JB - RCPS Board Documents

Each student should be given the opportunity to achieve in a developmentally
appropriate manner, being limited only by individual differences. Therefore, the division
will foster an educational environment that provides equal educational opportunity for all
students. Educational programs and services will be designed to meet the varying needs
of all students and will not discriminate against any individual for reasons of race, color,
national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender, marital or economic status,
age, disability, genetics, or veteran status and retaliation against anyone who files a
complaint of discrimination, participates in such a proceeding, or otherwise opposes
Further, no student will, on the basis of gender, be excluded from participating in,
denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or
activity conducted by the division. The school division will treat its students without
discrimination on the basis of gender as this pertains to course offerings, athletics,
counseling, employment assistance, and extracurricular activities.
See: Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1972, Title VI, Title VII, Executive
Order 11246, 1965, as amended by Executive Order 11375, Education
Amendments of 1972, Title IX (P.L. 92-318) 45 CFR, Parts 81 86 (Federal
Register June 4, 1975, August 11, 1975)
Student Complaints and Grievances - Title IX Complaint Procedure for Students
The Board hereby establishes procedures for resolving complaints arising from
alleged violations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-318)
as amended (PL 93-568 and PL 94-482).
The Division Superintendent has designated the Title IX Coordinator to
lead the efforts of the Rockingham County Schools to comply with and
carry out its responsibilities for implementing the law, including
investigation of any complaint of alleged noncompliance with the law or
accompanying regulations.
The school system shall inform students, parents of student, and
employees of the name, office address, and telephone number of the Title
IX Coordinator, through the permanent and prominent communication
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channels such as school handbooks, Rockingham County Schools
publications, etc.
Complaints about discrimination on the basis of sex in the treatment of
students may be made by students, their parents, employees of the school
system, or other citizens of Rockingham County acting on behalf of
students. (Any such person shall be hereafter referred to as “the
Procedures for making and resolving such complaints shall follow those outlined in this
Meeting the Principal – If a student is not satisfied that a complaint
previously presented to a member of the school staff has been resolved
satisfactorily, the student or his/her parent may request a meeting of the
student, parent, and principal. The principal may require the parent to
attend and shall, following the meeting, inform the parent in writing of
his or her decision on the complaint.
Appeal to Title IX Coordinator – The principal’s decision on a complaint
may be appealed by the student or his/her parent to the Title IX
Coordinator within three school days following receipt of the principal’s
decision. The parent’s written appeal shall state precisely the reasons for
dissatisfaction with the principal’s decision and shall be limited to the
matter under appeal. Upon receipt of an appeal from a parent, the Title
IX Coordinator shall review the complaint and inform the parent in
writing of his/her decision. The Title IX Coordinator may at his/her
discretion include a meeting with the principal and the parent as part of
his/her review of the parent’s appeal.
Appeal to Superintendent – The Title IX Coordinator’s decision may be
appealed by the student or his/her parent to the Superintendent within
three school days following receipt of the Coordinator’s decision. The
parent’s written appeal shall state precisely the reasons for dissatisfaction
with the Title IX Coordinator’s decision and shall be limited to the matter
under appeal. Upon receipt of an appeal from a parent, the
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Superintendent or his/her designee shall review the complaint and inform
the parent in writing of his/her decision. The Superintendent may at
his/her discretion include a meeting with the principal and/or Title IX
Coordinator and the parent as part of his/her review of the parent’s appeal.
The Superintendent or his/her designee will notify the parent in writing of
his/her decision and indicate that the student and parent may appeal the
decision of the School Board.
Appeal to School Board – The student or his/her parent may appeal the
Superintendent’s decision to the School Board by filing a written request
not later than five (5) calendar days after receipt of the written appeal
shall state precisely the reasons for dissatisfaction with the
Superintendent’s decision. The written appeal shall state precisely the
reasons for dissatisfaction with the Superintendent’s decision. The
School Board will consider the appeal based on the documentation
submitted on the appeal and the written record of the case. The School
Board shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the
record. The Superintendent or his designee will notify the parent of the
School Board’s decision and send a letter to the parent explaining the
Legal Ref.:
(PL 937/10 RCPS
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-318) as amended
568 and PL 94-482)