Long Rang Plan 2014 - Clinton Public Library

Clinton Public Library Long Range Strategic Plan
2011 - 2014
Goals and Objectives
Service Response: Formal Learning Support
Goal: The library will provide support for students at all levels, in partnership with area educational
institutions. Because partnership with the schools has been important part of our library’s history; and
because education standards and concerns are currently in the forefront of state and local discussions,
we are making formal learning support the number-one priority of our library over the next several
years. It is difficult to define ways to measure success in this area, as the most significant measurement
is that of student success in school. However, we can continue to evaluate collections and programs, in
partnership with school media specialists and teachers.
Objective: Develop collections that support and enhance the local K-12 curriculum, whether print or
digital, matching to recommended reading lists; track expenditures and usage.
Classroom Collections – Continue to develop and track usage
Teachers’ Corner Collections – Continue to develop and track usage
Accelerated Reader: Use AR lists as a collection tool
Label AR materials on the shelf and in OPAC
Proctor AR quizzes at the library
Objective: Increase the frequency of interactions with school media specialists and teachers, through
the following strategies:
Send regular mailings to teachers to at least once per semester, informing them
about our services and collections.
Attend or host meetings at least once per semester with school media specialists
and assistants.
Seek ways to facilitate teacher and school borrowing of library materials within
Evergreen system.
Continue to promote library Summer Reading Programs in the schools, to foster
enjoyment of books and reading.
Objective: Increase homework help and ISTEP practice at the library, with at least one new
program in place by 2012, using staff, volunteers and/or online resources.
Objective: Continue proctoring for distance learners, and expand proctoring capabilities of staff
departments by 3rd quarter of 2011.
Equip laptops for proctoring capabilities.
Continue to gather statistics on proctoring.
Objective: In partnership with Parke-Vermillion Adult Education, assist in matching volunteer
tutors with adult learners for GED, adult literacy and adult basic education.
Service Response: Cultural Awareness and Lifelong Learning (including Current Topics & Titles;
Genealogy and Local History)
Goal: The library will provide programs and resources for cultural awareness and lifelong learning that
are not readily available through other local community outlets.
Objective: Increase the number of library-sponsored programs to meet “exceptional” state standards in
2011, including more adult and general interest programs, such as:
Informative speakers and authors
Fun activities and celebrations
Artistic performances
Arts displays
Arts & crafts demonstrations and instruction
Book discussions
Strategies to achieve expanding programming:
Following 2011 centennial planning, continue programming with a team of staff
and community members, drawing from the centennial group and:
Long-range planning focus groups
Friends of the Library
Library Reading Discussion Club
Survey audiences regularly
Develop partnerships for arts programs and displays:
Arts Illiana
Local public schools
Area colleges
Local artists and arts groups such as Covered Bridge Artists
Little Italy Festival and Coal Town Museum
Community members with special talents or collections for display
Staff members and patrons with artistic abilities
Objective: Increase the availability of current and popular titles:
Order more copies of new popular titles as determined by numbers of holds.
Increase large-print expenditures by 20% each year; move large-print from mezzanine to
main level stacks for easier access, summer 2011.
Begin providing electronic books and downloadable audio and video by
budgeting for Evergreen Indiana Overdrive membership in 2012.
Seek grants and donations to provide sample ebook readers.
To enhance shelf browsing, develop regular and more frequent weeding schedule,
using Evergreen reports as a tool.
Objective: Expand access to local history and genealogy records:
Continue scanning and metadata for Indiana Memory through Wabash
Valley Visions and voices partnership.
Invite Wabash Valley Genealogy Society to conduct programs and classes in
genealogy research.
Include genealogy and local history in children’s and teen programming.
Continue to pursue methods and funding for a digitized local obituary
index and digitization of local newspaper microfilm collection.
Service Response: Information Literacy
Goal: Training and assistance for library users, from preschoolers through senior adults, will
emphasize basic computer and social networking skills; and knowledge of recommended reliable
internet resources and databases
Objective: Improve capabilities of all staff to provide this support, using:
WebJunction and other online programs
Free or low-cost library technology workshops
Cross-training among staff
Objective: Expand computer training opportunities for the public; increase number of participants and
hours of instruction by at least 50% each year.
Involve at least one additional staff member in adult basic computer instruction
within the next year.
Configure library laptops for instructional use.
Partner with WorkOne to offer computer classes at the library, based on demand.
Recruit qualified volunteer trainers from the senior community.
Work with local high school technology programs to recruit qualified older
students to assist younger students and preschoolers.
Marketing Goal: Library services and programs will be promoted in multiple ways, to enhance the
impact and value of the library throughout the community.
Objective: Increase program attendance by 15% annually, through the following strategies:
Reach out to target audiences for specific programs with:
Personal mailings or invitation
Requests for sign-up
Partnering with other community organizations’ e-mail lists
Use library web site and social networking:
Add a program calendar to the library web site, summer of 2011
Allow more staff to update the library web page and calendar, using open source software
Continue to use Facebook for program promotion; increase the library’s Facebook
presence and connections
In-house promotional materials:
Promote programs and services across departments
Targeted use of flyers, handouts, bookmarks
Displays and whiteboard in lobby
Consider adding large flat-screen monitor in lobby for promotions
Promotional notes on Evergreen receipts and public computer screen-savers
Investigate e-mail program announcements through Evergreen e-mail database
News media: Increase presence in Clinton and Terre Haute newspapers.
Facility Goal: The library will maintain a safe, comfortable and energy-efficient facility.
Continue to investigate security camera systems for most economical installation.
Acquire automatic external defibrillator within the next year; pursue grants and
donations for purchase; train staff in its use.
Schedule fire drills and review safety procedures with staff at least once per year.
Repair soffits over entrance – 2011
Establish a Rainy Day Fund by 2013 or LIRF appropriations for more extensive building
improvements, including power-washing and coping of facade
Clean carpets and paint by November 2011 Centennial Celebration
Lighting – look for more sustainable solutions when replacing lighting installations
-- replace burned out lobby lamps, summer 2011
-- budget for ballast replacements by 2013
Re-upholster worn chairs with more durable coverings within the next year.
Replace meeting room tables with light-weight, durable plastic, within two years.
Improve directional signs according to observation of patron needs and questions.
Develop enhanced signs for adult department shelving.
Evaluate removal of at least some ornamental trees along 4th St.
Involve local garden clubs or other volunteers in landscaping efforts
Recycling: Form staff committee to coordinate recycling efforts.
Public meeting room use: Revise meeting room policy to encourage use for a wider
variety of purposes, including private parties; consider charging a nominal fee.