Overlee Community Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Overlee Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 4/14/15
In attendance: Bob Neuman, Maureen McManus, Megan McMorrow,, Mary Bohan,
Nico Vroom, John Hartel, Kate Bowers, Dunia Pasternak, Matt Hart, Cathy VenturaMerkel, Baman Rusby
Agenda, Minutes & Executive Committee - Bob Neuman
 The minutes from the 3/10/15 board meeting were approved.
 Board retreat is scheduled for April 25th from 9 am to 11:30 am.
 Overlee was named Best Pool in the “Best of Arlington” issue of Arlington
Magazine for 2015.
 Pool insurance has been renewed.
Membership Committee - Maureen McManus
 There were 65 openings this year, several more than expected. Invitations have
been sent to the top 125 on the waiting list. To date, most members have paid.
 Membership cards for extended season will be mailed this weekend. Plans are
still being worked out for mailing or picking up cards for active, gold card and new
 The board agreed on the distribution of special guest cards.
Finance Committee - Maureen McManus
 The loan agreement has been approved and will be signed by the Board
President and Secretary, Bob Neuman and Cathy Ventura-Merkel respectively.
Facilities Update – Bob Neuman and Megan McMorrow
 Several projects are underway to prepare for the season including: new trees
have been planted, new steps and railing down to the volleyball court have been
ordered, lap pool is ready, and the team room ceiling is repaired.
 Clubhouse rentals are getting busy. Work is ongoing for sound mitigation panels
to be installed.
HR - Mary Bohan
 Work permits for under 16 year olds are creating delays and problems with
payroll and getting workers paid for winter swim. All coaches and managers need
to help with the process for summer and winter swim employees. Mary and Matt
Hart agreed to pay attention to new rules for WInter Swim as anyone under 16
cannot work after 7 pm.
 All 15 year olds must now take a course called Swim Instructor Certification. The
Board agreed that all under-16 year-olds and Christina Jeffers (so she can
incorporate relevant course content in her instructors training) will be required to
take the course either online or in a group class. Fifteen year olds will not be paid
for taking course, but will be reimbursed for course expense.
 The board also agreed that there will be no volunteer or uncertified coaches.
Manager Update - Greg York
 All managers and assistant managers, front desk, back gate and snack shack
staff have been selected. Extended season staff has been set. Hiring for guards
has been challenging as many guards want to be substitutes or do group
 Greg stated that managers will call a rest break for 16 and unders at 8:45
p.m. each night (same time as rest breaks the rest of the day). This will allow us
to pull lifeguards under age 16 from the stands so they may check out by 9 pm,
as required by state law.
 New solar covers have been ordered for lap pool.
Activities Update
Social-Nico Vroom
 Schedule is on web site.
Swim Team-Kate Bowers
 180 have registered to date. There was a huge turnout at Parents Meeting.
Synchro - Bob Neuman
 Hours for practice times have been submitted but have not heard back.
Communications Review - Cathy Ventura-Merkel
 The Board has an opportunity to better coordinate emails, newsletter, web site
and social media communications.
 With the season starting soon, a communications plan and schedule will be
discussed at the Board Retreat or next Board meeting.
 Maureen suggested waiting until member registration is complete before doing
any membership communication.
RemindersBoard Retreat-April 25th, 9am to 11:30am POSTPONED TO LATER DATE TBD
Next Board Meeting-May 12th
Volunteer Day-May 16th, 10 am to 2 pm
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
The next Board Meeting is Tuesday, May 12th at 7:30 pm.