Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ecology Biology I 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 Energy Ecosystem SB4 a, b in Biomes/ Succession SB4a,c Biodiversity/ Conservation/ Limiting Factors/ Adaptations SB4 d,e,f and SB5 e and MacroMolecules SB1 b,c Typ es Of 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 Genetics Plasma Membrane SB1 d Photosynthesi s Cell Resp. SB3 a DNA structure SB2 a 25 26 2 7 28 2 9 30 3 1 32 3 3 34 35 Organisms Protein Synthesis/ RNA SB2 a, b Muta tions SB2d Mendel's Laws SB2c Classification of Organisms SB3 b,d Natural Selection SB5d Cladogra ms SB3 c Cell s SB1 a Role of Evolution Biodiversi ty/ Resistance SB5a, b, c, e Physics Atomic Structure SPS1 a and SPS4 a and SPS a Physical Science The Periodic Table/ Ion formation SPS4 a,b and SPS 1 b Nami ng/ Writin g ionic and Coval ent Comp ounds SPS2 b Balancing Chemical EQ SPS2 d,e Atomic Structure Anatomy 18 Cell Processes Chemistry Chemistry 17 Atomic Structure SC3 a,c,d Electron Configuration and Periodic Trends SC3 b, f and SC4 a,b Nuclear Reactions SPS3 a,b,c,d Solutions SPS5 a,b SPS6 a,b SPS7 d Acids/ Bases SPS 6 d,e Energy Transform ations SPS7 a,b,c, Reactions Naming Compounds/ Bonding SC3 e and SC1 b,c,d Force, mass, Motion SPS8 a,b,c,d,e Stoichiometry Balancing Equations SC1 a and SC2 a, b Mole - Mole/Mass Ratios SC2 c, d, Waves SPS a,b,c,d,e,f Electricity SPS10 a, b Magnetism SPS10 c Molecular Motion Limiting Reactants SC2 e, f Phase Changes/ Atomic Motion SC6 a,b,c Solution concentrations Reaction Rates/ Catalyst SC5 a,b,c Molarity SC7 a Acids and Bases SC7 b Anatomical structure and function Integumentary and Skeletal systems: Protection, Support, and Movement. Endocrine and Nervous systems: Signaling and Coordination. Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive, Excretory, and Immune systems: Transportation, Absorption, and Secretion. Reproductive system: Human Growth and Development Terminol ogy: orientatio n and body regions. SAP1. A Protection and maintaining homeostasis SAP2. A SAP1. C SAP1. B Coordina tion: hormone s and nerves SAP3. A SAP5. A SAP1. C SAP1. B Energy absorption SAP4. A SAP1. B Embryology and gestation SAP5. B SAP1. B Cellular metabolis m/ Reproduc tion SAP 1. D SAP1. C Cell and tissue types SAP1. E Support and movement SAP2. B SAP1. B Neural pathw ays and impuls es. SAP3. B Response to internal and external stimuli SAP3. C SAP1. C SAP1. B Waste removal SAP4. C SAP1. B Internal cycling of O2 and CO2 SAP4. B SAP1. C SAP1. B Response to negative condition s. SAP4. D SAP1. C SAP1. B Development : Birth to adulthood SAP5. C SAP4. E SAP1. B 36 AP Biology Bio chemistry Cell Funct Photo/ Resp Geneti cs Evolution Plants BIG IDEA 2, 3 EU 2cbde, 3bcde BIG IDEA 2, 3 EU 2cbde, 3bcde BIG IDEA 2 EU 2abcde BIG IDEA 3 EU 3abcd e BIG IDEA 1 EU 1abcd BIG IDEA 1, 2, 3 EU 1d, 2abcde, 3abe Ecology Biology II Energy in Ecosystem SB4 a, b Populations Limiting Factors Env. Science Cell Repro. Human Repro Classification Ecology Animal Behavior Biotech Review BIG IDEA 2, 3 EU 2abcde, 3abcde BIG IDEA 2, 3 EU 2abcde, 3abcde BIG IDEA 1 EU 1ab, 1d BIG IDEA 4 EU 4abc BIG IDEA 4 EU 4abc BIG IDEA 3 EU 3abcde BIG IDEA ALL EU ALL Genetics Biomes/ Biodiversity/ Genetics Succession SB2 c. SB4a,c Mendel's Adaptations Laws SB2c Mutations SB2d Natural Selection SB5d Ecology SEV1 b, c Food Chains Food Webs SEV2 b, c, d Biomes, Ecosystems, Biotic & Abiotic Factors Animal Struct. Function BIG IDEA 1, 2, 3 EU 1d, 2abcde, 3d, 3e SEV2 b, c, d Population growth & limiting factors SEV3 c Altering by traumatic events SEV3 d Biotic & Abiotic Factors Influence Populations SEV3 e Interactions SEV5 a, b, c Humans are part of global ecosystem & their activities affect the environment Anatomy/Physiology Viruses/Bacteria SB3d Anatomy SAP1 SAP1 Terminology & Homeostasis SAP2 Skeletal & Muscular Systems SAP3 Hormones SAP4 Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive & Excretory SAP5 Reproductive System How Ecosystems Work Biodiversity/ Genetics SEV3 Stability and Change in Ecosystems – Biodiversity and Natural Selection Forensic Science SEV1 a, b, c, d, e Flow Energy & Cycling of Matter within an Ecosystem Forensic Science SFS1 Forensic History SFS2 Scientific Techniques to Analyze Physical & Trace Evidence SFS3 Toxicology SFS5 Coroner investigations into causes of death Energy SEV4 Availability, allocation, and conservation of Energy and other resources a, b, c, d, e, f Waste SEV5 b Solid & hazardous waste and effect on carrying capacity Ecological Issues & Careers SEV3 a, b, c, d Stability and change in ecosystems SEV5 a, b, c, d, c Humans are part of global ecosystem & their activities affect the environment Heat Islands