B RITISH J UDO A SSOCIATION - C OACH E DUCATION P ROGRAMME A CTIVITIES /G AMES Game/Activity Leap Frogs (variation) Ippon seoi nage - Kami shiho gatame How to play Coal Man Ippon seoi nage/Morote seoi nage pick up Start at the top of the mat - equal sized partners Take Seoi nage strong grip, good posture Walk, run to the end of the mat Kami shiho gatame escape activity One person to lie on their backs Tori kneels over partner at the head of Uke - on all fours On Hajime, Uke tries to escape, instantly. Tori to attempt to hold down Crocodile Rolls Kami shiho gatame positions Roll down the mat or identified area. Partner either on all fours or on squatting position (like a frog) Other partner, judo rolls over, stay's on their back and then shrimps back through their partners legs - head first, back to standing position to restart Variations Speed, first one to finish a set number, 10, 5 etc On Hajime, engage in situational randori Different rolling over positions Variation of heights for leap frog Working together, nage komi then into the attempt to escape, control for the hold down. Change partners at the end of the mat Throw at the end in an identified space Team Games - 1 person to work through the team Each pair to work within the team, change at each end. Change activity 10, 15 seconds etc Change partners One arm holding - Ippon seoi nage grip Safety Uke to tuck head in when rolled over Space to allow for Mae mawari ukemi Lesson activity to 3,2 or 1 roll. Engage in action reaction movements Call Hajime at any time, to start situational randori If linear, be aware of spacing between pairs Adapted from sports coach UK - Quick Guide: Coaching the Whole Child British Judo Association • Suite B • Technology Centre • Epinal Way • Loughborough • LE11 3GE Tel: 01509 631670 • Fax: 01509 631680 • Web: Www.britishjudo.org.uk Safety when throwing Tuck in chin, look after partner Be aware of players falling on each other Over pulling on shoulder, may need to change body position for holding B RITISH J UDO A SSOCIATION - C OACH E DUCATION P ROGRAMME A CTIVITIES /G AMES Game/Activity Belt Game Whole group activity Equipment - Knotted Belt How to play Pair players and split into two teams Give each pair a number Coach calls out a number, when their number is called, crawl to grab the knotted belt and attempt to return back to their place. If player wins the belt, partner encouraged to pull the belt - tug of war When belt is in play, give 10 seconds to achieve a point for their team. Nearest to their position wins. Variations Form a circle, coach to give numbers to pairs or touch their heads. Players/pairs when identified to run in the same direction until they return to their place, kneel down and then crawl to the centre, grab the belt and engage in tug of war Multiple numbers crawling/running Safety Newaza game - no standing up Circle - reinforce no diving for the belt match players equally when more than one in play. Face off Avoidance and movement activity 1 person to stand in centre of 1 x 1 mat or identified area Uke to work on the lines of the mat - side movements - Tai-sabaki Start facing, players to keep eye contact with each other. Player in the middle to stay in the centre but try to out manoeuvre their partner Start of slow to encourage good movement then progress with speed Lesson the space between players With grips as if applying a throw - to avoid Use session throws Group spatial awareness If throwing reiterate ukemi Land and Sea Group to stand on a line e.g. coaching line, edge of the contest area Two footed fast jump, Jump over the line into the sea, jump back behind the line, onto land. Loosing balance, action too slow or extra movements - eliminated from the game players to have 3 lives each depending on numbers of group use variation of movements, side jumps, hopping etc Hands to be down by players sides Not to pull anyone over if off balance Two teams Place flip flop or knotted belt in centre of mat equally between pairs One team to jog up to the belt, O uchi entry pattern around the belt, good posture and movement. Jog backwards to starting position Next team to go on command of Hajime Number teams 1 and 2 Vary the activity, 1, 1, 2, 1 etc.. Continue from central O uchi gari movement to partner and then throw. Space when throwing Ushiro ukemi, tuck in chin Keep hold of partner when throwing All group, elimination game O uchi gari activity Whole class involvement Equipment - knotted belt, flip flop Page 2 of 3 B RITISH J UDO A SSOCIATION - C OACH E DUCATION P ROGRAMME A CTIVITIES /G AMES Game/Activity Belt Football De Ashi Barai/Ko uchi Gari Paired/whole class involvement Equipment: Knotted belt required How to play Pair players and to place opposite each other, along the mat 1 player to stand with a wide stance Player 2 to stand side on with the knotted belt. Sweep the belt towards their partners legs to score a goal. Change players Variations Set up activity for the sweeping action for Ko uchi gari. Back to the goal, step back and to sweep the belt into the goal. Safety Players running for their belts if misfired, while others are sweeping Push me - Pull me Paired activity, whole class involvement 2 lines down the centre of the mat Pull: Take a right handed judo grip and stance. Pull their partner to the side of the mat. Reinforce posture, whole body movement, no falling over Push: Take a right handed judo grip and stance. Push their partner to the opposite side of the mat. Reinforce posture, whole body movement, no falling over. Left judo grip, alternative grips Change to quick instructions, pull, push, pull, pull etc Work within 2 x 1 mtr matted area - action/reaction Use techniques used within lesson to achieve a score Spacing between players If players fall, reiterate ukemi and to look after them. Be aware of walled area - work within judo contest area Belt Tug of War - Newaza Paired activity, whole class involvement Place a belt in the middle of the matted area Paired players to sit opposite sides of the mat On Hajime, crawl out, grab the belt and keep hold. Partner tries to obtain the belt and engage in 'Tug of War'. Various starting positions: sitting, crawling, back to the belt in the centre No standing up No wrapping the belt up in their own jackets Belt Tug of War - Tachiwaza Paired activity, whole class involvement One player to take off their belts Two lines centre of the mat, facing each other Place the end of the belt in the same hand for each player Set up, out stretch the belt On Hajime, pull Concentrate on good body posture, whole body movement, stance. One handed grip: Right or Left handed Two handed grip: Right or Left handed Half the belt, one player has the two ends, the other has hands within the length of the belt, equally placed. Change over Newaza - same set up for Tachi waza, vary movement patterns for e.g. Lying on back, head to head with belt outstretched, then shrimp and pull. Lying on stomach's facing partner, shrimp backwards. Sit up, facing, pull backwards Be aware of letting go If falling, ukemi and tuck in chin Work within judo contest area Match players equally to avoid over pulling and loss of control. Page 3 of 3