Grafton SPED PAC Meeting Notes Jan 2014

Grafton SPED PAC Meeting Notes
January 16, 2014
Chairperson Update:
The November 20, 2013 SPED PAC meeting notes were reviewed and accepted as written.
Grafton SPED PAC is hosting a number of special education workshops:
January 30 – FCSN Basic Rights, 7:00 PM GHS Library
February 27 – FCSN An IEP for My Child, 7:00 PM GHS Library
February 13 – 18-22 Transition Co-sponsoring with Northbridge HS
7:00 PM at Northbridge HS Media center
Everyday Heroes:
May 1, 2014
Applications will be mailed out after the February school vacation week to all families in Grafton with a
child on an IEP or a 504 Plan. Deadline to submit a nomination is March 24, 2014. An invitation was
given to those in attendance to help with the event. Committee members will meet with all of the
school principals to explain the program. School staff members may also nominate a school staff
person, this is not just for families. A small pin is being considered to give to the nominees to wear the
day of the event in their schools, as well as the gift that evening. We will approach the school
committee for a $500.00 donation to help offset the cost. The fee to nominate an individual is $20.00.
Special Education Director Update:
Title 1: School Committee will remove from their policy.
Recorded IEP Meetings: Grafton does not initiate recording of IEP meetings. If you would like your
meeting recorded, please send an email request to your liaison saying you request the meeting be
recorded. Arrangements can be made.
District Accommodation Plan: There are building and district accommodation plans in place for the
following grades, Pre K- Grade 1, Grade 2-6, Middle School and Secondary Levels.
These accommodations are under the general curriculum and they do NOT modify or change the general
curriculum. Handouts were provided describing these plans, and they can be obtained from the special
education department or by looking on the Grafton Public School website under Curriculum.
These are developed by teams of teachers and are tried by regular educators before the student is sent
for evaluation for a disability or to be considered for special education services. A list of
accommodations tried by school staff at each grade level is being proposed, and will hopefully be added
to the students file so that information may follow the student.
Mr. Lundwall to check and see if parents are to be included in the teacher “student concern” group
DESE – Coordinated Program Review: A full Special Education audit is held every 6 years for all school
districts by the DESE. Grafton will be audited in 2014. They review IEP files to make sure we are in
compliance with special education regulations. The process also includes site visits, staff and
administration interviews, parent interviews. DESE requests files to be pulled for review for all levels of
special education as well as civil rights cases.
Co-Teaching Update: Donna Simone presented seminars and co-teaching sessions for school staff at
GHS. A full day seminar was held at GHS on 12/16/13 to educate teachers on co-teaching. This is a
model being tried at the high school level in hopes of someday providing it in all buildings.
Adapted Sports: Basketball is in season now. IA Alana Dion has started the sport here after reviewing
the program at Oxford HS. In March, Track and Field will be played again with 4 meets, 2 at home and 2
away concluding with a tournament of all participating districts.
Parent Survey Results: 62 respondents with 75% positive results overall. Anything on the results rating
below 80% means Needs Improvement and will be pulled and reviewed by the special education
department. One problem area was accommodations being implemented in the classrooms.
Special Topic – “Preparing for your Annual IEP Meeting”
A very informative handout was prepared and presented by Arnold Lundwall with tips on how to
prepare for your child’s annual IEP team meeting. It describes the process as well as a description of
terms found and used on the document and at the meeting. A copy can be received from the Special
Education office.
New Issues/Open Forum: None
Next Meeting: March 20, 2014 GHS Library 7:00 PM