DRAFT Aldine ISD Curriculum Overview – Non

Aldine ISD Curriculum Overview – Non-native classes Levels 1-3
Thematic Focus, Vocabulary, and Language Structure
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Language and Identity/
Who am I? Who are you?
---------------------------------------------------------greetings, farewells, alphabet,
classroom objects, cognates
----------------------------------------------------------Gender and number, definite/indefinite articles,
register, intro to accent marks and special
characters, basic colors
Self-Image and Lifestyle/How do you
identify yourself?
--------------------------------------------------Adjectives, vocab to describe personal
background, nationalities, additional house
vocabulary, floors of a building and other
parts of a building or home
--------------------------------------------------Review: gender and number, definite and
indefinite articles, subject pronouns, present
tense concepts, adjective agreement,
commands, alphabet, accent marks, present
progressive (Spanish only)
Educational Community and Careers
---------------------------------------------------Professions and careers, more advanced
vocabulary related to school subjects and
areas of study, extracurricular activities
---------------------------------------------------Review near future
Review comparatives and introduce
superlatives of adjectives and adverbs
Personal Identity
----------------------------------------------Vocabulary from authentic texts relating to
the self, personal believes and interests
---------------------------------------------Review: present tense, reflexive verbs,
personal and reflexive pronouns, adjective
Grammar in context per student needs
Education and Careers
----------------------------------------------------School routines, classes and schedules, telling
time, days of the week
----------------------------------------------------Infinitive and present tense verb use, subject
pronouns, affirmative and negative expressions
Weather and Climate
-----------------------------------------------------Months, seasons, weather, activities practiced
in different seasons
----------------------------------------------------Prepositions that go with the seasons (in
summer, etc.), ways to express weather
(ex.: hace frío v. nieva), near future,
comparative (ex.: Winter is colder than
Ideals of Beauty / Clothing and Makeup and
Getting Ready in the Morning
------------------------------------------------Vocabulary related to taking care of oneself
(getting dressed, washed up, made up),
Vocabulary for parts of the body
Adverbs of frequency: always, never, often
seldom, rarely, from time to time
Heroes and Historical Figures
----------------------------------------------Self, personal beliefs and interests, family
relationships, hopes and dreams, honor,
values, role models, social injustice
---------------------------------------------Review: present tense, reflexive verbs,
personal and reflexive pronouns, adjective
Grammar in context per student needs
Current Events
---------------------------------------------World leaders, current events, health care,
natural disasters, wars and conflicts, socials
injustices, etc. Vocabulary will vary according
to the topics covered in the unit
----------------------------------------------Review: preterit/passé composé and
imperfect voice
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Aldine ISD Curriculum Overview – Non-native classes Levels 1-3
Thematic Focus, Vocabulary, and Language Structure
Reflexive and Reciprocal Reflexive verbs in
the present tense and imperative mode
Leisure and Sports
-----------------------------------------------------Sports, hobbies, leisure activities, additional
weather-related vocab as needed
----------------------------------------------------Present tense usage, cont’d., gender, more
affirmative / negative expressions (never,
nobody, etc.), adverbs of frequency (sometimes,
often, rarely, etc.)
-------------------------------------------------------Clothing, shopping, stores, prices, money, more
-----------------------------------------------------Question words, intonation, introduction to
adjective agreement using colors,
demonstrative adjectives (this dress, that skirt,
International Travel
-----------------------------------------------Vocabulary necessary for travel planning,
making reservations, locating transporation
to / from the destination and while there,
finding restaurants, and choosing what to do
--------------------------------------------------Present and Preterit (Passé composé)
Defining Beauty and Creativity
--------------------------------------------------Varies according to topic : the arts, physical
beauty, inner beauty, nature, design, etc.
--------------------------------------------------Review: Preterit/passé composé, imperfect,
transition words, adverbs and adjectives
Enjoying the Visual and Performing Arts
--------------------------------------------------Entertainment vocabulary: TV, movies, music,
Internet, concerts, theatre, sports events,
festivals, amusement parks – will vary
depending on authentic materials chosen
----------------------------------------------------Question words and expressions, answering
negative questions (aren’t you going),
continuation of preterit (passé composé)
Tie up loose ends and review for Semester
Human Rights
----------------------------------------------Political strife, human rights, social injustices,
etc. Vocabulary will vary according to the
topic(s) covered in the unit
---------------------------------------------------Introduction to the subjunctive mood to
express doubt/speculation, hope/volition,
and feelings/emotions.
Tie up loose ends and review for Benchmark
Language and Literature
------------------------------------------------Literary elements and terms needed to read
short stories, fables, novellas, drama, poems,
--------------------------------------------------Direct and indirect pronouns.
Continuation of subjunctive for speculation
and if/then clauses (Spanish and German
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Aldine ISD Curriculum Overview – Non-native classes Levels 1-3
Thematic Focus, Vocabulary, and Language Structure
Eating in a Restaurant
----------------------------------------------------Foods and beverages, vocab needed to order in
a restaurant, vocab needed to express hunger
and thirst, types of restaurants, specialty vocab
for eating out (waiter, menu, tip, etc.), terms to
indicate amounts (a bowl of, a cup of) when
ordering a meal
---------------------------------------------------Comparatives and superlatives for comparing
foods or beverages according to taste or
preference; command forms for ordering food,
and terms for “I would like,” “please,” “thank
you;” modal auxiliaries “can” and “want to”
Family Traditions and Celebrations
-------------------------------------------------Family traditions and celebrations and the
foods and specialty stores where those foods
can be bought, as well as the activities that
accompany the celebration. Ex: wedding,
birthday celebrations, Mother’s Day, etc.
Terminology related to the selected tradition
or celebration.
---------------------------------------------------Review: possessive forms; Introduce: set
expressions and command forms connected
to the celebrations chosen
Inventions as catalysts of change /
Effects of technology on self and society
---------------------------------------------------Science and technology vocabulary related to
global challenges: social networking and
revolutions, instant news around the world
------------------------------------------------Future tense and conditional mode
Meal Preparation /
Purchasing food in a market
------------------------------------------------------Vocabulary needed to shop for food in a store
or open-air market, measurement and quantity
(metric system and terms such as a lot, a little,
many, much), food groups, names of meals and
the parts of a meal, types of stores where food
items are purchased
------------------------------------------------------Irregular verb “to go” used in the Near Future:
I’m going to buy, I’m going to make, I’m going to
eat, etc.
Modal verbs “want to” and “have to,” as in: I
want to make a birthday cake, so I have to buy
flour, sugar, and strawberries.
(French can introduce the concept of the
partitive with measurements and quantity
Healthcare and Medicine
Family Structures Within a Community
-----------------------------------------------Vocabulary pertaining to family structures,
relationships, and lifestyles
-------------------------------------------------If-then statements, all languages
-------------------------------------------------Advanced vocabulary related to the human
body, including organs and names of
conditions or diseases
Vocabulary necessary for a visit to a doctor’s
office, hospital, or pharmacy
Vocabulary connected to health and wellbeing, including exercise
----------------------------------------------------Past tense of Reflexive verbs
(preterit / passé composé)
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Aldine ISD Curriculum Overview – Non-native classes Levels 1-3
Thematic Focus, Vocabulary, and Language Structure
Family Structure and Relationships
----------------------------------------------------Family members, pets, relationships, rooms of
the house
----------------------------------------------------Possessive expressions (2 types):
“my father’s chair”
“his chair”
Travel and Leisure: Getting Around Town
-----------------------------------------------------Locations in a town or city where one can to to
relax and have fun; modes of transportation;
terms needed for giving and hearing directions:
turn right, left, go straight
----------------------------------------------------Irregular verb “to go,” prepositions of location
and direction
(Spanish can introduce the present progressive
here; French can introduce contractions with à
and de)
Childhood and Adolescence
-------------------------------------------------Childhood activities, toys, common
experiences of children
------------------------------------------------Imperfect voice
Environmental Issues
--------------------------------------------Vocabulary pertaining to environmental
challenges in current news reports
---------------------------------------------Passive voice
Environmental Issues:
Global Weather Events
-------------------------------------------------Vocabulary related to weather and natural
disasters in current events
-----------------------------------------------Preterit and imperfect
Social Networking
-----------------------------------------------Technology vocabulary and texting
abbreviations and emoticons in the target
------------------------------------------------Compound Verbs I:
Past Perfect (plus-que-parfait,
pluscuamperfecto, Plusquamperfekt)
Heroes and Historical Figures
----------------------------------------------------Descriptive adjectives for people
----------------------------------------------------Irregular verbs “to be,” “to have,” “to come
from,” “to do”
Social Impact of Technology
----------------------------------------------Technology terms related to computers,
phones, social media, transportation, the
home, media, etc.
-------------------------------------------------Introduction to future tense (recognition)
Tie up loose ends and Review for Benchmark
Exam / SGO Assessment
Tie up loose ends and Review for Semester
Exam / SGO Assessment
Multiculturalsim and National Identity
--------------------------------------------------Vocabulary pertaining to social issues such as
immigration and assimilation in a target
language country in current news reports
--------------------------------------------------Compound Verbs II:
Future Perfect (will have done)
Conditional Perfect (would have done)
Fashion and Design
----------------------------------------------------Advanced clothing and fashion vocabulary;
fashion industry; haute couture
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Aldine ISD Curriculum Overview – Non-native classes Levels 1-3
Thematic Focus, Vocabulary, and Language Structure
Level 1 is the only level in which specific
vocabulary lists are provided (core vocabulary).
Level 2 will begin with some suggested
vocabulary, but will transition into studentselected vocabulary items that will come
from the authentic materials being used in
class, and from student needs for their
writing and speaking activities.
When working with verbs, introduce the
students to all of the verb endings, but place
more emphasis on the first person singular and
plural (I, we) and the 2nd person singular
informal and formal (you)
The instructional focus of Level 1 is to learn core
vocabulary and practice using verbs in the
present tense.
Emphasis should now be equally placed on
the 3rd person singular and plural forms of
verb conjugations, along with the 1st and 2nd
---------------------------------------------------Individual self-assessment and review of
problematic language structures
Level 3 relies exclusively upon authentic
materials and student selection of vocabulary
items for the unit. Selection will be driven by
the language found in the reading and
listening materials for the unit as well as
student needs for their writing and speaking
Language structure builds upon the
foundation laid in Levels 1 and 2, and
increases in complexity as the year
The instructional focus of Level 2 is to expand
their vocabulary sets and be able to not only
relate something occurring now, but also
narrate events in the past.
The instructional focus of Level 3 is to expand
into a more specialized vocabulary and to be
able to use language structures with greater
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