grant.

“Works in Progress”: Complete one entry each year for each project. Use the Copy function to create a new entry and include an update on progress achieved. Once you have presented your work or submitted it for publication, you no longer need to fill out an entry in the “Works in Progress” section.

“Work as a Reviewer/Referee”: Book, Manuscript, Grant, and Conference Paper review work can all be included here.

“Consulting”: Use as you find appropriate.

“Publications”: Fill out one entry per publication. There are quite a few choices under “Type” (Journal Article,

Monograph, Book Chapter, etc.). If you don’t see an appropriate choice, select “Other”. If we’ve missed something obvious, let us know and we’ll get it on the list.

“Performances and Exhibits”: Fill out one entry per performance. There are quite a few choices under “Type of

Work,” (Art Exhibition, Dance Performance, Music Performance, etc.). If you don’t see an appropriate choice, select “Other”. If we’ve missed something obvious, let us know and we’ll get it on the list.

“Intellectual Property”: Fill out one entry per copyright or patent.


“Academic Advising”: Create one entry per academic year. Advising data you enter (sorry—can’t do this automatically) should reflect data on November 1. This data will be provided to you by the Dean’s Office.

“Committee Service”: Choose the committee from the drop down list at the top. For generic choices (e.g., Ad hoc committee), add details in the next box. Recommendation: If you are elected to a committee for a three year term, create a record that reflects the entire term (e.g., with a start date of August 2009 and an end date of

May 2012). If you serve as chair or secretary one year—positions with added responsibilities and time commitments—you can create a separate entry (use “Copy”) just for that year, where you can detail your special role.

“Administrative Assignments”: Enter details here if you are a department chair or coordinator of other programs either within your department or for the college as a whole.

“Sponsorship of Student Groups”: One entry per group sponsored.

“Other Department/College Service”: Don’t see an appropriate choice in the drop down list (“Service Focus”)?

Let me know if we’ve missed something obvious.

“Professional Service”: The T&P standards allow you to indicate whether instances of service to your profession should be counted as part of Service or Professional Life. Use the buttons on this page to indicate which categorization is most appropriate. There is also space to provide a rationale for this choice (especially helpful if

 you indicate Professional Life is appropriate).

“Service to the Community”: This section is entirely optional.


“Awards and Honors”: Create one entry per item.

“Media Contributions”: Create one entry per contribution.

“Other Noteworthy Activities”: Create one entry per item.

Contact the system administrator if….

Check your OCD at the door:

You are not required to complete all fields on each page!

Fields necessary to save an entry are marked with red asterisk. You can always save an entry and come back later to provide additional information.

Because some pages deal with multiple types of activities (e.g., papers and posters are together), not every field will be relevant to each entry. Use your judgment! You know best what information is relevant to your activities.

If you have questions about how much information is necessary for your end-of-year report, speak to your department chair.

It is up to you to decide how much additional information to provide. Some fields have been created with tenure/promotion dossier preparation in mind. You are invited, but not required, to use these fields.

Specifying the activity: Many Activity Entry pages have a drop down menu at the top which you can use to further specify the activity (e.g., the committee name, the type of publication). If you choose “other,” please provide a brief description in the ‘Explanation of “Other”’ box that follows. For example, under “Other

Conference Activities” you might enter:

Formatting: FACT 2.0 doesn’t like quotation marks, so don’t include them with the titles of your works. We’ll insert those as necessary at the reporting level.

File Upload/Storage: Many Activity Entry pages allow you to upload files as supporting documentation. This feature will be especially useful for dossier assembly in the future. All file formats are accepted. Click on “Store

file” and browse to find your file. There is no “upload” button.

Dealing with dates: The original FACT was organized by academic year; FACT 2.0 recognizes that many of our activities and projects extend over multiple years. As a result you should enter some date information for each of your activities. You should enter as much data as makes sense to you. To represent Fall 2011, you might simply enter:

Adding student/collaborator names. Many pages allow you to include names of students and/or collaborators.

The input box default has room for a single name. Below the input box, to the right, you will see a button that will allow you to add additional names. A drop down list will let you choose from current RC faculty; you can also input the names of other collaborators in text boxes. Collaborators can be deleted via the red x at the upper right. Order of authorship can be changed using the up/down arrows.

Multi-year projects/commitments: For projects that extend beyond a single academic year, you will probably want to document separately the work accomplished each year. You can do this by using the Copy function and by modifying the dates and other relevant fields. Warning: Editing an entry will overwrite the existing data.

Copying an entry will make sure the original entry is saved, while creating a new entry for updating.

Questions? Concerns? E-mail Jennifer Berenson at berenson@roanoke.edu


Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
