Final Paper Assessment Guidelines


OFML 7312 Informal Science Edu Srping 2013

Final Paper Assessment Guidelines


Evaluation scale: 1: Not satisfactory; 2: Satisfactory; 3: Very good; 4: Outstanding

Research Quality

The quality of the argument that is made

The quality of the evidence that is presented for methodological soundness

The degree of surveying the literature about the topic

1 2 3 4

The degree of making sense of literature in the field

Connection to course

Integration of the ideas from and/or references to some subset of the course readings

Presenting a valid argument for connections between course ideas and the topic


Well-read; -organized; -fluid

Free of mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, etc.)

Correctness of using APA format


Research Quality

The quality of the argument that is made

The quality of the evidence that is presented for methodological soundness

The degree of surveying the literature about the topic

The degree of making sense of literature in the field

Connection to course

Integration of the ideas from and/or references to some subset of the course readings

1 2 3 4

Presenting a valid argument for connections between course ideas and the topic


Well-read; -organized; -fluid

Free of mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, etc.)

Correctness of using APA format


OFML 7312 Informal Science Edu Srping 2013

Research Quality

The quality of the argument that is made

The quality of the evidence that is presented for methodological soundness

The degree of surveying the literature about the topic

The degree of making sense of literature in the field

Connection to course

Integration of the ideas from and/or references to some subset of the course readings

Presenting a valid argument for connections between course ideas and the topic


Well-read; -organized; -fluid

Free of mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, etc.)

Correctness of using APA format


Research Quality

The quality of the argument that is made

The quality of the evidence that is presented for methodological soundness

The degree of surveying the literature about the topic

The degree of making sense of literature in the field

Connection to course

Integration of the ideas from and/or references to some subset of the course readings

Presenting a valid argument for connections between course ideas and the topic


Well-read; -organized; -fluid

Free of mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, etc.)

Correctness of using APA format


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4
