State of Minnesota Pollinator Legislative Update HF 2908 (Hansen)/ SF2727 (Dibble)–Beekeeper Compensation–This bill concerns bees and other pollinators killed by pesticide. If the pesticide applicator cannot be identified or the pesticide applicator is identified and found to have followed application instructions and restrictions on the product’s label, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) could compensate the bee owner from state Pesticide Regulatory Account. The Pesticide Regulatory Account contains the fees and penalties paid to MDA by pesticide manufacturers, distributors, and applicators. The bill also authorizes MDA to form a pollinator emergency response team and declares the Minnesota Zoo the official state pollinator bank. **This bill continues to be considered by the legislature. SF 2695 (Dziedic) / HF 2798 (Hansen): This bill defines “pollinator lethal insecticides,” and says that nurseries cannot label plants as pollinator-friendly if they’ve been pretreated with these pesticides. It prohibits labeling or advertising a plant, plant material, or nursery stock as beneficial to pollinators if the plant was treated with an insecticide that was absorbed by the plant and, as a result, the plant is lethal to pollinators. **The bill continues to be considered by the legislature SF 2723 (Dziedzic) /HF 2799 (Davnie): Would amend state preemption law so that the 4 largest cities in MN can regulate non-agricultural pesticides. **This bill is not being considered this legislative session. What Can You Do? Please contact your Minnesota State Representative and Senator and ask the to vote YES on bee keeper compensation and pesticide labeling. How do I find out who represents me? Go to this web site to learn who your state Representative and Senator are: Then contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to support pollinator-friendly legislation. The website for Minnesota House email addresses: The website for Minnesota Senate email addresses: We recognize that bees are vital to our food system and work to raise awareness around the health and protection of pollinators. Learn more about our work for Healthy Bees Healthy Lives at