Writing Intensive Courses Grading Rubric








Formal/ professional language and word choice


(sentence structure, subject/verb agreement, pronoun/ antecedent agreement, etc.)

Punctuation, capitalization, & spelling



Has a sophisticated organizational structure that demonstrates a complex understanding of the material

Meets or exceeds research requirements and integrates sources skillfully

Demonstrates comprehension of all sources, ability to evaluate sources, and ability to advance knowledge through a sophisticated reading of the material

Demonstrates independent research of documentation manual and employs advanced documentation style techniques

Highly articulate academic tone employing professional language on an advanced level

Less than one grammatical error per page in a paper that employs a variety of complex sentence structures

Follows conventions for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling with fewer than one error of this type per page page

Writing Intensive Courses Grading Rubric



Well organized from introduction to conclusion; paragraphs and ideas flow coherently

Meets or exceeds research requirements and integrates sources effectively

Demonstrates comprehension of all sources plus ability to evaluate sources

Follows basic style


Chicago) with few or no flaws

Clear and appropriate language employing professional terms correctly

No more than one grammatical error per page in a paper that employs a limited range of complex sentence structures

No more than one error of this type per

Writing Skills



Easy to follow, but would benefit from some restructuring and/or stronger transitions between ideas

Meets research requirements and integrates sources correctly

Demonstrates basic comprehension of both primary and secondary sources

Has punctuation or other minor errors in documentation, but in-text citations are clearly coordinated w/ bibliography

Acceptable language use overall, but some informal language present

Occasional errors in grammar (one or two per page) in a paper that employs mostly basic sentence structures

Occasional errors of this type but no more than one or two per page sources page page

Limited correctly inconsistent incomplete


Readable, but order of ideas and/or transitions between ideas need work

Either fails to meet research requirements or fails to integrate sources

Demonstrates comprehension of

Includes both in-text citations and bibliography, but they are inconsistent or

Some acceptable language use, but overall tone is informal

Several minor errors per

Approx. four or five errors of this type per



Difficult to follow

Fails both to meet research requirements and to integrate sources correctly

Fails to demonstrate comprehension of sources

Either or both in-text citations or bibliography missing

Lack of respect shown to subject through use of slang and/or overly casual or colloquial language

Grammatical errors make it necessary to reread sentences and/or sections to discern meaning

Paper requires extensive editing/proofreading in this area

Faculty are expected to use the rubric when grading at least one writing assignment within their courses. Report to Rhonda Gilreath the paper grade and the scale points for each of the Writing Skills categories, i.e., 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, N/A.

Rubric Created by Dr. James Rovira and Dr. Sherry Truffin and affirmed by the Writing Across the Curriculum Committee.


Measure does not apply

Measure does not apply

Measure does not apply

Measure does not apply

Measure does not apply

Measure does not apply

Measure does not apply

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