Stoller PTO Minutes – Nov 15

MINUTES: November 3, 2015
Start: 6:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 8:45 p.m.
Gretchen Daly, Gita Pastala, Marge Proctor, Beate Falconer, Margaret Littman, Sara O’Donnell,
Sumalatha Surampudi, Angie Mitlehner, Irina Malinov, Lynn Hartigan, Jen Lin, John Wickham, Asif
Rahman, Florence Richey
President’s Report – Gretchen Daly
Welcome & Introductions
Guest Speakers: John Wickham & Asif Rahman with the Bethany Neighborhood Coalition
John & Asif spoke about what the BNC is and why it was created. Handouts provided to show
the current area of concern and how to get involved. If you would like to find out more, you
may check out the following:
Or contact the Board President, Asif Rahman at
Treasurer’s Report – Marge Proctor
Reviewed October budget – See budget report
Budget update: We have come in short of the fundraiser goal and that will mean an adjustment
to the budget. The budget committee will meet later this month to make the adjustments and
this will then be presented to the PTO members for a vote. Vote to take place by email later this
month or at the December meeting.
Fundraiser update: A lengthy discussion took place as to what we could improve on for next
year. Ideas included:
o Putting more emphasis on the company match programs and how to get the word out.
Lots of great info was shared by attendees on how programs work at other schools and
what we can do here. Marge will research what we can do from our end while we
determine the best way to communicate to the parents how they can work with their
companies to get the matching funds. In the meantime, our weekly email this week will
focus completely on the company match and will go out Wednesday.
o Communication. This year, most of the fundraiser’s communication was done
electronically by weekly emails, the website, and Facebook, while flyers were handed
out at Jump Start, the two Back to School nights, and the 6th grade parent night. An
inquiry was made as to why we didn’t do more with the teachers in class and flyers
being sent home with the students. Florence indicated that she prefers that we not
disrupt the class by taking away from the instructional time, and that includes having
them pass out flyers. We discussed other ways we could get the word out.
 It should be noted that although the fundraiser did not make the goal of
$36,500 it did make more than last year’s cookie dough/magazine subscription
fundraiser both in $$ and participation. It makes this new write-a-check
campaign a successful fundraiser for its first year, and the feedback has been
overwhelmingly in favor of no more selling.
o Florence suggested we extend the fundraiser with a twist. Look at finding a way to
reward the grade that increases their participation by a certain percent or the largest
percent. All info and suggestions will be given to JoLanda to consider as she was unable
to attend this evening.
Other fundraising opportunities will be Box Tops (coming in January/February); dinners out at
various restaurants in our area (throughout the year); linking cards/accounts such as Amazon
Smile, Target, Fred Meyer, etc.
Clothes Closet – Sara O’Donnell
Great showing!
Thanks to Margaret for setting up the shifts in HelpCounter.
They are in need of shoes! They are open every Wednesday but they have drop off bins outside
of the Clothes Closet so you can drop off items any day of the week.
Principal’s Update – Florence Richey
Technology update: District is gearing up to support more technology in the schools. The goal is
to have a 1 to 1 ratio with student to computer. Starting next year, one grade will get
computers for each student. The following year, another grade level will get the computers and
so on.
o This will mean less priority from the PTO to support technology…at least regarding
computers for the students.
Communication: We now have a Twitter and Instagram accounts…come check us out!!!
o Twitter: @Stollerpower1
o Instagram: Stollerpower
1st VP update – Gita Pastala
Community outreach:
o We will be teaching the Art Lit lesson to the seniors living in our area…”Senior Living
Art”. We have invited 8 folks from Avamere and Rock Creek to attend an Art Lit lesson
here at Stoller. It will be on November 16th. Rene and Chandra will present and some of
the art students will be on hand to assist as needed.
o Another outing will be to invite some of the seniors to one of our plays. Gita is waiting
to hear back from Sarah Tuck, the drama teacher, with more info.