Julia Hellman 810360106 In this article, we learned several important concepts of incorporating learning with technology. Some of the main arguments of the reading were how we need to relate learning to real life so it is authentic. “In order for students to learn meaningfully, they must be willfully engaged in a meaningful task.” This quote by Jonassen really exemplifies the article because students, or any type of learner, must engage in the task to fully learn and appreciate the task. Also, the article heavily discussed the five Characteristics of Meaningful Learning: Active (Manipulative/ Observant), Intentional (Goal-directed/ Regulatory), Authentic (Complex/ Contextual), Constructive (Articulative/ Reflective), and Cooperative (Collaborative/ Conversational). I agree that these are all characteristics of significant learning. Without these skills, one would not personally learn and thus, would be stuck on the same concepts as earlier. Personally, I am a very visual learner so being able to be active while learning really enhances the output. The article said, “Meaningful learning requires learners who are active—actively engaged by a meaningful task in which they manipulate objects and parameters of the environment they are working in and observing the results of their manipulations.” I strongly agree with this excerpt because being engaged while working on a task is vital – without it, you might just be wasting your time trying to learn something. Overall, this reading changed my opinion of learning in a positive manner. Do not get me wrong, technology is great and we would not be where we are in the world without it; however, I have never been too keen on having little kids spend a majority of their time with technology. I think that if little kids are always with an iPad and Tablet, or iPhone that they lose important soft skills. Instead of playing outside with friends, they might be inside playing games on their iPad by themselves. However, this article did open my eyes to other uses of technology for younger kids and learners. With the incorporation of technology, there is more of an independent element to learning that I had not thought of before. For example, we watched a short video in class about Active Learning. In the video, a classroom of young kids was creating a magazine. However, the interesting thing was that it was entirely on his or her own. This would not have been possible without the use of technology. The magazine project is a great example of how kids and learners in general can continue developing independently without constant support and supervision from an instructor. With technology, the kids were able to edit each other’s articles, scan in the pictures that they drew, and even format and create the actual magazine layout. I find this very insightful and super unique that students have this opportunity – and it would not be possible without the incorporation of technology with meaningful learning.