Recommendation Greek in Greece Study Abroad Program Greek in Greece offers students of ancient Greek a five-week immersive experience in the Greek language, both ancient and modern. The intense study of ancient Greek (two three-credit semester courses at either the intermediate or advanced level) will be complemented by an introduction to modern Greek (three credits) designed specifically for students of ancient Greek. Weekends will offer field trips to important archaeological sites and museums. The instructors in the program are the faculty of Ohio University (ancient Greek) and of the University of Patras (modern Greek). Name Institutional affiliation (high school, college, university, seminary) Letter of Recommendation on behalf of The student requesting this recommendation is an applicant to the Greek in Greece study abroad program. We ask your help in evaluating the applicant’s qualifications for the program. Please note that deadline to submit a reference to the Office of Global Opportunities is February 8, 2016. Written references can be sent to: Walter International Education Center, 15 Park Place, Athens, OH 45701 or e-mailed to A. Please indicate the applicant’s ability and academic competence in comparison with other individuals whom you have known at similar stages in their academic careers. Below average Average Above average Outstanding Inadequate opportunity to observe Knowledge of ancient Greek Motivation and seriousness of purpose Ability to plan and carry out research/ independent study Ability to express thoughts in speech and writing Emotional stability and maturity Self-reliance and independence B. Please submit a reference letter to answer the following questions on a separate sheet. Include your name, title, office address, email address, and signature. Return this form with the letter by the specified date to the address listed above. 1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? 2. Please comment specifically on the applicant in terms of the following: (a) academic suitability for study abroad; (b) personal suitability for living abroad; (c) how participation in the Greek in Greece program will be of benefit, both academically and personally; (d) weaknesses; (e) linguistic preparation.