الجامعة :الكوفة الكلية :الطب البيطري القســم / : المرحلة :الثالثة اسم المحاضر الثالثي :محمد طه نقي اللقب العلمي :مدرس المؤهل العلمي :ماجستير مكان العمل :فرع الفسلجة جمهورية العراق وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي جهاز االشراف والتقويم العلمي جدول الدروس االسبوعي االسم البريد االلكتروني اسم المادة مقرر الفصل اهداف المادة محمد طه نقي mohammadt.naqi@uokufa.edu.iq علم االدوية سنوي .1تعريفا علم األدوية. .2معرفة المبادئ األساسية لعلم األدوية. .3معرفة الحركة الدوائية داخل الجسم. .4معرفة تأثير الجسم على الدواء. .5التعرف على أدوية الجهاز العصبي الذاتي والمركزي. التفاصيل االساسية للمادة .6أدوية الجهاز الهضمي يقدم هذا الفصل الدراسي للطالب مواضيع حول علم االدوية والتي تشمل تعريف لعلم االدوية والمبادىء االساسية له والتي تشمل حركة الدواء داخل الجسم وتأثير الجسم على الدواء أضافة الى اقسام تلك االدوية وتأثيرها على أجهزة الجسم المختلفة. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: pharmacology الكتب المنهجية Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics المصادر الخارجية تقديرات الفصل معلومات اضافية الفصل الدراسي 30 المختبر 10 االمتحانات اليومية المشروع - االمتحان النهائي 60 المالحظات المادة العملية Metrology جدول الدروس االسبوعي المادة النظرية Principles of pharmacology Nature and sources of Drugs acting on autonomic and drugs somatic nervous system Pharmaceutical Drugs acting on central nervous التاريخ االسبوع جمهورية العراق وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي جهاز االشراف والتقويم العلمي 1 2 3 preparations and drug system forms Routes of drug Drugs affecting gastrointestinal administration function Variations in drug Autacoids and anti-inflammatory 4 5 response (Species and drugs individual) Microsomal enzymes Dermatopharmacology 6 Chemotherapy of microbial 7 activity induction and drug response Excretion of drugs diseases Prescription writing Chemotherapy of parastic 8 diseases Action of drugs on Drugs acting on cardiovascular the eyes system and blood Action of drugs on Drugs affecting renal function 9 11 isolated guinea pigs and fluid-electrolyte therapy ileum Drugs and effects on Drugs affecting the respiratory the rabbit intestine system Drugs and effects on Endocrine pharmacology and rabbit uterus hormones 11 12 13 Neuromuscular blocking (on the frog) 14 Calculation of drug dosage 15 Xylazine-ketamine anesthesia in rabbits 16 Dose response relationships (ED50, LD50, TI) : توقيع العميد : توقيع االستاذ University:kufa College: veterinary medicine Department:/ Stage:3rd Lecturer name:mohammadt.naqi Academic Status: lecturer Qualification:M.Sc. Place of work:department of physiology Republic of Iraq The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research Course Weekly Outline Course Instructor E_mail Title Course Coordinator Course Objective Course Description mohammadt.naqi mohammadt.naqi@uokufa.edu.iq Pharmacology Annually 1. Definition of Pharmacology. 2. know the basic principles of the science of medicine. 3. knowledge of pharmaceutical movement within the body. 4. know the effect on the body medicine. 5. identify self and central nervous system drugs. 6. gastrointestinal drugs This class offers students the topics about the science of medicine, which includes the definition of the science of medicine and the basic principles of him, which include medicine movement within the body and the effect of the drug on the body in addition to sections of these drugs and their effects on various organs of the body. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: pharmacology Textbook Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics References Course Assessment General Notes Term Tests 30 Laboratory 10 Quizzes Project ---- Final Exam 60 Republic of Iraq The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research week Course weekly Outline Date Topics Covered University: College: Department: Stage: Lecturer name: Academic Status: Qualification: Place of work: 1 Principles of pharmacology Lab. Experiment Assignments Metrology 2 Drugs acting on autonomic and Nature and sources of somatic nervous system drugs Drugs acting on central nervous Pharmaceutical system preparations and drug 3 forms 4 5 Drugs affecting gastrointestinal Routes of drug function administration Autacoids and anti-inflammatory Variations in drug drugs response (Species and individual) 6 Dermatopharmacology Microsomal enzymes activity induction and drug response 7 Chemotherapy of microbial Excretion of drugs diseases 8 Chemotherapy of parastic Prescription writing diseases 9 Drugs acting on cardiovascular Action of drugs on the system and blood eyes Notes 10 Drugs affecting renal function Action of drugs on and fluid-electrolyte therapy isolated guinea pigs ileum 11 12 Drugs affecting the respiratory Drugs and effects on system the rabbit intestine Endocrine pharmacology and Drugs and effects on hormones rabbit uterus Neuromuscular 13 blocking (on the frog) Calculation of drug 14 dosage Xylazine-ketamine 15 anesthesia in rabbits Dose response 16 relationships (ED50, LD50, TI) Instructor Signature: Dean Signature: