EEX 6051 Exceptionalities Description: RtI Modules Students complete a series of four online modules related to Response to Intervention (RtI) developed by the Florida Department of Education. Students must submit an electronic copy of their certificate of completion. Additionally, students will write a 2-3 page paper addressing the following: a) an explanation of the concept of RtI based on the professional literature from your course lessons/text and the online modules and b) a description of how RtI is being implemented in the schools. EEX 6051 - Exceptionalities Rubric: RtI Modules Program SLOs: Explore the theoretical and practical literature base related to effective learning environments and design and establish a classroom environment that is conducive to high achievement of students. Create educational climates that foster openness, inquiry and concern for others Design and execute effective strategies taking into account students’ learning styles, cultural backgrounds and developmental levels NCATE Standard: 1a Conceptual Framework Outcome: Critical Thinker, Counselor/Mentor, Ethical/Moral Professional, Decision Maker Competency Rubric Evaluation of the Course Student Learning Outcome (SLO) listed below is determined based on performance on the corresponding Assignment Grading Rubric as follows: 100-90% = Exceeds Expectations, 89-70% = Meets Expectations, 69% & below = Does Not Meet Expectations Exceeds Meets Does not FEAPS (Professional) CEC Advanced NBPTS Expectatio Expectatio Meet Common Core ns ns Expectatio ns 1.1, 1.4 Course SLO ACC2K2, ACC4K2 1, 3 Explain the concept of Response-toIntervention (RtI) and how it is being applied in education settings Assignment Grading Rubric Criteria Completes the PS/RtI online modules Explains the concept of Response-to-Intervention Exemplary 11 points Successfully completes Florida PS/RtI online modules 7 points Provides an accurate and indepth explanation of the concept based on the professional literature Performance Descriptors Accomplished Developing N/A N/A 5 points Provides an accurate explanation of the concept with adequate details based on the professional literature. 3 points Provides an accurate explanation of the concept with some details based on the professional literature. Inadequate 0 points Does not complete Florida PS/RtI online modules 0 points Provides an inaccurate or incomplete explanation of the concept and/or does not include information based on the professional literature Describes how RtI is being applied in education settings 7 points Provides an accurate and indepth description that includes at least two applications of RtI 5 points Provides an accurate description with adequate details that includes at least two applications of RtI 3 points Provides an accurate description with some details that includes at least one application of RtI 0 points Provides an inaccurate or incomplete description